- How to Add Three Dots to Text in CSS: A Comprehensive Guide
- Understanding the text-overflow property in CSS
- Achieving height-based text ellipsis with -webkit-line-clamp property
- Add Three Dots ( ) To a Long Text That Overflows
- Adding three dots to long text using overflow: hidden and -webkit-line-clamp: 3 property
- Key points to keep in mind when using text-overflow property in CSS
- Advantages and disadvantages of using text-overflow property in CSS
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Other helpful code examples for adding three dots to text in CSS
- Conclusion
- CSS — cut with dots (. ) overflowing text outside element
- Practical example with explanation
- See also
- Alternative titles
- Overflow text with dots in CSS
- Add XDebug to unstable PHP version
- Reduce input of functions to improve readability
- Where and how to use abstraction
- Adding a Period to Text using CSS
- How to add a dot on text css
- css text dots
- add three dots to text css
- Change the dot after a listing to clip
- How do you stop RadioButtonList Label text from wrapping under the button
- Wrap text css dots
- wrap with dots css
How to Add Three Dots to Text in CSS: A Comprehensive Guide
Learn how to add three dots to text in CSS and achieve a more user-friendly design. This guide covers the text-overflow property, -webkit-line-clamp, overflow, and more.
- Understanding the text-overflow property in CSS
- Achieving height-based text ellipsis with -webkit-line-clamp property
- Add Three Dots ( ) To a Long Text That Overflows
- Adding three dots to long text using overflow: hidden and -webkit-line-clamp: 3 property
- Key points to keep in mind when using text-overflow property in CSS
- Advantages and disadvantages of using text-overflow property in CSS
- Other helpful code examples for adding three dots to text in CSS
- Conclusion
- How do you make 3 dots in CSS?
- How do you write ellipses in CSS?
- How do you make a 3 dot in HTML?
- How do you make an ellipsis multiline text in CSS?
As the internet continues to evolve, web developers are continually seeking ways to improve the user experience. One of the most common issues they face is how to deal with text that overflows container boundaries. When text overflows its container, the text can become unreadable, and this is where the text- overflow property in css comes in handy. In this guide, we’ll show you how to add three dots to text in css , using different techniques.
Understanding the text-overflow property in CSS
The text-overflow property in CSS is used to limit the text that exceeds the width of an element and insert an ellipsis. When this property is used, the text that overflows the container is either clipped or displayed along with the ellipsis. Here’s an example of how you can use the text-overflow property to clip text:
.container width: 100px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; >
In this example, the container class has a width of 100px, and the white-space property is set to nowrap . This means that the text will not wrap to the next line, and any text that exceeds the width of the container will be hidden. The overflow property is set to hidden , which ensures that any text that exceeds the container width is hidden. Finally, the text-overflow property is set to ellipsis , which adds an ellipsis at the end of the text that overflows the container.
Achieving height-based text ellipsis with -webkit-line-clamp property
Sometimes, you may want to limit the number of lines of text that are displayed in a container. This can be achieved using the -webkit-line-clamp CSS property. This property is used to set the maximum number of lines that can be displayed in a container. Here’s an example of how you can use the -webkit-line-clamp property to limit the number of lines of text that are displayed in a container:
.container display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 3; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; overflow: hidden; >
In this example, the container class has the -webkit-box display property, which enables the container to be displayed as a block-level element. The -webkit-line-clamp property is set to 3 , which limits the number of lines of text that can be displayed to three. The -webkit-box-orient property is set to vertical , which ensures that the text is displayed in a vertical orientation. Finally, the overflow property is set to hidden to hide any text that exceeds the container height.
Add Three Dots ( ) To a Long Text That Overflows
In this video I will show you how to add the three dots ( ) when the text is too long. There’ll Duration: 2:55
Adding three dots to long text using overflow: hidden and -webkit-line-clamp: 3 property
Another way to add three dots to long text is by using the overflow: hidden and -webkit-line-clamp: 3 properties. This technique involves limiting the number of lines of text that are displayed in a container and adding an ellipsis at the end of the last line. Here’s an example of how you can use the overflow: hidden and -webkit-line-clamp: 3 properties to add three dots to long text:
.container display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 3; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; overflow: hidden; >
In this example, the container class has the same properties as the previous example. The -webkit-line-clamp property is set to 3 , which limits the number of lines of text that can be displayed to three. The overflow property is set to hidden , which hides any text that exceeds the container height. Finally, an ellipsis is automatically added to the end of the last line of text.
Key points to keep in mind when using text-overflow property in CSS
When using the text-overflow property in CSS, there are a few key points to keep in mind:
- The text-overflow property can be used to signal hidden overflow content to users.
- The text-overflow property can be used to add an ellipsis to text that doesn’t fit inside the container.
- The text-overflow property is not universally supported yet.
- The white-space property is used to prevent text from wrapping to the next line.
- The overflow property is used to hide any text that exceeds the container width.
Advantages and disadvantages of using text-overflow property in CSS
Like any other technique, using the text-overflow property in CSS has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons of using the text-overflow property:
- The text-overflow property makes content more readable and user-friendly.
- The text-overflow property ensures that text that exceeds the container width is hidden automatically.
- The text-overflow property helps to improve the overall user experience by making the content more visually appealing.
- The text-overflow property has limited browser support and may require additional CSS coding to work correctly.
- The text-overflow property may hide some content that users may want to see.
- The text-overflow property can only be used to add an ellipsis to text that overflows the container.
Other helpful code examples for adding three dots to text in CSS
In Typescript , for instance, add three dots to text css code example
Adding three dots to text in CSS is an effective way to improve the user experience and make content more readable. In this guide, we’ve shown you how to use the text-overflow property in CSS to add three dots to text when it overflows in HTML. We’ve also covered different techniques for Achieving height-based text ellipsis and adding three dots to long text using overflow and -webkit-line-clamp properties. We hope this guide has been helpful, and we encourage you to experiment with different ways of adding three dots to text using CSS.
CSS — cut with dots (. ) overflowing text outside element
In this article, we’re going to have a look at how in a simple way cut overflowing text from an element in pure CSS.
Note: JavaScript approach can be found here.
Practical example with explanation
The simplest way is to use text-overflow style property with ellipsis value.
This approach will be working only if:
- element size will be defined clearly (e.g. with width style property, when some parent will exceed element size or specific layout will force element to have proper size),
- when text wrapping will be disabled (e.g. white-space: nowrap does it),
- content overflowing will be disabled (e.g. overflow: hidden does it).
Note: presented in this article text shortcutting does not work if display: flex style property is used with element.
To solve the display: flex problem, the text should be wrapped with additional element that uses then text-overflo: ellipsis .
Check simple the problem solution here.
Runnable practical example:
// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser; Very long text here, Very long text here, Very long text here, Very long text here
See also
Alternative titles
Overflow text with dots in CSS
When using a column layout and are not controlling the content, it can happen, that the content get's too long and kills the layout. To prevent this you can cut the content and still make this apparent to the user.
An example would be a url of a website. I often use this when using the column system of bootstrap:
Through the width: 100% this will be dynamic depending on the screen size.
Add XDebug to unstable PHP version
My packages support the two latest minor versions of PHP. As the first alpha of PHP 8.3 was just released, I'm upgrading the packages to PHP 8.3 and dropping PHP 8.1 from them. This way I'm able to use readonly for my classes. I use XDebug in
Reduce input of functions to improve readability
One of the elements we evaluate when reading a function call are the parameters given to it. To understand what's happening inside (not how, just what) it's necessary to see the relevant data as part of the function call. Counterintuitiv, this sometimes means to increase the amount of parameters or
Where and how to use abstraction
Abstraction is one if the first things a developer learns when starting programming. It's repeated again and again from "Clean Code" to every other introduction book. It's so ingrained, that we don't really question why. As most developers I also started to use abstraction everywhere. Abstraction as a goal in
Adding a Period to Text using CSS
My preferred format is to have the second line begin underneath the first character of the first line, allowing for proper text wrapping. This includes a level designated as "lvl1" for the outer layer, and another level called "lvl2" for the corresponding sublevel.
How to add a dot on text css
css text dots
add three dots to text css
Get text after dot php Code Example, The PHP way of doing this is simple: $out = strlen($in) > 50 ? substr($in,0,50)."" : $in; But you can achieve a much nicer effect with this CSS: .ellipsis
Change the dot after a listing to clip
My desire is to replace the period that comes after the list with a closing parenthesis symbol.
content: counter(lower-alpha) ") ";
However, instead of lower-alpha, which also failed to work, the result was 0.
Achieving that can be done by utilizing :before in combination with a tally mechanism, which goes as follows:
ol < list-style-type: none; counter-reset: lvl1; >ul < list-style-type: none; >ol ol < counter-reset: lvl2 >li < position: relative; >ol > li < counter-increment: lvl1; >ol > li > ul > li < counter-increment: lvl2; >li:before < content: counter(lvl1, lower-alpha) ") "; position: absolute; left: -20px; >li li:before
Kindly eliminate the p that comes immediately after ol .
Below is the HTML code for the image you provided.
In this scenario, two distinct counters are utilized. The counter named lvl1 is for the outer first level marked as ol , while the other counter, lvl2, is assigned for the corresponding sublevel.
ol < list-style-type: none; counter-reset: lvl1; >ul < list-style-type: none; >ol ol < counter-reset: lvl2 >li < position: relative; >ol > li < counter-increment: lvl1; >ol > li > ul > li < counter-increment: lvl2; >li:before < content: "(" counter(lvl1) ") "; position: absolute; left: -25px; >li li:before
The latest CSS version includes a pseudo element called ::marker , which can be utilized. To ensure compatibility with unsupported browsers like Safari, you should create a fallback.
ol < list-style-type: none; counter-reset: listStyle; >li < counter-increment: listStyle; >@supports selector(::marker) < li::marker < content: counter(listStyle, lower-alpha) ") "; >> @supports not selector(::marker) < li::before < content: counter(listStyle, lower-alpha) ") "; >>
Wrap text css dots Code Example, A closure is a pairing of: A function and A reference to that function's outer scope (lexical en
How do you stop RadioButtonList Label text from wrapping under the button
My radio button list contains labels that are lengthy enough to cause wrapping, resulting in the second line appearing below the button. It would be optimal if the text could wrap in such a way that the second line begins directly below the first character of the first line.
Do you have any suggestions on how to achieve this? Or is it necessary for me to create my own list-based control?
This CSS actually does the trick:
It is possible to assign the associatedcontrolid property to a label that is separate from the radio button by selecting both components.
Although it's quite tardy, this method proved effective for me.
Upon implementing the selected answerer's technique, the wrapping problem was resolved. However, it resulted in the radio buttons being displayed a few pixels below the labels. This is while I am using IE9 compatibility mode.
If you are facing difficulty in making the chosen answer work, remember that it is functional solely when your RadioButtonList utilizes the code RepeatLayout="Table" , and not RepeatLayout="Flow" . It took me a moment to realize this distinction.
Removing word wrapping: Best approach? (For ereaders), So I just copied the text into a word processing program and am now trying to eliminate all the word wrapping breaks. Otherwise, on the ereader, lines are segmented. To do this manually will take an eternity. So are there programs that do this? Is there a term for this? Sort of batch type formatting conversion of …
Wrap text css dots
wrap with dots css
Why does the Visual Studio editor show dots in blank, Add a comment | 1 go to File -> Preferences -> Settings , this will open two panels side by side, the left one is default setting and the right one is user setting, you can add your setting on right panel, for this you can add "editor.renderWhitespace": "all" .