Contains string function in javascript

JavaScript String includes()

The includes() method returns true if a string contains a specified string.

Otherwise it returns false .

The includes() method is case sensitive.



Parameter Description
searchvalue Required.
The string to search for.
start Optional.
The position to start from.
Default value is 0.

Return Value

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Browser Support

includes() is an ECMAScript6 (ES6) feature.

ES6 (JavaScript 2015) is supported in all modern browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

includes() is not supported in Internet Explorer 11 (or earlier).

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The includes() method performs a case-sensitive search to determine whether one string may be found within another string, returning true or false as appropriate.

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includes(searchString) includes(searchString, position) 


A string to be searched for within str . Cannot be a regex. All values that are not regexes are coerced to strings, so omitting it or passing undefined causes includes() to search for the string «undefined» , which is rarely what you want.

The position within the string at which to begin searching for searchString . (Defaults to 0 .)

Return value

true if the search string is found anywhere within the given string, including when searchString is an empty string; otherwise, false .



This method lets you determine whether or not a string includes another string.


The includes() method is case sensitive. For example, the following expression returns false :

"Blue Whale".includes("blue"); // returns false 

You can work around this constraint by transforming both the original string and the search string to all lowercase:

"Blue Whale".toLowerCase().includes("blue"); // returns true 


Using includes()

const str = "To be, or not to be, that is the question."; console.log(str.includes("To be")); // true console.log(str.includes("question")); // true console.log(str.includes("nonexistent")); // false console.log(str.includes("To be", 1)); // false console.log(str.includes("TO BE")); // false console.log(str.includes("")); // true 


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BCD tables only load in the browser

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How to Check if a String Contains a Substring in JavaScript

Dionysia Lemonaki

Dionysia Lemonaki

How to Check if a String Contains a Substring in JavaScript

When you’re working with a JavaScript program, you might need to check whether a string contains a substring. A substring is a string inside another string.

Specifically, you might need to check whether a word contains a specific character or a specific set of characters.

Thankfully, there are a few quick ways to achieve this with JavaScript.

In this article, you will learn two different ways you can check if a string contains a substring using JavaScript methods.

Specifically, you will learn:

  • How to use the built-in includes() JavaScript method.
  • How to use the built-in indexOf() JavaScript method.

Here is what we will cover in more detail:

What Is The includes() Method in JavaScript? includes() Method Syntax Breakdown

The JavaScript includes() method was introduced with ES6, and it is the most common and modern way of checking if a string contains a specific character or a series of characters.

The general syntax for the includes() method looks something similar to this:

string.includes(substring, index); 
  • string is the word you want to search through.
  • includes() is the method you call on the word you want to search through, which in this case is string .
  • The includes() method accepts two arguments — one is required, and one is optional.
  • The first argument the includes() method accepts is substring , and it is required. substring is the character or the series of characters you are checking to see if they exist within string .
  • The second argument the includes() method accepts is index , and it is optional. index refers to the position from which the search for substring will start — the default value is 0 because indexing in programming languages begins at 0 .

The return value is a Boolean value. A Boolean value can either be true or false depending on whether the substring is present or not within the string.

Something to keep in mind is that the includes() method is case-sensitive.

How To Check if A String Contains A Specific Substring in JavaScript Using The includes() Method

Let’s see an example of how the includes() method works.

First, I created a variable that holds the string Hello, World — this is the string I want to search through:

Next, I created a variable with the substring Hello — this is the substring I want to search for in the original string:

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "Hello"; 

Next, I will check if substring is present within string using the includes() method and print the result to the console:

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "Hello"; console.log(string.includes(substring)); // output // true 

The return value was true , meaning Hello is present in the variable string .

As mentioned in the section above, the includes() method is case-sensitive.

See what happens when I change the value of substring from Hello to hello :

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "hello"; console.log(string.includes(substring)); // output // false 

The return value, in this case, is false , as there is no substring hello with a lowercase h . So, keep this in mind when working with the includes() method — it differentiates between capital and lowercase letters.

Now, let’s see how to use the includes() method with the second argument, index .

As a reminder, the second argument specifies the position from which you want to start the search for the substring.

Let’s take the same string variable from the previous examples:

I will change the value of the substring variable to H :

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "H"; 

And I will specify the search of the substring to start from position 0 :

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "H"; console.log(string.includes(substring,0)); // output // true 

The return value is true because the substring H is at index position 0 within the string Hello, World .

Remember, the first letter in a string has a position of 0 , the second a position of 1 , and so on.

What Is The indexOf() Method in JavaScript? indexOf() Method Syntax Breakdown

Similar to the includes() method, the JavaScript indexOf() method checks if a string includes a substring.

The general syntax for the indexOf() method looks something similar to this:

string.indexOf(substring, index); 
  • string is the word you want to search through.
  • index0f() is the method you call on the word you want to search through, in this case, string .
  • The includes() method takes two arguments — one is required, and one is optional.
  • The first argument to the indexOf() method is substring , and it is required. substring is the character or the series of characters you are searching for.
  • The second argument to the indexOf() method is index , and it is optional. index refers to the position from which the search for substring will start. The default value is 0 because indexing in programming languages begins at 0 .

The difference between the two methods is their return value.

The includes() method returns a Boolean value (a value that is either true or false ), whereas the indexOf() method returns a number.

The number will be the starting index position where the substring you are looking for is found within the string. The return value will be -1 if the substring is not found in the string.

And just like the includes() method, the indexOf() method is case-sensitive.

How To Check if A String Contains A Specific Substring in JavaScript Using The indexOf() Method

Let’s use the same example from earlier to see how the indexOf() method works.

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "H"; 

There is the variable string with the original string, and the variable substring with the substring you are searching for.

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "H"; console.log(string.indexOf(substring)); // output // 0 

The output is 0 , which is the starting position of the substring you are searching for.

In this case, the value you were searching for was a single character.

Let’s change the value of substring from H to Hello :

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "Hello"; console.log(string.indexOf(substring)); // output // 0 

The return value is again 0 since index0f() returns the starting position of the substring you are looking for. Since the first character of the substring is located at the 0 position, indexOf() returns 0 .

Now, let’s change the value of substring from Hello to hello with a lowercase h :

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "hello"; console.log(string.indexOf(substring)); // output // -1 

The return value is -1 . As mentioned earlier, index0f() is case-sensitive, so it cannot find a substring hello with lowercase h . And when indexOf() cannot find the given substring, it returns -1 .

Finally, you can specify the index value you want to start your search from by passing the second argument that indexOf() accepts.

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "hello"; console.log(string.indexOf(substring,1)); // output // -1 

Say you want to start your search from position 1 . The return value is -1 since the starting position of the substring you are searching for is 0 . An exact match is not found at position 1 so indexOf() returns -1 .

How To Make A Case-Insensitive Check With the includes() and indexOf() Methods

So far, you have seen that the includes() and indexOf() methods are case-insensitive.

But what happens when you want to perform a case-insensitive check?

To do a case-insensitive check and see if a substring is present within a string, you will need to convert both the original string and the substring to lowercase using the toLowerCase() JavaScript method before calling one of the two methods.

Here is how you would do that using the includes() method:

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "hello"; console.log(string.toLowerCase().includes(substring.toLowerCase())); // output // true 

By default, the return value would have been false because the original string contains an uppercase H , whereas the substring contains a lowercase h . After converting both strings to lowercase, you don’t have to worry about the capitalization of the original string and the substring you are searching for.

And here is how you would do the same thing using the indexOf() method:

let string= "Hello, World"; let substring = "hello"; console.log(string.toLowerCase().indexOf(substring.toLowerCase())); // output // 0 

By default, the return value would have been -1 because the original
string and the substring you are searching for have different cases.

After using the toLowerCase() method, the indexOf() method returns the staring position of the substring.


And there you have it! You now know how to check if a string contains a substring in JavaScript.

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