Default field value html


An HTML form with three input fields; two text fields and one submit button:

Definition and Usage

The tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data.

The element is the most important form element.

The element can be displayed in several ways, depending on the type attribute.

The different input types are as follows:

Look at the type attribute to see examples for each input type!

Tips and Notes

Browser Support


Attribute Value Description
accept file_extension
Specifies a filter for what file types the user can pick from the file input dialog box (only for type=»file»)
alt text Specifies an alternate text for images (only for type=»image»)
autocomplete on
Specifies whether an element should have autocomplete enabled
autofocus autofocus Specifies that an element should automatically get focus when the page loads
checked checked Specifies that an element should be pre-selected when the page loads (for type=»checkbox» or type=»radio»)
dirname inputname.dir Specifies that the text direction will be submitted
disabled disabled Specifies that an element should be disabled
form form_id Specifies the form the element belongs to
formaction URL Specifies the URL of the file that will process the input control when the form is submitted (for type=»submit» and type=»image»)
formenctype application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Specifies how the form-data should be encoded when submitting it to the server (for type=»submit» and type=»image»)
formmethod get
Defines the HTTP method for sending data to the action URL (for type=»submit» and type=»image»)
formnovalidate formnovalidate Defines that form elements should not be validated when submitted
formtarget _blank
Specifies where to display the response that is received after submitting the form (for type=»submit» and type=»image»)
height pixels Specifies the height of an element (only for type=»image»)
list datalist_id Refers to a element that contains pre-defined options for an element
max number
Specifies the maximum value for an element
maxlength number Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in an element
min number
Specifies a minimum value for an element
minlength number Specifies the minimum number of characters required in an element
multiple multiple Specifies that a user can enter more than one value in an element
name text Specifies the name of an element
pattern regexp Specifies a regular expression that an element’s value is checked against
placeholder text Specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an element
readonly readonly Specifies that an input field is read-only
required required Specifies that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form
size number Specifies the width, in characters, of an element
src URL Specifies the URL of the image to use as a submit button (only for type=»image»)
step number
Specifies the interval between legal numbers in an input field
type button
Specifies the type element to display
value text Specifies the value of an element
width pixels Specifies the width of an element (only for type=»image»)
Читайте также:  Html background image from link

Global Attributes

Event Attributes

  • Input Button Object
  • Input Checkbox Object
  • Input Color Object
  • Input Date Object
  • Input Datetime Object
  • Input DatetimeLocal Object
  • Input Email Object
  • Input FileUpload Object
  • Input Hidden Object
  • Input Image Object
  • Input Month Object
  • Input Number Object
  • Input Password Object
  • Input Range Object
  • Input Radio Object
  • Input Reset Object
  • Input Search Object
  • Input Submit Object
  • Input Text Object
  • Input Time Object
  • Input URL Object
  • Input Week Object


How to Define a Default Value for “input type=text” Without Using Attribute ‘value’?

The HTML elements are used to add particular features to web pages. For instance, the “ ” element creates a table, the “ ” element is used to add an input field, and many more. In HTML, attributes are utilized to specify the additional information to the elements.

This post will instruct you how to define a default value for “” without using the attribute “value”.

Before jumping into the discussion, let’s first see how to use the “value” attribute specified in element, which is a better option to define a default value for “the ” element.

What is HTML “value” Attribute?

In HTML, the “value” attribute is used to set the input element’s default value.

The following code block shows the “ ” element having the “type”, “class”, and “value” attributes:

Here is the description of the above-stated attributes:

    • type” attribute sets the input field type, such as checkbox, radio, text, or more.
    • class” and “id” attributes are set to access the element in CSS or JavaScript for further manipulation.
    • value” attribute sets the default value.

    Let’s add the CSS styles to the “” element to make it presentable.

    Style “input-style” Class

    The “.input-style” is used to access the class for styling, and the following properties are applied to it:

    .input-style {
    padding: 10px;
    font-size: 20px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    border: 1px solid rgb ( 204 203 203 ) ;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 1px rgb ( 204 203 203 ) ;

      • padding” adds space within the element’s border.
      • font-size” defines the font’s size.
      • border-radius” makes the element’s edges round.
      • border” applies border around the element.
      • box-shadow” adds a shadow around the element. It specifies the values for its horizontal offset, vertical offset, blur effect, spread effect, and color.

      How to Define a Default Value for “input type=text” Without Using Attribute “value”?

      In HTML, there are multiple ways to set a default value for “input type= text”. Some of them are listed below:

        • Using “placeholder” attribute
        • Using JavaScript “value” property
        • Using jQuery “val()” method

        Method 1: How to Define a Default Value for “input type=text” Using the HTML “placeholder” Attribute?

        The method to set the default value for the “ ” element is the “placeholder” attribute. This attribute is set to display the content on the input element:

        So far, we have explained how to set the default value of the “” element in HTML. You can also specify the default value using JavaScript and jQuery. Let’s discuss those approaches one by one.

        Method 2: How to Set a Default Value for “input type=text” Using the JavaScript “value” Property?

        You can also determine the default value of an input field using JavaScript. To include JavaScript code in HTML, add the “ ” tags:

        Within the “ ” tags, specify the “document.getElementById()” to fetch the input element by id. Then, append the “value” property and set the default value to the element.

        Method 3: How to Specify a Default Value for “input type=text” Using the jQuery “val()” Method?

        Another efficient way to define the default value for “input type=text” is the jQuery “val()” method. jQuery is a JavaScript library. It is required to download jQuery before using its methods or includes it through CDN like Google.

        To download it, visit Then, specify the reference within the “ ” section of the HTML:

        To include jQuery with the CDN, specify the following code:

        In HTML, within the “ ” element, add the “$()” method with the id of an element as a parameter and fetch the element. Then, append the “.val()” method with it to specify the default value:

        It can be observed that the default value for the input field has been successfully set.


        In HTML, to define a default value for “ ”, the “value” attribute is used. However, several alternative ways exist, such as using the “placeholder” attribute, JavaScript code, and jQuery methods. To add JavaScript and jQuery code in HTML, specify the “ ” tags. The “value” property in JavaScript and the “val()” method in jQuery are utilized to set the default value. This post has explained the methods to set the default value for “” without using the “value” attribute.

        About the author

        Nadia Bano

        I am an enthusiastic and forward-looking software engineer with an aim to explore the global software industry. I love to write articles on advanced-level designing, coding, and testing.


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