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PHP — get all error messages as variables [duplicate]

Is it possible to get the error messages displayed from as variables. I know I can hide error messages with That’s fine, but it leaves the user completely in the dark as to what is going on.

PHP — get all error messages as variables [duplicate]

I am trying to log all of the errors from PHP to an external log file.

Is it possible to get the error messages displayed from

error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); 

I do not want to throw any exceptions on the page I want to send them as variables.

The reason for this is I’m setting up notifications for when an error happens in AWS cloud watch as per

I can of course just change where its logging to, but I want to be notified if there is an error so I can then go check the actual log file.

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I use a combined approach:

  1. make use of set_error_handler() to install your own error handler
  2. check for fatal errors with error_get_last() in a custom function, via register_shutdown_function().
$aError = error_get_last(); if (NULL !== $aError < // report fatal errors // anything to print or log the error print E_ERROR . $aError['file'] . $aError['line'] . $aError['message']; >

Best way to handle errors on a php page?, != ‘somevalue’) throw new Exception(‘something does not have a valid value.’); $output[] = ‘Some Code’; $row = mt_rand(0,

42: How to Display Error Messages Using PHP

How to Display Error Messages Using PHP | PHP Tutorial | Learn PHP Programming. In this Duration: 24:19

How to Display Errors in PHP Pages

Twitter: @webpwnizedThank you for watching. Please help! Up vote, subscribe or even support Duration: 2:45

User-Friendly PHP Error Message

PHP is famous for displaying ugly error messages, though they are useful at times. I know I can hide error messages with

That’s fine, but it leaves the user completely in the dark as to what is going on. The page has stopped working and they don’t know why. How can I display a simple message along the lines of «Sorry, there is an error. Please send an e-mail to the webmaster»?

It would be the same message for all errors, and I’m thinking of maybe popping up a javascript alert, but open to any other ideas.

Implement an error and exception handler

You need to write a custom error handler like this. As you can see at the bottom, I am introducing a FATAL error. Here PHP does not spit any ugly error messages as you have quoted. It would just print Some Error Occured. Please Try Later.

 function log_exception( Exception $e ) < echo "Some Error Occured. Please Try Later."; exit(); >require_once("texsss.php");// I am doing a FATAL Error here 

There are some rules that should apply to production servers:

  1. Never show them the original PHP error message! Set display_errors = off .
  2. Log those errors. Set log_errors = on and define a valid log target in error_log .
  3. Monitor the error log, and act upon it. 🙂

The handling of errors to the user side has been sufficiently answered by the others.

You can write custom error handler that does it

This is typically done via Exceptions. If something goes awry, you’d throw an Exception and then «handle it» with an exception handler.

function exception_handler($exception) < echo "Oops! Something went wrong! We're looking into it!"; >set_exception_handler('exception_handler'); throw new Exception('Uncaught Exception'); 

You can also catch a number of fatal errors by using register_shutdown_function.

set_error_handler might also tickle your fancy.

Error handling in PHP, $file = fopen ( «geeks.txt» , «w» ); ?> Note: Run the above code and geeks.txt file is not present then it will display an run-time error

How to show an error message in each of different field for PHP Contact form?

I was following a tutorial and completed this contact form. It works fine, but I want to display a different message in each of the field instead of using a one box. I tried to move

underneath the input field and that worked great as far as displaying in that spot, but it just shows the same message all at once. It does not show different message separately. How would I approach this from here?

body < font-size:10px; font-family:sans-serif, "Open-sans"; margin:0; padding:0; box-sizing:border-box; letter-spacing:0.1rem; >.navbar < background:#333; width:100%; >.container < max-width:1100px; margin:auto; >.navbar-header < display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: flex-start; >.navbar-brand < font-size:1.5rem; padding:1rem; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; >form < font-size:1.3rem; >.form-group < display:flex; flex-direction: column; margin:1.5rem; >label < color:#333; margin-bottom:0.7rem; >input, textarea < max-width:100%; border:0.5px solid darkslategray; padding:1.3rem; font-size:1.5rem; >button < background:rgb(67, 130, 211); color:#fff; font-size:1.2rem; padding:1rem; margin:1.5rem; border:none; >.alert < margin:1.5rem; padding:1.5rem; font-size:1.5rem; color:#fff; >.alert-danger < background-color:rgb(219, 54, 48); >.alert-success
 else < // Passed $toEmail = ''; $subject = 'Contact Request From '.$name; $body = '

Contact Request


' .$name. '


' .$email. '


' .$message.'

'; // Email Headers $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type:text/html;charaset=UTF-8" . "\r\n"; // Additional Headers $headers .= "From: " .$name. "". "\r\n"; if(mail($toEmail, $subject, $body, $headers)) < // Email Sent $msg = "Your email has been sent"; $msgClass = 'alert-success'; >else < // Failed $msg = "Your email was not sent"; $msgClass = 'alert-danger'; >> > else < // Failed $msg = 'Please fill in all fields'; $msgClass = 'alert-danger'; >> ?>
Name ">
Email ">

My current form

Form I want to replicate

I want to make it look like this one.

You can use the $msg variable as an array, instead of a string, to hold errors for specific fields.

 'Please use a valid email' 'class' => 'alert-danger' ]; > else < //. if(mail($toEmail, $subject, $body, $headers))< // Email Sent $msg['default'] = [ 'msg' =>'Your email has been sent' 'class' => 'alert-success' ]; > else < // Failed $msg['default'] = [ 'msg' =>'Your email was not sent' 'class' => 'alert-danger' ]; > > > else < // Failed $msg['default'] = [ 'msg' =>'Please fill in all fields' 'class' => 'alert-danger' ]; > > ?> 

And now in the HTML, you can check if the specific error or message exist and you display it at the right place; default messages at the top and email error under the email input:

" method="post">
Email ">

And you can actually do the same for any other input you want too.

You can store your validation warnings in an array type variable as opposed to a string.

You could instead do this:

$msg['email'] = 'Please use a valid email'; 

Also I think you want to verify if each of the Required Fields is present with its own individual if check, not all of them together, for example:

if (empty($email) || filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) < $msg['email'] = 'Please use a valid email'; >if (empty($name)) < $msg['name'] = 'Please enter a name'; >if (empty($message))

Then in your HTML section, below each of the relevant input fields, you can add:

However, in general I have to say this a very oldschool way of using PHP, where you would mix your logic code with your display code.

When you get the hang of it, perhaps you would like to study how Laravel, Symfony, or even CodeIgniter work, where you can use what known as MVC to separate your display from your logic.

As well, you can eventually use a templating engine like Blade or similar to echo out your variables.

42: How to Display Error Messages Using PHP, How to Display Error Messages Using PHP | PHP Tutorial | Learn PHP Programming. In this Duration: 24:19


PHP — get all error messages as variables [duplicate]

Is it possible to get the error messages displayed from as variables. I know I can hide error messages with That’s fine, but it leaves the user completely in the dark as to what is going on.

PHP — get all error messages as variables [duplicate]

I am trying to log all of the errors from PHP to an external log file.

Is it possible to get the error messages displayed from

error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); 

I do not want to throw any exceptions on the page I want to send them as variables.

The reason for this is I’m setting up notifications for when an error happens in AWS cloud watch as per

I can of course just change where its logging to, but I want to be notified if there is an error so I can then go check the actual log file.

I use a combined approach:

  1. make use of set_error_handler() to install your own error handler
  2. check for fatal errors with error_get_last() in a custom function, via register_shutdown_function().
$aError = error_get_last(); if (NULL !== $aError < // report fatal errors // anything to print or log the error print E_ERROR . $aError['file'] . $aError['line'] . $aError['message']; >

Best way to handle errors on a php page?, != ‘somevalue’) throw new Exception(‘something does not have a valid value.’); $output[] = ‘Some Code’; $row = mt_rand(0,

42: How to Display Error Messages Using PHP

How to Display Error Messages Using PHP | PHP Tutorial | Learn PHP Programming. In this Duration: 24:19

How to Display Errors in PHP Pages

Twitter: @webpwnizedThank you for watching. Please help! Up vote, subscribe or even support Duration: 2:45

User-Friendly PHP Error Message

PHP is famous for displaying ugly error messages, though they are useful at times. I know I can hide error messages with

That’s fine, but it leaves the user completely in the dark as to what is going on. The page has stopped working and they don’t know why. How can I display a simple message along the lines of «Sorry, there is an error. Please send an e-mail to the webmaster»?

It would be the same message for all errors, and I’m thinking of maybe popping up a javascript alert, but open to any other ideas.

Implement an error and exception handler

You need to write a custom error handler like this. As you can see at the bottom, I am introducing a FATAL error. Here PHP does not spit any ugly error messages as you have quoted. It would just print Some Error Occured. Please Try Later.

 function log_exception( Exception $e ) < echo "Some Error Occured. Please Try Later."; exit(); >require_once("texsss.php");// I am doing a FATAL Error here 

There are some rules that should apply to production servers:

  1. Never show them the original PHP error message! Set display_errors = off .
  2. Log those errors. Set log_errors = on and define a valid log target in error_log .
  3. Monitor the error log, and act upon it. 🙂

The handling of errors to the user side has been sufficiently answered by the others.

You can write custom error handler that does it

This is typically done via Exceptions. If something goes awry, you’d throw an Exception and then «handle it» with an exception handler.

function exception_handler($exception) < echo "Oops! Something went wrong! We're looking into it!"; >set_exception_handler('exception_handler'); throw new Exception('Uncaught Exception'); 

You can also catch a number of fatal errors by using register_shutdown_function.

set_error_handler might also tickle your fancy.

Error handling in PHP, $file = fopen ( «geeks.txt» , «w» ); ?> Note: Run the above code and geeks.txt file is not present then it will display an run-time error

How to show an error message in each of different field for PHP Contact form?

I was following a tutorial and completed this contact form. It works fine, but I want to display a different message in each of the field instead of using a one box. I tried to move

underneath the input field and that worked great as far as displaying in that spot, but it just shows the same message all at once. It does not show different message separately. How would I approach this from here?

body < font-size:10px; font-family:sans-serif, "Open-sans"; margin:0; padding:0; box-sizing:border-box; letter-spacing:0.1rem; >.navbar < background:#333; width:100%; >.container < max-width:1100px; margin:auto; >.navbar-header < display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: flex-start; >.navbar-brand < font-size:1.5rem; padding:1rem; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; >form < font-size:1.3rem; >.form-group < display:flex; flex-direction: column; margin:1.5rem; >label < color:#333; margin-bottom:0.7rem; >input, textarea < max-width:100%; border:0.5px solid darkslategray; padding:1.3rem; font-size:1.5rem; >button < background:rgb(67, 130, 211); color:#fff; font-size:1.2rem; padding:1rem; margin:1.5rem; border:none; >.alert < margin:1.5rem; padding:1.5rem; font-size:1.5rem; color:#fff; >.alert-danger < background-color:rgb(219, 54, 48); >.alert-success
 else < // Passed $toEmail = ''; $subject = 'Contact Request From '.$name; $body = '

Contact Request


' .$name. '


' .$email. '


' .$message.'

'; // Email Headers $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type:text/html;charaset=UTF-8" . "\r\n"; // Additional Headers $headers .= "From: " .$name. "". "\r\n"; if(mail($toEmail, $subject, $body, $headers)) < // Email Sent $msg = "Your email has been sent"; $msgClass = 'alert-success'; >else < // Failed $msg = "Your email was not sent"; $msgClass = 'alert-danger'; >> > else < // Failed $msg = 'Please fill in all fields'; $msgClass = 'alert-danger'; >> ?>
Name ">
Email ">

My current form

Form I want to replicate

I want to make it look like this one.

You can use the $msg variable as an array, instead of a string, to hold errors for specific fields.

 'Please use a valid email' 'class' => 'alert-danger' ]; > else < //. if(mail($toEmail, $subject, $body, $headers))< // Email Sent $msg['default'] = [ 'msg' =>'Your email has been sent' 'class' => 'alert-success' ]; > else < // Failed $msg['default'] = [ 'msg' =>'Your email was not sent' 'class' => 'alert-danger' ]; > > > else < // Failed $msg['default'] = [ 'msg' =>'Please fill in all fields' 'class' => 'alert-danger' ]; > > ?> 

And now in the HTML, you can check if the specific error or message exist and you display it at the right place; default messages at the top and email error under the email input:

" method="post">
Email ">

And you can actually do the same for any other input you want too.

You can store your validation warnings in an array type variable as opposed to a string.

You could instead do this:

$msg['email'] = 'Please use a valid email'; 

Also I think you want to verify if each of the Required Fields is present with its own individual if check, not all of them together, for example:

if (empty($email) || filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) < $msg['email'] = 'Please use a valid email'; >if (empty($name)) < $msg['name'] = 'Please enter a name'; >if (empty($message))

Then in your HTML section, below each of the relevant input fields, you can add:

However, in general I have to say this a very oldschool way of using PHP, where you would mix your logic code with your display code.

When you get the hang of it, perhaps you would like to study how Laravel, Symfony, or even CodeIgniter work, where you can use what known as MVC to separate your display from your logic.

As well, you can eventually use a templating engine like Blade or similar to echo out your variables.

42: How to Display Error Messages Using PHP, How to Display Error Messages Using PHP | PHP Tutorial | Learn PHP Programming. In this Duration: 24:19


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