Container types in html


The container-type CSS property is used to define the type of containment used in a container query.


/* Keyword values */ container-type: normal; container-type: size; container-type: inline-size; /* Global Values */ container-type: inherit; container-type: initial; container-type: revert; container-type: revert-layer; container-type: unset; 


Establishes a query container for container size queries on both the inline and block axis in both the inline and block dimensions. Applies layout containment, style containment, and size containment to the container.

Establishes a query container for dimensional queries on the inline axis of the container. Applies layout, style, and inline-size containment to the element.

The element is not a query container for any container size queries, but remains a query container for container style queries.

Note: to understand what happens when you apply layout, style, and size containment to a box, see the contain property.

Formal definition

Formal syntax


Given the following HTML example which is a card component with an image, a title, and some text:

div class="container"> div class="card"> img src="image.png" alt="Cat with two different color eyes" /> h2>Card titleh2> p>Card contentp> div> div> 

To create a container context, add the container-type property to an element. The following uses the inline-size value to create a containment context for the inline axis of the container:

.container  container-type: inline-size; > 

Writing a container query via the @container at-rule will apply styles to the elements of the container when it is wider than 400px:

@container (min-width: 400px)  .card  display: grid; grid-template-columns: 2fr 1fr; > > 

For more information on container queries, see the CSS Container Queries page.


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • CSS container queries
  • @container at-rule
  • CSS container shorthand property
  • CSS container-name property
  • CSS content-visibility property

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Common container-types in CSS

In the previous tutorial, we’ve set size of some div containers using width and height properties. But if you try to do the same thing with an element created by tags, you will see that it just doesn’t work. It’s because the default container type of the element does not allow us to set size of the container.

There are 3 common container types :

block containers take 100% width of their parent containers by default.
We can set size of these containers using width and height properties.
Ex: headings, paragraphs, div, nav, etc…

inline containers won’t take space. They keep their size as small as possible (just wrapping around the content inside). Web browsers treat these containers as text contents (words).
We can NOT set size of these containers.
Ex: links, span, etc…

inline-block containers are special. Web browsers treat them as text contents but also allow us set size of these containers using width and height properties.
Ex: buttons, images, etc…

Changing type of a container

Sometimes we want to provide better experience to mobile users by making size of anchor elements a little bit bigger than default to make sure that people don’t have to tap few times to hit a link.

There is a CSS property called display which can help us to change type of containers. Let’s create some look-like-button links. 😀

Besides 3 common values block , inline , and inline-block ; The display property can be used with various values which are useful in some ways. Some of them will require up-to-date web browsers. Here is the reference link in case you want to go further: The display Property.

Writing comments in CSS

Just like HTML, We can write comments in CSS code. Comments will be ignored when web browsers process CSS code.

A comment in CSS can be written by using a pair of /* and */ to enclose /* something */ .

We can also use comments to quickly cancel some CSS code blocks without deleting or moving them to another temporary place.

Our tutorial about container-types has finished. In the next tutorial, we’ll talk about background properties .

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