Css a prevent click

How to prevent the click event using CSS?

Let’s say I have and by adding class «disabled» I would like to turn off onclick event for this element, so would not be active. This doesn’t work: Solution 1: Use the event capture phase Put an element around the element you want to cancel the click event for, and add a capture event handler to it.

How to prevent the click event using CSS?

How to prevent the click event using CSS ?

I have created the form page , then i need to prevent the click event using only CSS?
I have tried this css property, but not worked.

You can try the css class:

Angular ng-click Directive, W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more.

Noclick — YouTube

Noclick est une plateforme de croissance d’entreprise basée sur le cloud qui peut aider toute entreprise ou individu à développer son activité. Un logiciel u

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How to get Noclik

Roblox How to Noclip (Use at your own risk)

In this video I show you how to Noclip. This can work in majority of Roblox games! Like and subscribe for more!Link to JJSploit:https://wearedevs.net/d/JJSpl

Cancel click event in the mouseup event handler

Writing some drag&drop code, I’d like to cancel the click events in my mouseup handler. I figured preventing default should do the trick, but the click event is still fired.

Is there a way to do this?

Use the event capture phase

Put an element around the element you want to cancel the click event for, and add a capture event handler to it.

var btnElm = document.querySelector('button');btnElm.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e)< console.log('mouseup'); window.addEventListener( 'click', captureClick, true // );btnElm.addEventListener('click', function(e)< console.log('click'); >);function captureClick(e) < e.stopPropagation(); // Stop the click from being propagated. console.log('click captured'); window.removeEventListener('click', captureClick, true); // cleanup >

What happens:

Before the click event on the button is triggered the click event on the surrounding div gets fired because it registered itself for the capture phase instead of the bubbling phase.

The captureClick handler then stops the propagation of it’s click event and prevents the click handler on the button to be called. Exactly what you wanted. It then removes itself for cleanup.

Capturing vs. Bubbling:

The capture phase is called from the DOM root up to the leafs while the bubbling phase is from the leafs up the root (see: wonderful explanation of event order).

jQuery always adds events to the bubbling phase that’s why we need to use pure JS here to add our capture event specifically to the capture phase.

Keep in mind, that IE introduced the W3C’s event capturing model with IE9 so this won’t work with IE < 9.

With the current Event API you can’t add a new event handler to a DOM Element before another one that was already added. There’s no priority parameter and there’s no safe cross-browser solution to modify the list of event listeners.

This approach works for me very well (at least in chrome):

on mousedown I add a class to the element that is currently being moved and on mouseup I remove the class.

All that class does is sets pointer-events:none

Somehow this makes it work and click event is not fired.

The best solution for my situation was:

let clickTime; el.addEventListener('mousedown', (event) => < clickTime = new Date(); >); el.addEventListener('click', (event) => < if (new Date() - clickTime < 150) < // click >else < // pause >>); 

This gives the user 150ms to release, if they take longer than 150ms it’s considered a pause, rather than a click

I had the same problem and didn’t found a solution either. But I came up with a hack that seems to work.

Since the onMouseUp handler doesn’t seem to be able to cancel the click on a link with preventDefault or stopEvent or anything, we need to make the link cancel itself. This can be done by writing an onclick attribute which returns false to the a-tag when the drag begins, and removing it when the drag ends.

And since the ondragend or onMouseUp handlers are run before the click is interpreted by the browser, we need to do some checking where the drag ends and which link is clicked and so on. If it ends outside the dragged link (we dragged the link so that the cursor isn’t on the link anymore), we remove the onclick handler in the onDragEnd; but if it ends where the cursor is on the dragged link (a click would be initiated), we let the onclick-handler remove itself. Complicated enough, right?

NOT COMPLETE CODE, but just to show you the idea:

// event handler that runs when the drag is initiated function onDragStart (args) < // get the dragged element // do some checking if it's a link etc // store it in global var or smth // write the onclick handler to link element linkElement.writeAttribute('onclick', 'removeClickHandler(this); return false;'); >// run from the onclick handler in the a-tag when the onMouseUp occurs on the link function removeClickHandler (element) < // remove click handler from self element.writeAttribute('onclick', null); >// event handler that runs when the drag ends function onDragEnds (args) < // get the target element // check that it's not the a-tag which we're dragging, // since we want the onclick handler to take care of that case if (targetElement !== linkElement) < // remove the onclick handler linkElement.writeAttribute('onclick', null); >> 

I hope this gives you an idea of how this can be accomplished. As I said, this is not a complete solution, just explaining the concept.

How can I exclude child class from click event?, Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand ; Advertising Reach developers & technologists worldwide; About the company

Disable onclick with CSS

I would like to disable onclick event with CSS. Possible?

and by adding class «disabled»

document.getElementById("btnCopy").className += " disabled"; 

I would like to turn off onclick event for this element, so onclick=»btnCopy(this);» would not be active.

And by removing «disabled» class

document.getElementById("btnCopy").className = document.getElementById("btnCopy").className.replace(/(?:^|\s)disabled(?!\S)/, ''); 

it would go back to normal, so onclick event will be active.

pointer-events: none; cursor: default; 

(Note that this is not accessible; it does not disable tabbing to the element and pressing «Enter»; the event will still fire in this case.)

In some browsers you can set pointer-events: none , but that disables all mouse events not just clicks. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/pointer-events/

Add some Javascript to your btnCopy function to check if the parameter-element has the disabled class or not.

Using CSS to alter the behavior of JavaScript is not possible. CSS is for styling HTML elements, JavaScript is for handling the behavior of events and the site. CSS and JavaScript are two very different things. The only thing that is possible with CSS is to prevent a user from clicking on an input (button for example). With the CSS solution, you are not disabling the code in the onclick event. You are only disabling the user’s ability to trigger the onclick event.

However, there are many ways to alter stuff on a page (using even more JavaScript or with some plugins for your browser), which could make it possible to click on the button despite your CSS pseudo-element. That is why using CSS for this is not recommended.

It’s hackish, but I would suggest using pseudo-elements:

On a button with a disabled class, you could create a pseudo-element covering the button so it’s not clickable.

But it’d make more sense to use javascript since you’re already using that to add and remove classes.

EDIT: Not recommended at all, but here you go:

Use jQuery to prevent click function of element based on, Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand ; Advertising Reach developers & technologists worldwide; About the company

Use jQuery to prevent click function of <a> element based on parent <li> element with class

I’m trying to prevent the default click action on a menu item in WordPress. I can add the class noclick to the menu item but the class is on the -li- element.

Then I realized I need to target the -a- element and I’m not sure how to do that. Any help is greatly appreciated.

A LI element has no default action when you click it, the anchor has

And wordpress uses noConflict mode as default, which means $ is undefined, so

The only problem I see is that your code is not inside dom ready handler

The click event from the a element will get propagated to the li element so you can register a handler for the li element and then call preventDefault() in that mehtod

this will target a elements that are children of aelements with the class noclick

Make sure your scope is safe to use $ function like:

then if you want to prevent the default click action on a specific menu item like that, you’d better try this:


and then if you really want to prevent the all click actions then:

jQuery(function($) < if($(".noclick>a[href*='http://google.com']").length>1)< $(".noclick>a[href*='http://google.com']")[0].onclick = function() < return false; >> else < //it means there is something wrong with your query >

this will disable all actions even if those are disregarded if you do it using jQuery e.preventDefault();

Tôi đã bị noclick vào backrooms, About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us …


How to Disable Click Event Using CSS

Buttons are usually used to perform a specific action. For instance, when you click on the added button, it will trigger a certain event. CSS allows us to disable the click event. So, if you want to disable the click event, add a pointer event in CSS and set its value according to the requirements.

In this article, we will learn how to disable the click event using CSS.

How to Disable Click Event Using CSS?

You can disable click events using the CSS “pointer-events” property. But, jumping into it, we will briefly explain it to you.

What is “pointer-events” CSS Property?

The “pointer-events” control how the HTML elements respond or behave to the touch event, such as click or tap events, active or hover states, and whether the cursor is visible or not.

The syntax of pointer-events is as follows:

The above mention property takes two values, such as “auto” and “none”:

  • auto: It is used to perform default events.
  • none: It is utilized to disable events.

Note: The below-given example will firstly demonstrate how to add two active buttons, and then we will disable the click event of the second button.

Example 1: Disabling Click Event of Buttons Using CSS
In this example, we will create a heading and two buttons. Next, specify the “button” as the class name of the first button, and assign “button” and “button2” as the classes of the second button.

In CSS, “.button” is used to access both buttons created in the HTML file. Next, set the border style as “none” and give padding as “25px”. After that, set the color of the button text as “rgb(29, 6, 31)” and the button background as “rgb(19, 192, 163)”. We will also set the radius of a button as “5px”.

.button {
border : none ;
padding : 25px ;
color : rgb ( 29 , 6 , 31 ) ;
background-color : rgb ( 19 , 192 , 163 ) ;
border-radius : 5px ;

After that, we will apply the :active pseudo-class on both buttons as “.button:active” and set the color of the button as “rgb(200, 255, 0)”:

As a result, you will see the following outcome:

Now, we will move to the next part in which we will disable the click event for the second button.

To do so, use “.button2” to access the second button, created in the HTML file, and after that, set the value of the pointer-events property as “none”:

Using the pointer-events property and setting its value to non will disable the click event, which can be seen in the following output:

We have provided the easiest method for disabling the click event using CSS.


To disable the click event in HTML, the “pointer-events” property of CSS is used. For this purpose, add an HTML element and set the value of the pointer-events property as “none” to disable its click event. This article explained how to disable the click event using CSS along with its example.

About the author

Sharqa Hameed

I am a Linux enthusiast, I love to read Every Linux blog on the internet. I hold masters degree in computer science and am passionate about learning and teaching.


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