Convert date time to time in php

Convert date time to time in php

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  • Introduction to Codeignitor (PHP)
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  • PHP | Second most frequent element in an array
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  • PHP | Sort array of strings in natural and standard orders
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  • How to add 24 hours to a unix timestamp in php?
  • Sort a multidimensional array by date element in PHP
  • Convert timestamp to readable date/time in PHP
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  • PHP | Converting string to Date and DateTime
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Convert date time to time in php

  • Different ways to write a PHP code
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  • Introduction to Codeignitor (PHP)
  • How to echo HTML in PHP ?
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Convert a Date to a Timestamp in PHP

Convert a Date to a Timestamp in PHP

  1. Use strtotime() Function to Convert a Date to a Timestamp in PHP
  2. Use strptime() Function to Convert a Date to a Timestamp in PHP
  3. Use getTimestamp() Function to Convert a Date to a Timestamp in PHP
  4. Use format() Function to Convert a Date to a Timestamp in PHP

In this article, we will introduce methods to convert a date to a timestamp in PHP.

  • Using strtotime() function
  • Using strptime() function
  • Using getTimestamp() function
  • Using format() function

Use strtotime() Function to Convert a Date to a Timestamp in PHP

The built-in function strtotime() converts a date to a Unix timestamp . A Unix timestamp is the total number of seconds calculated from the Unix epoch(January 1st, 1970). The correct syntax to use this function is as follows


This function has two parameters. $dateString is the date/time string that should comply with PHP valid format. It is a mandatory parameter. The other parameter $timeNow is optional, it is the timestamp that is used for calculating relative dates. The current time now is the default value if the second parameter is omitted.

php $timestamp = strtotime("23-04-2020"); echo "The timestamp is $timestamp."; ?> 

The date here is in the format «d-m-Y» . We have only passed a single parameter as it will convert the date to a Unix timestamp .

The timestamp is 1587600000. 

Use strptime() Function to Convert a Date to a Timestamp in PHP

This is another function to convert a date to a Unix timestamp . It does not convert the date directly to a timestamp . It returns an array that tells about the seconds, minutes, hours, and several other details. We can use these details to convert a date to a timestamp .

strptime($dateString, $format); 

It has two mandatory parameters. $dateString is the date string and $format is the format to parse $dateString .

php $array = strptime('23-04-2020', '%d-%m-%Y'); $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $array['tm_mon']+1, $array['tm_mday'], $array['tm_year']+1900); echo "The timestamp is $timestamp."; ?> 
The timestamp is 1587600000. 

After generating the array, mktime() function converts the date to a timestamp .

The syntax of mktime() function is

mktime(hour, minute, second, month, day, year, is_dst) 

is_dst specifies whether the date-time is a daylight saving time, but is removed from PHP 7.0.0.

We shall add 1 to $array[‘tm_mon’] and then use the sum as parameter of month in mktime , because $array[‘tm_mon’] starts from 0 , or in other words, $array[‘tm_mon’] of January is 0.

Use getTimestamp() Function to Convert a Date to a Timestamp in PHP

getTimestamp() method of DateTime object is a simple method to convert a date to a timestamp. It has another way of representation date_timestamp_get() that is the procedural style representation.


We will create a Datetime object to call this function. This is the object-oriented style of calling a function.

php $date = new DateTime('2020-04-23'); $timestamp = $date->getTimestamp(); echo "The timestamp is $timestamp."; ?> 

The object $date of Datetime class has called the method getTimestamp() to convert the date to a Unix timestamp .

The timestamp is 1587600000. 

Use format() Function to Convert a Date to a Timestamp in PHP

We can also use the format() method of DateTime to convert a date to a timestamp . This method has another representation date_format() that is the procedural style representation of the format() function.

To convert a date to a timestamp , the format that we will pass as a string is «U» .

php $dateObject = new DateTime('2020-04-23'); $timestamp = $dateObject->format("U"); echo "The timestamp is $timestamp."; ?> 

The object $dateObject of the Datetime class has called the function format() to convert the date to a Unix timestamp .

The timestamp is 1587600000. 

Related Article — PHP DateTime

Related Article — PHP Timestamp


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