Css scss в чем разница

What is the Difference between CSS and SCSS?

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In recent years, developers have consistently prioritized CSS as their primary choice for building and developing websites. However, SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) has considerably decreased the overall adoption of CSS across the board due to its commercial influence. These days, we can frequently replace CSS with an enhanced form of SASS called SCSS. Every web browser can read CSS, which is the standard style language. The CSS language is a subset of SCSS.

We will look at the head-to-head comparison of SCSS vs CSS in this article.

What is CSS?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets . It was introduced in 1994 at the WWW conference but wasn’t widely used in browsers until the mid-2000s . CSS is a scripting language that describes how HTML elements should appear on a web page. CSS allows developers to style web pages and make them more appealing and attractive.

Layout, color, and font can be separated from the text and displayed using the CSS language. With this separation, multiple web pages can share formatting by specifying CSS in their file, resulting in better accessibility, greater control, and flexibility. It reduces structural complexity.

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CSS syntax is pretty simple and contains a lot of English keywords. It includes selectors, properties, values, declarations, etc.

Let us use an example to explain its syntax:

We include the CSS file in the head using a link tag.

  • Here, body is a CSS selector.
  • #content is an id selector.
  • #content h1 and #content p represents a descendent selector.
  • background-color , padding , text-align , color are CSS properties.


Advantages of CSS

The advantages of CSS are as follows:

  1. Consistency: CSS creates a consistent structure that web designers can apply to other pages.
  2. Easy to use: It is easy to learn CSS and facilitates website creation. Codes are all on one page, so editing or improving the lines does not require going through multiple pages.
  3. Speed: An average website uses two or more pages of code. With CSS, that’s not the issue, so the website database remains uncluttered, preventing website loading delays.
  4. Multiple Browser Support: It is compatible with most modern web browsers.
  5. Transfer Size: It decreases the size of the file transfer. As a result, the file transfer happens quickly.
  6. Web-Page Crawl: CSS facilitates the website’s SEO. It is simpler for the search engine to locate the website in the search results when CSS is included in the web pages.

Disadvantages of CSS

The disadvantages of CSS are as follows:

  1. Different versions: There are numerous versions of CSS, which makes CSS confusing to use, especially for beginners.
  2. Fragmentations: With CSS, it’s possible that what functions in one browser won’t work in another. Because of this, web developers must evaluate the program’s compatibility by running it on several browsers.
  3. Complications: CSS might become a bit complicated if we use third-party tools.
  4. Lack of Security: Since CSS follows an open text format, it lacks an internal security framework that prevents it from being overridden. Anyone can modify the CSS file by accessing its read and write operations.
  5. Cross-Browser Issues: Initial CSS updates are easy to implement on a website from the developer’s perspective. After making the changes, the user must confirm compatibility if the CSS has the same altering effects across all browsers.

What is SCSS?

SCSS stands for Sassy Cascading Style Sheets or Sassy CSS . It is a superset of the CSS language that allows web designers more freedom and control when designing web designs by adding new features to CSS. Hampton Catlin developed it, and Chris Eppstein and Natalie Weizenbaum came up with the idea.

Using SCSS, we can extend CSS with many new capabilities, such as variables, nesting, and many others. Due to all of these extra features, writing SCSS may be easier and quicker than writing regular CSS.

Most browsers don’t understand SCSS and must be compiled into CSS before you can use them in a browser. The extension used for an SCSS style sheet is .scss .

It uses the same syntax as CSS, requiring brackets and semicolons to designate blocks and line endings. Let us understand its syntax by using the following example:

Example : We will convert the CSS used in the previous example to SCSS.

  • Here, $theme_blue:blue , $theme_black: black; and $theme_yellow: yellow; represent SCSS variables.
  • Instead of using a descendant selector to separate styles in CSS, we employ nesting in SCSS.

Advantages of SCSS

The advantages of SCSS are as follows:

  1. It helps users to write clean, quick, and less CSS code in a program construct.
  2. It contains fewer codes. Therefore, we can write CSS faster.
  3. SCSS offers nesting and significant functions, including color manipulation, math functions, etc.
  4. It consists of variables that help reuse the values.
  5. It is compatible with all CSS versions.
  6. The SASS has versatile online documentation.

Disadvantages of SCSS

The disadvantages of SCSS are as follows:

  1. Debugging: When trying to debug the code, preprocessors have a compilation stage that renders the CSS code lines worthless. However, debugging is significantly more challenging than programming, which is a significant downside.
  2. Understanding: Even though preprocessors have gained popularity, CSS still has a knowledge gap.
  3. Large CSS Files: The source files may be small, but the generated CSS may be enormous.
  4. Loss of benefits: The benefits of the browser’s built-in element inspector may be lost while using SASS.

Key Points to Compare SCSS vs CSS

  1. SCSS is more expressive: SCSS uses fewer lines of code than CSS, which makes the code load faster.
  2. Nested syntax: standard CSS doesn’t support nesting. There is no way to write a class inside another one. As the project expands, this leads to readability problems and an undesirable structure.SCSS supports nested syntax.
  3. SCSS contains advanced and modified features.
  4. Syntax: The syntax of SCSS uses indentations, which are not present in CSS.
  5. SCSS enables the user to write better inline documentation. Although CSS has flexible commenting options, any competent developer will prefer SCSS’s inline documentation. The lines of code are self-explanatory, thanks to inline documentation.
  6. Unlike CSS, which lacks nesting and variables, SCSS allows us to extend the code’s functionality.
  7. Customizing Bootstrap: SCSS helps in customizing Bootstrap 4.
  8. Mathematical Operations: SCSS allows us to do simple calculations inside our code using math operators.

Head to Head Comparison for SCSS vs CSS

Parameters CSS SCSS
Meaning and Definition CSS is a scripting language used for styling various web pages. SCSS is a more evolved and advanced form of the CSS language. It is a preprocessor language, and we need to compile it into the CSS language.
Lines of Code CSS makes extensive use of lines of code. It uses fewer lines of code than CSS.
Functions It consists of basic functions. It consists of advanced functions.
Rules for nesting The standard CSS does not assign various nested rules. SCSS supports the nesting rules.
Design CSS is a styling language that enables us to develop, design, and style various web pages. SCSS is a special file in a SASS program that we need to write in the Ruby language.
Language We commonly use CSS in JavaScript and HTML languages. We use the SCSS in the Ruby language.


  • CSS is a scripting language that allows developers to style web pages and make them more appealing and attractive.
  • Layout, color, and font can be separated from the text and displayed using the CSS language.
  • CSS is easy to learn and facilitates website creation. It is compatible with most browsers.
  • There are numerous versions of CSS, which makes CSS confusing to use, especially for beginners. It also lacks security.
  • SCSS stands for Sassy Cascading Style Sheets , a more evolved and advanced form of the CSS language.
  • SCSS uses fewer lines of code than CSS, which makes the code load faster.
  • Unlike CSS, which lacks nesting and variables, SCSS allows us to extend the code’s functionality.
  • The syntax of SCSS uses indentations, which are not present in CSS.



CSS is one of the foundations of web development. It has been there for years. But ever since SCSS has been developed, CSS has got a tough competition from it. So what is it that makes SCSS better than CSS? Read more to know the differences between both of them.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript. CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple web pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content. The basic idea behind CSS is to separate the structure of a document from the presentation of the document. HTML is meant for structure. It was never intended for anything else. All those attributes you add to style your pages were added later as the viewing public demanded it. All those additions though make HTML clumsy and work against its main purpose of structuring a document. HTML is there to let a browser know that this block of text is a paragraph and that block of text is a heading for this paragraph.

Advantages of CSS

  1. Easier to maintain and update
  2. Greater consistency in design
  3. More formatting options
  4. Lightweight code
  5. Faster download times
  6. Search engine optimization benefits
  7. Ease of presenting different styles to different viewers
  8. Greater accessibility

Disadvantages of CSS

  1. It ould be easily overridden
  2. It takes more time to download a CSS file than an HTML file.
  3. It becomes complicated because of different versions.


SASS or SCSS (short for syntactically awesome style sheets) is a style sheet language initially designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Natalie Weizenbaum. After its initial versions, Weizenbaum and Chris Eppstein have continued to extend Sass SassScript, a scripting language used in Sass files.

Sass consists of two syntaxes. The original syntax, called «the indented syntax,» uses a syntax similar to Haml. It uses indentation to separate code blocks and newline characters to separate rules. The newer syntax, «SCSS» (Sassy CSS), uses block formatting like that of CSS. It uses braces to denote code blocks and semicolons to separate rules within a block. The indented syntax and SCSS files are traditionally given the extensions .sass and .scss, respectively.

Advantages of SCSS

  1. It contains fewer codes so you can write CSS quicker.
  2. It is more stable, powerful, and elegant because it is an extension of CSS, making it easy for designers and developers to work more efficiently and quickly.
  3. It is compatible with all versions of CSS. So, you can use any available CSS libraries.
  4. It provides nesting so you can use nested syntax and useful functions like color manipulation, math functions, and other values.

Disadvantages of SCSS

  1. The developer must have enough time to learn new features present in this preprocessor before using it.
  2. Using SCSS may cause losing benefits of the browser’s built-in element inspector.
  3. Debugging becomes harder in case of SCSS
  4. It can produce very large CSS files.

Now that the brief description of both CSS and SCSS is done, we will discuss the comparison between CSS and SCSS

  1. SCSS contains all the features of CSS and contains more features that are not present in CSS which makes it a good choice for developers to use it.
  2. SCSS is full of advanced features.
  3. SCSS is more expressive than CSS
  4. It encourages proper nesting of rules.

Thanks for reading the article.


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