Dev cpp permission denied

Ошибка «сannot open output file Dev-Cpp\Work\Безымянный8.exe: Permission denied.» Что делать?

Я учусь программировать на языке C++. Работаю в DEV C++. Когда компилирую программу в первый раз — все в порядке, но при повторной компиляции пишет эту ошибку и еще «[Error] ld returned 1 exit status». Подскажите пожалуйста как решить проблему.

Выкинуть DEV C++. Поставить взамен нормальную среду.
Visual Studio, QT Creator, C++ Builder, Code::Block.

А лучше выкинуть того кто такое советует — дев с++ нормальная среда выполняющая ряд целей просто изумительно. А советовать выкинуть лишь изза того что вы дуб дерево в ней — так можно и всё на свете выкинуть если советчик — неуч.

Ирэн Ницше Искусственный Интеллект (212822) Во бред. Если вы думаете, что такую примитивную среду надо отдельно изучать, то кто дуб, очевидно

Воздержаться от использования кириллических имён в таких случаях. Зайдите в папку файловым менеджером пусть и тотал коммандером и переименуйте латыницей все файлы проекта, одним именем соответственно.

«при повторной компиляции пишет эту ошибку и еще «[Error] ld returned 1 exit status» — это означает что скомпилированная программа завершилась в аварийном режиме, и видимо ошибка в коде не была отловлена на предкомпиляционном этапе. Ищите проблему в коде, однозначно.

Читайте также:  Java util stack size

Compiling single file.
— Filename: D:\Игры\Actual\2Programs\Dev-Cpp\Work\new.cpp
— Compiler Name: TDM-GCC 4.8.1 32-bit Release

Processing C++ source file.
— C++ Compiler: D:\Игры\Actual\2Programs\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\bin\g++.exe
— Command: g++.exe «D:\Игры\Actual\2Programs\Dev-Cpp\Work\new.cpp» -o «D:\Игры\Actual\2Programs\Dev-Cpp\Work\new.exe» -m32 -g3 -I»D:\Игры\Actual\2Programs\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\include» -I»D:\Игры\Actual\2Programs\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include» -I»D:\Игры\Actual\2Programs\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\4.8.1\include» -I»D:\Игры\Actual\2Programs\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++» -L»D:\Игры\Actual\2Programs\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\lib32″ -L»D:\Игры\Actual\2Programs\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib32″ -sta

Compilation results.
— Errors: 1
— Warnings: 0
— Output Filename: D:\Игры\Actual\2Programs\Dev-Cpp\Work\new.exe
— Output Size: 1,31245994567871 MiB
— Compilation Time: 4,32s

1. Кириллица — абсолютное зло.
2. Проверь, не запущен ли уже твой процесс, по необходимости — убей.
3. Если не помогло — поставь менее нервный антивирус.

не могу наверняка утверждать что процесс не запущен так как не знаю как называется процесс в диспетчере


Permission denied error dev C++

If I try to copy the same code in new file it works fine, but again I can’t compile new code, needing to copy to another file again. It does not have to be in the same .cpp file, maybe in different files.

Permission denied error dev C++

When I try to compile a C code again in DEV C++, the tool gives the error below. If I try to copy the same code in new file it works fine, but again I can’t compile new code, needing to copy to another file again.

 Permission denied ld returned 1 exit status 

The program is probably running. You’ll need to kill it before recompiling.

Permission denied for rename function in C on windows, I had this same problem, but the issue was slightly different. If I did the following sequence of function calls, I got «Permission Denied» when calling the rename function. fopen fwrite rename fclose The solution was to close the file first, before doing the rename. fopen fwrite fclose rename

Faild to execute in Dev c++ (Error 5: Access is denied)

#DevC++ #compilar #HindiIn this video, I will teach about, how to fix compiler error in dev c++ . on youtube has not any other video about me===

Permission Denied when I use remove()

I have this issue. I have a C++ program; the program successfully make files in which I save records. In one procedure I edit one record and make another file with different name. At the end I close the both files and when I try to delete old one and rename the new one I have this error:

void SoldDevices() < int soldQuantity = 0; char soldModel[20]; ElShop tempVar; FILE *newFile; printf("Enter model of sold device: "); gets(soldModel); file = fopen(fileName, "r+"); fread(&shop, sizeof(shop), 1, file); while (!feof(file)) < if (strcmp(shop.model, soldModel) == 0) < tempVar = shop; break; >fread(&shop, sizeof(shop), 1, file); > fclose(file); printf("Enter how much devices are sold: "); scanf("%d", &soldQuantity); while (tempVar.quantity < soldQuantity) < printf("No items available!\n"); printf("Enter how much devices are sold: "); scanf("%d", &soldQuantity); >tempVar.quantity = tempVar.quantity - soldQuantity; printf("%d\n", tempVar.quantity); file = fopen(fileName, "rb"); newFile = fopen("New", "wb"); fread(&shop, sizeof(shop), 1, file); while (!feof(file)) < if(strcmp(soldModel, shop.model) == 0) < fwrite(&tempVar, sizeof(shop), 1, newFile); >else < fwrite(&shop, sizeof(shop), 1, newFile); >fread(&shop, sizeof(shop), 1, file); > fclose(newFile); fclose(file); if( remove( fileName ) != 0 ) perror( "Error deleting file" ); else puts( "File successfully deleted" ); rename("New", fileName); > 

Did anyone have some ideas to resolve the problem?

I once had the same problem like you, but now I had solved it. You must had some file-pointers that haven’t closed when you used remove() . It does not have to be in the same .cpp file, maybe in different files.

Take me as an example, I think I had closed the file, but later I found out that I have «return» sentences before fclose() which results in the file not being closed correctly.

  1. The file containing remove() was used after the file(A.cpp) that didn’t make the file closed correctly.
  2. Because the A.cpp don’t closed the file correctly so that the Permission Denied appears.
  3. My English is poor. Hope this can help you.

Permissions denied for directory, Permissions denied for directory — c++. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 4 months ago. Modified 12 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 429 times 0 I’m trying to build ogre newton application from svn. I …

Permission denied when trying to run C program in terminal

I’m completely new to programming. I’m actually learning from a Harvard class on iTunes U. When trying to code along side the instructor I’ve ran into a problem. I can’t run my .c program in terminal. I’ve tried the sudo commands, and I’ve searched with Google and I can’t seem to find an answer, probably because I’m so new to programming. It’s probably something I’ve overlooked or I just don’t understand yet.

I’m using Sublime text editor on a MacBook with Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10.x).

Your compiler should have warn you about some errors:

// string.c #include int main(void) // There must be a return statement < printf("temperature in f: "); float f = GetFloat(); float c = f / 9.0 * (f-32); printf("%f if F = %f if c\n", f, c); // Missing ';' is the most common syntax error return 0; // Here is the return >// Do not forget to close your brackets 

It will tell you what is wrong in your program. Once you have fixed all the errors you can run the program with:

Understand that you cannot run a C-file: the .c contains human-readable instructions for the machine. You have to compile it, i.e. translate it into a language that your computer will understand : it is roughly your compiled myprogram (and you do not want to open it to look what it contains, it will burn your eyes :p).

Just adding to the below answer your compiler should throw the below error also:

undefined reference to `Printf' 

check case of your printf()

C++ — Android: can’t change permission on /dev/ttyS0, i’m using Olinuxino-A20 ( or Cubieboard-2, they are with same Android image). I want to write something to /dev/ttyS0. I’m using JNI methods, written in C. In my .cpp file I get permission denied.

«Permission denied» error from Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio (but not Git Bash)

With a new work laptop running Windows 10, I have installed git , Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio 2019 . After making some test changes to code in from my personal git repo (hosted on github ), I am trying to commit and push those changes to the remote repo.

I can perform all of the Stage , Commit and Push actions from Git Bash . But in Git Gui, VS Code and VS 2019, Stage and Commit both work fine, but Push fails with an error message. Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 

And for VS 2019 the error is similar: Permission denied (publickey). Error encountered while pushing to the remote repository: Git failed with a fatal error. Could not read from remote repository. 

The comment from @DaemonPainter helped lead to the answer. My private SSH key files were named id_rsa_github and . Visual Studio 2019, Code and Git Gui all expect these to be named id_rsa and .

The solution is to add a config file to %HOMEPATH%\.ssh with contents similar to this:

host HostName IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github 

After making that change, git push works in Git Bash, Gut Gui, VS Code and Visual Studio.

As @DaemonPainter points out, one possibility is that the SSH identity and keys are missing. For that problem, this answer describing how to add your SSH keys may be of interest.

My issue turned out to be the naming of the SSH key files. By default, these are in the %HOMEPATH%\.ssh folder with filenames id_rsa and . Developer tools such as Visual Studio 2019 , and Git Gui expect that naming convention.

Since my files are for a personal git repo on Github , I had named the SSH key files id_rsa_github/.pub . In %HOMEPATH%\.bashrc , the following lines were added (originally configured on another PC and copied over):

# Start ssh-agent to allow git to be used eval `ssh-agent -s` ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github 

That explains why it worked for Git Bash .

To configure non-standard named SSH keys, follow these steps:

  1. Add a file called %HOMEPATH%\.ssh\config
  2. Edit config with contents similar to the following (use # to add comments):
host # My personal git repo for (something-cool) HostName IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github 

I had the same error and same behavior (from git bash OK but from vscode KO). I tried everything I could to resolve this issue. The only thing that worked was to create a new ssh key but this time without a passphrase. And then it worked.

It is working without passphrase but if you really want to use a passphrase, you must :

  • Add to your config file «%HOMEPATH%.ssh\config» : ForwardAgent yes
  • Add your public key to your remote repo (Gitlab or Github here)
  • Have a ssh-agent running.

Note : If you push from a Linux for example, add to your bash_profil the following code :

export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~/.ssh/ssh-agent.$HOSTNAME.sock ssh-add -l 2>/dev/null >/dev/null if [ $? -ge 2 ]; then ssh-agent -a "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" >/dev/null fi 

For Windows, see the AlainD answer.

Solution inside VS2019 without touching git bash / .ssh files / config

  1. Open VS2019 Menu > Git > Manage Remotes
  2. Click to highlight the «origin» entry with «Fetch & Push»
  3. Edit «origin»
  4. Change «Fetch & Push» from ssh:
  5. to https:
  6. Save
  7. OK
  8. Push repo

Most likely you are trying to push via SSH without a key set (see this question).

Your Git Bash is pushing via HTTP and has no problem of sort. Check your settings in VS.

Linux — /dev/random permission denied, The kernel RNG produces two user-space output streams. One of these goes to /dev/urandom and also to the kernel itself; the latter is useful because there are uses for random numbers within the kernel. The other output stream goes to /dev/random. The difference between the two is that /dev/random tries to …


Dev C++ compilation error, permission denied

Try running task manager to determine if your program is still running.

If it is terminate it because that’s why your compiler is giving you an error.

Solution 2

Windows 7 does not let you write directly to the root of c:\ (among other locations) unless from within a process running with administrator privileges.

The simplest workaround for you is to move your project from c:\ to another directory — for example, c:\projects will work.

Solution 3

I tried all the proposed answers in my windows 7
1. run as administrator
2. Killed the process if it is running already
3. Gave full control permission to the project folder
4. Moved to different project folder.
Nothing solved my problem. finally i tried after disabling avast anti worked.

[Error] Id returned 1 exit status | Permission denied | Dev C++ | Aryadrj


SOLVED. [Error] Id Returned 1 Exit Status On DEV C++

faild to execute in Dev c++ (Error 5: Access is denied) solve in Hindi

error id returned 1 exit status dev c++ solution | dev c++ error id returned 1 exit status [SOLVED]

fixed the problem of cannot ouput file permission denied in codeblocks. by the coding factory

youmir ali

Updated on October 25, 2020


I want to compile a code program using dev c++ compiler but my compiler didn’t compile my code.The program consist of two files one is header and other is implementation .cpp file. The code i want to compile is correct and working,but it didn’t compiling on my pc(windows 7) Please help The error which i am getting is

 Permission denied ld returned 1 exit status C:\ [Build Error] [Project1.exe] Error 1 
Compiler: Default compiler Building Makefile: "C:\" Executing make. make.exe -f "C:\" all g++.exe -c testProgDoublyLinkedList.cpp -o testProgDoublyLinkedList.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/include" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/mingw32" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include" g++.exe testProgDoublyLinkedList.o -o "Project1.exe" -L"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib" -mwindows C:\Dev-Cpp\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: cannot open output file Project1.exe: Permission denied collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make.exe: *** [Project1.exe] Error 1 Execution terminated 


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