Converting string to uppercase in python

Python String to Uppercase: A Comprehensive Guide to Converting Strings in Python

Learn how to easily convert strings to uppercase in Python using built-in methods like upper() and capitalize(). Improve your string handling skills with this comprehensive guide today!

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If you are working with strings in Python, you may need to convert them to uppercase for consistency or formatting purposes. Fortunately, Python provides several methods for converting strings to uppercase, including the upper() and capitalize() methods. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore these methods and other related topics to help you understand how to convert strings to uppercase in python.

Using the upper() method

The upper() method is a built-in method in Python that converts all lowercase characters in a string to uppercase characters. This method returns a new string with the modified characters, but does not modify the original string.

Here is an example code for using the upper() method:

string = "hello world" string_upper = string.upper() print(string_upper) 

As you can see, the upper() method converted all lowercase characters in the string “hello world” to uppercase characters.

Using the capitalize() method

The capitalize() method is a built-in method in Python that capitalizes only the first character of a string and converts all other alphabets to lowercase. This method also returns a new string with the modified characters, but does not modify the original string.

Here is an example code for using the capitalize() method:

string = "hello world" string_capitalize = string.capitalize() print(string_capitalize) 

As you can see, the capitalize() method capitalized only the first character of the string “hello world” and converted all other characters to lowercase.

Convert a String to upper case Python

Published on April 21, 2019:In this video, we will learn to convert a string to upper case in Duration: 0:54

Using the isupper() method

The isupper() method is a built-in method in Python that checks if all characters in a string are uppercase. This method returns True if all characters in a string are uppercase, and False otherwise.

Here is an example code for using the isupper() method:

string = "HELLO WORLD" print(string.isupper()) 

As you can see, the isupper() method returned True because all characters in the string “HELLO WORLD” are uppercase.

Converting strings to lowercase

Python provides the lower() method for converting all uppercase characters in a string to lowercase characters. This method works similarly to the upper() method.

Here is an example code for using the lower() method:

string = "HELLO WORLD" string_lower = string.lower() print(string_lower) 

Finding uppercase characters in a string

Python provides the isupper() method for checking if a character in a string is uppercase. This method returns True if the character is uppercase, and False otherwise.

Here is an example code for using the isupper() method:

string = "HELLO WORLD" for char in string: if char.isupper(): print(char) 

As you can see, the isupper() method helped us find the uppercase characters in the string “HELLO WORLD”.

Swapping the cases of characters in a string

Python provides the swapcase() method for swapping the cases of characters in a string. This method converts all uppercase characters to lowercase and all lowercase characters to uppercase.

Here is an example code for using the swapcase() method:

string = "Hello World" string_swapcase = string.swapcase() print(string_swapcase) 

Other quick code examples for converting strings to uppercase in Python

In Python as proof, python to uppercase code sample

text = "Random String" text = text.upper() #Can also do text = upper(text) print(text)>> "RANDOM STRING"

In Python , python uppercase code sample

my_string = "this is my string" print(my_string.upper()) # output: "THIS IS MY STRING"

In Python , for instance, python to uppercase code example

original = Hello, World!#both of these work upper = original.upper() upper = upper(original)

In Python as proof, uppercase string python code sample

strin = "aBc" print string.upper() >> "ABC" print string.lower() >> "abc"

In Python , for example, isupper() in python code sample

#!/usr/bin/pythonstr = "THIS IS STRING EXAMPLE. WOW. "; print str.isupper() #Prints True str = "THIS is string example. wow. "; print str.isupper() #prints False 

In Python case in point, uppercase python

# example string string = "this should be uppercase!" print(string.upper())# string with numbers # all alphabets should be lowercase string = "Th!s Sh0uLd B3 uPp3rCas3!" print(string.upper())

In Python , for instance, python toupper

In Python , for instance, python string to uppercase

# String to Uppercase by Matthew Johnson myStr = "Dna" print(myStr.upper()) #OUTPUT: "DNA"


Python provides several methods for converting strings to uppercase, including the upper() and capitalize() methods. Understanding how to convert strings to uppercase is essential for working with strings in Python. Python’s built-in string methods are efficient and easy to use, making Python a popular language for handling strings. With the knowledge gained from this comprehensive guide, you can confidently convert strings to uppercase in your Python projects.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

How do I convert a string to uppercase in Python?

To convert a string to uppercase in Python, you can use the built-in upper() method. This method returns a new string with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase. Alternatively, you can use the capitalize() method to capitalize only the first character of a string.

Can I convert a string to uppercase without modifying the original string?

Yes, you can convert a string to uppercase without modifying the original string by using either the upper() or capitalize() method. Both methods return a new string with the modified characters, leaving the original string unchanged.

What is the isupper() method in Python?

The isupper() method is a built-in method in Python that checks if all characters in a string are uppercase. It returns True if all characters in a string are uppercase, and False otherwise.

How do I convert all uppercase characters in a string to lowercase in Python?

To convert all uppercase characters in a string to lowercase in Python, you can use the built-in lower() method. This method returns a new string with all uppercase characters converted to lowercase.

How do I check if a character in a string is uppercase in Python?

To check if a character in a string is uppercase in Python, you can use the isupper() method. This method checks if a character is uppercase and returns True if it is, and False otherwise.

What is the swapcase() method in Python?

The swapcase() method is a built-in method in Python that swaps the cases of all characters in a string. It converts all uppercase characters to lowercase and vice versa, and returns a new string with the modified characters.


Convert String to Uppercase in Python

To convert a string to uppercase in Python use the upper() method. The upper() method is a built-in Python function that converts all lowercase characters in a string to uppercase and returns the resulting string.

In this article, I will explain the syntax of the python string upper() method, its parameters and explain how to convert a string to uppercase in Python.

1. Quick Examples of Convert String to Uppercase

If you are in a hurry, below are some quick examples of how to convert string to uppercase in python.

 # Below are the quick examples #Example 1: Convert string to uppercase stringVar = "welcome to sparkbyexamples" print(stringVar.upper()) #Example 2: Convert literal string to uppercase result = "welcome to sparkbyexamples".upper()) print(result) #Example 3: Convert string to uppercase stringVar = "welcome to sparkbyexamples" stringVar = stringVar.upper() print(stringVar) #Example 4: Convert alphanumeric string to uppercase stringVar = "we1c0m4 t0 5pa6k8yex0mp7e8" print(stringVar.upper()) #Example 5: Convert part of the string uppercase_string = stringVar[:10] + stringVar[10:].upper() print(uppercase_string) #Example 6: Convert first letter to Upper stringVar = "welcome to sparkbyexamples" print(stringVar.capitalize()) 

2. Syntax of String upper() Method

Following is the syntax for creating upper() method

 # Syntax of upper() function string.upper() 

2.1 Parameter of upper()

The upper() method does not take any parameters.

3. Convert a String to Uppercase in Python

You can use the upper() function to convert characters in a string to uppercase. The upper() function returns a new string with all the characters in the original string converted to uppercase. It does not modify the original string. For example,

 # Convert string to uppercase stringVar = "welcome to sparkbyexamples" print(stringVar.upper()) # Output # WELCOME TO SPARKBYEXAMPLES 

4. Convert Alphanumeric String to Upper case

Similarly, you can also convert alphanumeric string to uppercase using this method. For an alphanumeric string, it converts only lowercase letters to uppercase and leaves the other character unchanged.

 # Convert string to uppercase using upper() stringVar = "we1c0m4 t0 5pa6k8yex0mp7e8" print(stringVar.upper()) # Output # WE1C0M4 T0 5PA6K8YEX0MP7E8 

5. Convert the Original Input String to Uppercase

Note that the upper() method does not modify the original string instead it returns a new string with the uppercase version of the original string. If you want to modify the original string, you can assign the result of the upper() method back to the original string. For example,

 # Convert string to uppercase stringVar = "welcome to sparkbyexamples" result = stringVar.upper() print(result) # Output # WELCOME TO SPARKBYEXAMPLES 

6. Convert Part of the String to Uppercase

Sometimes you would be required to convert only part of the string, you can achieve this by splitting the string and converting part of the string to upper case, and concatenating the strings.

The below example converts only a part of the string to uppercase, Here, I used slicing and concatenation.

 # Convert Part of the String to Upper stringVar = "welcome to sparkbyexamples" uppercase_string = stringVar[:10] + stringVar[10:].upper() print(uppercase_string) # Output: # welcome to SPARKBYEXAMPLES 

7. Convert the First Letter to Upper case

You can also use the str.capitalize() method to convert the first character of a string to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.

 # Convert First Letter of string to Upper stringVar = "welcome to sparkbyexamples" print(stringVar.capitalize()) # Output: # Welcome to sparkbyexamples 

8. Comparison of Strings Using upper() Method

Similarly, you can use the upper() method to compare two strings for equality, ignoring the case of the characters. This function is used to convert both strings to uppercase before the comparison.

 # Comparison of strings using upper() method String1 = "welcome to sparkbyexamples" String2 ="WeLComE TO SpArKbYExAmPlEs" if(String1.upper() == String2.upper()): print("Strings are same") else: print("Strings are not same") # Output # Strings are same 


In this article, I have explained the Python string upper() method syntax, parameters, and how to convert all lowercase characters in a string to uppercase and also explained several examples like converting title case, converting on original string e.t.c.

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Python String upper()

The upper() method converts all lowercase characters in a string into uppercase characters and returns it.


message = 'python is fun' 
# convert message to uppercase print(message.upper())

Syntax of String upper()

The syntax of upper() method is:

upper() Parameters

upper() method doesn’t take any parameters.

upper() Return Value

upper() method returns the uppercase string from the given string. It converts all lowercase characters to uppercase.

If no lowercase characters exist, it returns the original string.

Example 1: Convert a string to uppercase

# example string string = "this should be uppercase!" 
# string with numbers # all alphabets should be lowercase string = "Th!s Sh0uLd B3 uPp3rCas3!"

Example 2: How upper() is used in a program?

# first string firstString = "python is awesome!" # second string secondString = "PyThOn Is AwEsOmE!" 
if(firstString.upper() == secondString.upper()):
print("The strings are same.") else: print("The strings are not same.")

Note: If you want to convert to lowercase string, use lower(). You can also use swapcase() to swap between lowercase to uppercase.


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