Conda environment change python version

How to Change Python Version in Conda Environment: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to change Python version in Conda environment with this step-by-step guide. Avoid conflicts between dependencies and switch between different versions effortlessly.

  • Creating a new conda environment with a specific Python version
  • Managing Python dependencies with Conda
  • How to change Python Version (Interpreter) in VSCode
  • Switching between Python 2 and Python 3 environments
  • Installing a different version of Python without overwriting the current version
  • Checking the available Python versions
  • Other simple code samples for changing the Python version in a Conda environment
  • Conclusion
  • How do I change the python version in Anaconda environment?
  • How do I use different python versions in conda?
  • How do I change the version of python in virtual environment?
  • How do I update my python to 3.10 in Anaconda?
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If you’re a developer working with Anaconda, a popular distribution of the python programming language for data science and machine learning, you may need to change the Python version in a conda environment. This is a common task that allows you to create, manage, and switch between different Python versions and dependencies, without conflicts. In this blog post, we will discuss the key points, important points, and helpful points to help you change the Python version in a conda environment.

Creating a new conda environment with a specific Python version

It is recommended to create a separate conda environment for each project to avoid conflicts between dependencies. To change the Python version, create a new environment and install the desired Python version into it. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open your terminal or Anaconda prompt.
  2. Type the command conda create -n mypython3 python=3 , where “mypython3” is the name of the environment and “3” is the desired Python version.
  3. Press enter to create a new environment with the specified Python version installed.

This will create a new environment with the specified Python version installed. You can now activate this environment and start using it for your project.

Managing Python dependencies with Conda

Conda can be used to create, export, list, remove, and update environments that have different Python versions and different packages. With Conda, you can manage Python dependencies and create virtual environments. This can help avoid conflicts between different projects and ensure that each project has its own set of dependencies.

  • To list all environments, type conda info —envs in your terminal or Anaconda prompt.
  • To activate an environment, type conda activate mypython3 , where “mypython3” is the name of the environment.
  • To install a package, type conda install package_name in the activated environment.
  • To export an environment, type conda env export > environment.yml , where “environment.yml” is the name of the file.
  • To create an environment from an exported file, type conda env create -f environment.yml .
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How to change Python Version (Interpreter) in VSCode

This tutorial will show you the fastest way to change your Python environment in Visual Studio Duration: 1:57

Switching between Python 2 and Python 3 environments

It is possible to switch between Python 2 and Python 3 environments. To switch to an environment that has a different version of Python, activate the environment using the command conda activate mypython2 . Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open your terminal or Anaconda prompt.
  2. Type the command conda activate mypython2 , where “mypython2” is the name of the environment with the desired Python version.
  3. Press enter to activate the environment with the specified Python version.

This will activate the environment with the specified Python version. You can now start using it for your project.

Installing a different version of Python without overwriting the current version

To install a different version of Python without overwriting the current version, create a new environment and install the second Python version into it. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open your terminal or Anaconda prompt.
  2. Type the command conda create -n mypython2 python=2 , where “mypython2” is the name of the environment and “2” is the desired Python version.
  3. Press enter to create a new environment with the specified Python version installed.

This will create a new environment with the specified Python version installed, without affecting the current environment.

Checking the available Python versions

To see the list of available Python versions, use the command conda search «^python$» in your terminal or Anaconda prompt. This will show you the available Python versions that you can install in your conda environment.

Other simple code samples for changing the Python version in a Conda environment

In Python , how to downgrade python to 3.7 4 anaconda code sample

 conda install python=3.5.0 # or maybe conda install python=2.7.8 # or whatever you want. 

In Shell , for instance, conda set python version code sample

 conda search python conda install python=3.6.2
conda activate my_env conda install python=3.6


In this blog post, we have discussed the key points, important points, and helpful points to help you change the Python version in a conda environment. By following these steps, you can create, manage, and switch between different Python versions and dependencies, without conflicts. Remember to create a separate environment for each project, manage dependencies with conda, switch between Python 2 and Python 3 environments, and install a different version of Python without overwriting the current version. These tips will help you work efficiently and effectively with Anaconda and Python.


How to change python version of existing conda virtual environment?

Sometimes, a user might have multiple versions of Python installed in their system, and they may want to switch the Python version used by a specific conda virtual environment. This can be necessary when the user needs to run a specific version of Python for a project or when they want to upgrade to the latest version of Python. In this article, we will look at the steps involved in changing the Python version of an existing conda virtual environment.

Method 1: Create a new environment with the desired Python version

If you want to change the Python version of an existing conda virtual environment, one approach is to create a new environment with the desired Python version and then copy over the packages and dependencies from the old environment. Here are the steps to do this:

conda create --name new_env python=X.X

Replace new_env with the name you want to give to the new environment and X.X with the version of Python you want to use. For example, if you want to create an environment with Python 3.9, use python=3.9 .

  1. Install the packages and dependencies from the old environment to the new environment using the following command:
conda list --explicit > pkgs.txt conda create --name new_env --file pkgs.txt

This will create a file called pkgs.txt that lists all the packages and dependencies of the old environment. Then, it will create a new environment called new_env and install those packages and dependencies using the —file option.

conda env remove --name old_env

Replace old_env with the name of the old environment you want to remove.

That’s it! You have now changed the Python version of an existing conda virtual environment by creating a new environment with the desired Python version and copying over the packages and dependencies from the old environment.

Method 2: Clone an existing environment with the desired Python version

If you want to change the Python version of an existing conda virtual environment, you can clone the environment with the desired Python version. Here is how you can do it:

conda create --name new_env_name> --clone existing_env_name> python=desired_python_version>

For example, if you want to clone an environment named «my_env» with Python 3.7 into a new environment named «my_new_env» with Python 3.8, you can run the following command:

conda create --name my_new_env --clone my_env python=3.8
conda activate new_env_name>

That’s it! You have successfully changed the Python version of an existing conda virtual environment by cloning it with the desired Python version.

Note: Depending on the complexity of the environment, it may be necessary to install additional packages or update existing packages after cloning the environment.

Method 3: Use the conda command to change the Python version in an existing environment

To change the Python version of an existing conda virtual environment, you can use the following steps:

  1. Then, use the conda install command to install the new version of Python you want to use in the environment. For example, to install Python 3.8, run:
  1. After the new version of Python has been installed, you may need to install any additional packages or dependencies required by your project. You can do this using the conda install command or pip install command, depending on your preference.
conda install package_name>
  1. Once you have installed any necessary packages, you can verify that the new version of Python is being used in the environment by running the following command:

This should display the version number of the new Python installation.

That’s it! You have successfully changed the Python version of your existing conda virtual environment using the conda command.

conda activate my_env conda install python=3.8 conda install numpy python --version


Change the Python Version in Anaconda

Change the Python Version in Anaconda

  1. Use the conda install Command on the Anaconda Command Prompt
  2. Use the Latest Anaconda Installer
  3. Use the conda create Command on the Anaconda Command Prompt
  4. Use the conda update Command on the Anaconda Command Prompt

This article introduces various methods to change the Python version in Anaconda.

Once you change the Python version on the Anaconda command prompt, you can use the following command to display the current version of Python.

Use the conda install Command on the Anaconda Command Prompt

Use the conda install command on the Anaconda command prompt to change the Python version. Follow this example below.

conda install python=the_version> 

Use the Latest Anaconda Installer

Use the latest Anaconda installer to update the Python version. It is a graphical installer.

You will find the newer versions of Python here.

You will find the older versions of Python here.

Use the conda create Command on the Anaconda Command Prompt

If you’d like to install the new version of Python in a particular environment, you could use the conda create command.

conda create -n my_environment> python=new_version> 

Here’s another method you can follow.

conda create -n an_env python=3.5 

Post that, you need to activate the environment using the command below.

conda activate my_environment> 


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