Css chrome width 100


The width property in CSS specifies the width of the element’s content area. This “content” area is the portion inside the padding, border, and margin of an element (the box model).

In the example above, elements that have a class name of .wrap will be 80% as wide as their parent element. The accepted values are any of the length values, in addition to some keywords we’ll cover later. Width can be overridden by the closely correleated properties min-width and max-width .

When using percentage (%) for width, authors must be aware that the percentage is based on the element’s parent, or in other words, the width of the containing block. If your parent is set at 480px – as demonstrated by our demo – then the percentage is based on that value. So in our case 50% of 480px leaves us with 240px as a computed pixel value. Note that width applies to all elements except non-replaced or inline elements, table rows and row groups (i.e. thead , tfoot and tbody ). There seems to be a slight mismatch as far as how HTML defines non-replaced elements and how CSS defines it, but we’re referring to it the way CSS does: elements whose content is not defined by the tag itself, such as an with the src attribute. For absolutely positioned elements whose containing block is based on a block container element, the percentage is calculated with respect to the width of the padding box of that element.

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With some special keyword values, it is possible to define width (and/or height) according to the content of the element.

The min-content value is the smallest measure that would fit around its content if all soft wrap opportunities within the box were taken. The best example for this kind of value is a properly written figure element:

If we wanted that figure element to essentially be the size of that image, so the text wraps at the edges of the image. We could float it left or right, because float will exhibit that same kind of shrink-to-fit behavior, but what if we wanted to center it? min-content allows us to center it:

Because we’ve assigned min-content to the figure element, it takes the minimum width it can have when taking all soft wrap opportunities (like spaces between words) so that the content still fits in the box.

The max-content property refers to the narrowest measure a box could take while fitting around its content – if no soft wrap opportunities within the element were taken. Check out what happens if we apply this to our simple kitten/figure demo:

Because the caption is very longer than the image is wide (it doesn’t take any soft wrap opportunity, like the spaces between words), it means it has to display the caption on a single line, thus the figure is as wide as that line.

The fit-content value is roughly equivalent to margin-left: auto and margin-right: auto in behaviour, except it works for unknown widths. For instance, let’s say we need to center an inline navigation across the page. Your best bet would be to apply text-align: center to the ul , and display: inline-block to the li . This would give you something like this:

However, the blue background (from the ul element) spreads across the entire document because the ul is a block-level element, which means its width is restricted only by its containing element. What if we want to have the blue background collapsing around the list items? fit-content to the rescue!

With fit-content and margin: 1em auto , this works like a charm and only the navigation has a colored background, not the whole document width. If you’re into this sort of thing, you’ll be happy to know the formula to define the size of a fit-content length is:

fit-content = min(max-content, max(min-content, fill-available))
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Source: caniuse


Google Chrome Failing to Implement CSS Width:100%

To improve cell control, Solution 1 suggests adding a certain element to each cell and utilizing it. An alternative approach is to use Flexbox. Solution 2 proposes using Flex to adjust the width of table elements. To support both, you can change width: 100% to width: 300px.

CSS Width:100% not working in Google Chrome

Employ display:inline-table to represent the image and eliminate width:100% from the caption.

The provided FIDDLE functions properly on both Chrome and Firefox web browsers.

Replace «width: 100%» with «width: 300px» to ensure compatibility with both options.

Kindly refer to the following fiddle located at http://jsfiddle.net/tm4tjp4c/13/ which is compatible with both Chrome and Mozilla browsers.

In the figure, display:table has been included while width:100% has been excluded from the caption.

Html — max-width not working for table-cell, max-width not working for table-cell. For me, the expected behavior would be that the middle cell fills the whole space horizontally as long as its …

Max-width does not work for table cell

Enhance your control over cells by incorporating a unique div to each one and subsequently utilizing max/min-width on them. A sample is available for reference.

table.result < width: 100%; >.result td:nth-child(3) < width: 100%; >.result td:nth-child(1) div < min-width: 40px; max-width: 50px; >.result td:nth-child(2) div

An alternative choice is to utilize Flexbox, which may be presented in this manner.

.result < display: flex; flex-direction: column; >.result > div < display: flex; >.result > div > div < border: 1px solid gray; >.result > div > div:nth-child(1) < flex-basis: 40px; /* 40px width */ max-width: 50px; >.result > div > div:nth-child(2) < flex-basis: 100px; /* 100px width */ max-width: 150px; >.result > div > div:nth-child(3) < flex-grow: 1; /* fill the rest of the space */ >

Utilizing Flex can allow for the customization of the width of individual elements within a table. Additional details can be found at the following link: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/

Html — css table width not working properly, I have trouble with css when i use

Css table width not working properly

The placement of the tags could be a factor.

Referring to the initial instance provided, using the code snippet available at https://jsfiddle.net/koqo3x7o/.

Column1 Column2
value1 value2

alright this is an example

Column1 Column2
value1 value2

Html — Max-Width in CSS not working, 2 Answers. The problem is «margin: 0 auto». Remove this or modify it and it works. margin: 0 auto is basically centering the content, not pushing … Code samplediv.container

Table of width 100% is not working and table doesn’t fit the chrome browser window size

One possible solution is to create a scrollbar.

Enclose the code within a div and assign it the identifier overflow: scroll .


Check out the outcome at https://jsfiddle.net/jen3dw6e/9/.

Solution 2:

You can obtain a solution by accessing this URL.

` https://jsfiddle.net/imraushanshrivastva/ubp466yf/` 

Css - Why isn't this HTML table working properly in, Any idea why this isn't working? I've tried different doctypes and this hasn't changed anything, so I'm assuming it's not an HTML5 table problem. EDIT: It turns out that …

Is it possible to set the width of an HTML page?

Although defining the width in HTML is functional, it's not the recommended method. Instead of setting them the same, it's better to establish a range by using minimum and maximum width regulations.

Is it possible to set the width of a table column?

In several browsers, the CSS property width:80px; is disregarded for table columns. Although the width can be specified in the HTML, this method is not recommended.

Does chrome apply the width of the first cell correctly?

My table consists of two rows, where the first row comprises of only three cells. In contrast, the second row contains two cells, and the first cell holds another table, which requires complete filling of that cell. Initially, I considered it to be a simple task, but it turned out to be more complicated. Surprisingly, Chrome fails to apply the width of the first cell accurately, while IE presents it as expected.

How do I reduce the width of a website page?

Employing CSS white-space: nowrap on content enables the browser to wrap it if necessary to restrict its width. For content that exceeds the screen's width, use overflow: scroll; where visible, hidden, scroll, and auto are the options available.



Свойство CSS width устанавливает ширину элемента. По умолчанию она равняется ширине внутренней области, но если box-sizing имеет значение border-box , то она будет равняться ширине области рамки.

Интерактивный пример


/* значения */ width: 300px; width: 25em; /* значения */ width: 75%; /* Значения-ключевые слова */ width: 25em border-box; width: 75% content-box; width: max-content; width: min-content; width: available; width: fit-content; width: auto; /* Глобальные значения */ width: inherit; width: initial; width: unset; 

Свойство width указывается как:


Ширина - фиксированная величина.

Ширина в процентах - размер относительно ширины родительского блока.

border-box Экспериментальная возможность

content-box Экспериментальная возможность

Браузер рассчитает и выберет ширину для указанного элемента.

fill Экспериментальная возможность

Использует fill-available размер строки или fill-available размер блока, в зависимости от способа разметки.

max-content Экспериментальная возможность

Внутренняя максимальная предпочтительная ширина.

min-content Экспериментальная возможность

Внутренняя минимальная ширина.

available Экспериментальная возможность

Ширина содержащего блока минус горизонтальные margin , border и padding .

fit-content Экспериментальная возможность

  • внутренняя минимальная ширина
  • меньшая из внутренней предпочтительной ширины и доступной ширины

Формальный синтаксис

width =
auto | (en-US)
(en-US) | (en-US)
min-content | (en-US)
max-content | (en-US)
fit-content( (en-US) )

| (en-US)


Ширина по умолчанию

p class="goldie">Сообщество Mozilla производит множество отличного ПО.p> 

Пиксели и em

.px_length  width: 200px; background-color: red; color: white; border: 1px solid black; > .em_length  width: 20em; background-color: white; color: red; border: 1px solid black; > 
div class="px_length">Ширина в пикселяхdiv> div class="em_length">Ширина в emdiv> 


.percent  width: 20%; background-color: silver; border: 1px solid red; > 
div class="percent">Ширина в процентахdiv> 


p.maxgreen  background: lightgreen; width: intrinsic; /* Safari/WebKit используют нестандартное имя */ width: -moz-max-content; /* Firefox/Gecko */ width: -webkit-max-content; /* Chrome */ > 
p class="maxgreen">Сообщество Mozilla производит множество отличного ПО.p> 


p.minblue  background: lightblue; width: -moz-min-content; /* Firefox */ width: -webkit-min-content; /* Chrome */ > 
p class="minblue">Сообщество Mozilla производит множество отличного ПО.p> 

Проблемы доступности

Убедитесь, что элементы с width не обрезаются и / или не затеняют другое содержимое, когда страница масштабируется для увеличения размера текста.


Начальное значение auto
Применяется к все элементы, кроме незаменяемых строчных элементов, табличных строк и групп строк
Наследуется нет
Проценты ссылается на ширину содержащего блока
Обработка значения процент, auto или абсолютная длина
Animation type длина, проценты или calc();

Поддержка браузерами

BCD tables only load in the browser

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