- How to Copy Text to the Clipboard with HTML and JavaScript
- Copying Text From a Text Box to the Clipboard Using JavaScript
- Demo:
- HTML Code
- JavaScript Code
- How to Copy Any Text By Creating a Selection Range in JavaScript
- Demo:
- HTML Code
- Javascript Code
- How to Copy Text To the Clipboard that Isn’t Visible with HTML
- Demo:
- HTML Code
- JavaScript Code
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- Copy text from a webpage
- 9 Answers 9
- How TO — Copy Text to Clipboard
- Copy Text to Clipboard
- Example
- Example
- Display Copied Text in a Tooltip
- Example
- Html how to copy html text code example
- How to copy html text selection and assign it to a string in c#
- How to generate HTML tags by copy/paste into textarea
- HTML oncopy Attribute
- Definition and Usage
- Applies to
- Examples
- Browser Support
How to Copy Text to the Clipboard with HTML and JavaScript
Having a click-able button on your website that allows users to copy text can be easily achieved by using the document.execCommand() method.
Unfortunately support for the execCommand() method is lacking in many old browsers, such as Opera Mini and the UC Browser for Android.
The vast majority of users should be able to copy the text with out any issues and the website can display an error message if the copy command fails.
Additionally to work around browser support problem: As long as we put the text into a text box, it should be easy enough for users using these browsers to manually copy the text to the clipboard.
Copying Text From a Text Box to the Clipboard Using JavaScript
JavaScript Code
After pressing the button, you should be able to paste the text into the text field below or in any other application that will accept text being pasted from the clipboard.
Here is a box that you can paste the text into so you don’t have to leave this page:
Unfortunately, due to security concerns, it is not possible to paste text using JavaScript into a browser window through JavaScript, unless it’s a background page of a browser extension. This is to prevent websites from gathering sensitive information such as user passwords.
There is also one big issue with this code, if the user currently has text selected, they will lose their selection. In the following examples, the code will restore the user’s previous text selection if they had one.
How to Copy Any Text By Creating a Selection Range in JavaScript
Since selecting all of the text in a text box using select() will only work with a text box, if you want to copy all text to the clipboard of a specific ID or class name, you will have to create a text selection range instead.
This is a little bit more flexible as you do not have to have a text box.
The text to copy to the clipboard.
Javascript Code
How to Copy Text To the Clipboard that Isn’t Visible with HTML
This is probably the most useful version of the script as it allows you to generate text in JavaScript, which is not visible on the page at all, then place that text on to the clipboard.
It works by creating an element that is off the screen with the text that is to be copied.
Since browser compatibility could be an issue, the script will also display an error message in a message box if it can’t copy the text. Using a message box isn’t the best way to handle this but you can customize the code to display the error notification any way you choose.
Copy Some Text That You Can’t See!
JavaScript Code
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Copy text from a webpage
Let’s say we have a website speedywap.com When I open the website in my browser and then I copy the page to the clipboard and when I paste it in my notepad (windows) only text remains. All the code is removed except for the text that was in links etc (i.e displayed on the screen). I want to do something similar with php because I am trying to create a keyword density analyser. So I want something that is able to just keep the text from a webpage that is displayed on the screen. My server is running apache, php, centos and mysql
9 Answers 9
you can use strip_tags to strip tags from it then you are just left with text.
function curl($url) < $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); return curl_exec($ch); curl_close ($ch); >$html = curl('http://speedywap.com');
cURL is many times faster then fgc. You can use strip_tags but that doesnt guarantee anything, only way is to manually parse the page, using str_replace, preg_replace etc.
For a very naïve start, you can use this:
I want only the text to remain. I know how to get the content and strip tags. What I am looking for is some code to remove all the html entities, tags, etc and then just keep the text as it is shown on the page(that includes dynamic content created by javascript, ajax, etc) But thanks for helping.
Getting the «displayed text» of arbitrary URLs as it appears after javascript has been executed is very, very difficult with raw PHP. I said «arbitrary URLs» because you must be talking about other websites also — the only difference I can see between speedywap.com with and without javascript is the adverts disappear without JS. However, if you are building a «keyword density analyser», you should not worry about content coming in through AJAX, as search engines cannot see it.
You need to make it more clear what you’re trying to do; you need to expand on what you think a «keyword density analyser» is. If you want to «analyse» facebook pages (wall posts, comments), that’s entirely different to doing it for arbitrary sites on the internet. Facebook has an API, for instance.
To make this clear: if you are doing this from an SEO point of view, content which is behind AJAX is not relevant because search engines (Google) cannot see it (unless the site is using this).
How TO — Copy Text to Clipboard
Learn how to copy text to the clipboard with JavaScript.
Click on the button to copy the text from the text field.
Copy Text to Clipboard
Step 1) Add HTML:
Step 2) Add JavaScript:
function myFunction() <
// Get the text field
var copyText = document.getElementById(«myInput»);
// Select the text field
copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); // For mobile devices
// Copy the text inside the text field
// Alert the copied text
alert(«Copied the text: » + copyText.value);
Display Copied Text in a Tooltip
.tooltip <
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
.tooltip .tooltiptext visibility: hidden;
width: 140px;
background-color: #555;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 6px;
padding: 5px;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
bottom: 150%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -75px;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.3s;
.tooltip .tooltiptext::after content: «»;
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -5px;
border-width: 5px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #555 transparent transparent transparent;
.tooltip:hover .tooltiptext visibility: visible;
opacity: 1;
Html how to copy html text code example
Solution 2: use this for read from file http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/db5x7c0d.aspx and this for read from url Solution 1: Catching the paste event isn’t easy and hacky at best (see JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser)), so I think your best bet for achieving this is to attach some JS to your textarea with its own ‘paste rich text’ method, which will pull from the clipboard and format to HTML for you. Tip: The attribute is mostly used on elements with .
How to copy html text selection and assign it to a string in c#
Use HttpAgilityPack. Someone could say it’s overblown, but otherwise tomorrow you’ll ask us how to convert the &code; that are in the file, and the next day you’ll ask something else.
use this for read from file
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("TestFile.html"))
and this for read from url
WebClient client = new WebClient(); String htmlCode = client.DownloadString("http://test.com/file.html");
Copy; html Code Example,
How to generate HTML tags by copy/paste into textarea
Catching the paste event isn’t easy and hacky at best (see JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser)), so I think your best bet for achieving this is to attach some JS to your textarea with its own ‘paste rich text’ method, which will pull from the clipboard and format to HTML for you.
There are loads of WYSIWYG editors out there that would do this, but I quite like CKEditor. You can disable all functionality apart form ‘rich text paste’ to give a minimalist toolbar.
Because there is not any style there at all. They are just unicode characters! So all you have to is find the suitable unicode character code for your intended style and convert your string to that.
this site may help
Html form copy text Code Example, copy data with icon click in html. click and copy html. copy a text value in js. jquery code copy to clipboard. copy () in javascript. javascript set clipboard value. html clipboard-copy. javascript copy pre content to clipboard. code forr copy from input tag using javascript.
HTML oncopy Attribute
Definition and Usage
The oncopy attribute fires when the user copies the content of an element.
Tip: The oncopy attribute also fires when the user copies an element, for example, an image, created with the element.
Tip: The oncopy attribute is mostly used on elements with type=»text» .
Tip: There are three ways to copy an element/the content of an element:
- Press CTRL + C
- Select «Copy» from the Edit menu in your browser
- Right click to display the context menu and select the «Copy» command
Applies to
The oncopy attribute is part of the Event Attributes, and can be used on any HTML elements.
Elements | Event |
All HTML elements | oncopy |
Input Example
Execute a JavaScript when copying some text of an element:
P Example
Execute a JavaScript when copying some text of a
Img Example
Execute a JavaScript when copying an image:
Browser Support
Note: The oncopy attribute may not work as expected in some browsers when trying to copy an image (See example above).
Html copy but Code Example, html copy icon functionality. css copy button. html text field with copy button. when button clicked copy paste in html. html button copy text to clipboard. button to copy html from page. make button copy text. make a copy and paste button. sheet copy button.