Date in millis java

Java Convert Date to Milliseconds

In this Java core tutorial we learn how to convert a java.util.Date object into milliseconds value in Java programming language.

How to convert Date to milliseconds in Java

In Java we can use the Date.getTime() method to get the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT from a given Date object as following example Java code.

import java.util.Date; public class ConvertDateToMillisecondsExample1  public static void main(String. args)  Date date = new Date(); // Convert Date to milliseconds long milliseconds = date.getTime(); System.out.println("Date: " + date); System.out.println("Milliseconds: " + milliseconds); > >
Date: Sat Apr 16 16:39:12 ICT 2022 Milliseconds: 1650101952053


Convert Time to Milliseconds in Java

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1. Overview

In this quick tutorial, we’ll illustrate multiple ways of converting time into Unix-epoch milliseconds in Java.

More specifically, we’ll use:

  • Core Java’s java.util.Date and Calendar
  • Java 8’s Date and Time API
  • Joda-Time library

2. Core Java

2.1. Using Date

Firstly, let’s define a millis property holding a random value of milliseconds:

long millis = 1556175797428L; // April 25, 2019 7:03:17.428 UTC

We’ll use this value to initialize our various objects and verify our results.

Next, let’s start with a Date object:

Date date = // implementation details

Now, we’re ready to convert the date into milliseconds by simply invoking the getTime() method:

Assert.assertEquals(millis, date.getTime());

2.2. Using Calendar

Likewise, if we have a Calendar object, we can use the getTimeInMillis() method:

Calendar calendar = // implementation details Assert.assertEquals(millis, calendar.getTimeInMillis());

3. Java 8 Date Time API

3.1. Using Instant

Simply put, Instant is a point in Java’s epoch timeline.

We can get the current time in milliseconds from the Instant:

java.time.Instant instant = // implementation details Assert.assertEquals(millis, instant.toEpochMilli());

As a result, the toEpochMilli() method returns the same number of milliseconds as we defined earlier.

3.2. Using LocalDateTime

Similarly, we can use Java 8’s Date and Time API to convert a LocalDateTime into milliseconds:

LocalDateTime localDateTime = // implementation details ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(localDateTime, ZoneId.systemDefault()); Assert.assertEquals(millis, zdt.toInstant().toEpochMilli());

First, we created an instance of the current date. After that, we used the toEpochMilli() method to convert the ZonedDateTime into milliseconds.

As we know, LocalDateTime doesn’t contain information about the time zone. In other words, we can’t get milliseconds directly from LocalDateTime instance.

4. Joda-Time

While Java 8 adds much of Joda-Time’s functionality, we may want to use this option if we are on Java 7 or earlier.

4.1. Using Instant

Firstly, we can obtain the current system milliseconds from the Joda-Time Instant class instance using the getMillis() method:

Instant jodaInstant = // implementation details Assert.assertEquals(millis, jodaInstant.getMillis());

4.2. Using DateTime

Additionally, if we have a Joda-Time DateTime instance:

DateTime jodaDateTime = // implementation details

Then we can retrieve the milliseconds with the getMillis() method:

Assert.assertEquals(millis, jodaDateTime.getMillis());

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, this article demonstrates how to convert time into milliseconds in Java.

Finally, as always, the complete code for this article is available over on GitHub.

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Slow MySQL query performance is all too common. Of course it is. A good way to go is, naturally, a dedicated profiler that actually understands the ins and outs of MySQL.

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Basically, you install the desktop application, connect to your MySQL server, hit the record button, and you’ll have results within minutes:


Java — Get Time In MilliSeconds

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A quick guide to get the current date time in milliseconds using Date, Calendar and java 8 api classes.

1. Overview

In this tutorial, We’ll learn how to get the time in milliseconds in java. Time in milliseconds is the right way and format in storing into the database for date time columns. Because this is stored as Number type and which reduces the space than DateTime type in SQL.

Let us come to our topic today is getting the time milliseconds can be retrieved from Date, Calendar and java 8 api classes such Instant, ZonedDateTime classes.

Java - Get Time In MilliSeconds

2. Using java.util.Date

First, we’ll try with the simple way to get the time in milliseconds format is from Date class. Date class has a method getTime() which returns the milliseconds in long value for the given time or current time.

package com.javaprogramto.java8.dates.milliseconds; import java.util.Date; /** * Example to get time in milli seconds in java using util Date api * * @author * */ public class MilliSecondsFromDate < public static void main(String[] args) < // Getting the current date from Date class. Date currentDate = new Date(); // Getting the time in milliseconds. long milliSeconds = currentDate.getTime(); // printing the values System.out.println("Current date : "+currentDate); System.out.println("Current date time in milliseconds : "+milliSeconds); // Creating the future date Date futureDate = new Date(2025, 01, 01, 02, 30, 50); // Getting the future date milliSeconds = futureDate.getTime(); // printing the future date time values System.out.println("Future date : "+futureDate); System.out.println("Future date time in milliseconds : "+milliSeconds); >>
Current date : Sat Dec 12 21:48:25 IST 2020 Current date time in milliseconds : 1607789905027 Future date : Sun Feb 01 02:30:50 IST 3925 Future date time in milliseconds : 61696501250000

3. Using java.util.Calendar

Next, use the Calendar class to get the time in milli seconds. This class has a method getTimeInMillis() which returns the milliseconds for the time.

package com.javaprogramto.java8.dates.milliseconds; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Locale; /** * Example to get time in milli seconds in java using Calendar api * * @author * */ public class MilliSecondsFromCalendar < public static void main(String[] args) < // Getting the current date from Calendar class. Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); // Getting the time in milliseconds. long milliSeconds = calendar.getTimeInMillis(); // printing the values System.out.println("Current calender time in milliseconds : "+milliSeconds); // Creating another calendar object for Canada locale Calendar canadaLocale = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.CANADA); // Getting the future date milliSeconds = canadaLocale.getTimeInMillis(); // printing the future date time values System.out.println("Future date time in milliseconds : "+milliSeconds); >>
Current calender time in milliseconds : 1607790439838 Future date time in milliseconds : 1607790439859

4. Using Java 8 API

There are multiple ways to get the date time in milliseconds in java 8 date time api using Instant and ZonedDateTime classes.

package com.javaprogramto.java8.dates.milliseconds; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; /** * Example to get time in milli seconds in java 8 Using ZonedDateTime and Instant. * * @author * */ public class MilliSecondsInJava8 < public static void main(String[] args) < // Getting milli seconds from ZonedDateTime class. // Creating zoned date time ZonedDateTime dateTime =; // getting the instant from zoned date time Instant instant = dateTime.toInstant(); // Converting Instant time to epoch format milli seconds long timeInMilliSeconds = instant.toEpochMilli(); // print the output System.out.println("Milli seconds from ZonedDateTime : "+timeInMilliSeconds); // Getting the milli seconds from Instant class. // Creating Instant object Instant instantTime =; // Getting millis epoch value timeInMilliSeconds = instantTime.toEpochMilli(); // printing System.out.println("Milli seconds from Instant : "+timeInMilliSeconds); >>
Milli seconds from ZonedDateTime : 1607790957290 Milli seconds from Instant : 1607790957291

5. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve seen how to get the time in milli seconds in java 8 and older versions with examples.



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A quick guide to get the current date time in milliseconds using Date, Calendar and java 8 api classes.


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