Css font family for web


CSS дескриптор font-family позволяет авторам указывать font family для шрифта, указанного в правиле @font-face .

Связано с @-правила @font-face
Начальное значение n/a (required)
Обработка значения как указано


/* значения */ font-family: "font family"; font-family: 'another font family'; /* значение */ font-family: examplefont; 


Указывает имя font family.



@font-face  font-family: examplefont; src: url('examplefont.ttf'); > 


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CSS Fonts

Choosing the right font for your website is important!

Font Selection is Important

Choosing the right font has a huge impact on how the readers experience a website.

The right font can create a strong identity for your brand.

Using a font that is easy to read is important. The font adds value to your text. It is also important to choose the correct color and text size for the font.

Generic Font Families

In CSS there are five generic font families:

  1. Serif fonts have a small stroke at the edges of each letter. They create a sense of formality and elegance.
  2. Sans-serif fonts have clean lines (no small strokes attached). They create a modern and minimalistic look.
  3. Monospace fonts — here all the letters have the same fixed width. They create a mechanical look.
  4. Cursive fonts imitate human handwriting.
  5. Fantasy fonts are decorative/playful fonts.

All the different font names belong to one of the generic font families.

Difference Between Serif and Sans-serif Fonts

Note: On computer screens, sans-serif fonts are considered easier to read than serif fonts.

Some Font Examples

Generic Font Family Examples of Font Names
Serif Times New Roman
Sans-serif Arial
Monospace Courier New
Lucida Console
Cursive Brush Script MT
Lucida Handwriting
Fantasy Copperplate

The CSS font-family Property

In CSS, we use the font-family property to specify the font of a text.

Note: If the font name is more than one word, it must be in quotation marks, like: «Times New Roman».

Tip: The font-family property should hold several font names as a «fallback» system, to ensure maximum compatibility between browsers/operating systems. Start with the font you want, and end with a generic family (to let the browser pick a similar font in the generic family, if no other fonts are available). The font names should be separated with comma. Read more about fallback fonts in the next chapter.


Specify some different fonts for three paragraphs:

.p1 <
font-family: «Times New Roman», Times, serif;

.p2 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

.p3 font-family: «Lucida Console», «Courier New», monospace;



The font-family CSS property specifies a prioritized list of one or more font family names and/or generic family names for the selected element.

Try it

Values are separated by commas to indicate that they are alternatives. The browser will select the first font in the list that is installed or that can be downloaded using a @font-face at-rule.

It is often convenient to use the shorthand property font to set font-size and other font related properties all at once.

You should always include at least one generic family name in a font-family list, since there’s no guarantee that any given font is available. This lets the browser select an acceptable fallback font when necessary.

The font-family property specifies a list of fonts, from highest priority to lowest. Font selection does not stop at the first font in the list that is on the user’s system. Rather, font selection is done one character at a time, so that if an available font does not have a glyph for a needed character, the latter fonts are tried. When a font is only available in some styles, variants, or sizes, those properties may also influence which font family is chosen.


/* A font family name and a generic family name */ font-family: "Gill Sans Extrabold", sans-serif; font-family: "Goudy Bookletter 1911", sans-serif; /* A generic family name only */ font-family: serif; font-family: sans-serif; font-family: monospace; font-family: cursive; font-family: fantasy; font-family: system-ui; font-family: ui-serif; font-family: ui-sans-serif; font-family: ui-monospace; font-family: ui-rounded; font-family: emoji; font-family: math; font-family: fangsong; /* Global values */ font-family: inherit; font-family: initial; font-family: revert; font-family: revert-layer; font-family: unset; 

The font-family property lists one or more font families, separated by commas. Each font family is specified as either a or a value.

The example below lists two font families, the first with a and the second with a :

font-family: "Gill Sans Extrabold", sans-serif; 


The name of a font family. For example, «Times» and «Helvetica» are font families. Font family names containing whitespace should be quoted. For example: «Comic Sans MS».

Generic font families are a fallback mechanism, a means of preserving some of the style sheet author’s intent when none of the specified fonts are available. Generic family names are keywords and must not be quoted. A generic font family should be the last item in the list of font family names. The following keywords are defined:

Glyphs have finishing strokes, flared or tapering ends, or have actual serifed endings.

For example: Lucida Bright, Lucida Fax, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Palladio, URW Palladio, serif.

Glyphs have stroke endings that are plain.

For example: Open Sans, Fira Sans, Lucida Sans, Lucida Sans Unicode, Trebuchet MS, Liberation Sans, Nimbus Sans L, sans-serif.

All glyphs have the same fixed width.

For example: Fira Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono, Menlo, Consolas, Liberation Mono, Monaco, Lucida Console, monospace.

Glyphs in cursive fonts generally have either joining strokes or other cursive characteristics beyond those of italic typefaces. The glyphs are partially or completely connected, and the result looks more like handwritten pen or brush writing than printed letter work.

For example: Brush Script MT, Brush Script Std, Lucida Calligraphy, Lucida Handwriting, Apple Chancery, cursive.

Fantasy fonts are primarily decorative fonts that contain playful representations of characters.

For example: Papyrus, Herculanum, Party LET, Curlz MT, Harrington, fantasy.

Glyphs are taken from the default user interface font on a given platform. Because typographic traditions vary widely across the world, this generic is provided for typefaces that don’t map cleanly into the other generics.

The default user interface serif font.

The default user interface sans-serif font.

The default user interface monospace font.

The default user interface font that has rounded features.

This is for the particular stylistic concerns of representing mathematics: superscript and subscript, brackets that cross several lines, nesting expressions, and double struck glyphs with distinct meanings.

Fonts that are specifically designed to render emoji.

A particular style of Chinese characters that are between serif-style Song and cursive-style Kai forms. This style is often used for government documents.

Valid family names

Font family names must either be given quoted as strings, or unquoted as a sequence of one or more identifiers. This means that punctuation characters and digits at the start of each token must be escaped in unquoted font family names.

It is a good practice to quote font family names that contain white space, digits, or punctuation characters other than hyphens.

For example, the following declarations are valid:

font-family: "Goudy Bookletter 1911", sans-serif; 

The following declarations are invalid:

font-family: Goudy Bookletter 1911, sans-serif; font-family: Red/Black, sans-serif; font-family: "Lucida" Grande, sans-serif; font-family: Ahem!, sans-serif; font-family: test@foo, sans-serif; font-family: #POUND, sans-serif; font-family: Hawaii 5-0, sans-serif; 

The following example is technically valid but is not recommended:

font-family: Gill Sans Extrabold, sans-serif; 

Formal definition

Initial value depends on user agent
Applies to all elements. It also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line .
Inherited yes
Computed value as specified
Animation type discrete

Formal syntax


Some common font families

.serif  font-family: Times, "Times New Roman", Georgia, serif; > .sansserif  font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; > .monospace  font-family: "Lucida Console", Courier, monospace; > .cursive  font-family: cursive; > .fantasy  font-family: fantasy; > .emoji  font-family: emoji; > .math  font-family: math; > .fangsong  font-family: fangsong; > 
div class="serif">This is an example of a serif font.div> div class="sansserif">This is an example of a sans-serif font.div> div class="monospace">This is an example of a monospace font.div> div class="cursive">This is an example of a cursive font.div> div class="fantasy">This is an example of a fantasy font.div> div class="math">This is an example of a math font.div> div class="emoji">This is an example of an emoji font.div> div class="fangsong">This is an example of a fangsong font.div> 


Browser compatibility

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See also

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This page was last modified on Jul 7, 2023 by MDN contributors.

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The @font-palette-values descriptor font-family is used to specify which font-family palette values are to be applied to. This need to match exactly the values used when setting the CSS font-family.


@font-palette-values --Dark-mode  font-family: "Bungee Spice"; /* other palette settings follow */ > 

Other palette values that follow apply only to the specified font family. You can create @font-palette-values for other font families by using the same s. This means that if you have multiple Color Fonts and can use the same identifier for each.


Specifies the name of the font-family.

Formal definition

Formal syntax


Using matching family names

In this example, when the font-family descriptor is used in the @font-palette-values at-rule, the same value is used for the font-family , as when it is declared.


h2>This is spicyh2> h2 class="extra-spicy">This is extra hot & spicyh2> 


@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Bungee+Spice); @font-palette-values --bungee-extra-spicy  font-family: "Bungee Spice"; override-colors: 0 DarkRed, 1 Red; > h2  font-family: "Bungee Spice"; > h2.extra-spicy  font-palette: --bungee-extra-spicy; > 


Using the same palette identifier for multiple font-families

In this example, two @font-palette-values at-rules are set for two font families, but both the at-rules use the same dashed-ident identifier, —Dark Mode . This helps to set the font-palette property for multiple elements, h1 and h2 in this case, at the same time. This can be useful when you want to update font colors to match your site’s branding.

@font-palette-values --Dark-Mode  font-family: "Bungee Spice"; /* palette settings for Bungee Spice */ > @font-palette-values --Dark-Mode  font-family: Bixa; /* palette settings for Bixa */ > h1, h2  font-palette: --Dark-Mode; > h1  font-family: "Bungee Spice"; > h2  font-family: Bixa; > 


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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This page was last modified on Jul 7, 2023 by MDN contributors.

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