Css element on new line

How to Add Line Break Before an Element with CSS

In this tutorial, we’ll show some ways of adding a line break before an element. This can easily be done with a few steps.

We need to use the CSS white-space property to specify how the space inside an element must be handled. Particularly, we’ll use the «pre» value of this property.

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Create HTML

h1>W3Docs h1> p>Books p> p>Quizzes p> p>Snippets p>


  • Use the ::before pseudo-element.
  • Add a carriage return character (\A) in the content.
  • Set the white-space property to «pre».
p::before < content: "\A"; white-space: pre; >

Here, you can see the full code.

Example of adding a line break before

elements with the :before pseudo-element:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> p::before < content: "\A"; white-space: pre; > style> head> body> h1>W3Docs h1> p>Books p> p>Quizzes p> p>Snippets p> body> html>


In the next example, a line break before an element is also added with the :before pseudo-element and by using the carriage return character and the display property set to the “block-level” value because block elements start on a new line filling the whole available width. Here, we use elements.

Example of adding a line break before elements with the :before pseudo-element:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> span::before < content: "\A"; white-space: pre; display: block; > style> head> body> h1>W3Docs h1> span>Books span> span>Quizzes span> span>Snippets span> body> html>

In our last example, a line break is added without the use of the :before pseudo-element. We only set the white-space property to the «pre-line» value for the


Example of adding a line break before an element without the :before pseudo-element:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> p < color: #fc0303; white-space: pre-line; font-size: 20px; > style> head> body> h1>W3Docs h1> p> Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in aying out print, graphic or web designs. p> body> html>


How to Break Line Without Using
Tag in CSS

There are a few ways to break a line without using a tag. For that, we can use block-level elements.

Block-level elements start on a new line by default (if a CSS rule does not override the default behavior). Here, you can find how to make inline elements start on a new line.

In this snippet, we’ll use the following properties:

Let’s see how to break a line using the white-space property. This property specifies how the white space within an element must be handled. A white space can be a space sequence or a line break.

Create HTML

h1>W3Docs h1> div> Example Example div>


  • Use the text-align property set to “center” for the element.
  • Add color to .
  • Use the white-space property set to “pre” for the element.
body < text-align: center; > h1 < color: #000000; > div < white-space: pre; >

Let’s see the result of our code.

Example of breaking a line using the white-space property:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> body < text-align: center; > h1 < color: #000000; > div < white-space: pre; > style> head> body> h1>W3Docs h1> div> Example Example div> body> html>



Next, we’ll show how to break a line with the display property. We need to set display: block to represent an element as a block element. In the following example, we set display: block to the element which is inside a element.

Example of breaking a line using the display property:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> body < text-align: center; > h1 < color: #000000; > p span < display: block; > style> head> body> h1> W3Docs h1> p> span>Example_1 span> span>Example_2 span> p> body> html>

Also, you can use the carriage return character (\A) as content in pseudo-element.

It is possible to add a new line using ::before and ::after pseudo-elements.

Example of breaking a line using the ::after pseudo-element:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> .line:after < content: '\A'; white-space: pre; > style> head> body> h3> span class="line">This is the first line span> span class="secondary-label">second line span> h3> body> html>


Learn about CSS Line Break

Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals

The CSS line-break property specifies how to enforce constraints for text wrapping on new lines when working with symbols and punctuation in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) writing systems. The css line break property enables us to create breakpoints on our webpages without using the HTML

Why Should I Break Line in CSS?

We need to break lines in CSS because this reduces the reliance on many
tags in our HTML document and improves the code readability. Additionally, it enables us to improve the readability of the text on our web pages, enhancing the user experience.

Information to Know Before Using It

The majority of CSS for line breaks requires minor changes to our HTML content. These changes could take the form of additional markup or a carriage return. We can modify the additional markup in CSS to create the necessary breakpoint. We can use a few CSS white-space values for the carriage return to preserve it on the website.

How To Add a New Line in CSS

We need to employ some methods to add a new line in CSS. Let’s discuss a few of them :

Using ::after to Insert a Line-break

To add a line-break using only CSS, we need to employ the pseudo-class ::after or ::before . In the stylesheet, we can use these pseudo-classes, with the HTML class or id , before or after the place where we want to insert a line break.

  • We will set the content property to the new-line character /a .
  • We will set the white-space property to pre , which prompts the browser to read every white space in content1 as white space.
  • The white-space property inserts a line break before an element and controls the text-wrapping and white spacing.


Using ::before to Insert a Line-break

  • This method works the same as the previous one.
  • It adds a line break before the specified id and class.
  • Here we will add a line break before the second line. Therefore, we will use the #content2 id.


CSS Content Property With Zero Font Size

Using the CSS Content Property with Zero Font Size requires us to enclose some HTML content with extra markup. We can use the HTML tag for the extra markup.The CSS manipulates the tag via a pseudo-element. This manipulation causes a CSS content line break, as shown below:


Carriage Return and Display Block

When using a carriage return and display block, it is necessary to include additional markup around the region where the breakpoint is needed. Using a CSS pseudo-element, we can manipulate the additional markup in CSS.

  • We will use the ::before pseudo-element.
  • We will add a carriage return character \a to the content.
  • Then, we will set the display property to block .

Note: The display property is set to the block-level value because block elements start on a new line, filling the whole available width.


Carriage Return and White Space Pre

This method works the same as the above technique, but the white space pre only preserves the carriage return on the web page, forcing a line break CSS effect.


Break it in HTML, Preserve it in CSS

In this technique, we add a breakpoint in the HTML markup and preserve the breakpoint with a white space pre-line in CSS. This method enables us to add a line break in CSS before an element without using the pseudo-elements.

Note: We only set the white-space property to the pre-line value for the



Break With Flexbox Direction

We can wrap the necessary breakpoint in our HTML with extra markup. Then, in our CSS, we will do the following:

This method causes all the flex items to stack on top of each other, creating a CSS paragraph break.


Display Block on CSS Before Pseudo Element

  • We will use the CSS content property and specify its content as an empty string.
  • Then, we will change the ::before pseudo-element to a block-level element.


Display Table

We will set the CSS display property to a table for the breakpoints. Since the table is a block-level element, it will cause a line break.


Browser Support

All modern web browsers support the methods and the css line break property discussed in this article.

Browser Version
Google Chrome 58
Safari 11
Mozilla Firefox 69
Microsoft Edge 14
Opera 45
Chrome Android 58
Firefox for Android 79
Opera Android 43
Safari on iOS 11
Samsung Internet 7.0
WebView Android 58


  • CSS line-break property enables us to create breakpoints on our webpages without using the HTML
  • The css line break property improves the text readability on our web pages.
  • The majority of CSS for line breaks requires minor changes to our HTML content. We can modify the additional markup in CSS to create the necessary breakpoint.
  • We can style the markup with a pseudo-element to create a line break.
  • We can also use methods like the flexbox direction and display table to cause a line break.


HTML New Line – How to Add a Line Break with the BR Tag

Dillion Megida

Dillion Megida

HTML New Line – How to Add a Line Break with the BR Tag

In this article, I’ll explain what line breaks are and show you how to create them in HTML.

What is a Line Break?

A line break, as the name implies, is a break in line 😅. A line break in HTML is a point where a line ends horizontally, and the next line starts on a new line.

In HTML, when you write a string like this:


Hello, I am trying to create a new line

The whitespaces (the tab space before «Hello», the space between «am» and «trying», «a» and «new») will be ignored. The result on the screen will appear like this:

Hello, I am trying to create a new line 

One way to fix this (though it’s not very effective) is to create three

tags like this:

Hello, I am

trying to create a

new line

This will result in the following:

Hello, I am trying to create a new line 

Because p tags create block elements, they occupy the entire horizontal space and the next element goes to the next line – as you can see from the result above.

This solution is not effective because you have created three paragraphs. In cases where a screen reader is to interpret this, it will read it as three paragraphs instead of a single sentence. This can affect web accessibility.

So how do you add a line break for an inline element?

How to Add a Line Break in HTML

HTML has tags for numerous purposes, including to create line breaks. You can use the br tag in HTML to add line breaks. It can go between inline elements to break the elements into multiple parts.

Here is an example of a paragraph with the br tag:


Hello, I am
trying to create a
new line

The br tag is a void element that doesn’t have a closing tag. Instead, it is a self-closing tag.

The above code results in this:

Hello, I am trying to create a new line 

You can use this tag for other forms of inline elements like links. For example, look at this code:

Anchor tags, a , are inline elements, so instead of the second link showing on the next line, it shows in the same line like this:


You can use the br tag between the links to break the first link line:



The br tag in HTML starts the next element on a new line, similar to the carriage return \n in strings.

Instead of using block elements for putting elements in new lines, you can use the line break tag: br .

In cases like sentences, using the br tag serves as a visual line break and doesn’t affect accessibility. Screen readers will read the sentence as it is without pause.

Dillion Megida

Dillion Megida

Developer Advocate and Content Creator passionate about sharing my knowledge on Tech. I simplify JavaScript / ReactJS / NodeJS / Frameworks / TypeScript / et al My YT channel: youtube.com/c/deeecode

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