Css page break after always

CSS: page-break-after property

This CSS tutorial explains how to use the CSS property called page-break-after with syntax and examples.


The CSS page-break-after property defines how to handle page breaks after an element.


The syntax for the page-break-after CSS property is:

Parameters or Arguments

Determines how to handle page breaks after an element. It can be one of the following:

Value Description
auto Page breaks after the element are automatically created as required.
always Page breaks are always forced after the element.
avoid Page breaks are avoided after the element.
left Page breaks are forced after the element resulting in the browser formatting the next page as a left page.
right Page breaks are forced after the element resulting in the browser formatting the next page as a right page.
inherit Element will inherit the page-break-after from its parent element


Browser Compatibility

The CSS page-break-after property has basic support with the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox (Gecko)
  • Internet Explorer (IE)
  • Opera 7+
  • Safari (WebKit)


We will discuss the page-break-after property below, exploring examples of how to use this property in CSS.


Let’s look at an example of how to set the page-break-after property to always.

The CSS would look like this:

In this CSS example, the page-break-after property is set to always. This means that when the page is printed, the browser should always force a page break after the paragraph tag.


Let’s look at an example of how to set the page-break-after property to avoid.

The CSS would look like this:

In this CSS example, the page-break-after property is set to avoid. This means that when the page is printed, the browser should format the page to avoid a page break after the paragraph tag.


Let’s look at an example of how to set the page-break-after property to left.

The CSS would look like this:

In this CSS example, the page-break-after property is set to left. This means that when the page is printed, the browser should format the page so that the next page after the paragraph tag is formatted as a left page.

Let’s look at an example of how to set the page-break-after property to right.

The CSS would look like this:

In this CSS example, the page-break-after property is set to right. This means that when the page is printed, the browser should format the page so that the next page after the paragraph tag is formatted as a right page.


Now let’s look at how to set the page-break-after property to auto.

The CSS would look like this:

In this CSS page-break-after example, the page-break-after property is set to auto. This means that when the page is printed, the browser should automatically generate page breaks where appropriate. This is the default behavior.



The break-after CSS property sets how page, column, or region breaks should behave after a generated box. If there is no generated box, the property is ignored.

Try it


/* Generic break values */ break-after: auto; break-after: avoid; break-after: always; break-after: all; /* Page break values */ break-after: avoid-page; break-after: page; break-after: left; break-after: right; break-after: recto; break-after: verso; /* Column break values */ break-after: avoid-column; break-after: column; /* Region break values */ break-after: avoid-region; break-after: region; /* Global values */ break-after: inherit; break-after: initial; break-after: revert; break-after: revert-layer; break-after: unset; 

Each possible break point (in other words, each element boundary) is affected by three properties: the break-after value of the previous element, the break-before value of the next element, and the break-inside value of the containing element.

To determine if a break must be done, the following rules are applied:

  1. If any of the three concerned values is a forced break value ( always , left , right , page , column , or region ), it has precedence. If more than one of them are such a break, the one of the element that appears the latest in the flow is taken (i.e., the break-before value has precedence over the break-after value, which itself has precedence over the break-inside value).
  2. If any of the three concerned values is an avoid break value ( avoid , avoid-page , avoid-region , or avoid-column ), no such break will be applied at that point.

Once forced breaks have been applied, soft breaks may be added if needed, but not on element boundaries that resolve in a corresponding avoid value.


Generic break values

Allows, but does not force, any break (page, column, or region) to be inserted right after the principal box.

Avoids any break (page, column, or region) from being inserted right after the principal box.

Forces a page break right after the principal box. The type of this break is that of the immediately-containing fragmentation context. If we are inside a multicol container then it would force a column break, inside paged media (but not inside a multicol container) a page break.

Forces a page break right after the principal box. Breaking through all possible fragmentation contexts. So a break inside a multicol container, which was inside a page container would force a column and page break.

Page break values

Avoids any page break right after the principal box.

Forces a page break right after the principal box.

Forces one or two page breaks right after the principal box, whichever will make the next page into a left page. It’s the page placed on the left side of the spine of the book or the back side of the page in duplex printing.

Forces one or two page breaks right after the principal box, whichever will make the next page into a right page. It’s the page placed on the right side of the spine of the book or the front side of the page in duplex printing.

Forces one or two page breaks right after the principal box, whichever will make the next page into a recto page. (A recto page is a right page in a left-to-right spread or a left page in a right-to-left spread.)

Forces one or two page breaks right after the principal box, whichever will make the next page into a verso page. (A verso page is a left page in a left-to-right spread or a right page in a right-to-left spread.)

Column break values

Avoids any column break right after the principal box.

Forces a column break right after the principal box.

Region break values

Avoids any region break right after the principal box.

Forces a region break right after the principal box.

Page break aliases

For compatibility reasons, the legacy page-break-after property should be treated by browsers as an alias of break-after . This ensures that sites using page-break-after continue to work as designed. A subset of values should be aliased as follows:

page-break-after break-after
auto auto
left left
right right
avoid avoid
always page

Note: The always value of page-break-* was implemented by browsers as a page break, and not as a column break. Therefore the aliasing is to page , rather than the always value in the Level 4 spec.

Formal definition

Formal syntax

break-after =
auto |
avoid |
always |
all |
avoid-page |
page |
left |
right |
recto |
verso |
avoid-column |
column |
avoid-region |


Breaking into neat columns

In the following example we have a container that contains an spanning all columns (achieved using column-span: all ) and a series of s and paragraphs laid out in multiple columns using column-width: 200px .

By default, the subheadings and paragraphs were laid out rather messily because the headings were not in a uniform place. However, we used break-after: column on the

elements to force a column break after each one, meaning that you end up with an neatly at the top of each column.


article> h1>Main headingh1> h2>Subheadingh2> p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae fringilla mauris. Quisque commodo eget nisi sed pretium. Mauris luctus nec lacus in ultricies. Mauris vitae hendrerit arcu, ac scelerisque lacus. Aliquam lobortis in lacus sit amet posuere. Fusce iaculis urna id neque dapibus, eu lacinia lectus dictum. p> h2>Subheadingh2> p> Praesent condimentum dui dui, sit amet rutrum diam tincidunt eu. Cras suscipit porta leo sit amet rutrum. Sed vehicula ornare tincidunt. Curabitur a ipsum ac diam mattis volutpat ac ut elit. Nullam luctus justo non vestibulum gravida. Morbi metus libero, pharetra non porttitor a, molestie nec nisi. p> h2>Subheadingh2> p> Vivamus eleifend metus vitae neque placerat, eget interdum elit mattis. Donec eu vulputate nibh. Ut turpis leo, malesuada quis nisl nec, volutpat egestas tellus. p> h2>Subheadingh2> p> In finibus viverra enim vel suscipit. Quisque consequat velit eu orci malesuada, ut interdum tortor molestie. Proin sed pellentesque augue. Nam risus justo, faucibus non porta a, congue vel massa. Cras luctus lacus nisl, sed tincidunt velit pharetra ac. Duis suscipit faucibus dui sed ultricies. p> article> 


html  font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; > h1  font-size: 3rem; letter-spacing: 2px; column-span: all; > h2  font-size: 1.2rem; color: red; letter-spacing: 1px; > p  line-height: 1.5; break-after: column; > article  column-width: 200px; gap: 20px; > 


CSS page-break-after Property

The page-break-after property adds a page-break after a specified element.

Tip: The properties: page-break-before, page-break-after and page-break-inside help to define how a document should behave when printed.

Note: You cannot use this property on an empty or on absolutely positioned elements.

Default value: auto
Inherited: no
Animatable: no. Read about animatable
Version: CSS2
JavaScript syntax: object.style.pageBreakAfter=»always»

Browser Support

The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property.

Note: None of the browsers support «avoid».

Note: Browsers may interpret «left» and «right» as «always».

CSS Syntax

Property Values

Value Description
auto Default. Automatic page-break
always Always insert a page-break after the element
avoid Avoid a page-break after the element (if possible)
left Insert page-break after the element so that the next page is formatted as a left page
right Insert page-break after the element so that the next page is formatted as a right page
initial Sets this property to its default value. Read about initial
inherit Inherits this property from its parent element. Read about inherit



Это свойство было заменено свойством break-after .

Свойство page-break-after добавляет разрыв страницы при печати документа после заданного элемента.



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/* Keyword values */ page-break-after: auto; page-break-after: always; page-break-after: avoid; page-break-after: left; page-break-after: right; page-break-after: recto; page-break-after: verso; /* Global values */ page-break-after: inherit; page-break-after: initial; page-break-after: unset; 


always Всегда добавляет разрыв страницы после элемента. auto Вставляет разрыв страницы при необходимости. avoid Запрещает разрыв страницы после элемента. left Пропускает одну или две страницы после элемента, чтобы следующая страница при печати была четной. right Пропускает одну или две страницы после элемента, чтобы следующая страница при печати была нечетной.

Значение по-умолчанию: auto

Применяется к блочным элементам


Поддержка браузерами¶

Описание и примеры¶

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 html> head> meta charset="utf-8" /> title>page-break-aftertitle> style> @media print  .more  page-break-after: always; > > style> head> body> h2>Мусорные пакетыh2> p> История о том, как однажды мусорных пакетов оказалось несколько больше, чем хотелось, как и для чего их можно использовать, и что из этого получилось. p> p class="more">Читать дальшеp> body> html> 


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