Css vertical center table cell

How to Vertically Center Text with CSS

Centering elements vertically with CSS often gives trouble. However, there are several ways of vertical centering, and each is easy to use.

Use the CSS vertical-align property

The vertical-align property is used to vertically center inline elements.

The values of the vertical-align property align the element relative to its parent element:

  • Line-relative values vertically align an element relative to the entire line.
  • Values for table cells are relative to the table-height-algorithm, which commonly refers to the height of the row.

It is important to note that it is possible to nudge text vertically up or down in CSS using the vertical-align property. This property sets the vertical alignment of an inline or table-cell element, and can be used to adjust the vertical position of text within its container.

Note that vertical-align only applies to inline or table-cell elements, so it may not work as expected on block-level elements such as or

. In such cases, you may need to wrap the text in an inline or table-cell element to apply vertical-align .

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Example of vertically aligning a text:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> div < display: table-cell; width: 250px; height: 200px; padding: 10px; border: 3px dashed #1c87c9; vertical-align: middle; > style> head> body> div>Vertically aligned text div> body> html>



The vertical-align CSS property sets vertical alignment of an inline, inline-block or table-cell box.

Try it

The vertical-align property can be used in two contexts:

  • To vertically align an inline-level element’s box inside its containing line box. For example, it could be used to vertically position an image in a line of text.
  • To vertically align the content of a cell in a table.

Note that vertical-align only applies to inline, inline-block and table-cell elements: you can’t use it to vertically align block-level elements.


/* Keyword values */ vertical-align: baseline; vertical-align: sub; vertical-align: super; vertical-align: text-top; vertical-align: text-bottom; vertical-align: middle; vertical-align: top; vertical-align: bottom; /* values */ vertical-align: 10em; vertical-align: 4px; /* values */ vertical-align: 20%; /* Global values */ vertical-align: inherit; vertical-align: initial; vertical-align: revert; vertical-align: revert-layer; vertical-align: unset; 

The vertical-align property is specified as one of the values listed below.

Values for inline elements

Parent-relative values

These values vertically align the element relative to its parent element:

Aligns the baseline of the element with the subscript-baseline of its parent.

Aligns the baseline of the element with the superscript-baseline of its parent.

Aligns the top of the element with the top of the parent element’s font.

Aligns the bottom of the element with the bottom of the parent element’s font.

Aligns the middle of the element with the baseline plus half the x-height of the parent.

Aligns the baseline of the element to the given length above the baseline of its parent. A negative value is allowed.

Aligns the baseline of the element to the given percentage above the baseline of its parent, with the value being a percentage of the line-height property. A negative value is allowed.

Line-relative values

The following values vertically align the element relative to the entire line:

Aligns the top of the element and its descendants with the top of the entire line.

Aligns the bottom of the element and its descendants with the bottom of the entire line.

For elements that do not have a baseline, the bottom margin edge is used instead.

Values for table cells

baseline (and sub , super , text-top , text-bottom , , and )

Aligns the baseline of the cell with the baseline of all other cells in the row that are baseline-aligned.

Aligns the top padding edge of the cell with the top of the row.

Centers the padding box of the cell within the row.

Aligns the bottom padding edge of the cell with the bottom of the row.

Negative values are allowed.

Formal definition

Initial value baseline
Applies to inline-level and table-cell elements. It also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line .
Inherited no
Percentages refer to the line-height of the element itself
Computed value for percentage and length values, the absolute length, otherwise the keyword as specified
Animation type a length

Formal syntax


Basic example


div> An img src="frame_image.svg" alt="link" width="32" height="32" /> image with a default alignment. div> div> An img class="top" src="frame_image.svg" alt="link" width="32" height="32" /> image with a text-top alignment. div> div> An img class="bottom" src="frame_image.svg" alt="link" width="32" height="32" /> image with a text-bottom alignment. div> div> An img class="middle" src="frame_image.svg" alt="link" width="32" height="32" /> image with a middle alignment. div> 


img.top  vertical-align: text-top; > img.bottom  vertical-align: text-bottom; > img.middle  vertical-align: middle; > 


Vertical alignment in a line box


p> top: img style="vertical-align: top" src="star.png" alt="star"/> middle: img style="vertical-align: middle" src="star.png" alt="star"/> bottom: img style="vertical-align: bottom" src="star.png" alt="star"/> super: img style="vertical-align: super" src="star.png" alt="star"/> sub: img style="vertical-align: sub" src="star.png" alt="star"/> p> p> text-top: img style="vertical-align: text-top" src="star.png" alt="star"/> text-bottom: img style="vertical-align: text-bottom" src="star.png" alt="star"/> 0.2em: img style="vertical-align: 0.2em" src="star.png" alt="star"/> -1em: img style="vertical-align: -1em" src="star.png" alt="star"/> 20%: img style="vertical-align: 20%" src="star.png" alt="star"/> -100%: img style="vertical-align: -100%" src="star.png" alt="star"/> p> 
#*  box-sizing: border-box; > img  margin-right: 0.5em; > p  height: 3em; padding: 0 0.5em; font-family: monospace; text-decoration: underline overline; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 80%; > 


Vertical alignment in a table cell


table> tr> td style="vertical-align: baseline">baselinetd> td style="vertical-align: top">toptd> td style="vertical-align: middle">middletd> td style="vertical-align: bottom">bottomtd> td> p> There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. p> p> There is another theory which states that this has already happened. p> td> tr> table> 


table  margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 80%; > table, th, td  border: 1px solid black; > td  padding: 0.5em; font-family: monospace; > 



Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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CSS Table Alignment

To left-align the content, force the alignment of elements to be left-aligned, with the text-align: left property:

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Peter Griffin $100
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Vertical Alignment

Firstname Lastname Savings
Peter Griffin $100
Lois Griffin $150
Joe Swanson $300


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