Css menu full screen

How to create Full Screen Menu | HTML & CSS Project — Frontend everything

I am Piyush, Sharing About Web development Daily. You can also check out me at @frontendeverything .

Before starting the blog, you might think about where you can use this project in real-life-based projects. So it’s an Amazing Full Screen Menu that you can use in your own blog project. So it will look attractive.

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Let’s start making these amazing Full Screen Menu Using HTML & CSS step by step .

So that was the preview now let us start making the project 😄 First, we will code HTML then CSS, and also I have shared codepen ink to make it easier for you.

HTML 🎈( step — 1)

 input < display: none; >.open < background-color: #3c3c3c; width: 24px; height: 4px; display: block; border-radius: 2px; cursor: pointer; position: relative; top: 8px; >.open:before < content: ""; background-color: #3c3c3c; width: 24px; height: 4px; display: block; border-radius: 2px; position: relative; top: -8px; transform: rotate(0deg); transition: all 0.3s ease; >.open:after < content: ""; background-color: #3c3c3c; width: 24px; height: 4px; display: block; border-radius: 2px; position: relative; top: 4px; transform: rotate(0deg); transition: all 0.3s ease; >.menuOpen < width: 24px; height: 20px; display: block; padding: 15px; cursor: pointer; float: right; >.menuOpen:hover .open:before < top: -9px; >.menuOpen:hover .open:after < top: 5px; >.menu < position: fixed; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; top: 0; left: 0; background: rgba(255, 135, 2, 0.9); >.menu label < width: 30px; height: 30px; position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 20px; background-size: 100%; cursor: pointer; >.menu .menuContent < position: relative; top: 50%; font-size: 54px; text-align: center; padding-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -170px; >.menu ul < list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0 auto; >.menu ul li a < display: block; color: white; text-decoration: none; transition: color 0.2s; font-family: Trebuchet MS; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 10px 0; >.menu ul li a:hover < color: #ff8702; >.menu ul li:hover < background: white; >.menuEffects < opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; transition: opacity 0.5s, visibility 0.5s; >.menuEffects ul < transform: translateY(0%); transition: all 0.5s; >#menuToggle:checked ~ .menuEffects < opacity: 1; visibility: visible; transition: opacity 0.5s; >#menuToggle:checked ~ .menuEffects ul < opacity: 1; >#menuToggle:checked ~ .menuOpen .open < background-color: transparent; >#menuToggle:checked ~ .menuOpen .open:before < content: ""; background-color: white; transform: rotate(45deg); position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; z-index: 1; >#menuToggle:checked ~ .menuOpen .open:after < content: ""; background-color: white; transform: rotate(-45deg); position: relative; top: 0; right: 0; z-index: 1; >#menuToggle:not(:checked) ~ .menuEffects ul

Output till now

Create Full Screen Menu Using HTML and CSS - Frontend Everything

( step — 2)

Now we have done the CSS coding as well, now we will see the final output and also check the codepen link mentioned below.

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21 CSS Fullscreen Menus

Collection of hand-picked free HTML and CSS fullscreen menu code examples from codepen and other resources. Update of December 2018 collection. 11 new items.


Made with

About a code

Simple Full Screen Menu with CSS

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Simple Full Screen Menu

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Simple Full Screen Menu

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Simple Full Screen Menu

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Simple Full Screen Menu

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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About a code

Hamburger Menu Full Screen

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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About a code

Animated Hamburger Menu

Purely made through HTML and CSS.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Full Page Nav

A concept design of full-page navigation, full of typography, and using icons as large images.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

CSS Navigation

Click the toggle to open the menu and see the magic. This experiment relies on the only CSS to style, animate and position elements.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Sexy Fullscreen Menu


Made with

About the code

Sexy Fullscreen Menu

Sexy fullscreen menu with sexy links in HTML and CSS.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Hamburger Menu

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: HTML5 and CSS3 Only Simple and Responsive Fullscreen Menu


Made with

About the code

HTML5 and CSS3 Only Simple and Responsive Fullscreen Menu

A simple and responsive fullscreen menu. HTML5 and CSS3 only. No jQuery. IE11 friendly.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Fullscreen Menu Concept


Made with

About the code

Fullscreen Menu Concept

One more for the collection, this one includes a custom menu icon. I think the animation became great.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: CSS Full Width Menu



Full Screen Overlay Navigation Bar Using HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT [Free Source Code]

In this blog post, we are going to create a fancy navigation bar using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

This navigation menu would be not just a regular navbar, but, a full-screen overlay navigation menu.

This will be a responsive navigation bar menu that will be responsive for both mobile and desktop displays.

It will be really fun to code this and navigation bars like these create an amazing impression of your website in the user’s head.

Benefits of Full Screen Navigation Bar Menu

Well, you can have a navigation bar that is right at the top of the website. So what does this full-screen overlay navigation achieve?

As a pro, you get a consistent view between your mobile and your desktop.

Users are able to interact with your responsive mobile website and desktop site in the same way.

Also, you get a lot of free space on the top of the websites which makes your website a little different from other websites out there.

Create A Full-Screen Navigation Bar Menu

To begin with, we will create three files in our code editor:

After these, we will create a basic HTML structure using the Emmet extension for visual studio and will link our CSS and Script file.

Adding HTML Elements For Navigation Bar

Now, to the HTML structure, we will add a few HTML elements and create our header and our Navigation bar.

This is what the HTML code looks like:

Adding Styles To Our Navigation Menu HTML Elements

Now, it’s time to style our header and nav elements and create a fancy full-screen overlay navigation menu.

The CSS will look like this

The result of the above HTML and CSS is that we have a top website header and a navigation menu. But the nav is not an overlay as we want at the moment.

Now we will add some more CSS to make it an overlay.

These three CSS properties make our nav a perfect overlay.

Now we have to make use of some Javascript to make the navigation menu hide and show.

The Javascript is very simple, we are just toggling a class that hides or shows the menu.


Tailwind CSS: How to Create a Full-Screen Overlay Menu

A full-screen overlay menu has a fixed position as well as full-screen width and height. It stays over other elements of the webpage. However, a full-screen overlay menu is hidden by default and only shows up as needed (when the user performs an action like clicking a button).

This article walks you through a complete example of implementing a full-screen overlay menu with Tailwind CSS and a little vanilla Javascript (only a few lines of code). Without any further ado, let’s move on the the things that matter.

Example review

The simple webpage we’re going to make has a blue button that can be used to show the menu.

The menu will appear softly and smoothly from the top left corner of the viewport as its size increases and the transparency decreases. On the contrary, when leaving, the size of the menu will gradually decrease and the transparency will also increase accordingly.

The code

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var menu = document.getElementById("menu"); // this function is used to open the menu function openMenu() < menu.classList.remove("w-0", "h-0", "opacity-0"); menu.classList.add("w-screen", "h-screen", "opacity-95"); >// this function is used to close the menu function closeMenu()


We use the fixed utility to give the menu (the element with the id of menu) a fixed position. We also add the z-90 utility to set a big z-index. In the beginning, the width and height are both zero (w-0, h-0) and the opacity is completely transparent (opacity-0).

When the blue button is clicked, the openMenu() function is called. At this point, we change the width and the height from zero to full screen (w-screen, h-screen). Opacity from 0 to 95% (opacity-95):

menu.classList.remove("w-0", "h-0", "opacity-0"); menu.classList.add("w-screen", "h-screen", "opacity-95");

The menu does not appear suddenly, but gently, thanks to the duration-700 utility class.

When the closeMenu() function is fired, everything happens in reverse.


You’ve examined an end-to-end example of constructing a full-screen overlay navigation menu with Tailwind CSS and vanilla Javascript. You can modify the code, add some things, remove some things, and adjust some values to make it suit your need. I

If you’d like to learn how to build other kinds of menus with Tailwind CSS, take a look at the following articles:

You can also check out our CSS category page for the latest tutorials and examples.


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