Css hide input name

make an input invisible but clickable through CSS?

As you see in the example, the radio is appearing on top. How can I make appear on the back and be clickable or even hide it while letting it be clickable?

invisible but clickable? you mean you are going to trigger click of one element which is invisible with some other element?

5 Answers 5

Adding opacity: 0 to the input might be a start. Not sure about browser support, but it seems to work on the newest versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

.main < position: relative >.main > div < width: 200px; height: 200px; background: #f00; >input < width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; >input:checked + div

You can also hide the input and only show a label. I modified a couple of things from the fiddle to give you an example:

I have only copied the modified CSS blocks, the rest remain unchanged.

Won’t work because events are not fired on visibility:hidden elements. See this non-working demo: jsfiddle.net/t87k5k8u/14

Yes but! If you click on the label, the event is fired. Therefore, by changing your »

Opps, yeah you’re right. My Bad. Sorry. I’d remove my down-vote but the system wont let me unless you make an edit. (maybe you can make a tiny format change or something?)

Читайте также:  '.htmlspecialchars($this->params['rtitle']).'

Sure. You can make the input go invisible.

Use CSS Opacity. Make sure its too faint to be seen but not actually fully transparent so that the browser still renders it (for maximum x-browser compatibility):

opacity:0.02; /* not FULLY transparent */ filter: alpha(opacity=0); /* IE8 and lower */ zoom: 1; /* Triggers "hasLayout" in IE 7 and lower */ 
.main < position: relative >.main > div < width: 200px; height: 200px; background: #f00; >input < width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; opacity:0.02; /* not FULLY transparent */ filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE8 and lower */ zoom: 1; /* Triggers "hasLayout" in IE 7 and lower */ >input:checked + div

For this task I would use the for attribute in the label elements and, since you’re placing a div inside an inline element, I would slightly change and simplify the markup like so

fieldset div < position: relative; width: 100px; height: 100px; border: 0; margin: 10px 0; >label < position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; font: 0/0 a; cursor: pointer; >input + label < background: red; >input:checked + label

Each radio element becomes not visible due to the label element which is positioned in absolute . Instead of a div you could change the background colour of the label.

As a side note with this approach you don’t need to use an extra empty element, the semantic is improved and the use of label elements increases the accessibility of your form (without CSS enabled you would see all the checkboxes with theirs associated label aside)


Css hide input name

Note: The input and change events do not apply to this input type. Hidden inputs cannot be focused even using JavaScript (e.g. hiddenInput.focus() ).


The element’s value attribute holds a string that contains the hidden data you want to include when the form is submitted to the server. This specifically can’t be edited or seen by the user via the user interface, although you could edit the value via browser developer tools.

Warning: While the value isn’t displayed to the user in the page’s content, it is visible—and can be edited—using any browser’s developer tools or «View Source» functionality. Do not rely on hidden inputs as a form of security.

Additional attributes


This is actually one of the common attributes, but it has a special meaning available for hidden inputs. Normally, the name attribute functions on hidden inputs just like on any other input. However, when the form is submitted, a hidden input whose name is set to _charset_ will automatically be reported with the value set to the character encoding used to submit the form.

Using hidden inputs

As mentioned above, hidden inputs can be used anywhere that you want to include data the user can’t see or edit along with the form when it’s submitted to the server. Let’s look at some examples that illustrate its use.

Tracking edited content

One of the most common uses for hidden inputs is to keep track of what database record needs to be updated when an edit form is submitted. A typical workflow looks like this:

  1. User decides to edit some content they have control over, such as a blog post, or a product entry. They get started by pressing the edit button.
  2. The content to be edited is taken from the database and loaded into an HTML form to allow the user to make changes.
  3. After editing, the user submits the form, and the updated data is sent back to the server to be updated in the database.

The idea here is that during step 2, the ID of the record being updated is kept in a hidden input. When the form is submitted in step 3, the ID is automatically sent back to the server with the record content. The ID lets the site’s server-side component know exactly which record needs to be updated with the submitted data.

You can see a full example of what this might look like in the Examples section below.

Improving website security

Hidden inputs are also used to store and submit security tokens or secrets, for the purposes of improving website security. The basic idea is that if a user is filling in a sensitive form, such as a form on their banking website to transfer some money to another account, the secret they would be provided with would prove that they are who they say they are, and that they are using the correct form to submit the transfer request.

This would stop a malicious user from creating a fake form, pretending to be a bank, and emailing the form to unsuspecting users to trick them into transferring money to the wrong place. This kind of attack is called a Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF); pretty much any reputable server-side framework uses hidden secrets to prevent such attacks.

Note: Placing the secret in a hidden input doesn’t inherently make it secure. The key’s composition and encoding would do that. The value of the hidden input is that it keeps the secret associated with the data and automatically includes it when the form is sent to the server. You need to use well-designed secrets to actually secure your website.


Hidden inputs don’t participate in constraint validation; they have no real value to be constrained.


Let’s look at how we might implement a simple version of the edit form we described earlier (see Tracking edited content), using a hidden input to remember the ID of the record being edited.

The edit form’s HTML might look a bit like this:

form> div> label for="title">Post title:label> input type="text" id="title" name="title" value="My excellent blog post" /> div> div> label for="content">Post content:label> textarea id="content" name="content" cols="60" rows="5"> This is the content of my excellent blog post. I hope you enjoy it! textarea> div> div> button type="submit">Update postbutton> div> input type="hidden" id="postId" name="postId" value="34657" /> form> 

Let’s also add some simple CSS:

html  font-family: sans-serif; > form  width: 500px; > div  display: flex; margin-bottom: 10px; > label  flex: 2; line-height: 2; text-align: right; padding-right: 20px; > input, textarea  flex: 7; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 1.1rem; padding: 5px; > textarea  height: 60px; > 

The server would set the value of the hidden input with the ID » postID » to the ID of the post in its database before sending the form to the user’s browser and would use that information when the form is returned to know which database record to update with modified information. No scripting is needed in the content to handle this.

The output looks like this:

Note: You can also find the example on GitHub (see the source code, and also see it running live).

When submitted, the form data sent to the server will look something like this:

Even though the hidden input cannot be seen at all, its data is still submitted.

Technical summary


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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How to hide text field in Html File Upload

This generates obviously a text field and next to that field is a browse button. I want to hide the text field part but keep the button.

13 Answers 13

This will surely work i have used it in my projects.I hope this helps 🙂

I’d recommend hiding the whole thing and putting a separate button object which, when clicked, will end up clicking the input’s browse button.

You can do this with CSS and javascript — check out this article (actually the second time I’ve used this reference today).

IE 10 today blocks with access denied when delegating clicks from one button to the file input element, better to get an opacity = 0 overlaid on top of your ui: stackoverflow.com/questions/18624863/…

The easiest way as not mentioned in any answer would be to use a label for the input .


Using label will be useful because clicking on the label is clicking on the input. This will only work when input’s id is equal to label’s for attribute.

You can put an image as a background for the button. That worked for me, a while ago.

The file input button is extremely difficult to style and manipulate, mainly for security reasons.

If you really need to customize your upload button, I recommend a Flash based uploader like SWFUpload or Uploadify that enables you to use a custom image as button, display a progress bar, and other things.

However, its basic philosophy differs from just embedding a control into a form. The uploading process takes place separately. Make sure you check out first whether this works for you.

Thanks, but unfortunatly I am locked into the way my client designed the site.. which is a simple image button to bring up the file dialog.

This could be done quite reliably using a Flash uploader. But if Shaun Inman’s article works and degrades gracefully, that should do nicely.

Pure css and html

The trick is to use a button above the input file button.

You could possibly hide the whole element and show a button or link instead. This is rather easy.

The file upload element is hidden. The button will fire the click event and shows the file browser window. On selecting a file, the change event is fired and this can submit a form or call a script function, whatsoever.

input[type="file"] < outline: none; cursor: pointer; position: absolute; top:0; clip: rect(0 265px 22px 155px); >/* Hide input field */ @-moz-document url-prefix() < input[type="file"] < clip: rect(0, 265px, 22px, 125px); >/* Mozilla */ > * > /**/ input[type="file"], x:-webkit-any-link < clip: rect(0, 86px, 22px, 0); >/* Webkit */ 

This will do the same without JavaScript, but requires absolute positioning to use the clip property.

If you are using jQuery, have a look at this plugin — https://github.com/ajaxray/bootstrap-file-field

It will display the file input field as a bootstrap button and will show selected file names beautifully. Additionally, you can set various restrictions using simple data-attributes or settings in js.
e,g, data-file-types=»image/jpeg,image/png» will restrict selecting file types except jpg and png images.

Try adding this css to your input

Hello I get inspired by @shiba and here is solution in Angular 9:

you can set it’s content to empty string like this :

You can hide the text behind the button changing the buttons width to 100% using the webkit-class. The button will then overlap the behind itself on the shadow-root.

There is no need to apply any opacity, transparency or hidden attribute to the button, it’s just a bit different to style compared to other objects and this will keep the localisation of the form element alive.

This will do the trick and is supported (MDN):

input[type=file]::-ms-browse < /* legacy edge */ width: 100%; >input[type=file]::file-selector-button < /* standard */ width: 100%; >input[type=file]::-webkit-file-upload-button < /* webkit */ width: 100%; >


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