- Illustrative example of converting HTML box shadow into SVG code using paths
- How to add box-shadow to a svg path circle shape
- How to apply drop-shadow filter via CSS to SVG specific element/path
- Chrome 81 + Canary 83:
- Firefox 75 + Firefox 53 (pre-quantum):
- Safari 13+
- Safari 10.1 - 11
- Safari 9.x
- Edge (Chromium version)
- IE11
- Get bounding box of SVG path
- Overflow: Visible on SVG
- Белая граница у тени в svg
- 3 ответа 3
- How to add shadow to SVG ?
Illustrative example of converting HTML box shadow into SVG code using paths
If you desire SVG drop-shadows, you will need to employ a polyfill or incorporate the drop-shadow directly into the SVG. In brief, SVG drop-shadows lack consistency, whereas HTML drop-shadows function reliably (except in IE11).
How to add box-shadow to a svg path circle shape
To create an attractive box-shadow, modify the feGaussianBlur attribute. Here is the code that will generate a visually pleasing box-shadow. Review the output to see the result.
Please note that the dimension of the circle has been increased in order to properly view the shadow. However, you can adjust it according to your specific needs.
I have updated the box shadow as you requested, by adding the desired background color.
I have implemented this feature on one of my websites, and it functions properly for me.
.booking-view-tariff-circle > img < border: 2px solid #fff; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000; display: block; height: 80px; width: 80px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; object-fit: cover; position: relative; left: -45px; top: -78px; box-shadow: 0 8px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.54);
SVG Gradients, The id attribute of the
How to apply drop-shadow filter via CSS to SVG specific element/path
In April 2020, I conducted experiments to address the lack of information on this issue, and the findings were highly variable.
In terms of consistency, SVG drop-shadows are unreliable, while HTML drop-shadows consistently function (excluding IE11). To achieve SVG drop-shadows, a polyfill must be used or the drop-shadow can be applied directly within the SVG.
Here is a Codepen experiment that can be accessed at http://codepen.io/staypuftman/pen/GoNoMq.
Chrome 81 + Canary 83:
Both Chrome and Edge Canary fail to properly respect filter or -webkit-filter when applied to an SVG object drop-shadow, although they do function correctly on a basic div .
Firefox 75 + Firefox 53 (pre-quantum):
It appears visually appealing for both SVG and HTML elements.
Safari 13+
Safari briefly incorporated dropshadows in previous versions, but subsequently removed them once more.
Safari 10.1 - 11
The issue has been resolved in Safari's 10.1 (and possibly 10.0) series.
Safari 9.x
The dropshadow in SVG CSS is not visible, and the dropshadow for div appears to have reduced opacity for unknown reasons.
Edge (Chromium version)
SVG dropshadows are not available, but the HTML ones function effectively.
To selectively apply a shadow, perform color selection on the desired object, generate the shadow, and merge it beneath the original graphic. However, this process can only be accomplished through the SVG filter trapdoor in CSS Filters, which is incompatible with Internet Explorer. Thus, it is a somewhat unconventional but feasible workaround.
The specification can be found at w3.org/TR/SVG11/filters.html#feColorMatrixElement.
You can find the demo toy at this link: https://beta.observablehq.com/@gitmullany/filter-effects-using-svg-color-matrices.
The opacity of all red values is doubled by the matrix, while the opacity of everything else is set to zero and then subtracted by 1. This results in only items with the RGB values of (255,0,0) being left at 100% opacity.
In this CodePen, I introduced various drop-shadows to path and text which are dynamically generated. I discovered a cross-browser solution that can be applied to a class , instead of #robbie img (as mentioned in the second link).
In my initial CodePen comment, I suggested an alternative approach that doesn't rely on utilizing the classes. Instead, it makes use of #numbers_dropshadows_filter and #strokes_dropshadows_filter as defined in .
How can I add a box-shadow on one side of an element?, I need to create a box-shadow on some block element, but only (for example) on its right side. The way I do it is to wrap the inner element with box-shadow into an outer one with padding-right and overflow:hidden; so the three other sides of the shadow are not visible.. Is there some better way to achieve this? …
Get bounding box of SVG path
To obtain the bounding box of your path using pure JavaScript, assign it an ID and use getBBox() .
var myPathBox = document.getElementById("myPath").getBBox(); console.log(myPathBox);
var myPathBox = document.getElementById("myPath").getBBox(); console.log(myPathBox);
Although this is an outdated matter, I wanted to add this alternative to Furtado's response for future reference.
Obtain the bounding box for the path effortlessly. """.
- Ensure that the path, or any other SVG element, includes an identifier.
- Access the svg file in Chrome (or FF or possibly IE). """.
- Inspect the image
- Access the inspection tool's console.
- Execute the JavaScript code: document.getElementById("myPath").getBBox(), where "myPath" represents the id.
The console will display the information of the bounding box.
The approach remains unchanged, eliminating the necessity for personalized coding.
CSS box-shadow property, The horizontal offset of the shadow. A positive value puts the shadow on the right side of the box, a negative value puts the shadow on the left side of the box. Demo . v-offset. Required. The vertical offset of the shadow. A positive value puts the shadow below the box, a negative value puts the shadow above the box. Demo .
Overflow: Visible on SVG
If I understand correctly, you are referring to inline elements in HTML. In that case, this limitation is only applicable to the implementation. IE9+ permits the use of overflow:visible on elements, whereas other browsers, to the best of my knowledge, do not.
A potential solution, which should ideally be implemented initially in my opinion, involves defining a coordinate system ( viewBox ) within the svg. Subsequently, the elements can be drawn within this coordinate system. In case any elements are clipped or located outside the designated area ( viewBox ), the width and/or height ( viewBox ) can be increased accordingly.
For determining a suitable default for your specific viewBox , you can test [0 0 width height] (where width and height represent the dimensions of your current svg). If needed, simply adjust the height until the entire bottom tick becomes visible.
In the 2014 update, there is still some inconsistency across browsers, but progress is being made. Firefox and IE now support overflow:visible on inline svg elements, and Blink (Opera 23/Chrome 36) has also added support for it. More details can be found in the bug report.
overflow: visible box-shadow : 0px -0px 10000px transparent /*trick for chrome*/
To resolve this issue in Chrome, I observed that either applying a large box-shadow to the SVG or placing the SVG within a DIV with a large shadow will prevent the overflow from being clipped to the limit of the box-shadow.
SVG Drop Shadows, Example 1. The
Белая граница у тени в svg
Проблема в том, что способ не универсальный. Может меняться радиус скругления, размер тени, положение тени. В некоторых случаях элемент .border выходит за границы - вылечить не удалось. Вторая попытка была закрасить фон у svg .
Появляется проблема с случаем, когда border-radius: 0 . Также проблема с тем, что фон у svg должен быть прозрачным. А в этом случае он закрашивается. Как можно решить данную проблему?
3 ответа 3
Одна из проблем в том, что в svg линия утолщается и внутрь и наружу, при этом радиус скругления считается по середине этой линии. В % он вычисляется по другому,- от наружного размера.
При накладывании тени радиус скругления считается по наружной границе линии и размеры, так же по наружной.
То есть 7% радиус в вашем SVG означает 0.07*(115.2+12.8)=8.96 и это будет соответствовать наружному радиусу - 8.96+(12.8/2)=15.36px , а в процентах для тени это будет - 15.36/128=0,12 . То есть 12% .
Если не рассчитать радиусы то будут явные несоответствия в скруглении углов.
Но основная проблема в том, что скругление углов и наложение тени происходит неточно и по углам появляются пиксели фонового цвета. Эту проблему можно решить накладывая тень не на SVG а на отдельный блок на пиксель меньший по размеру.
Вот пример. Радиус скругления рассчитывается функцией calc . Думаю если доработать код, то параметры 7% , 128px и тп. можно задать переменными и менять только их.
.container, .svg < width: 128px; height: 128px; >.container < position:relative; >.shadow < position: absolute; left:1px; top:1px; width:calc(128px - 2px); height:calc(128px - 2px); border:none; box-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 8px 13px; border-radius: calc((0.07*(115.2 + 12.8) + 12.8/2)*1px); >
How to add shadow to SVG ?
I would like to create a simple shadow effect for some paths in SVG generated from a library. I have effectively used
I then select the relevent SVG element and append this to its style attribute: filter: url(#filter-id) . As mentioned previously, this works fine when applied to a