Converting html to mobile

Turn HTML into APK For FREE

Make an Android APK file from your HTML code in less than 1 minute

Convert HTML code to an Android App just by copy-pasting your code in the form. Make an apk from HTML with no coding.

Absolutely Free For Use

Making a mobile app from HTML isn’t expensive anymore. Create an Android APK from your HTML code for free without Android coding. Downloading and sharing APK files is free as well.

Читайте также:  Стиль css создать ссылку

Easy & Fast to Make APK

Making an APK from HTML takes less than 5 minutes! Just copy and paste your HTML code into the form of the Converter, name your app and upload the icon. No mobile coding is needed.

Ready for Distribution

You will get an Android APK with your HTML code inside ready for publication on app markets right away. You can share it on Google Play, Amazon App Store and other app markets.

Convert HTML to APK with Features

Light APK to load an app within a few seconds. Works with offline content.

Join the Monetization program to show banner ads inside your app and get an extra income.

Send push notifications with news, update, special offers and any other information!

Suitable for any version of Android OS. Ready for Google Play and other app markets publication right away.

How to Create HTML File in Android Phone For Free?

Build an APK from HTML code in 5 simple steps

Click the «Create App Now» button. Or visit and find the HTML App template on Business Tab.

Copy — paste your HTML code. Check if you copied it correctly. Click on Preview to see if the app works well. You can convert HTML pages and websites into apk.

Write the name of your app. Add keywords to make your app more searchable for Android users on app markets.

You can download your APK file and publish it on Google Play or any other app market for Android. Share your apk with Android users all over the world!

Convert HTML to APK with Free App Converter

You can make an APK from any online and offline content.

Convert HTML code, text, PDF files, images, websites, social media links, blogs to apk. AppsGeyser turns any content into Android apps without coding and fees just with html to website converter.

Turn HTML to Android App in less than 1 minute!

AppsGeyser — Free APK Converter

Making, downloading and sharing ANDROID APPS is free!

Free App HTML to App Converter is helping to make Android app development accessible and easy for everyone. You don’t need to know how to code or design to make mobile apps. AppsGeyser offers more than 35 ready-to-use app templates for Android with free features.

  • Up to 5 minutes to make an APK form HTML code
  • Free and simple to use
  • No Android coding required
  • Instant access to APK file
  • Monetization program
  • Push notifications


Turn your website / html into a mobile App for Android and iOS

This tutorial will guide you how to convert a website, or html files (with js and css) into a free or a dedicated App for Android and iOS with the App Maker of the WebIntoApp.

The App Maker is a wizard tool that allows everyone, even those that do not have technical knowledgement, to convert an existing website (online URL) and HTML / JS / CSS files (offline App) into a stand-alone Mobile App for Android and iOS.

You can either create a new App, or edit / add / remove features from an existing App with the App Maker.

The App Maker contains two main stages. The first stage allows you to set the App details, such as the App name, the version, the description, the extra features and more, while in the second stage you can set the mode of the App (free or dedicated), then compile and build it according to the details that you have set in stage one.

Stage 1 — Set the general details of your App

  1. Set the source of your App
    The source of your App can be an online website (URL) or HTML / JS / CSS files under a zip file.

Make sure the HTML/CSS/JS files are under the main directory of the ZIP file, while the index.html file is the entry point of your App.

Please note that HTML App (with JS and CSS) that can be run locally should work fine inside the webview of your App. Server-side technologies and languages, such as PHP (or MYSQL) will not work.

You can use the Simulator in order to review the estimated look of your App in the device. Currently the simulator works with Online URLs only.

Set the App details

  • Give your App a name.
  • Set the Major Version and the Minor Version of your App.
  • Describe the App.
  • Set your company / organization name.
  • Set the package name.

The App Maker will create the package name automatically from the App Name field and the Company Name field.

Please Note: If your App uses the Firebase services, please make sure that the package name of the Firebase App and the package name of your App are the same. If you will not set the Firebase Package name as the Package name of your App, the App Maker will change the Package name of your App to the Package name of the Firebase App automatically.

The Extras section of the App Maker allows you to set the advanced features of your App, such as the Icon, Splash Screen, Firebase, AdMob and Advanced Settings.

    Set the icon of your App.
    Click on the Set Icon link in order to Upload the icon of your App. The system will generate the relevant icons and fit them to the right resolutions according to the Android and iOS requirements.

The system will use the Auto-Fill functionality when you are creating a new App so you do not have to deal with these fields, but if you still want to set other details, you can fill those fields as you wish.

You can set the defaults values of those fields in the Settings->Defaults, so each time you are creating a new App those fields will filled up automatically.

Now that you have set the details of your App, you can click on the Next button in order to move to the next stage.

Stage 2 — Set the mode and build your App

In the second stage you can set the mode (free or dedicated) then compile and build your App according to the details that you have set in stage one.

  1. Set the mode of your App.
    You can create a free app or a dedicated App. Here are the main points for each mode:
    • Free App
      Android App (APK file) under released mode with our advertisement for free usage.
    • Dedicated App
      Your own dedicated, white label and branded Mobile App for Android and iOS* with all the premium features and the source code for free or commercial usage.
  2. Compile and create your App.
    Click on the Make App button.

The App Maker will display a window with the building progress of your App. Please wait a while, this process may take up to 1-2 minute.

Your App is ready.

You can now download your App, publish it everywhere, and use all the features the provides, such as detecting new installs (detailed with many parameters), push notifications with the Firebase Cloud Messaging service and even earn money with AdMobe.



Convert your HTML / JS / CSS files into a mobile App for Android &iOS.

Google Play Store Ready

Publish your App to the Google Play Store and to any other APK store.

Detect Installs

Web To App - App Maker

The App Maker of also allows you to convert your HTML / Javascript / CSS project files into a mobile App for Android and iOS, online.

Any App that made with HTML / JS / CSS that can work on your local device can be used as a stand alone App for Android & iOS. Just upload your project files under a zip file and hit the Make App button, the App Maker will add your files to a WebView App with all the Extra Features.

You can use the Extra Features section of our App Maker in order to set the Icon, the Ownership and the look and the behavior of your App.

The App Maker supports the Firebase SDK by default, you can easily add your JSON / PLIST settings then use the Messaging (Push Notifications) and the Analytics services of Firebase from your App.

You can convert your HTML / JS / CSS project file into a mobile App for Android for Free and test the results, upgrading to a dedicated App can be done at any time in the future.

Follow the next steps in order to convert your HTML / JS / CSS into a mobile App:


The HTML/CSS/JS project files should be under the main directory of a ZIP file, while the index.html file is the entry point of your App.

HTML To App Details

Set the App details, such as the Icon, the Ownership, the Splash Screen and more, then click on the Next Button.

HTML To App Maker

Make sure all the details of the App are correct, set the mode of your App (Free or Dedicated) then click on the Make App button. The App Maker will build your App online, this process may take up to 1 minute.

Your App is ready! You can download and install it on your local device and publish it to the Google Play Store (Free App) and to the Apple App Store (Dedicated App).


Конвертировать HTML в MOBI / URL в MOBI онлайн

Продвинутый онлайн-сервис конвертации html файлов в MOBI. Для mac & windows

  • Image
  • Document
  • Ebook
  • Audio
  • Archive
  • Video
  • Presentation
  • Font
  • Vector
  • CAD
  • Image
  • Document
  • Ebook
  • Audio
  • Archive
  • Video
  • Presentation
  • Font
  • Vector
  • CAD

Язык гипертекстовой разметки

HTML ― это файл веб-формата. Исходный код HTML можно изменить в текстовом редакторе. HTML-файлы разрабатываются для будущего использования в веб-браузерах пользователей и позволяют форматировать сайты с текстом, изображениями и другими необходимыми материалами. В файлах этого формата используются теги для создания веб-страниц. Интерпретация HTML-кода выполняется веб-браузером, и этот код, как правило, не показывается пользователю.

Электронная книга MobiPocket

Данный формат используется в ПО MobiPocket Reader на настольных и мобильных платформах. Книги в данном формате могут иметь расширение .prc и .mobi. Изначально был основан на формате PalmDOC, в который внесли HTML-теги, что позволило создать версию с использованием высокой степени сжатия данных. Имеет ряд ограничений по форматированию документа – невозможность сделать отступы текста и форматировать вставленные таблицы и изображения.


HTML to MOBI Converter

CloudConvert is an online document converter. Amongst many others, we support PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX. Thanks to our advanced conversion technology the quality of the output will be as good as if the file was saved through the latest Microsoft Office 2021 suite.

convert to


capture website as

create archive




HTML is a markup language that is used to create web pages. Web browsers can parse the HTML file. This file format use tags (e.g ) to build web contents. It can embed texts, image, heading, tables etc using the tags. Other markup languages like PHP, CSS etc can be used with html tags.


MOBI is an eBook format that supports several eBook reading devices and gadgets. It also supports in mobile phones and PDAs. Although it is a file extension of Mobipocket Reader, most other eBook readers also support this file format. It also contains DRM to protect the digital right of the eBook. This format is officially discontinuing from the year 2011.

+200 Formats Supported

CloudConvert is your universal app for file conversions. We support nearly all audio, video, document, ebook, archive, image, spreadsheet, and presentation formats. Plus, you can use our online tool without downloading any software.

Data Security

CloudConvert has been trusted by our users and customers since its founding in 2012. No one except you will ever have access to your files. We earn money by selling access to our API, not by selling your data. Read more about that in our Privacy Policy.

High-Quality Conversions

Besides using open source software under the hood, we’ve partnered with various software vendors to provide the best possible results. Most conversion types can be adjusted to your needs such as setting the quality and many other options.

Powerful API

Our API allows custom integrations with your app. You pay only for what you actually use, and there are huge discounts for high-volume customers. We provide a lot of handy features such as full Amazon S3 integration. Check out the CloudConvert API.


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