Css label font size


The font CSS shorthand property sets all the different properties of an element’s font. Alternatively, it sets an element’s font to a system font.

Try it

As with any shorthand property, any individual value that is not specified is set to its corresponding initial value (possibly overriding values previously set using non-shorthand properties). Though not directly settable by font , the longhands font-size-adjust and font-kerning are also reset to their initial values.

Constituent properties

This property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:


The font property may be specified as either a single keyword, which will select a system font, or as a shorthand for various font-related properties.

If font is specified as a system keyword, it must be one of: caption , icon , menu , message-box , small-caption , status-bar .

If font is specified as a shorthand for several font-related properties, then:

  • it must include values for:
    • it may optionally include values for:
      • font-style , font-variant and font-weight must precede font-size
      • font-variant may only specify the values defined in CSS 2.1, that is normal and small-caps
      • font-stretch may only be a single keyword value.
      • line-height must immediately follow font-size , preceded by «/», like this: » 16px/3 «
      • font-family must be the last value specified.


      System font values

      The system font used for captioned controls (e.g., buttons, drop-downs, etc.).

      The system font used to label icons.

      The system font used in menus (e.g., dropdown menus and menu lists).

      The system font used in dialog boxes.

      The system font used for labeling small controls.

      The system font used in window status bars.

      Prefixed system font keywords

      Browsers often implement several more, prefixed, keywords: Gecko implements -moz-window , -moz-document , -moz-desktop , -moz-info , -moz-dialog , -moz-button , -moz-pull-down-menu , -moz-list , and -moz-field .

      Formal definition

      • font-style : normal
      • font-variant : normal
      • font-weight : normal
      • font-stretch : normal
      • font-size : medium
      • line-height : normal
      • font-family : depends on user agent
      • font-size : refer to the parent element’s font size
      • line-height : refer to the font size of the element itself
      • font-style : as specified
      • font-variant : as specified
      • font-weight : the keyword or the numerical value as specified, with bolder and lighter transformed to the real value
      • font-stretch : as specified
      • font-size : as specified, but with relative lengths converted into absolute lengths
      • line-height : for percentage and length values, the absolute length, otherwise as specified
      • font-family : as specified
      • font-style : by computed value type; normal animates as oblique 0deg
      • font-variant : discrete
      • font-weight : a font weight
      • font-stretch : a font stretch
      • font-size : a length
      • line-height : either number or length
      • font-family : discrete

      Formal syntax

      font =
      [ [ || || || ]? [ / ]? ] |
      caption |
      icon |
      menu |
      message-box |
      small-caption |

      normal |

      normal |
      ultra-condensed |
      extra-condensed |
      condensed |
      semi-condensed |
      semi-expanded |
      expanded |
      extra-expanded |


      Setting font properties

      /* Set the font size to 12px and the line height to 14px. Set the font family to sans-serif */ p  font: 12px/14px sans-serif; > /* Set the font size to 80% of the parent element or default value (if no parent element present). Set the font family to sans-serif */ p  font: 80% sans-serif; > /* Set the font weight to bold, the font-style to italic, the font size to large, and the font family to serif. */ p  font: bold italic large serif; > /* Use the same font as the status bar of the window */ p  font: status-bar; > 

      Live sample

      p> Change the radio buttons below to see the generated shorthand and its effect. p> form action="createShortHand()"> div class="cf"> div class="setPropCont"> font-stylebr /> input type="radio" id="font-style-none" name="font_style" checked="" value="" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-style-none">nonelabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-style-normal" name="font_style" value="normal" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-style-normal">normallabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-style-italic" name="font_style" value="italic" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-style-italic">italiclabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-style-oblique" name="font_style" value="oblique" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-style-oblique">obliquelabel> div> div class="setPropCont"> font-variantbr /> input type="radio" id="font-variant-none" name="font_variant" checked="" value=" " onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-variant-none">nonelabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-variant-normal" name="font_variant" value="normal" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-variant-normal">normallabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-variant-small-caps" name="font_variant" value="small-caps" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-variant-small-caps">small-capslabel> div> div class="setPropCont"> font-weightbr /> input type="radio" id="font-weight-none" name="font_weight" value="" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-weight-none">nonelabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-weight-normal" checked="" name="font_weight" value="400" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-weight-normal">normallabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-weight-bold" name="font_weight" value="700" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-weight-bold">boldlabel> div> div class="setPropCont"> font-sizebr /> input type="radio" id="font-size-12px" name="font_size" value="12px" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-size-12px">12pxlabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-size-16px" name="font_size" value="16px" checked="" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-size-16px">16pxlabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-size-24px" name="font_size" value="24px" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-size-24px">24pxlabel> div> div class="setPropCont"> line-heightbr /> input type="radio" id="line-height-none" name="line_height" checked="" value="" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="line-height-none">nonelabel>br /> input type="radio" id="line-height-1.2" name="line_height" value="/1.2" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="line-height-1.2">1.2label>br /> input type="radio" id="line-height-3" name="line_height" value="/3" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="line-height-3">3label> div> br /> div class="setPropCont fontfamily"> font-familybr /> input type="radio" id="font-family-courier" name="font_family" checked="" value="courier" onchange="setCss(5,'courier')" /> label for="font-family-courier">courierlabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-family-serif" name="font_family" value="serif" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-family-serif">seriflabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-family-sans-serif" name="font_family" value="sans-serif" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-family-sans-serif">sans-seriflabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-family-arial" name="font_family" value="arial" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-family-arial">Ariallabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-family-monospace" name="font_family" value="monospace" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-family-monospace">monospacelabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-family-cursive" name="font_family" value="cursive" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-family-cursive">cursivelabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-family-fantasy" name="font_family" value="fantasy" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-family-fantasy">fantasylabel>br /> input type="radio" id="font-family-system-ui" name="font_family" value="system-ui" onchange="setCss()" /> label for="font-family-system-ui">system-uilabel>br /> div> div> div class="cf propInputs"> div class="propInputCont tar">font :div> div class="propInputCont"> input type="text" class="curCss" id="input_font_style" />br /> font-style br /> optional div> div class="propInputCont"> input type="text" class="curCss" id="input_font_variant" /> br /> font-variant br /> optional div> div class="propInputCont"> input type="text" class="curCss" id="input_font_weight" /> br /> font-weight br /> optional div> div class="propInputCont"> input type="text" class="curCss mandatory" id="input_font_size" /> br /> font-size br /> mandatory div> div class="propInputCont"> input type="text" class="curCss" id="input_line_height" /> br /> line-height br /> optional div> div class="propInputCont"> input type="text" class="curCss mandatory" id="input_font_family" /> br /> font-family br /> mandatory div> div> form> div class="fontShortHand">This is some sample text.div> br />br />br />br />br />br /> 
      body, input  font: 14px arial; overflow: hidden; > .propInputCont  float: left; text-align: center; margin-right: 5px; width: 80px; > .setPropCont  float: left; margin-right: 5px; width: 120px; > .propInputs, .setPropCont  margin-bottom: 1em; > .curCss  border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid black; text-align: center; width: 80px; > .mandatory  border-bottom-color: red; > .cf::before, .cf::after  content: " "; display: table; > .cf::after  clear: both; > .tar  width: 40px; text-align: right; > .fontfamily  display: inline-block; > 
      const textAreas = document.getElementsByClassName("curCss"); function getProperties()  return ( `$getCheckedValue("font_style")> ` + `$getCheckedValue("font_variant")> ` + `$getCheckedValue("font_weight")> ` + `$getCheckedValue("font_size")>` + `$getCheckedValue("line_height")> ` + `$getCheckedValue("font_family")>` ); > function getCheckedValue(radioName)  const radios = document.forms[0].elements[radioName]; for (let i = 0; i  radios.length; i++)  if (radios[i].checked)  const curElemName = `input_$radioName>`; const curElem = document.getElementById(curElemName); curElem.value = radios[i].value; return radios[i].value; > > > function setCss()  injectCss(getProperties()); > function injectCss(cssFragment)  const old = document.body.getElementsByTagName("style"); if (old.length > 1)  old[1].parentElement.removeChild(old[1]); > css = document.createElement("style"); css.textContent = `.fontShortHand $cssFragment>>`; document.body.appendChild(css); > setCss(); 


      Browser compatibility

      BCD tables only load in the browser


      How can I change the font size for labels in HTML?

      Hi, I have a form with some checkboxes and labels as below:

      Now how can I change the font size of label text to 17px?

      Thank you for any suggestions.

      Hello, You can use the font-size property of CSS to do. 1. Write CSS inline You can set direct CSS into label tag by style attribute as below:

      With this way you also copy f-size17 class for all label tags. 3. Write selector for all label tag

      1. How to center text of

        tag html using CSS?

      2. how to remove bullets from ul Html tag in css?
      3. How do I change the background opacity in CSS?
      4. How to add a custom font into Html using CSS?
      5. What is the difference between class and id selector in CSS?
      6. TypeError: first argument must be an iterable of pandas objects
      7. Error module not found: Can’t resolve ‘jquery’ in react
      8. How to random number generator 1-100 in Python?
      9. How to create a group of css multiple classes same style?
      10. ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype(‘float64’) in Python
      11. TypeError: method takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given in Python
      12. Your settings are invalid. Reason: Path «/usr/share/logstash/data» must be a writable directory. It is not writable.
      13. TypeScript error in E:/VSCODE/src/components/Header/index.tsx(13,17): ‘
      14. SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character in Python
      15. RuntimeWarning: Invalid value encountered in true_divide in Python

      * Type maximum 2000 characters.

      * All comments have to wait approved before display.

      * Please polite comment and respect questions and answers of others.

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