Cookie and sessions in html

What is the difference between session and cookies?

The data that a user enters into multiple pages of a website can be saved using a combination of cookies and sessions. Cookies and sessions are both vitally important since they record the data that the user has provided for a variety of purposes.

Cookies and Sessions are used to store information. Cookies are only stored on the client-side machine, while sessions get stored on the client as well as the server.

Read through this article to find out more about cookies and sessions and how they are different from each other.

Cookies are little text-based files that are kept on the user’s computer and are accessible only by that user’s browser. It is possible for a cookie’s size to reach a maximum of 4 KB. Cookies are also referred to as HTTP cookies, online cookies, and internet cookies, amongst other names.

When a person signs into a website or application for the very first time, that website transmits a large amount of information to the user’s computer in the form of cookies.

When a user opens a site, these cookies maintain track of all of the activities and surfing they do on the site. The information is saved using the string type. The information that is gathered by cookies is not considered to be secure because the information is kept in texts that are simple to read and understand. The users have the ability to control whether the cookies are enabled or disabled at any time they see fit. Only the user who initially created a cookie has access to the cookie’s information; no other users can see it.

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Cookies are created with the help of an HTTP header and then transferred between the browser and the server. Cookies are saved in the Temporal Internet File Folder by Internet Explorer, but the location where they are saved is determined by the browser being used. Cookies read the data that is generated when we search for and play certain songs on YouTube. Then, the next time that we open YouTube, the same songs or recommendations that are similar to them are displayed.

Why Use Cookies?

Since HTTP is a stateless protocol, it does not save any information about users on its servers. Cookies are a useful tool for accomplishing this goal. It makes it possible for us to save the information on the user’s computer and monitor the state of any apps that are being used.

What is a Session?

Sessions are used to temporarily store data on the server so that it can be utilized on a variety of different websites. To put it more simply, a session is the amount of time that a user spends engaged in a particular activity. This period of time begins when the user accesses any website or program and continues until the user exits the application or shuts down the computer.

Because the HTTP protocol does not keep track of the user’s status, the web server does not recognize the user as they are navigating the apps available on the internet. The information that the user enters into the program on the home page or any other page will not be moved to any other pages in the application. Sessions are what are used to remove this limitation from the game. Session variables, which can be of any sort, are where the user’s data can be saved if they are chosen to do so. The data that is stored by session variables is either encrypted or converted to a binary form on the server, which protects the data from being accessed by a third party.

When the user of the application logs out of that application or closes down their computer, the session value is automatically detached. It is necessary for the session values to be saved in the database if they are to be retained for a longer period of time. Every single session is unique to the individual user, and there is no limit to the number of sessions that can be used within a single application because there are no constraints placed on it. A user can be recognized with the assistance of a session, which is a one-of-a-kind number that is kept on the server in the form of a cookie, a form field, or a URL.

The Session ID, which is a one-of-a-kind number that is temporarily stored on the server, is what is used to identify the user. It is either a cookie, a form field, or a URL that is saved.

Why Use Sessions?

Sessions are used to store information such as User ID over the server more securely, where it cannot be altered. This prevents the information from being tampered with.

In addition to this, sessions can transfer the information from one web page to another in the form of value.

Sessions can be used as a substitute for cookies in web browsers that do not support cookies, allowing for the storage of variables in a manner that is more impenetrable.

The following table highlights the major differences between a cookie and a session −


In summary, despite the fact that cookies and sessions are both ways to store data on a server or on web pages, the way in which the data is accessed is distinct between the two methods. The data that is kept in cookies is solely kept on the client’s side, whereas the information that is kept in sessions is kept on both the client and server’s sides.

Cookies are considered to be less safe than sessions since a third-party can manipulate the data that is stored in them, whereas sessions are stored in an encrypted form that the user alone can read.

Sessions also save the passwords on the computer and form data, which means that every time the user accesses an application, that program will not ask the user to log in again. This is because the passwords and form data are saved.


Difference Between Session and Cookie

A session is a global variable stored on the server. Each session is assigned a unique id which is used to retrieve stored values. Whenever a session is created, a cookie containing the unique session id is stored on the user’s computer and returned with every request to the server. If the client browser does not support cookies, the unique session id is displayed in the URL. Sessions have the capacity to store relatively large data compared to cookies.

The session values are automatically deleted when the browser is closed. If you want to store the values permanently, then you should store them in the database.

Just like the $_COOKIE array variable, session variables are stored in the $_SESSION array variable. Just like cookies, the session must be started before any HTML tags.

A cookie is a small file with the maximum size of 4KB that the web server stores on the client computer. Once a cookie has been set, all page requests that follow return the cookie name and value. A cookie can only be read from the domain that it has been issued from. For example, a cookie set using the domain cannot be read from the domain Most of the websites on the internet display elements from other domains such as advertising. The domains serving these elements can also set their own cookies. These are known as third party cookies. A cookie created by a user can only be visible to them. Other users cannot see its value. Most web browsers have options for disabling cookies, third party cookies or both.

Here are important difference between Session and Cookie:

Cookies are client-side files that contain user information

Sessions are server-side files which contain user information

Cookie ends depending on the lifetime you set for it

A session ends when a user closes his browser

You don’t need to start cookie as it is stored in your local machine

In PHP, before using $_SESSION, you have to write session_start(); Likewise for other languages

The official maximum cookie size is 4KB

Within-session you can store as much data as you like. The only limits you can reach is the maximum memory a script can consume at one time, which is 128MB by default

A cookie is not dependent on Session

A session is dependent on Cookie

There is no function named unsetcookie()

Session_destroy(); is used to destroy all registered data or to unset some

Why and when to use Sessions?

To store important information such as the user id more securely on the server where malicious users cannot temper with them. Sessions are used to pass values from one page to another.

It is also used when you want the alternative to cookies on browsers that do not support cookies, to store global variables in an efficient and more secure way compared to passing them in the URL, developing an application such as a shopping cart that has to temporary store information with a capacity larger than 4KB.

Why and when to use Cookies?

Http is a stateless protocol; cookies allow us to track the state of the application using small files stored on the user’s computer. The path were the cookies are stored depends on the browser. Internet Explorer usually stores them in Temporal Internet Files folder. Personalizing the user experience – this is achieved by allowing users to select their preferences. The page requested that follow are personalized based on the set preferences in the cookies. Tracking the pages visited by a user.


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