Css have multiple transitions

Mastering CSS Multiple Transitions: A Comprehensive Guide for Web Developers

Learn how to create complex and captivating animations on your web pages with CSS multiple transitions. Our guide covers best practices, common issues, and tips for optimizing your CSS code. Start animating today!

  • Two Ways to Have Multiple Transitions
  • Understanding the CSS Transition Property
  • How to transition multiple properties in CSS?
  • Using the Transition Property
  • Creating CSS Animations
  • Best Practices and Common Issues
  • Other code examples
  • Conclusion
  • How to sequence animation in CSS?
  • How many types of transitions are there in CSS?
  • How do I add multiple properties in CSS?
  • What CSS properties can you transition?

CSS transitions are a powerful tool that allow web developers to animate changes to CSS properties over time. By using multiple transitions, developers can create more complex and interesting animations on their web pages. In this blog post, we will explore the key points, important points, and helpful points related to using multiple transitions in CSS.

Two Ways to Have Multiple Transitions

To have multiple transitions on an element, two ways are possible: specifying the properties to be transitioned and the time, or using the CSS3 transition property which is a shorthand property.

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Specifying the Properties to be Transitioned and the Time

Specifying the properties to be transitioned and the time involves writing out each property and duration separately in CSS. For example, if you want to transition the background color and font size of an element, you would write:

transition-property: background-color, font-size; transition-duration: 1s, 2s; 

This would create a transition that lasts 1 second for the background color and 2 seconds for the font size.

Using the CSS3 Transition Property

The CSS3 transition property is a shorthand property that allows developers to set multiple transition-related properties at once. The syntax for the transition property is as follows:

transition: [property] [duration] [timing-function] [delay]; 

For example, if you want to transition the background color and font size of an element, you would write:

transition: background-color 1s ease-in-out, font-size 2s ease-in-out; 

This would create a transition that lasts 1 second for the background color and 2 seconds for the font size, with an easing effect.

Understanding the CSS Transition Property

The CSS Transition Property defines the effect between two different states of an element. The transition properties are comma delimited in all browsers that support transitions. The all keyword is perfect for when you want multiple things to happen at the same time, and for the same duration.

How to transition multiple properties in CSS?

Using the Transition Property

The transition property is a shorthand property used to represent up to four transition-related longhand properties. These properties are:

  • transition-property : specifies the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.
  • transition-duration : specifies the duration of the transition effect.
  • transition-timing-function : specifies the speed curve of the transition effect.
  • transition-delay : specifies a delay before the transition effect starts.

Certain CSS properties can be animated using css animations or css transitions. You can transition two or more CSS properties by separating them with a comma in your transition or transition-property property.

Creating CSS Animations

To create a CSS animation sequence, you style the element you want to animate with the animation property or its sub-properties. CSS animations make it possible to animate transitions from one CSS style configuration to another. The advantage of using multiple transitions is that it allows for more complex animations and effects.

Best Practices and Common Issues

best practices for using css transitions include using hardware acceleration and optimizing the CSS code. The transition-timing-function property defines the speed curve of the transition effect. The duration of the transition can be specified using the transition-duration property. The transition-delay property defines a delay before the transition effect starts.

Common issues with CSS transitions include browser compatibility and performance problems. It is important to test your transitions on different browsers and devices to ensure they work as expected. You should also optimize your CSS code to minimize the performance impact of transitions.

Other code examples

In Css , in particular, css multiple transitiuons

In Css , for example, multiple transition in css code example

In Css as proof, how to specify multiple transitions for multiple properties in transition property code sample

/*You can add more and more using commas*/ .class-name < /* element transitions top and font-size for two seconds */ transition: height 2s ease-in-out, font-size 2s ease-in-out; >


Multiple transitions in CSS are an excellent way to create complex and interesting animations on web pages. By using the CSS transition property, developers can set multiple transition-related properties at once. Best practices for using CSS transitions include using hardware acceleration and optimizing the CSS code, while common issues include browser compatibility and performance problems. With this comprehensive guide, web developers can master CSS multiple transitions and create stunning animations for their web pages.


How to Have Multiple CSS Transitions on an Element

Many online platforms require animations on some web pages to make the app look more eye-catching. For this purpose, the developers use CSS properties while designing the front-end interfaces. More specifically, CSS transitions mean applying animations on an HTML element through the CSS properties in such a way that it automatically applies the properties one after the other.

This article will discuss the method to apply CSS properties to have multiple transitions on an HTML element.

How to Apply Multiple CSS Transitions on an Element?

All it requires is to first create the elements in HTML on which the transitions need to be applied and then add the CSS id or class selectors in the style element to refer to the HTML elements.

Let’s create a div container element in the HTML code body and then apply the CSS properties on it to make it look animated:

In the above code snippet:

    • An “ ” heading is added with the inline CSS “margin” property set to “1 rem” and the heading says “Hover Over to View the Transitions”.
    • After that, a “ ” container element is added with the class declared as “myclass”.
    • The “ ” container element has the text “Hello user. ” inside it. The CSS transitions will be applied to this div element.

    The CSS style element should have all the necessary properties that make the div look animated:

    .myclass {
    font-size: 3rem;
    margin: 2rem;
    justify-content: center;
    display: flex ;
    border: 10px solid purple;
    width: 20rem;
    height: 9rem;
    transition: color 1s ease-out, padding-top 1s ease-out,
    padding-bottom 1s ease-out, font-size 3s ease-out;
    .myclass:hover {
    color: blue;
    border: 10px solid orange;
    padding-top: 100px;
    padding-bottom: 40px;
    font-size: 1.8rem;

    In the above CSS style element:

      • A class selector is added that refers to the “myclass” div container element. Inside it, various, CSS properties are defined for the div container element.
      • The “font-size” property sets the size of the text written in the div container to “3rem”.
      • The “margin” property is added to give spacing of “2rem” after the text or the heading.
      • The “justify-content” property aligns the text of the div container to the center of the div container.
      • The “display-flex” property has been added to automatically align the content in the div element properly.
      • The “border” property is added to set the border weight of the div container as “10px” and it defines the color of the border as “purple”.
      • The “width” property defines the vertical length of the div element as “20rem”.
      • Similarly, the “height” property defines the horizontal length of the div element as “9rem”.
      • The “transition” property is added to define the time at which the transitions need to be applied. For “color”, “padding-top” and “padding-bottom”, it has been set as “1 second” and for “font-size”, it has been set as “3 seconds”.
      • After that, the pseudo-class “:hover” is added with the CSS class selector “.myclass” to define the CSS properties to be implemented while the user hovers over the element created through “myclass”.
      • The “color” property is defined as “blue” so that when the user hovers over the element, it immediately changes the text color to blue.
      • Next, the “border” property has been defined that changes the border size to “10px” while hovering and the color for the borders has been defined as “orange”.
      • The “padding-top” and “padding-bottom” properties have been added to define the spacing between the content and the borders from the top and bottom respectively.
      • The “font-size” is defined as “8rem” while hovering.

      The results of the above applied CSS transitions will be the following:

      This sums up the method to apply multiple CSS transitions on an HTML element.


      CSS transitions are applied to the HTML elements to make them look animated. All it requires to apply CSS transitions is adding the id or the class selector in the CSS style element referring to the HTML element on which the transitions need to be applied and then adding all the necessary properties in it like color, font, borders, padding before as well as after the transition. This article guided about applying multiple CSS transitions on an HTML element.

      About the author

      Hadia Atiq

      A Software Engineer and Technical Writer passionate about learning and spreading knowledge of the latest technology. I utilize my writing skills to help readers understand the importance and usage of modern technology.


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