- Java Swing Tutorial
- Installing Window builder in Eclipse
- Creating a sample swing application
- Java how to create new jframe in eclipse
- How to create a JFrame with a title
- How to create a JFrame in JAVA using Eclipse IDE
- Java Eclipse GUI Tutorial 8 # How To Open A Second
- First GUI program- How to create a JFrame using
- How to create java jframe in eclipse
- Java is shutting down when creating a new JFrame when started from Eclipse. No exception thrown
- JFrame does not show up in Eclipse
Java Swing Tutorial
Install Eclipse if you already do not have it on your system.
(Note : for installing eclipse go to the following web site URL and follow the installation instructions http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/)
Installing Window builder in Eclipse
Step 1: Open Eclipse, Make sure all the open projects are closed
Step 2: Select the Help Menu —> Select the " Install new Software " and type in the following link in the " Work with " field
Kepler — http://download.eclipse.org/releases/kepler
(Note : Depending on the version of eclipse use the link — when you type in the link it gets autocompleted for the version of eclipse you are using. This sample installation is on Eclipse Kepler (4.3 version)).
Step 3: Select the " General purpose tools " by expanding it.
Step 4: From the options under the " General purpose tools " select the item show in the screenshot and click on the next button.
Step 5: Click on the next button and the review items to be installed window will be displayed
Step 6: Select on the " I agree to terms of the license agreement " radio button and click on the finish radio button.
Click on the Finish button
Step 7: Restart eclipse once installation is complete by selecting yes in the following window.
Step 8: To verify that installation is complete select the new visual class option you can see options Swing and SWT
Creating a sample swing application
Step 1: Create a new Java project by selecting " java project " from the Select a wizard and click on Next button.
(Note: Steps for new java project creation, File menu —> New —> Other —> Select java project)
Step 2: Give a project name click finish.
Step 3: Create a new package in the src folder.
(Note: Steps for new java package, File menu —> New —> Package)
Click on the Finish button
Step 4: Now select the package and click on the new visual class option in the tool bar and select Swing —> select JFrame and give a name to the class and click finish button.
Step 5: A class with some existing code is created and now to use the window builder click on the " Design tab " at the bottom of the editor.
Step 6: Now the UI panel selection window opens up.You can drag drop the UI item on the sample screen and click on the " Source tab " to edit the UI related code
Step 7: The sample swing application is developed to add elements —> a Jbutton and a JtextArea, these elements can be added to the window by selecting the elements in the palette and dropping the element in right sample window .The application displays line wise diff output of two versions of the program in natural language format.
Step 8: This application is developed using the absolute layout.
To set layout, right click on the window frame and select " set layout " and select the appropriate layout and for the sample application " absolute layout " is selected
Step 9: Now drag and drop the button onto the Jframe. For the sample application, Jbutton, JTextArea have been selected. The following is the screenshot of the sample window application (After adjusting the size of the elements)
Note:To add the scroll bar to the text area first drag drop the jscrollpane and then add the jtextArea element to the jscrollpane
Step 10: You can change the attributes of the elements by double clicking on them, it opens source tab with cursor at the selected elements code.The properties like font , background color can changed properties pane in the left corner or by modifying the source code
(Note: To add code for handling event on the button (like button clicking events) there are two ways,either double click on the element on the sample Jframe OR right click on the element and select add event handler —> action—> action performed. The corresponding event handling code gets added to the source.)
Step 12: To run the sample application right click on the project folder in the left navigation and click Run As —> Java Application
(Note : You can clone the application or copy the source code from the link specified in Step 11 before running the application )
Step 13: You can choose any of the three inputs (by clicking on the buttons )and get the diff output in the natural language
Sample Screenshots of the application
Sample application window
Sample diff outputs for different input programs
Test Input 1
(Note : The input is taken from 6 different file, if you want to run the application on your system keep the input files in the project root folder(refer screenshot under step 13) )
Java how to create new jframe in eclipse
but I learned a few things and want to share this here: it matters that I tried to run the code within my plugin the plugin is written for an eclipse based application therefore the plugin contains an SWT-dependency (I realized that it seemes to be a conflict between swt and swing/awt if people had similar problems) My code crashed inside swing Window class during JFrame creation with no exceptions thrown.
How to create a JFrame with a title
Perhaps using the setTitle method
JFrame frame = new JFrame("abc");
This is the way to create a JFrame with title:
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Title");
This is the way to create a JFrame and set its title:
JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setTitle("Title");
And this is the first result of Google for create jframe with title
You could use .setTitle(); to set the title.
Java — How do I create a new JFrame?, Creating a new JFrame. The way to create a new instance of a JFrame is pretty simple. All you have to do is: JFrame myFrame = new JFrame(«Frame Title»); But now the Window is hidden, to see the Window you must use the setVisible(boolean flag) method. Like this: myFrame.setVisible(true); …
How to create a JFrame in JAVA using Eclipse IDE
In this video you will learn how to create a JFrame in Java .*****Also Checkout:How to install Window bui
Java Eclipse GUI Tutorial 8 # How To Open A Second
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First GUI program- How to create a JFrame using
First Java swing GUI program: This video about `How to create JFrame ` Through program code in eclipse . That means without using any GUI builder.
How to create java jframe in eclipse
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test Frame"); frame.setSize(500,400); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
Java — How to create a JFrame with a title, Add a comment. 4. This is the way to create a JFrame with title: JFrame frame = new JFrame («Title»); This is the way to create a JFrame and set its title: JFrame frame = new JFrame (); frame.setTitle («Title»); And this is the first result of Google for create jframe with title. Share. Usage exampleframe.setTitle(«abc»);Feedback
Java is shutting down when creating a new JFrame when started from Eclipse. No exception thrown
I had absolutely identical situation.
My code crashed inside swing Window class during JFrame creation with no exceptions thrown. Test code looks like this
import javax.swing.JFrame; public class MainPanel < /** A Start point of the BC UI Clien Application. */ public static void main(String[] args) < try < JFrame objLoginPane = new JFrame(); objLoginPane.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); objLoginPane.pack(); objLoginPane.show(); >catch (Throwable ex) < ex.printStackTrace(); >> >
In my workspace there was 2 projects with swing GUI. More simple one worked as it should more complex one crashed on JFrame creation.
In new workspace situation was the same. Solution above did not helped.
During further investigation I’ve figured out that the project began to crash when certain amount of libraries (19-22 in my case) included in build path. It was not depend on size of jars in build path or type. There was no clear logic with what jars it stops to work.
So long story short I’ve found the crash reason in windows journals it’s NVIDIA 3D Vision Driver! After 3DVision driver uninstall all works fine (it is not required to uninstall display driver only 3D Vision cause the problem). I have latest (v378.49) GeForce drivers installed. There is my rough translation of windows journal entry related to this error:
Failed module name: nvSCPAPI64.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x588218a5 Error code: 0xc0000409 Error offset: 0x0000000000034b2f Failed process identifier: 0x143c Failed process start time: 0x01d280cd39a31077 Failed process path: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin\javaw.exe Failed module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPI64.dll Report identifier: 6dd65788-acb1-48ce-a786-4e38af325fec
So I finally found a working solution for me. I created a completely new Eclipse Workspace and copy-pasted all my classes. This seems to have fixed the unknown issue. I still don’t know what caused the issue, but I hope it won’t happen again.
This is not a real solution but more a workaround. I guess the best way would be to use Version Control as @efekctive suggested.
Thanks everyone to have provided suggestions on how to approach this issue.
How to create a JFrame in JAVA using Eclipse IDE, In this video you will learn how to create a JFrame in Java .*****Also Checkout:How to install Window bui
JFrame does not show up in Eclipse
I’m not sure whether this is the final solution but I learned a few things and want to share this here:
- it matters that I tried to run the code within my plugin
- the plugin is written for an eclipse based application
- therefore the plugin contains an SWT-dependency (I realized that it seemes to be a conflict between swt and swing/awt if people had similar problems)
- I found this article https://www.eclipse.org/articles/article.php?file=Article-Swing-SWT-Integration/index.html
- and this example code how to implement swing GUI by using the SWT/AWT Bridge http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/Java/0280__SWT/EmbededSwingAWTcomponentstoSWT.htm
- the example runs within my plugin without any problems and I will try to adapt my source code to use the SWT/AWT Bridge
- I’ll keep on reading about this 🙂
Any comment/correction is very welcome (as I’m still a newbie to all this. )
Your code is right and working in my own eclipse.
May be your eclipse is not working perfectly. in my opinion change your eclipse version and try again.
By the way your make sure to jdk version is same in eclipse and your console.
I don’t think you can directly add component to the JFrame. You must use the syntax:
frame.getContentPane().add(new JButton("hello"));
You can add directly to other swing component though but not JFrame.
I did a little more research and find out that since java 1.5 you can call add() directly to the JFrame object and it will implicitly call the correct pane. That include only the addition step. All other calls to content pane should be done explicitly.
Java — Open a new JFrame, 5 Answers. can’t resist, simple disagree with answers JFrame frame = new JFrame ( ); and frame.setVisible (true); I want to open a new JFrame when the user hits the first calculate button and serve as a Output window (Simlar to SPSS output windows if you are familiar with them). don’t do that, create only …