Css animation text effect

55+ CSS Text Animations — Free Code + Demos

Collection of 55+ CSS Text Animations. All items are 100% free and open-source.

1. Neon Lights

2. Rainbow Effect

3. Line Through Effect 3D

4. Animated Neon Text

5. Pure CSS Glitch Experiment

6. Glowing Text, Music Inspired

7. Mix-blend-mode

8. Liquid Drop Using Gooey Effect

9. Spooky Typo

Experimenting with a CSS blur filter, text-shadow, and transform skew effects animated. Pause the animation on typo mouseover, not fog. On mobile touch typo to pause and touch anywhere else on the screen to run it again. Firefox mouseover/touch is not as smooth though x.x Prefers-reduce.

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10. Spacious

11. Cartoon Type

12. CSS 3D Text Effect

13. Word Swipe Animation

14. Luminance

Background-clip text effect inspired by Astral Throb’s Coding to synthwave music really gets me in the flow. Check it out @ youtube.com/channel/UCpbH_7H71IPKq4eH7CD5spg

15. Pure CSS | FadeIn Text With Bars | KeyFrames & Scss

16. Clean CSS Glitch

17. CSS Neon Sign

18. Typed.scss: CSS-powered Animated Text

19. Text Animation 2

20. Shining Text Animation Effects

21. Animated Text Gradient

22. Handwriting Animation

My name animated for personal branding. This piece started out as a sketch on the iPad Pro using an Apple Pencil and Procreate. From there, it was converted into a single vector graphic using Adobe Illustrator. In order to optimize the SVG for animation, the graphic was chopped up i.


75 CSS Text Animations You Can Use

I have handpicked some of the best and coolest CSS text animations for you to try on your website.

Most of the examples here only use CSS or very minimum JS, so you can use these very easily on your website or project.

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Simple CSS text animation

Dev: Nooray Yemon

CSS3 Text Animation Effect

Dev: Nick Mkrtchyan

Text Animation: Montserrat

Dev: Claire Larsen

Pure CSS Text Animation

Dev: Robin Treur

Text Animation with background

Dev: Nooray Yemon

Shining Text Animation Effects

Dev: FrankieDoodie

Netflix style text animation with CSS

Dev: Nooray Yemon

SVG Text Animation Using Stroke Offset Method

Dev: Mack Ayache

Pure CSS Text Animation

Dev: Arlina Code

Happy New Year! — CSS Only

Dev: SnailCrusher

Text animation

Intro Text Animation

Dev: Joacim Nilsson

CSS text animation

Dev: Aniket Singh

3D CSS Text Animation

Dev: Tomas Piksrys

(cool) text effect

Dev: Hakkam Abdullah

Flickering Light Text Effect

Dev: Mandy Michael

Pure CSS text-animation

Dev: vainsan

Pure CSS Text Animation Loading

Dev: Bousahla Mounir

Dev: Banlawi

Pure CSS Text Reveal

Dev: Mattia Astorino

SVG Text Animation in CSS

Dev: Maciej Leszczyński

SVG/CSS Text Animation

Dev: Cédric

Dev: Heather B.

Jalousie text animation

Dev: Jonas Sandstedt

Typewriter Text Animation

Dev: Aakhya Singh

2 in 2021 / Welcome / CSS Stylus Pug

Dev: Toshiya Marukubo

Dev: Elena Nazarova

Animated Text Gradient

Dev: chrishodges

Handwriting Animation (SVG + CSS)

Dev: Marina

Text-Shadow Animate

Dev: Wyatt Nolen

Animated text fill

Dev: Daniel Riemer

Wave text effect (with SVG/blend mode)

Dev: Lucas Bebber


Dev: Nooray Yemon

See the Pen Smoky Text by Bennett Feely (@bennettfeely) on CodePen.

Dev: Bennett Feely

Liquid Type

See the Pen Liquid Type by Callum Martin (@Callum-Martin) on CodePen.

Dev: Callum Martin

Glowing text, music inspired

In/out of focus text effect

Dev: Jonny Scholes

Breathe (Coded on iOS)

Dev: Elisabeth Diang

CSS only Frozen text

Dev: Mandy Michael

Neon Lights

Dev: Cooper

Typed.scss: CSS-powered animated text

Dev: Brandon McConnell

Apple commercial animation

Dev: Alvaro Montoro

CSS : Background Clip

Dev: Amir Rahimi

Blazing Fire

Pure CSS | FadeIn Text with bars | KeyFrames & Scss

Dev: Kaio Almeida

See the Pen Luminance by Franklin Castellanos (@onecastell) on CodePen.

Dev: Franklin Castellanos

Word Swipe Animation

Dev: Eric Porter


Dev: Bence Szabo

Spooky Typo

Dev: ilithya

Animated text fill with svg text practice

Dev: Cesar C.

CSS-only shimmering neon text

Drop : Gooey Effect

See the Pen Drop : Gooey Effect by Tushar Choudhari (@ctushr) on CodePen.

Dev: Tushar Choudhari

See the Pen Loader by Eric Huguenin (@Sirop) on CodePen.

Dev: Eric Huguenin


Dev: Cassandra Rossall

See the Pen Neon Tex by Mohamed (@qpi65) on CodePen.

Dev: Mohamed

CSS Text-Shadow Animation

Dev: Faria Begum Riya

Glowing Text

Dev: Pratham

See the Pen SVG Text by ANA MAFLA (@ANAMAFLA) on CodePen.


Slide to unlock shine

Dev: Andreas Storm

Text Animation

Dev: Sean Dempsey

See the Pen Superfont by Dee Pei (@dmpei) on CodePen.

Dev: Dee Pei

Animated Fire Text-Shadow

Dev: Antti Nyman

Super Shadows!

See the Pen Super Shadows! by Oliver Pope (@owebboy) on CodePen.

Dev: Oliver Pope

Text Animation with CSS – thank you screen!

Dev: Nooray Yemon

404 Animated Page

See the Pen 404 Animated Page by Vincent Van Goggles (@Gogh) on CodePen.

Dev: Vincent Van Goggles

[webkit] Animated “text-shadow” pattern

Dev: carpe numidium

Animated Text-Shadow

Dev: Erin E. Sullivan

Pure CSS Glitch Experiment (Twitch Intro WIP)

Dev: Elisabeth Diang

Clean CSS Glitch

See the Pen Clean CSS Glitch by Piotr Galor (@pgalor) on CodePen.

Dev: Piotr Galor

3D CSS Typography

Dev: Noah Blon

Easy Animation

Dev: Mark Mead

Pure CSS Typing Animation

Dev: Stephanie Eckles

See the Pen Spacious by Ricardo Oliva Alonso (@ricardoolivaalonso) on CodePen.

Dev: Oliva Alonso

Masking Path Animation

Dev: Envato Tuts+


22 Best Free CSS Text Animations In 2023 | Techknowprime

CSS Text Animations

22 Best Free CSS Text Animations In 2023

In 2023, CSS Text Animations will be more powerful than ever. With the help of free CSS text animation code, you can create stunning and eye-catching text animations that will capture the attention of your audience.

These CSS Text Animations allow you to create complex and beautiful animations without any coding knowledge. You can use these code examples to animate text, images, and videos on your website or web application.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best free HTML and CSS Text Animations that you can use in 2023. We’ll also discuss how they work and their various use cases so that you can make an informed decision when choosing a tool for your project.

1. Cool Text

Cool Text

Cool Text
Made By: Christine Banlawi

2. Glowing Text

Glowing Text

Glowing Text
Made By: Pratham

3. Wave Text

Wave Text

Wave Text
Made By: Swarup Kumar Kuila

4. Breathe (Coded On iOS)


Breathe (Coded On iOS)
Made By: Elisabéth

5. Line Through Effect 3D

Line Through Effect 3D

Line Through Effect 3D
Made By: Ana Tudor

6. CSS Text-Shadow Animation

CSS Text-Shadow Animation

CSS Text-Shadow Animation
Made By: Faria Begum Riya

7. Neon Lights

Neon Lights

Neon Lights
Made By: Cooper

8. Exciting Multiline Highlights

Exciting Multiline Highlights

Exciting Multi-line Highlights
Made By: Manan Tank

9. Cartoon Type

Cartoon Type

Cartoon Type
Made By: Tim Van Damme

10. SVG Text

SVG Text

SVG Text

11. Mix Blend Mode

Mix Blend Mode: CSS Text Animations

Made By: Cassandra Rossall

12. Waaaves

Waaaves: CSS Text Animations

13. Glowing Text Music Inspired

Glowing Text Music Inspired

Glowing Text, Music Inspired
Made By: amber

14. 3D CSS Letter Transition

3D CSS Letter Transition

3D CSS Letter Transition
Made By: Adam Kuhn

15. Shining Text Effect

Shining Text Effect

Shining Text Effect
Made By: G Rohit

16. BlackLivesMatter

BlackLivesMatter: CSS Text Animations

Made By: Max Mykhalchuk

17. CSS 3D Text Effect

CSS 3D Text Effect

CSS 3D Text Effect
Made By: Kyle Wetton

18. Easy Animation

Easy Animation

19. Spooky Typo

Spooky Typo: CSS Text Animations

Spooky Typo
Made By: ilithya

20. FadeIn Text With Bars

FadeIn Text With Bars

Pure CSS | FadeIn Text With Bars | KeyFrames & SCSS
Made By: Kaio Almeida

21. Rainbow Spotlight

Rainbow Spotlight: CSS Text Animations

Rainbow Spotlight
Made By: Shireen Taj

22. Drop Gooey Effect

Drop Gooey Effect: CSS Text Animations

Drop : Gooey Effect
Made By: Tushar Choudhari


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