Create order id php

5 Methods to Generate Unique Order IDs in PHP: Best Practices and Security Considerations

Learn how to generate unique order IDs in PHP with these 5 methods. We explore best practices, security vulnerabilities, and scalability considerations for each method.

  • Using hash_hmac() function for generating unique order IDs
  • Using date() function for generating unique order IDs
  • UUID in PHP MySQL|How to generate Unique Id
  • Using uniqid() function for generating unique order IDs
  • Using auto-increment ID column for generating unique order IDs
  • Using UUIDs and SEQUENCE() function for generating unique order IDs
  • Other simple code examples for generating unique order IDs in PHP
  • Conclusion
  • How to create unique order id in PHP?
  • How do I create a unique order ID?
  • How to generate order no in PHP?
  • How to generate unique order id in laravel?

Generating a unique order ID is an important part of any e-commerce platform, as it helps to ensure accurate tracking and organization of orders. In this blog post, we will explore various methods for generating unique order IDs using the PHP programming language. We will discuss best practices, potential security vulnerabilities , and scalability considerations for each method.

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Using hash_hmac() function for generating unique order IDs

The hash_hmac() function is a built-in PHP function that generates a keyed hash value using the HMAC method. HMAC stands for “Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication,” and it is a cryptographic hash function that uses a secret key to sign and verify data integrity and authenticity.

To generate a unique order ID using hash_hmac() , we can combine an order ID and a secret key, and then hash the resulting string. This will result in a unique and secure order ID.

One of the benefits of using hash_hmac() is that it generates a unique hash value for each input, making it nearly impossible to predict the output. However, it is important to keep the secret key secure, as anyone with access to it could generate the same hash value.

Here is an example of how to use hash_hmac() to generate a unique order ID:

$order_id = '12345'; $secret_key = 'my_secret_key';$unique_id = hash_hmac('sha256', $order_id . $secret_key, $secret_key); 

Using date() function for generating unique order IDs

The date() function is another built-in PHP function that returns the current date and time in a specified format. We can use this function to generate a unique order ID by combining the current date and a random number.

One of the benefits of using date() is that it is a simple and straightforward method for generating unique IDs . However, it is important to keep in mind that the generated IDs may not be completely random, and there is a possibility of collisions if the same date and time is used multiple times.

Here is an example of how to use date() to generate a unique order ID:

$order_id = '12345';$unique_id = date('YmdHis') . rand(1000, 9999) . $order_id; 

UUID in PHP MySQL|How to generate Unique Id

UUID in PHP MySQL | How to generate Unique Id | Auto Generate Code | UUID Auto Generate Duration: 6:06

Using uniqid() function for generating unique order IDs

The uniqid() function is a built-in PHP function that generates a unique identifier based on the current time in microseconds. This function can be customized using the prefix and more_entropy parameters to add additional randomness to the generated IDs.

One of the benefits of using uniqid() is that it generates unique IDs quickly and easily. However, it is important to keep in mind that the generated IDs may not be completely random, and the use of the more_entropy parameter can potentially reduce performance.

Here is an example of how to use uniqid() to generate a unique order ID:

$order_id = '12345';$unique_id = uniqid('order_', true) . $order_id; 

Using auto-increment ID column for generating unique order IDs

The auto-increment ID column is a feature of most relational databases that automatically generates a unique integer value for each new row inserted into a table. We can use this feature to generate unique order IDs by creating a dedicated table for order IDs and utilizing the auto-increment column .

One of the benefits of using the auto-increment ID column is that it ensures unique IDs without requiring any additional code. However, it may not be the best option for platforms that require complex order ID formats or for platforms that need to generate IDs offline.

Here is an example of how to use the auto-increment ID column to generate a unique order ID:

// create a dedicated table for order IDs with auto-increment column CREATE TABLE orders ( id INT(6) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, order_id VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL );// insert a new order and retrieve its ID INSERT INTO orders (order_id) VALUES ('12345'); $order_id = $conn->insert_id;$unique_id = $order_id; 

Using UUIDs and SEQUENCE() function for generating unique order IDs

UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) are 128-bit unique identifiers that are generated using a combination of timestamp, random number, and MAC address. The SEQUENCE() function is a built-in function in most relational databases that generates a unique sequence of integers.

We can use these features to generate unique order IDs by creating a dedicated table for order IDs and utilizing the UUID and SEQUENCE functions.

One of the benefits of using UUIDs and SEQUENCE() is that it generates unique IDs that are nearly impossible to predict or collide. However, it may not be the best option for platforms that require simple or sequential order ID formats.

Here is an example of how to use UUIDs and SEQUENCE() to generate a unique order ID:

// create a dedicated table for order IDs with UUID and SEQUENCE column CREATE TABLE orders ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), order_id INT DEFAULT nextval('order_seq'), . );// insert a new order and retrieve its ID INSERT INTO orders (order_id, . ) VALUES (12345, . ); $order_id = $conn->lastInsertId();$unique_id = $order_id; 

Other simple code examples for generating unique order IDs in PHP

In Php , in particular, generate unique order id in php code sample

$unique_id = time() . mt_rand() . $userid; 


Generating unique order IDs is an important part of any e-commerce platform, and there are various methods to achieve this with PHP. It is important to consider best practices, potential security vulnerabilities, and scalability considerations when choosing a method. Testing and thorough consideration of the chosen method is necessary to ensure truly unique IDs are generated. By following the methods outlined in this blog post, you can generate unique order IDs that are both secure and scalable for your e-commerce platform.


Generating a Truly Unique Order Id in PHP

Assuming your users are authenticated and have a user id:

$unique_id = time() . mt_rand() . $userid;

If the same user requests this page a second time in the same second, there will still be a chance of 1 in mt_getrandmax() , which on my machine returns 2147483647. You can probably live with that?

If your users are not authenticated, you can use a hash of their IP address instead if you’d like.

How to generate Unique Order Id (just to show touser) with actual Order Id?

  • It must be reversible (i.e. given just the «random» ID, you can find the original order_id)
  • No extra columns
  • You don’t want to show the original/internal order_id to the user at all

then I would recommend some kind of two-way encryption. Hashing won’t work as you can’t find the original value from a hash.

I’m also adding that it should be human-friendly e.g. someone can call it out over the phone to you

I’m going to use a very simple two way encryption class located here, which was written by Tony Marston.

We want the solution to be human-friendly so let’s remove some of the scramble chars. I’ve left only uppercase characters, numbers and the space and dash symbols. All of these can be easily communicated using the standard phonetic alphabet, and the forced use of uppercase removes any confusion as to what a character is.

These are the scramble strings I used (I used this online word scrambler rather than trying to scramble the string myself):

 $this->scramble1 = '0123456789-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '; 
$this->scramble2 = 'UKAH652LMOQ FBDIEG03JT17N4C89XPV-WRSYZ';

So the code to create our human-friendly order id is:

include 'encryption_class.php';

$crypt = new encryption_class();

// Min length of 8 for encrypted string
$min_length = 8;

$order_id = 123456789;

print "Original: " . $order_id . PHP_EOL;

$encrypt_result = $crypt->encrypt($key, $order_id, $min_length);

print "Encrypted: " . $encrypt_result . PHP_EOL;

$decrypt_result = $crypt->decrypt($key, $encrypt_result);

print "Decrypted: " . $decrypt_result . PHP_EOL;


(You need to download and save the *encryption_class* file locally, and include it).

I ran that code from the command line and received the following output:

Original: 123456789
Encrypted: 2UD5UIK9S
Decrypted: 123456789

Now we have our short, human-friendly order_id, which can be used in a URL such as, and you never need to display or communicate the internal order_id to your users.

The encrypted code will be unique once your order_id is unique (since it’s a PK it will be)

This should not be used as a password encryption/decryption routine — don’t store passwords, store hashes.

Make sure your secret key is random, complex and contains only the characters in your $scramble variables.

It obfuscates the order_id only.

Although padding the input string (order_id) generates a certain amount of ramdomness, you could combine this with @biakaveron’s answer to create a URL like

How to produce a short unique id in php?

Uniqid is not guaranteed to be unique, even in its full length.

Furthermore, uniqid is intended to be unique only locally. This means that if you create users simultaneously on two or more servers, you may end up with one ID for two different users, even if you use full-length uniqid.

  • If you are really looking for globally unique identifiers (i.e. your application is running on multiple servers with separate databases), you should use UUIDs. These are even longer than the ones returned by uniqid, but there is no practical chance of collisions.
  • If you need only locally unique identifiers, stick with AUTO_INCREMENT in your database. This is (a little) faster and (a little) safer than checking if a short random ID already exists in your database.

EDIT: As it turns out in the comments below, you are looking not only for an ID for the user, but rather you are forced to provide your users with a random login name. Which is weird, but okay. In such case, you may try to use rand in a loop, until you get one that does not exist in your database.

$min = 1;
do $username = "user" . rand($min, $min * 10);
$min = $min * 10;
> while (user_exists($username));
// Create your user here.

Generate Unique Order ID

Sorry for the late reply, was at school and I didn’t wanna get caught, but if you’re still having the problem, you can use PDO in this way:

$statement = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = 'what_id_to_search_for'";
$query = $pdo->query($statement, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); # FETCH_ASSOC just returns an assosiative array.
if ($query->rowCount())
# The row exists! Do again! (re-call function, etc. )
> else # The row doesn't exist! Woo! We can insert!

If you’re using MySQLi, etc. please let me know I’ll delete my answer cause I don’t like that connection language, and if that doesn’t make sense I can rewrite it to make it simpler for you,

Also, I don’t see why you don’t just use an AUTO_INCREMENT type and then just set a type like TLP for example. 🙂

Generate unique ids

Have you looked into uniqid() ?

Generating a unique ID in PHP

string uniqid ([ string $prefix [, bool $more_entropy ]] )

Gets a prefixed unique identifier based on the current time in microseconds.

USAGE: $id = uniqid(rand(), true);


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