Css text glow effects

  1. How To Create a Glowing Text
  2. Create HTML
  3. Add CSS
  4. Example of creating a glowing text with a linear gradient:
  5. Result
  6. Example of creating a glowing text with a background color:
  7. 17 CSS Glow Text Effects
  8. Author
  9. Links
  10. Made with
  11. About a code
  12. Check Me Out Glow Text
  13. Author
  14. Links
  15. Made with
  16. About a code
  17. Neon Light Text
  18. Author
  19. Links
  20. Made with
  21. About a code
  22. CSS Neon Sign
  23. Author
  24. Links
  25. Made with
  26. About the code
  27. Black Mirror Cracked Text Effect
  28. Author
  29. Links
  30. Made with
  31. About the code
  32. Shimmering Neon Text
  33. Author
  34. Links
  35. Made with
  36. About the code
  37. Flickering Neon Sign Effect Using CSS Text & Box Shadow
  38. Author
  39. Links
  40. Made with
  41. About the code
  42. CSS Neon
  43. Author
  44. Links
  45. Made with
  46. About the code
  47. Neon Text Effect
  48. Author
  49. Links
  50. Made with
  51. About the code
  52. Neon Text Flicker Glow
  53. Author
  54. Links
  55. Made with
  56. About the code
  57. Bill 🚀👽 🌀 Paxton Tribute — Glow Text
  58. Author
  59. Links
  60. Made with
  61. About the code
  62. Glowing Text
  63. Author
  64. Links
  65. Made with
  66. About the code
  67. Neon Flux
  68. Author
  69. Links
  70. Made with
  71. About the code
  72. Neon text-shadow Effect
  73. Author
  74. Links
  75. Made with
  76. About a code
  77. Neon Sign
  78. Author
  79. Links
  80. Made with
  81. About the code
  82. Blazing Fire
  83. Author
  84. Links
  85. Made with
  86. About a code
  87. CSS Animated Neon Sign
  88. Author
  89. CSS Text Glow Effects to Dazzle and Delight Your Users
  90. Uses for CSS text glow
  91. A list of great CSS text glow effects for you to try
  92. Glowing Pulse Form
  93. CSS Magical Glow Effect
  94. Shimmering Neon CSS Text Effect
  95. Neon Glow
  96. Transmission: Glowing Text Animation
  97. Hover Glow Effect
  98. CSS Text & Box Shadow Flickering Neon Sign Effect
  99. Infinity Loader Without SVG
  100. Bill Paxton Tribute – Glow Text
  101. CSS Glow Button
  102. A drop shadow rainbow effect for text
  103. Conclusion on using CSS text glow effects
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How To Create a Glowing Text

Glowing texts catch the user’s attention immediately. They can easily put someone in a good mood. You can choose light soothing colors and gently glowing elements, which will give a relaxed feeling to the user. Today’s tutorial will show you how to create a glowing text using only HTML and CSS. Follow the steps and see examples of glowing texts.

Create HTML


  • Set the color of the element with the background property set to its «linear-gradient» value.
  • Style the «glow» class with the font-size and color properties and then, set the text-align property to its «center» value.
  • Create animation, which has five values. Use the -webkit- and -moz- vendor prefixes with this animation property.
  • Use the @keyframes rule. It can start with a percentage (%) or with the keywords «from» (same as 0%) and «to» (same as 100%).
  • Define the values of the text-shadow property. The first value is the horizontal offset of the shadow, and the second one is the vertical offset. The third is the blur-radius, and the final value is the color of the text.

The @keyframes rule is fully supported by major browsers. However, we use -webkit- for Google Chrome 4.0, Safari 4.0, and Opera 15.0.

body < background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(177, 64, 200, 1) 0%, rgba(109, 9, 121, 1) 35%, rgba(45, 1, 62, 1) 100%); > .glow < font-size: 70px; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; -webkit-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; > @-webkit-keyframes glow < from < text-shadow: 0 0 10px #eeeeee, 0 0 20px #000000, 0 0 30px #000000, 0 0 40px #000000, 0 0 50px #9554b3, 0 0 60px #9554b3, 0 0 70px #9554b3; > to < text-shadow: 0 0 20px #eeeeee, 0 0 30px #ff4da6, 0 0 40px #ff4da6, 0 0 50px #ff4da6, 0 0 60px #ff4da6, 0 0 70px #ff4da6, 0 0 80px #ff4da6; > >

Example of creating a glowing text with a linear gradient:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> body < background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(177, 64, 200, 1) 0%, rgba(109, 9, 121, 1) 35%, rgba(45, 1, 62, 1) 100%); > .glow < font-size: 70px; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; -webkit-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; > @-webkit-keyframes glow < from < text-shadow: 0 0 10px #eeeeee, 0 0 20px #000000, 0 0 30px #000000, 0 0 40px #000000, 0 0 50px #9554b3, 0 0 60px #9554b3, 0 0 70px #9554b3; > to < text-shadow: 0 0 20px #eeeeee, 0 0 30px #ff4da6, 0 0 40px #ff4da6, 0 0 50px #ff4da6, 0 0 60px #ff4da6, 0 0 70px #ff4da6, 0 0 80px #ff4da6; > > style> head> body> h1 class="glow">W3DOCS h1> body> html>


Example of creating a glowing text with a background color:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> html, body < margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; display: table; background-color: black; > .container < display: table-cell; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; > .glow < color: #FB4264; font-size: 9vw; line-height: 9vw; text-shadow: 0 0 3vw #F40A35; > .glow < animation: glow 1.2s ease infinite; -moz-animation: glow 1.2s ease infinite; -webkit-animation: glow 1.2s ease infinite; > @keyframes glow < 0%, 100% < text-shadow: 0 0 1vw #FA1C16, 0 0 3vw #FA1C16, 0 0 10vw #FA1C16, 0 0 10vw #FA1C16, 0 0 .4vw #FED128, .5vw .5vw .1vw #806914; color: #FED128; > 50% < text-shadow: 0 0 .5vw #800E0B, 0 0 1.5vw #800E0B, 0 0 5vw #800E0B, 0 0 5vw #800E0B, 0 0 .2vw #800E0B, .5vw .5vw .1vw #40340A; color: #806914; > > style> head> body> div class="container"> div class="glow">W3DOCS div> div> body> html>


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17 CSS Glow Text Effects

Collection of hand-picked free HTML and CSS glow (neon) text effect code examples from Codepen, GitHub and other resources. Update of November 2021 collection. 3 new items.


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About a code

Check Me Out Glow Text

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Neon Light Text


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About a code

Neon Light Text

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

CSS Neon Sign

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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About the code

Black Mirror Cracked Text Effect

This example shows how pure CSS can be used to re-create the cracked text effect from the Black Mirror TV show intro.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Shimmering Neon Text


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About the code

Shimmering Neon Text

Pure CSS shimmering neon text.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Flickering Neon Sign Effect Using CSS Text & Box Shadow


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About the code

Flickering Neon Sign Effect Using CSS Text & Box Shadow

This pen shows how the CSS text-shadow and box-shadow properties can be animated to create a flickering neon sign effect. Neon text and border color can be individually changed by updating their respective CSS variables.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: CSS Neon


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About the code

CSS Neon

Simple animated neon effect created with CSS.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Neon Text Effect


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About the code

Neon Text Effect

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Neon Text Flicker Glow


Made with

About the code

Neon Text Flicker Glow

Neon text flicker glow with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Bill 🚀👽 🌀 Paxton Tribute - Glow Text


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About the code

Bill 🚀👽 🌀 Paxton Tribute — Glow Text

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Glowing Text


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About the code

Glowing Text

HTML and CSS glowing text.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Neon Flux


Made with

About the code

Neon Flux

A pulsing neon sign made using many overlaid text-shadow s.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Neon text-shadow Effect


Made with

About the code

Neon text-shadow Effect

Neon text-shadow effect in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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About a code

Neon Sign

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About the code

Blazing Fire

Animated text effects using CSS3 text-shadow to give text headers a blazing flame.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

CSS Animated Neon Sign

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Typography Text Neon



CSS Text Glow Effects to Dazzle and Delight Your Users

CSS Text Glow Effects to Dazzle and Delight Your Users

A CSS text glow effect can be really helpful when you want to draw attention toward a part of your content. CSS glow effects can be used to add shadows, glows, and rotational effects, enhancing the appearance of text in interesting and uncommon ways.

Most of the time this type of effect is used in motion graphics, animations, and advertisements. So the question for many website owners and designers is how do you use text glow effects effectively on your site?

If you have a creative vibe, there are many opportunities to play around with text glow using little more than a dash of CSS. Such CSS text glow effects are great in making your own unique design and, by customizing pre-made CSS snippets, you can easily add some unique-looking CSS glow effects that will bring dimension and personality to your content.

In this article written by our team at wpDataTables, you’re going to discover some of the hottest text glow effects you can apply right now using CSS. Read on to learn more!

Uses for CSS text glow

Glowing text isn’t something you want to appear everywhere in all your content. That would be very disorienting for the reader. Instead, text glow effects should only be used to add life and appeal to specific elements like website section headings, banners, buttons, or CTAs.

Lighting and glow effects should ideally set the right ambiance for your website or application without making the highlighted element look odd. As such, it’s important to choose the right colors to suit your website branding and overall atmosphere.

For example, if you are planning to create a party-themed website you can put bright CSS text glow against a dark background to create a nice and inviting mood, similar to neon nightlife signage in the real world.

Of course, it’s always encouraged to get creative with your use of CSS text glow effects, as they can be implemented in many different ways on a website or app, such as in the text of a loading splash screen to keep users’ eyes peeled to the screen while they wait.

A list of great CSS text glow effects for you to try

We are about to check out some of the best text glow examples that you might want to use in your own work. Ready? Let’s take a look!

Glowing Pulse Form

In this example, Jack Rugile has created an animated CSS text glow effect for input forms. Using a glowing effect is one of the best ways to notify the users that they are about to input some text into a form.

The boxes don’t just glow, but they do so with an animated pulsing effect. Another cool advantage of this design is that it is made purely using CSS3 so this means you will be able to easily add your own color scheme and adjust the animation effects as per your design needs.

CSS Magical Glow Effect

This is a cool visual that can be used to add a glowing effect to text and other elements. However, you do need to know that this is going to work only in Chrome and in order to make it work on other ones the appropriate prefixes need to be added.

Shimmering Neon CSS Text Effect

Here’s another animated CSS text glow effect, but with a twist: it shimmers! It is done using CSS only and it is truly impressive. It works on browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and even Safari.

Neon Glow

Neon Glow is a relatively simple glowing effect with pulsing animation that can be tweaked and used wherever basic text glowing is desired.It was created by Anas Mazouni.

Transmission: Glowing Text Animation

This text animation is really nice and it can light up all the letters in a flowing sequence. It is mainly CSS-based, but it does require a short snippet of JavaScript too.

Hover Glow Effect

Glow effects are also used a lot of times in hover animations. There are many hover effects available in CSS,and yet, the glowing effect here is subtle and useful. This glow effect looks great on a dark background and it can be applied with nothing but CSS3.

The only disadvantage is that the effects stop quite fast even after a few seconds you still have your cursor on the element. Besides this small issue, this design is still a reliable choice that you might like to try out and tweak to your liking.

CSS Text & Box Shadow Flickering Neon Sign Effect

This CSS text glow effect can be animated if you want to create a neon flickering. By using this effect, the neon text and its border color can be changed when you update the CSS values.

What you get is a glow that goes from inward to outward and makes your text really look nice and lively. It can work great with Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari browsers so you shouldn’t experience any kind of problems around compatibility.

Infinity Loader Without SVG

The Infinity Loader is an excellent starting point for creating your own animated loading icon with pure CSS. The animation loops around in an endless cycle around the infinity symbol.

Who wants a plain circle icon when you can have an awesome, animated infinity icon?

Bill Paxton Tribute – Glow Text

Another cool CSS text glow, this one can work on any background or color that you set for the text. Besides the text-shadow, it offers a medium glow effect on each letter.

It can be used in creating sliders or banners on a website and it works on all Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari.

CSS Glow Button

This is a simple and clean glowing CSS button that can work for any project you have in mind. It creates an inverted glow effect on mouse hover.

A drop shadow rainbow effect for text

Here’s a cool drop shadow glow effect that you can add to any type of text that you’d like to draw attention to. With a few CSS tweaks, it might be just what you need.

Conclusion on using CSS text glow effects

CSS text glow effects are easy to apply to your existing content and they can make a great deal of difference to how your website is perceived. They’re powerful, bold, and creative, and will give your website an edge when it comes to user experience.

Be warned, though. While they can easily make a website, they can also break a website when over-used or used incorrectly. Make sure that you get some external feedback from others when tweaking your text effects so that you don’t cross that thin line between “cool!” and “cheesy!”

If you enjoyed reading this article on CSS text glow effects, you should check out this one about CSS editor.


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