Delete all rows table html

Delete all regular rows of an HTML table

Solution: Your problem is that when you remove row 1, row 2 becomes the new row 1 and you move to the next row, deleting row 2 (which was the original row 3). In my original code, it’s not included in here, I can browse through different tables and I want to be able to delete all of its content, regardless of number of row, using the same button.

Delete all regular rows of an HTML table

I have this button that’s supposed to delete all the rows inside a table except for the header. As of now, it loops through the table to delete all its row, but it never deletes all of it. In my original code, it’s not included in here, I can browse through different tables and I want to be able to delete all of its content, regardless of number of row, using the same button. Coz I also try the button on other tables and it always does not delete all he items.

let mealObj = < menu1: < menuName: "Steak", ingr1: < name: "Butter", ingrType: "other", amount: "2", amountType: "tbsp", cal: "10", >, ingr2: < name: "Parsley", ingrType: "vegetable", amount: "1", amountType: "tsp", cal: "1", >, ingr3: < name: "Garlic", ingrType: "vegetable", amount: "1/2", amountType: "tsp", cal: "20", >, ingr4: < name: "Soy Sauce", ingrType: "other", amount: "1/4", amountType: "tsp", cal: "20", >, ingr5: < name: "Beef", ingrType: "meat", amount: "3/4", amountType: "lbs", cal: "200", >, ingr6: < name: "Salt", ingrType: "other", amount: "1/8", amountType: "tsp", cal: "0", >, ingr7: < name: "Pepper", ingrType: "other", amount: "1/8", amountType: "tsp", cal: "2", >, >, > let ingrTable = document.getElementById("ingr-table"); objToTable(mealObj); function objToTable(ingrList) < let totalRowLength = ingrTable.rows.length; for (let i in ingrList) < for (let k in ingrList[i]) < if (ingrList[i][k].name !== undefined) < let tableAmount = document.createElement("INPUT"); tableAmount.setAttribute("type", "number"); = "table-amount"; let tableCalNum = document.createElement("INPUT"); tableCalNum.setAttribute("type", "number"); = "table-cal"; let row = ingrTable.insertRow(totalRowLength); var cell1 = row.insertCell(0); var cell2 = row.insertCell(1); var cell3 = row.insertCell(2); var cell4 = row.insertCell(3); var cell5 = row.insertCell(4); cell1.innerHTML = ingrList[i][k].name; cell2.appendChild(tableAmount); tableAmount.value = eval(ingrList[i][k].amount); cell3.innerHTML = ingrList[i][k].amountType; cell4.appendChild(tableCalNum); tableCalNum.value = ingrList[i][k].cal; >> > > let button = document.getElementById("button"); let deleteBtn = document.createElement("BUTTON"); deleteBtn.innerHTML = "Delete"; button.appendChild(deleteBtn); deleteBtn.addEventListener("click", function () < for (let i = 0; i < ingrTable.rows.length; i++) < ingrTable.deleteRow(i + 1); >>);
 Ingredient Amount Calorie  

Your problem is that when you remove row 1, row 2 becomes the new row 1 and you move to the next row, deleting row 2 (which was the original row 3).

Читайте также:  Heading class html css

One way to solve this is to start by removing the last row and work back to the beginning

deleteBtn.addEventListener("click", function () < for (let i = ingrTable.rows.length - 1; i >0; i--) < ingrTable.deleteRow(i); >>); 

An alternative, faster method is to replace the html with the headers only instead of removing all rows:

deleteBtn.addEventListener("click", function () < ingrTable.innerHTML = ingrTable.rows[0].innerHTML >); 

Javascript — Cypress — delete all rows from table, With this recursive function you just need to pass a variable that decrements (or maybe increments to a max)

JavaScript : Delete all rows in an HTML table

JavaScript : Delete all rows in an HTML table [ Gift : Animated Search Engine : https://bit Duration: 1:25

How to delete all rows on click in a dynamic table using reactjs

Currently when the delete button is clicked it only deletes one row at a time. However, my current aim is for it do delete all rows at the same time but I the solutions I have tried do not work. Here is the current code:

const [shop, setShop] = useState([]); . const [count, setCount] = useState(0); . const handleDelete = (shopsId) => < const newArr = [. shop]; const index = shop.findIndex((shop) => === shopsId); newArr.splice(index, 1); setShop(newArr); setCount(count - count) > 

This method is successful if I want to remove a specific row however I do not want to do this but instead Remove all the rows (‘delete all’). Any help would be appreciated.

Delete row of table in javascript Code Example, Answers related to “delete row of table in javascript” · javascript clear table body · javascript remove clicked table row from table · How to make

Automatically Delete table rows after reaching row limit and add new data to the row using the Websocket data with javascript

I am new to JavaScript, not sure if this very basic question. I’ve created a Bitcoin Price update dashboard using the data fetched from the external WebSocket. I managed to get the data from the WebSocket and display it on the HTML table. The price updates every seconds, So the table rows are going insane. I want to limit the Table row for 14 rows and after the table get 14 rows i want to delete that data and import new data with the Websocket without increasing the HTML table rows. I tried my best to explain.

I have provided the code snippets below as well as external Websocket from where I am pulling the data.

Please let me know how should I insert the row dynamically into a HTML table. Thank you so much in advance

Coin Price

You can get all rows in your table using querySelectorAll(«tr») . You can remove elements from your table using removeChild .

So, to make sure your table never grows past x rows, you do:

const rows = table.querySelectorAll("tr"); if (rows.length > 14) table.removeChild(rows[0]); 
window.onload = () => < function insertRow(price) < var tr = document.createElement("tr"), tdCoin = document.createElement("td"), tdPrice = document.createElement("td"), docFrag = new DocumentFragment(); tdCoin.textContent = "BTC"; tdPrice.textContent = `$`; tr.appendChild(tdCoin); tr.appendChild(tdPrice); docFrag.appendChild(tr); return docFrag; > var binanceSocket = new WebSocket("wss://"), table = document.getElementById("pricetable"); binanceSocket.onmessage = function(event) < var messageObject = JSON.parse(; table.appendChild(insertRow(messageObject.p)); const MAX_ROWS = 5; const rows = table.querySelectorAll("tr"); if (rows.length >MAX_ROWS) table.removeChild(rows[0]); > >

How to remove the table row in a table using JavaScript, The remove() method is used to remove the table row from an HTML table using JavaScript. remove() Method: This method removes the selected


Delete all rows in an HTML table

How can I delete all rows of an HTML table except the ‘s using Javascript, and without looping through all the rows in the table? I have a very huge table and I don’t want to freeze the UI while I’m looping through the rows to delete them

Javascript Solutions

Solution 1 — Javascript

this will remove all the rows:

Solution 2 — Javascript

Keep the row in a and the other rows in a then replace the with a new, empty one.

var new_tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); populate_with_new_rows(new_tbody); old_tbody.parentNode.replaceChild(new_tbody, old_tbody) 

Solution 3 — Javascript

Very crude, but this also works:

var Table = document.getElementById("mytable"); Table.innerHTML = ""; 

Solution 4 — Javascript

Points to note, on the Watch out for common mistakes:

If your start index is 0 (or some index from begin), then, the correct code is:

var tableHeaderRowCount = 1; var table = document.getElementById('WRITE_YOUR_HTML_TABLE_NAME_HERE'); var rowCount = table.rows.length; for (var i = tableHeaderRowCount; i < rowCount; i++) table.deleteRow(tableHeaderRowCount); > 

1. the argument for deleteRow is fixed
this is required since as we delete a row, the number of rows decrease.
i.e; by the time i reaches (rows.length — 1), or even before that row is already deleted, so you will have some error/exception (or a silent one).

2. the rowCount is taken before the for loop starts since as we delete the «table.rows.length» will keep on changing, so again you have some issue, that only odd or even rows only gets deleted.

Solution 5 — Javascript

This is an old question, however I recently had a similar issue.
I wrote this code to solve it:

var elmtTable = document.getElementById('TABLE_ID_HERE'); var tableRows = elmtTable.getElementsByTagName('tr'); var rowCount = tableRows.length; for (var x=rowCount-1; x>0; x--) elmtTable.removeChild(tableRows[x]); > 

That will remove all rows, except the first.

Solution 6 — Javascript

Assuming you have just one table so you can reference it with just the type. If you don’t want to delete the headers:

Solution 7 — Javascript

If you can declare an ID for tbody you can simply run this function:

var node = document.getElementById("tablebody"); while (node.hasChildNodes()) < node.removeChild(node.lastChild); > 

Solution 8 — Javascript

the give below code works great. It removes all rows except header row. So this code really t

Solution 9 — Javascript

I needed to delete all rows except the first and solution posted by @strat but that resulted in uncaught exception (referencing Node in context where it does not exist). The following worked for me.

var myTable = document.getElementById("myTable"); var rowCount = myTable.rows.length; for (var x=rowCount-1; x>0; x--) myTable.deleteRow(x); > 

Solution 10 — Javascript

this would work iteration deletetion in HTML table in native

document.querySelectorAll("table tbody tr").forEach(function(e)remove()>) 

Solution 11 — Javascript

Assing some id to tbody tag. i.e. . After this, the following line should retain the table header/footer and remove all the rows.


And, if you want the entire table (header/rows/footer) to wipe out, then set the id at table level i.e.

Solution 12 — Javascript

When the page first loads, do this:

var myTable = document.getElementById("myTable"); myTable.oldHTML=myTable.innerHTML; 

Then when you want to clear the table:


The result will be your header row(s) if that’s all you started with, the performance is dramatically faster than looping.

Solution 13 — Javascript

If you do not want to remove th and just want to remove the rows inside, this is working perfectly.

var tb = document.getElementById('tableId'); while(tb.rows.length > 1) < tb.deleteRow(1); > 

Solution 14 — Javascript

If you have far fewer rows than non- rows, you could collect all the rows into a string, remove the entire table, and then write


where the table used to be.

EDIT: Where, obviously, «thstring» is the html for all of the rows of s.

Solution 15 — Javascript

This works in IE without even having to declare a var for the table and will delete all rows:

for(var i = 0; i < resultsTable.rows.length;) < resultsTable.deleteRow(i); > 

Solution 16 — Javascript

Assign an id or a class for your tbody.

document.querySelector("#tbodyId").remove(); document.querySelectorAll(".tbodyClass").remove(); 

You can name your id or class how you want, not necessarily #tbodyId or .tbodyClass .

Solution 17 — Javascript

this is a simple code I just wrote to solve this, without removing the header row (first one).

var Tbl = document.getElementById('tblId'); while(Tbl.childNodes.length>2);> 

Solution 18 — Javascript

@lkan’s answer worked for me, however to leave the first row, change

var myTable = document.getElementById("myTable"); var rowCount = myTable.rows.length; for (var x=rowCount-1; x>1; x--) myTable.deleteRow(x); > 

Solution 19 — Javascript

Pure javascript, no loops and preserving headers:

function restartTable()< const tbody = document.getElementById("tblDetail").getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; tbody.innerHTML = ""; > 
link href hljs-selector-tag">[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/> table id hljs-selector-tag">tblDetail" class hljs-selector-tag">table table-bordered table-hover table-ligth table-sm table-striped"> thead> tr> th>Header 1th> th>Header 2th> th>Header 2th> th>Header 2th> tr> thead> tbody> tr> td> a td> td> b td> td> c td> td> d td> tr> tr> td> 1 td> td> 2 td> td> 3 td> td> 4 td> tr> td> e td> td> f td> td> g td> td> h td> tr> tr> tbody> table> button type hljs-selector-tag">button" onclick hljs-selector-tag">restartTable()">restart tablebutton> 

Solution 20 — Javascript

Just Clear the table body.

Solution 21 — Javascript

We use lastElementChild to preserve all non-element (namely #text nodes and ) children of the parent (but not their descendants). See this SO answer for a more general example, as well as an analysis of various methods to remove all of an element’s children.

const tableEl = document.getElementById('my-table'); const tableBodyEl = tableEl.querySelector('tbody'); // or, directly get the element if its id is known // const tableBodyEl = document.getElementById('table-rows'); while (tableBodyEl.lastElementChild) < tableBodyEl.removeChild(tableBodyEl.lastElementChild); > 
table id="my-table"> thead> tr> th>Name th> th>Color th> tr> thead> tbody id="table-rows"> tr> td>Apple td> td>Red td> tr> text child preserved tr> td>Banana td> td>Yellow td> tr> tr> td>Plum td> td>Purple td> tr> tbody> table> 

Solution 22 — Javascript

const table = document.querySelector(‘table’); table.innerHTML === ‘ ‘ ? null : table.innerHTML = ‘ ‘; the above javascript worked fine for me. It checks to see if the table contains any data and then clears everything including the header.


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