Css all classes that start with

css class starts with & CSS class selector

css class starts with use a wildcard to select all div with a class that starts with str. Match an element that has the specified class.

css class starts with

A class selector in CSS starts with a dot (.). A CSS class is an attribute used to define a group of HTML elements in order to apply unique styling and formatting to those elements with CSS.

Match all elements having class name starting with a specific string

CSS [attribute^=value] Selector


div[class^=’loverank’], div[class*=’ loverank’]

Wildcard Selectors (*, ^ and $) in CSS for classes

    /* Define styles of selected items, h1 and rest of the body */ [class*="str"] < /* WE USE * HERE */ background: red; color: white; >h1 < color:red; >body 


CSS: Class name selector- name starts with

You can use the jQuery filter() function to match all elements having class name starting with a specific string.

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Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use filter() to select elements with class names that start with a specific string:

In this example, we use the attribute-starts-with selector ([attribute^=”value”]) to select all

elements with class names that start with the string “foo”. We then apply a style to those elements using the css() function.

The resulting output will be the first two

I hope you get an idea about css class starts with.
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Css css selector class starts with

Question: Need to target each element that has specific class starting with I tried targeting with CSS: but it works only when targeted class is the first in classes order. You can create a class for each scenario such as; Solution 2: The traditional way to solve this problem is to use a “base” class, then override with more specific classes.

CSS — select all elements that has class starting with prefix

Need to target each element that has specific class starting with depth-

I tried targeting with CSS:

but it works only when targeted class is the first in classes order.

The CSS [attribute^=»value»] Selector will only work when the entire style attribute value starts with given value. If you want to use this selector, then you will have to move the depth-2 and depth-3 classes at the beginning of the attribute as below —

It would not be a good idea to do this. Instead of this, you can use CSS [attribute*=»value»] Selector which searches for given value throughout the attribute. So, your css code will look like this without changing the html —

CSS selectors — CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, 4 days ago · CSS selectors · Basic selectors · Grouping selectors · Combinators · Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements · Specifications · See also · MDN · Support.

Class selector and class begins with selector

I want to combine a class selector like .smart with a [attr^=val] selector, whose attr is a class , like [class^=’test-‘] . I have tested each one of the selectors individually and they seem to work just fine. However, when combined, they fail to produce the desired result.


You can also view the Codepen.

/* Works */[class^='test-'] < background: blue; >/* Works */.smart < background: yellow; >/* Doesn't work */[class^='test-'].smart
Should be blue.

Should be yellow.

Should have been red, but isn't.

Can anyone explain why the CSS selector [class^=’test-‘].smart does not work and, if possible, how to fix the problem?

why the CSS selector [class^=’test-‘].smart does not work

Because your class attribute doesn’t start with test- . It starts with smart . If it did start with test- , like so:

You need an additional selector for when the attribute doesn’t start with test- . As described here:

[class^='test-'].smart, [class*=' test-'].smart

Should be red.

Should also be red.

You need to change your CSS in this format:-

Just need to change ^ by *

This is not a direct answer to your specific question. Other answers are fine.

However, I would not recommend this approach of giving classes names with internal structure, which you then have to pick apart using the attribute selectors. Attribute selectors provide you with ability to find any attribute whose value starts with a string ( ^= ), contains a string ( *= ), contains a token somewhere ( ~= ), or whose value is a prefixed string ( ^= ), but not to find an attribute whose a value is a list of tokens any of which has a particular prefix, which is what you want. Therefore, as explained in other answers, you are forced to say

That’s **** and not very dry. In addition, in case you are worried about performance, it’s going to be a lot more work for the CSS engine . In contrast, CSS engines are highly optimized to do regular class matching.

Therefore, I would recommend that you adopt the approach of separate classes, test and me . The HTML would obviously look like . The CSS would specify .test < >for all properties common to all flavors of test, and .test.me < >for properties specific to me .

If you are worried that me might conflict with a similarly-named class somewhere else in your code, then you could «namespace» it as «test-me», and specify the HTML as , and the CSS as .test < >and .test-me < >.

Yes, this requires a few more bytes in your HTML. But the cost of downloading those after zippping and caching even for a million users over the course of a year is likely to be absolutely negligible.

But the fact remains that test test-me is a little bit more wordy than just test-me in your HTML. However, I would make the case that the former is ultimately more readable and semantic. Consider the poor guy who takes over your code a year from now. If he wants to find what styles are being applied to test-me , he is likely to search the CSS for classes of the form .test-me . He may not stumble across the other rule [class^=»test-«], [class*=» test-«] which is affecting this class=»test-me» element.

If you look at Bootstrap, notice that they do not use attribute selectors for classes such as col-md-3 . That would be far too inefficient. Instead, the rules applied at run time explicitly name all the possibilities:

.col-sm-1, .col-sm-10, .col-sm-11, .col-sm-12, .col-sm-2, .col-sm-3, .col-sm-4, .col-sm-5, .col-sm-6, .col-sm-7, .col-sm-8, .col-sm-9

Of course, in the case of Bootstrap, they do not write out all those classes in the source code; they use SASS to generate them at compile time. That is also an option you could consider, if you’re willing to use SASS or some other pre-processor, or already do so.

Another useful reference point is icon libraries which allow you to specify icons with something like

 Some of them do use CSS rules of the type you are proposing, but they assume that there will be only one class specified, and so they can get away with just a single rule

which is going to be at least not quite so bad performance wise. However, other icon libraries make you explicitly specify another class just indicating icon -ness by itself:

This allows them to write their CSS for properties common to all icons simply as

which will be as fast as it could possibly get.

Class selector and class begins with selector, why the CSS selector [class^=’test-‘].smart does not work. Because your class attribute doesn’t start with test- . It starts with smart .

Class selector combining starts with and not ends with [duplicate]

I set dynamically classes on elements with class names «displayIfYes_%%» where %% comes from a database and can have a lot of values.

I am trying to set a simpler CSS selector for the classes I don’t want to display, but I can’t find how to do it.

I have a working solution to display elements only when value is «yes» using this CSS:

.displayIfYes_yes .displayIfYes_na, .displayIfYes_no, .displayIfYes_scaled, .displayIfYes_raw /* . and so on for any additionnal value */

I want a selector to select any element which has class which begins with «displayIfYes» but does not end with «yes».

you can use selector [attribute|=»value»] in this case your attribute can be class .

will select class attribute which starts with that. The only complication is class attribute can have more than 1 class so this solution might not always work.

In that case I recommend using different classes for different scenarios from the database. You can create a class for each scenario such as;

.na, .no, .scaled, .raw < /* other styles */ >.displayIfYes

The traditional way to solve this problem is to use a “base” class, then override with more specific classes. In your case, this would be:

.display-if-yes < display: none; /* Other styles which apply to all types */ >.display-if-yes-yes

If you are unable to change your class structure for some reason, this should work for your specific requirements:

.displayIfYes_yes < /* visibility: inherit; */ color: red; >*[class^='displayIfYes_']:not(.displayIfYes_yes), *[class*=' displayIfYes_']:not(.displayIfYes_yes) < /* display: none; */ color: green; >
 I’ve commented out your specific styles just for the sake of the demo.

Here’s a solution without using the :not() selector, instead only relying on attribute and class selectors and the underlying specificity.

Also, you can’t override display: none; with visibility: inherit . Use display: initial instead.

[class^="displayIfYes_"] .displayIfYes_yes

Attribute selector for class starts with and ends with, It only works if abcDExyz is the only class in the class attribute. Basically, I want to target a class that starts with something and ends


Using Wildcards Selectors in CSS for classes, IDs, names, etc.

CSS is a way for web developers to define the visual appearance of the web pages that they were creating. It was intended to allow web professionals to separate the content and structure of a website’s code from the visual design. Now, in CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), selectors are patterns used to select the element(s) you want to style or, in other words, pattern matching rules to determine which style applies to which element in the document.

To use a selector we need to take advantage of the attribute selector, for example [attribute=’property’]. The attribute selector can be used on any valid element attribute – id, class, name etc.

Now, let’s say that we need to select, using CSS, multiple classes that begins, ends or contains a specific text (usually for IDs, names or classes generated dinamically): the following examples will show what to do in this cases.

Containing wildcard CSS selector

[attribute*=»str»] Selector: The [attribute*=»str»] selector is used to select that elements whose attribute value contains the specified sub string str.

This example shows how to use a wildcard to select all div’s with a class that contains string. This could be at the start, the end or in the middle of the class.

    /* Define styles of selected items, h1 and rest of the body */ [class*="str"] < /* WE USE * HERE */ background: rgba(118,140,181,1); color: white; >h1 < color:red; >body 

Wildcard Example

The first div element.
The second div element.
The third div element.

Paragraph Text

«Starts with» wildcard CSS selector

[attribute^=»str»] Selector: The [attribute^=»value»] selector is used to select those elements whose attribute value begins with a specified value str. This example shows how to use a wildcard to select all div with a class that starts with str.

This example shows how to use a wildcard to select all div’s with a class that starts with string.

    [class^="str"] < /*WE USE ^ HERE */ background: rgba(118,140,181,1); color: white; >h1 < color:red; >body 

Wildcard Example

The first div element.
The second div element.
The third div element.
The fourth div element.

Paragraph Text

«Ends with» wildcard CSS selector

[attribute$=»str»] Selector: The [attribute$=»value»] selector is used to select those elements whose attribute value ends with a specified value str. The following example selects all elements with a class attribute value that ends with str.

This example shows how to use a wildcard to select all div’s that end with string.

    [class$="str"] < /* WE USE $ HERE */ background: green; color: white; >h1 < color:green; >body 

Wildcard Example

The first div element.
The second div element.
The third div element.

This is some text in a paragraph.

«Containing» where property is separated by a space

[attribute~=»str»] Selector: The [attribute~=»str»] selector is used to select that elements whose attribute value contains the specified sub string stras a standalone property, even considering space characters.

This example shows how to use a wildcard to select all div’s that contain string as a standalone property.

    /* Define styles of selected items, h1 and rest of the body */ [class~="str"] < /* WE USE * HERE */ background: rgba(118,140,181,1); color: white; >h1 < color:red; >body 

Wildcard Example

The first div element.
The second div element.
The third div element.

Paragraph Text


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