Css background image gradient opacity

Transitioning Gradients

In, CSS, you can’t transition a background gradient. It sure would be nice if you could:

.gradient  background-image: linear-gradient( to right, hsl(211, 100%, 50%), hsl(179, 100%, 30%) ); transition: background-image 0.5s linear; > .gradient:hover  background-image: linear-gradient( to bottom, hsl(344, 100%, 50%), hsl(31, 100%, 40%) ); >

But, no. It jumps from one gradient to the other immediately, with no smooth transition between the two. So let’s hack it!

We can achieve this effect with the help of a pseudo-element and an opacity transform instead.

First, apply one gradient to the element. Then, position its pseudo-element to fill the element and apply the second gradient to that. To transition between the two gradients, transition the opacity of the pseudo-element.

.gradient  position: relative; background-image: linear-gradient( to right, hsl(211, 100%, 50%), hsl(179, 100%, 30%) ); z-index: 1; > .gradient::before  position: absolute; content: ''; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: linear-gradient( to bottom, hsl(344, 100%, 50%), hsl(31, 100%, 40%) ); z-index: -1; transition: opacity 0.5s linear; opacity: 0; > .gradient:hover::before  opacity: 1; >

The pseudo-element is initially hidden via opacity: 0 . On hover, that transitions to an opacity: 1 . This produces the illusion of the main gradient transitioning to the pseudo-element’s gradient. It also takes a little bit of z-index work to ensure the pseudo-element stays positioned behind the content of the main element.

This takes a fair bit of code, unfortunately. But if you need this effect, this is the best (and only) way I’ve found so far to accomplish it.

Check out the full working example:


CSS – CSS3 opacity gradient

CSS permits its users to apply various effects on the content in HTML. One such gradient is the opacity gradient, which normally consists of one color fading into another. However, with CSS, users have complete control over the transition, from the color to the orientation. The “linear-gradient()” is the most popular and practical gradient type.

This write-up will demonstrate:

What is Opacity Gradient?

Gradients are the CSS element in the form of image data type that depicts a modification in color among two or more shades. These modifications are represented as either radial or linear transitions. Gradients can be utilized everywhere an image could be because these are in the form of image data type. Gradients are most frequently used as backgrounds for elements.

How to Set CSS3 Opacity Gradient?

To set the opacity gradient in CSS, try out the following instructions.

Step 1: Create div Container

First, create a div container with the help of the “ ” element and add an “id” attribute with a particular name.

Step 2: Add Data to Paragraph

Next, utilize the “ ” tag and insert a class attribute inside the paragraph opening tag. Then, assign a specific name to the class according to your choice. After that, embed the text in between the paragraph tag:

< div id = "main-content" >
< p class = paragraph- 1 >Linuxhint is one of the best tutorial websites in the UK. It provides the best content in multiple categories, including HTML / CSS, Docker, Github, Windows, Javascript, Powershell, and many more.

Step 3: Style the div Container

Access the div container by using the class name with the class selector as “#main-content”:

Then, apply the below listed CSS properties:

  • background-color” is utilized for setting the color at the backside of the element.
  • margin” allocates space on the outer side of the defined boundary.
  • border” property is used for determining a border around the defined element.

Step 4: Style Paragraph

Now, style the paragraph by accessing it with the class name “.paragraph-1”:

.paragraph- 1 {
color: blue;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
mix-blend-mode: hard-light;
font-size: 30px;

  • color” property allocates a color to the text inside the paragraph.
  • overflow” is utilized for showing the results when content spills from an element’s box. This property determines whether to grab text or add scrollbars when such an element’s content is lengthy to set in a particular area.
  • position” sets the position of the element in a document.
  • mix-blend-mode” CSS property is utilized for setting an element’s content mixed with the element’s root content and background.
  • font-size” is used to define a particular font for the text in the paragraph.

Step 5: Set “linear-gradient” on Paragraph

Utilize the “.paragraph-1” to access the class “:after”:

.paragraph- 1 :after {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
background: linear-gradient ( transparent, gray ) ;
left: 0px;
content: «» ;
width: 100 % ;
height: 100 % ;
pointer-events: none;

According to the given code snippet:

  • position” is set as absolute in this snippet.
  • left” and “top” properties are used for setting the position of the element at the left and top sides.
  • background” property set as “linear-gradient” creates a background consisting of an ongoing transition among different colors with a straight line.
  • content” property is utilized for setting the content.
  • width” allocates the element’s width.
  • height” property is utilized for setting the height of the defined element.
  • pointer-event” specifies the conditions under which a certain visual element became the event’s target

It can be noticed that the CSS opacity gradient has been applied successfully.


To set the opacity gradient, first, add text in the paragraph by using the “ ” tag. Then, access the paragraph and apply the “background” CSS property, and set the value of this property as “linear-gradient”. It creates a background consisting of a progressive transition between two or more colors along a straight line. This write-up has explained the CSS opacity gradient.


Create a gradient opacity in CSS?

https://jsfiddle.net/qnr2079s/ The gradient is working very well but the background color is not considered. Thank you for your help!

Top comments (1)

To create a gradient opacity in CSS, you can use the background-image property and specify a linear gradient that includes both the color and the desired level of transparency.

For example, you can use the following code to create a gradient that fades from a solid blue color to a transparent blue color:

#map  height: 400px; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(64, 92, 177, 1), rgba(64, 92, 177, 0)); > 

In this code, the linear-gradient function takes two arguments: the direction of the gradient (in this case, to bottom ), and a comma-separated list of color stops. Each color stop is defined by a color value and a level of transparency, specified using the rgba function.

In this case, the first color stop is defined as rgba(64, 92, 177, 1) , which is a solid blue color with an alpha value of 1 (fully opaque). The second color stop is defined as rgba(64, 92, 177, 0) , which is a transparent blue color with an alpha value of 0 (fully transparent).

Here is a working example of the code:

#map  height: 400px; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(64, 92, 177, 1), rgba(64, 92, 177, 0)); > 

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Полупрозрачный градиент над картинкой на чистом CSS

Я переделывал страницу мастер-класса AppSync и захотел немного улучшить скучную секцию «Обо мне».

Я насмотрелся на разные сайты и решил сделать что-то такое:

Видите градиент внизу каждой картинки? Из него получается неплохой контрастный фон для подписей, а ещё он хорошо выглядит с любыми фоновыми картинками (как видите, некоторые из них тёмные, а другие очень светлые). Я использовал синтаксис ::before из CSS, чтобы создать пустой псевдоэлемент ::before с фоновым градиентом.

Вот базовый HTML-код для каждой картинки

Для начала обратите внимание на z-index у тегов и . Значения выбраны так, чтобы появился перед градиентом, а не за ним.

  • У тега z-index равен 50 — он на переднем плане.
  • У псевдоэлемента ::before z-index принимает любое значение от 1 до 49 и остаётся в середине.
  • У тега z-index равен 0 — он позади всех.

А вот так выглядит CSS-атрибуты для псевдоэлемента ::before .

Вы могли заметить пустое значение » атрибута content . К сожалению, если его не указать, то псевдоэлемент ::before вообще не создаётся. Ширину, высоту и позицию мы задаем, чтобы убедиться, что ::before полностью перекрывает тег .

Тот же результат получается и с помощью дополнительных тегов , но этот способ показался мне очень хорошим, да ещё и на чистом CSS.

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