- Wildcard Selectors (*, ^ and $) in CSS for classes
- Contains (*=) wildcard selector in CSS
- Syntax
- Example
- Using the contains (*=) wildcard CSS selector in CSS.
- Starts with (^=) wildcard selector in CSS
- Syntax
- Example
- Using the starts with (^=) wildcard CSS selector in CSS
- Ends with ($=) wildcard selector in CSS
- Syntax
- Example
- Using the ends with ($=) wildcard CSS selector in CSS.
- Example
- Using the ends with ($=) wildcard CSS selector in CSS.
- CSS — идентифицировать классы по маске
- Решение
- CSS Wildcard Selectors
- Contains *=
- Starts With ^=
- Ends With $=
- In List ~=
Wildcard Selectors (*, ^ and $) in CSS for classes
In CSS, selectors are used to selecting the elements by class name, id, tag, etc. There are also some wildcard selectors available in CSS, which we can use to define the queries to select the HTML elements.
Wildcard selectors allow us to select an HTML element containing the particular substring in the value of the particular attribute, such as class or id. In this tutorial, we will learn to use the *,^, and $ wildcard selectors for classes and id.
Contains (*=) wildcard selector in CSS
The contains (*=) wildcard selector allows developers to find all HTML elements whose attribute value contains the ‘string’ as a substring. For example, using the ‘*’ wildcard selector with the class finds all HTML elements whose class name contains the string.
Users can follow the syntax below to use the contains (*) wildcard selector for classes.
The above syntax selects all HTML elements containing the ‘string’ as a substring in the class name.
In the example below, we have created the four different div elements and added the texts inside that according to its class name. In CSS, we have used the ‘contains’ wildcard selector to select all div elements whose class name contains the ‘test’ as a substring.
In the output, users can observe the colour of the first two div element’s texts is red as it contains the class name with the ‘test’ substring.
[class*="test"]Using the contains (*=) wildcard CSS selector in CSS.
This is a text with the class name test1.This is a text with the class name sampletest.This is a text with the class name demo test.This is a text with the class name element.
Starts with (^=) wildcard selector in CSS
The starts with (^=) wildcard selector allows us to select all HTML elements whose attribute value starts with the particular substring.
Users can follow the syntax below to use the starts with wildcard selector for classes.
The above syntax selects all HTML elements whose class name starts with the ‘string’.
In the example below, we have used the starts with (^=) wildcard CSS selector with the class to select elements based on the class name.
In the output, users can observe that the first and third div element’s text turns blue as it contains the ‘test’ string at the start. The second div element contains the ‘test’ in the class name, but it is at the end of the class name, so it is not selected by the starts with (^=) wildcard selector.
[class^="test"]Using the starts with (^=) wildcard CSS selector in CSS
This is a text with the class name test1.This is a text with the class name sampletest.This is a text with the class name testdemo test.This is a text with the class name element.
Ends with ($=) wildcard selector in CSS
The ends with ($=) wildcard selector selects all HTML elements if a particular attribute value contains the substring at the end. For example, if the class names of two different elements are ‘onestart’ and ‘lastone’, and the substring is ‘one’, it will select an HTML element with only the ‘lastone’ class name as it contains the one substring at the end.
Users can follow the syntax below to use the ends with ($=) wildcard CSS selector for classes.
The above syntax selects all HTML elements whose class name ends with the ‘string’ substring.
In the example below, 2 nd and fourth div elements contain the ‘test’ substring at the end in the class name value. We have used the ends with ($=) wildcard CSS selector to select both div elements and applied border, margin, and padding to them.
[class$="test"]Using the ends with ($=) wildcard CSS selector in CSS.
This is a text with the class name test1.This is a text with the class name sampletest.This is a text with the class name testdemo test.This is a text with the class name elementtest.
In the example below, we use id with the ends with CSS selector rather than using the class as an attribute. It demonstrates how to use other attributes with the wildcard CSS selector to select HTML elements.
Here, we select all HTML elements whose id contains the ‘name’ at the end of its value and change font style and colour.
[id$="name"]Using the ends with ($=) wildcard CSS selector in CSS.
Users learned to use the wildcard CSS selectors for classes. Users can use the contains (*=) CSS selector to get elements whose attribute value contains a substring in the middle, starts with (^=) CSS selector to get elements whose attribute value contains a substring in the start, and ends with ($=) for the end.
Also, users learned how to use wildcard CSS selector with other attributes such as an id in the last example.
CSS — идентифицировать классы по маске
Такая ситуация, нужно идентифицировать все классы по маске.
Допустим есть следующие классы:
.class1 .class2 .class3 .class4
Можно ли как-нибудь их все идентифицировать по маске, чтобы не указывать стиль для каждого в отдельности?
Свечение по маске, контуру png. css hover
Можно ли стандартными путями сделать свечение по форме изображения с прозрачностью? Т.е. есть .png.
Основы css, css классы
Я новичок поэтому не смейтесь. вот есть классы css. <div .
Css и классы
Изучаю CSS. Вроде бы ничего сложного, но никак не могу понять смысл использования селектора класса.
У меня ситуация немного посложнее, вот что надо
#vote_check0:checked ~label, #vote_check1:checked ~label, #vote_check2:checked ~label,
Тут как сделать? Помогите пожалуйста.
Сообщение было отмечено skapunker как решение
[id^="vote_check"]:checked ~label{}
Переключить классы/убрать анимацию в CSS
Добрый день. Есть блок с анимацией: фото выезжает с левой стороны в центр экрана. Оформлено как.
php и классы css
можно ли как-то в ксс заместо значений вставить переменные?
Удалить не используемые классы в css
Возник такой вопрос, есть утилита которая добавляет кнопку с выбранным в ней эффектом, эффектов css.
Замена фразы по маске на другую фразу по маске в файле
Добрый день! Имеется задача, которую, к сожалению, пока не могу реализовать: Есть текстовый файл.
CSS Wildcard Selectors
Good selectors can be hard to find. It’s always nice when the elements we need have automation friendly attributes, but sometimes thats not an option. These wildcards can help when you just need to match on part of what attributes are present.
Contains *=
There are times where finding a unique substring within a value is just the solution needed. In this case from the Automation Practice website, there are multiple products on a page all with the same markup and even the same text description. The link to the item though has the products unique id in it.
Rather than use string interpolation to generate the full link text, we can instead use *= to match just part of attributes value.
Using the class name in conjunction with *= to select the specific item on the page.
The site has another section with the same item listed so the first find will narrow the scope of the search to the homefeatured section then look up our item and click on it.
page.find("ul[class~='homefeatured']") .find(".product-name[href*='3&']").click
Starts With ^=
Sometimes part of the attribute values you need are static but with dynamic or seemingly random data at the end. What seemed like a perfectly good and unique selector suddenly stops working the next time you run you tests or when new elements are added to the page. For cases like this using ^= will match on the beginning of the attributes value.
For a real world example from Ultimate QA’s complicated page
In this case the class attribute has some auto-generated value appended to the end of what otherwise would be a very easily located element.
Using ^= with the selector to find based on user_login :
Then setting a value for that element:
page.find("input[id^='user_login']") .set('my_name_is')
Ends With $=
Just like using ^= to match on the beginning of a string, to match on the end of a string use $= .
For a real world example from the Association for Software Testing
In this particular case it may seem just as easy to match on the link text About . It would work, but it gives me pause. The text could be changed, it could be internationalized and tests may work in one locale but break in others. The url to the about page is more likely to remain unchanged, but who wants to include the full url in a selector.
The selector will match on the end of the route.
and clicking that element:
In List ~=
Sometimes the element you are searching for has a value you want to use to locate it but it’s not the only value assigned to the attribute. You often see this with the class attribute but it’s not a problem because using the . selector will find a specific class in the list of assigned classes.
For a real world example from Github
Looking at the data-hotkey attribute as an example, it may not seem that bad to use the full text to match on since it is so short and a hotkey seems unlikely to change. Not every attribute is so short and friendly though, I wouldn’t want to try a full text match for data-selected-links .
Using ~= will look for the value in a space separated list.
The selector to find based on p value in data-hotkey :
and clicking that element: