Current working dir php

PHP Текущее местоположение скрипта, папки, имя файла

В языке PHP есть несколько полезных констант, которые мы можем применять в построении динамического пути к файлу или папке.

Как в PHP узнать полный путь к файлу или папке

Для начала приведу примеры, что вы получите вызвав соответствующие константы:

echo __FILE__; // /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/admin/php_command_line.php echo __DIR__; // /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/admin

Мы рассмотрели 2 константы, __FILE__ и __DIR__ для отображения полного пути к текущему файлу и папке (директории). Стоит отметить, что __DIR__ эквивалентен вызову:

echo dirname(__FILE__); // /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/admin

dirname – это стандартная функция PHP, которая возвращает родительский каталог. Она применяется как раз для таких ситуаций, когда вам нужно узнать полный путь к файлу без самого файла :). Мне на ум пришла идея, как можно добиться такого же результата (не удивлюсь, если под капотом тоже самое):

echo str_replace(__FILE__, '',__DIR__); // /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/admin

Что мы еще можем применить для константы __FILE__? Конечно же отделить путь и получить просто имя файла:

echo basename(__FILE__); // php_command_line.php

basename – функция возвращает последний элемент из пути, который, как правило, и является именем файла. Раз уж мы решили писать функции заменители, давайте рассмотрим наш URL, как массив, разделенный слешами (“/”):

$arPath = explode('/', __FILE__); // Array ( [0] => [1] => home [2] => bitrix [3] => www [4] => bitrix // [5] => modules [6] => main [7] => admin [8] => php_command_line.php

Как видим, последний элемент массива является нашим файлом. Чтобы получить последний элемент массива, не зная его количество, пишем:

$arPath = explode('/', __FILE__); echo $arPath[count($arPath)-1];

Минус 1 потому как отсчет для массивов идет с нуля, но при счете всегда стартует с единицы.
Важно – в некоторых указаниях полного пути вы используете разделители (вышеупомянутые слеши ‘/’). Но, для Windows это «\», для Linux и остальных — «/». Есть такая константа:

Читайте также:  Целое значение числа python

Вернет 1 слеш (без кавычек).

Немного закрепим 2 функции, о которых шла речь выше:
str_replace – функция, которая используется для замены в строке. Первый параметр “что ищем”, затем “на что меняем” и последний “где ищем”, в который мы и передали нашу полную строку.
explode – функция, которая делает из строки массив. Но, чтобы функции понять как разбить строку – ей нужно передать “разделитель”, а уже вторым параметром – саму строку.

Как вы заметили, “/home/bitrix/www” – это путь на самом сервере, который можно “вырезать” как раз при помощи str_replace.
Если вам нужно использовать “текущий домен”, то получить его при помощи PHP можно несколькими способами. Один из них:

echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; //

Надеюсь вам эта тема была интересна. Пишите в комментариях как вам формат, и нужен ли он вообще. А то в последнее время только битрикс да битрикс :).



Returns the current working directory on success, or false on failure.

On some Unix variants, getcwd() will return false if any one of the parent directories does not have the readable or search mode set, even if the current directory does. See chmod() for more information on modes and permissions.


Example #1 getcwd() example

// current directory
echo getcwd () . «\n» ;

// current directory
echo getcwd () . «\n» ;

The above example will output something similar to:

If the PHP interpreter has been built with ZTS (Zend Thread Safety) enabled, the current working directory returned by getcwd() may be different from that returned by operating system interfaces. External libraries (invoked through FFI) which depend on the current working directory will be affected.

See Also

User Contributed Notes 20 notes

getcwd() returns the path of the «main» script referenced in the URL.

dirname(__FILE__) will return the path of the script currently executing.

I had written a script that required several class definition scripts from the same directory. It retrieved them based on filename matches and used getcwd to figure out where they were.

Didn’t work so well when I needed to call that first script from a new file in a different directory.

given a link

with linux bash,
if within the linked drawer /some/link
cd .. goes upper link /some/
cd -P .. goes upper destination /some/location/

with php
fopen («../file») goes upper destination /some/location/file

some others commented about ways obtaining the path below.

I found some luck with using $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] instead
to recraft an absolute path.

getcwd() appears to call the equivalent of PHP’s realpath() on the path. It never returns symlinks, but always the actual directory names in the path to the current working directory.

When running PHP on the command line, if you want to include another file which is in the same directory as the main script, doing just
include ‘./otherfile.php’ ;
might not work, if you run your script like this:
/$ /path/to/script.php
because the current working dir will be set to ‘/’, and the file ‘/otherfile.php’ does not exist, because it is in ‘/path/to/otherfile.php’.
So, to get the directory in which the script resides, you can use this function:
function get_file_dir () global $argv ;
$dir = dirname ( getcwd () . ‘/’ . $argv [ 0 ]);
$curDir = getcwd ();
chdir ( $dir );
$dir = getcwd ();
chdir ( $curDir );
return $dir ;
So you can use it like this:
include get_file_dir () . ‘/otherfile.php’ ;
// or even..
chdir ( get_file_dir ());
include ‘./otherfile.php’ ;
Spent some time thinking this one out, maybe it helps someone 🙂

I use this code to replicate the pushd and popd DOS commands in PHP:

$g_DirStack = array();
function pushd ( $dir )
global $g_DirStack ;
array_push ( $g_DirStack , getcwd () );
chdir ( $dir );
function popd ( )
global $g_DirStack ;
$dir = array_pop ( $g_DirStack );
assert ( $dir !== null );
chdir ( $dir );

This allows you to change the current directory with pushd, then use popd to «undo» the directory change when you’re done.

This function is often used in conjuction with basename(), i.e.

Some server’s has security options to block the getcwd()

«On some Unix variants, getcwd() will return FALSE if any one of the parent directories does not have the readable or search mode set, even if the current directory does.»

Just so you know, MacOS X is one of these variants (at least 10.4 is for me). You can make it work by applying ‘chmod a+rx’ to all folders from your site folder upwards.

This is a function to convert a path which looks something like this:

To a proper directory path:

function simplify_path ( $path )

//saves our current working directory to a variable
$oldcwd = getcwd ();
//changes the directory to the one to convert
//$path is the directory to convert (clean up), handed over to the //function as a string

chdir ( $path );
return gstr_replace ( ‘\\’ , ‘/’ , getcwd ());

//change the cwd back to the old value to not interfere with the script
chdir ( $oldcwd );

This function is really useful if you want to compare two filepaths which are not necesarily in a «cleaned up» state . It works in * NIX and WINDOWS alike

if you link your php to /bin/linkedphp and your php is at for ex /home/actual.php

when you run linkedphp in somewhere in your filesystem,
getcwd returns /bin instead of working dir,

solution: use dirname(__FILENAME__) instead

It appears there is a change in functionality in PHP5 from PHP4 when using the CLI tool. Here is the example: —

PHP4 returns /tmp
PHP5 returns /

Take care if you use getcwd() in file that you’ll need to include (using include, require, or *_once) in a script located outside of the same directory tree.

//in /var/www/main_document_root/include/
if ( strpos ( getcwd (), ‘main_’ )> 0 ) //code to set up main DB connection

//in home/cron_user/maintenance_scripts/some_maintenance_script.php
require_once ( ‘/var/www/main_document_root/include/’ );

In the above example, the database connection will not be made because the call to getcwd() returns the path relative to the calling script ( /home/cron_user/maintenance_scripts ) NOT relative to the file where the getcwd() function is called.

Be aware when calling getcwd() in directories consisting of symlinks.

getcwd() is the equivalent of shell command «pwd -P» which resolves symlinks.

The shell command «pwd» is the equivalent of «pwd -L» which uses PWD from the environment without resolving symlinks. This is also the equivalent of calling getenv(‘PWD’).

As you could read in
the CLI SAPI does — contrary to other SAPIs — NOT automatically change the current working directory to the one the started script resides in.

A very simple workaround to regain the behaviour you’re used to from your «ordinary» webpage scripting is to include something like that at the beginning of your script:

chdir ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) );

But because this is about reading or «finding» pathes, you might appreciate it if I share some more sophisticated tricks I frequently use in CLI scripts .

// Note: all pathes stored in subsequent Variables end up with a DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR

// how to store the working directory «from where» the script was called:
$initial_cwd = preg_replace ( ‘~(\w)$~’ , ‘$1’ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , realpath ( getcwd () ) );

// how to switch symlink-free to the folder the current file resides in:
chdir ( dirname ( realpath ( __FILE__ ) ) );

// how to store the former folder in a variable:
$my_folder = dirname ( realpath ( __FILE__ ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ;

// how to get a path one folder up if $my_folder ends with \class\ or /class/ :
$my_parent_folder = preg_replace ( ‘~[/\\\\]class[/\\\\]$~’ , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $my_folder );

// how to get a path one folder up in any case :
$my_parent_folder = preg_replace ( ‘~[/\\\\][^/\\\\]*[/\\\\]$~’ , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $my_folder );

// how to make an array of OS-style-pathes from an array of unix-style-pathes
// (handy if you use config-files or so):
foreach( $unix_style_pathes as $unix_style_path )
$os_independent_path [] = str_replace ( ‘/’ , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $unix_style_path );


How to get the Current Working Directory in PHP

There are several ways to get the current working directory in PHP depending on what you are working on. Generally, you want to use these methods to programmatically find out which directory a running script is in.

Current Working Directory Using the getcwd() PHP Function

This PHP function returns the current working folder on success and false on failure. The function is called with no parameters.

On some Unix variants, getcwd() will return false if any one of the parent directories does not have the readable or search mode set, even if the current directory does.

The above example will output something similar to:

Working Directory Using dirname() PHP Function

dirname function returns a parent directory’s path or depending on the parameters you can define how far up the parent path you want to return.

To get the current directory using dirname() you need to add the PHP predefined FILE constant or PHP_SELF.

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/folder/script.php'; echo dirname($_SERVER[PHP_SELF]);

Either of the above examples will output something similar to:

Using basename() PHP function

The basename function returns the trailing name component of path.

echo "1) ".basename("/path/to/folder", ".d").PHP_EOL; echo "2) ".basename("/path/to").PHP_EOL; echo "3) ".basename("/path/").PHP_EOL;

The above examples will output something similar to:


You have now learned three ways that you can get the current working directory in PHP.

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