Com forums viewtopic php pid

Com forums viewtopic php pid

The program tries to connect to the following Russian IP ( and some others. One of the IPs go to, for AutoHotkey online help. Doesn’t seem too serious, as the source code is available for all to see. But some might want to edit that out. You can see some urls under the Sys_Help: label. Do a search for it in Notepad, you should find it.

However, since there are so many url links in the script, to be on the safe side, you might want to do a search and replace (in Notepad) of http to something like zzzz or whatever, so that the program doesn’t try to go out online for anything. It also has code to update itself and other little things in it. With the links contained in the file «disabled» (by changing to zzzz), it should still work, but be safer to use.

Here is the code, where you can view it online, to see what is being mentioned. Probably best to use the .ahk version and not the .exe version.

Nirsoft has a well known tool to see what programs are trying to connect to what IPs. (CurrPorts)

With that typed, looks to be a good program.

SL5 Posts: 879 Joined: 12 May 2015, 02:10 GitHub: sl5net Contact:

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Re: Window Spy my alternative

The program tries to connect to the following Russian IP ( and some others.
Nirsoft has a well known tool to see what programs are trying to connect to what IPs. (CurrPorts)
With that typed, looks to be a good program.

. One of the IPs go to, for AutoHotkey online help. Doesn’t seem too serious, as the source code is available for all to see. .

Sys_Help: ThisMenuItem := oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem If ThisMenuItem = AutoHotKey official help online RunPath("") Else If ThisMenuItem = AutoHotKey russian help online RunPath("") Else If ThisMenuItem = About RunPath("") Return 

. However, since there are so many url links in the script, to be on the safe side, you might want to do a search and replace (in Notepad) of http to something like zzzz or whatever, so that the program doesn’t try to go out online for anything. It also has code to update itself and other little things in it. With the links contained in the file «disabled» (by changing to zzzz), it should still work, but be safer to use.

Here is the code, where you can view it online, to see what is being mentioned. Probably best to use the .ahk version and not the .exe version.

Search "http:" (24 hits in 1 file) E:\fre\private\HtmlDevelop\AutoHotKey\AhkSpy_serzh82saratov.ahk (24 hits) Line 23: Описание - Line 24: Обсуждение - Line 1013: ; Line 1114: ; Line 1232: ; Line 1300: ; Line 1313: ; Line 1635: ; Line 1762: ; Line 2007: RunPath("") Line 2009: RunPath("") Line 2011: RunPath("") Line 2134: RunPath("") Line 2291: ; Line 2292: ; Line 2581: ; Line 2588: ; Line 2659: ; Line 2670: ; Line 2797: (s 1) * pos > 0 && (!res || abs(res) > abs(pos)) ? res := pos : "" ; Line 2899: ; Line 2900: ; Line 3369: onhkinput_onclick() < ; Line 3380: Class Events < ; 

thank you for interesting analysis and tips. but is not that maybe a bit too negative?
okay maybe I change the URLs then I'm not run it accidentally. Was that really that bad? i dont know.

Re: Window Spy my alternative

thank you for interesting analysis and tips. but is not that maybe a bit too negative?
okay maybe I change the URLs then I'm not run it accidentally. Was that really that bad? i dont know.

Don' t get me wrong, it's a great script, that's very well done.

However, some might be surprised or concerned if a script goes online automatically or activates their security, so it's probably best to make that clear and for people to know. In this case no problem, as it appears the script was just trying to get help files or update itself. People can view the source code and everything is out into the open, which is good.

SL5 Posts: 879 Joined: 12 May 2015, 02:10 GitHub: sl5net Contact:

Re: Window Spy my alternative

. However, some might be surprised or concerned if a script goes online automatically or activates their security, so it's probably best to make that clear and for people to know. In this case no problem, as it appears the script was just trying to get help files or update itself. People can view the source code and everything is out into the open, which is good.

automatically online, without asking? Oops. yes that really should not be without demands!
I did not understand that. in the last scripts I've created is then asked again before goes online.
if its only the update button so i think its expected and ok. i dont know

 Menu, Tray, add, Help Gi-Edit/Create actionList online, lbl_HelpOnline_EditCreate_actionList Menu, Tray, add, Help Gi-Search Keywords online, lbl_HelpOnline_Search_Keywords Menu, Tray, add, Help Gi-Features online, lbl_HelpOnline_features Menu, Tray, add, Help Gi-Shortcuts online, lbl_HelpOnline_shortcut Menu, Tray, add, open issues online, lbl_HelpOnline_issues_open Menu, Tray, add, _______________________________,lbl_noOp Menu, Tray, add, Help AutoHotkey online, lbl_Help_AutoHotkey_online 
lbl_Help_AutoHotkey_online: t := "open `n`n autohotkey help online`n`n ?" if(!InStr(A_ComputerName,"SL5")) msgbox, ,% t,% t "`n`n(" A_ThisFunc " " RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") ":" A_LineNumber ")" IfMsgBox, Cancel return run, return lbl_HelpOnline_EditCreate_actionList: t := "open `n`n g-IntelliSense Edit/Create actionList`n`n in ?" if(!InStr(A_ComputerName,"SL5")) msgbox, ,% t,% t "`n`n(" A_ThisFunc " " RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") ":" A_LineNumber ")" IfMsgBox, Cancel return run,`%3A+g-IntelliSense+`%23`%7Bedit+list`%7D return lbl_HelpOnline_Search_Keywords: t := "open `n`n g-IntelliSense Search Keywords`n`n in ?" if(!InStr(A_ComputerName,"SL5")) msgbox, ,% t,% t "`n`n(" A_ThisFunc " " RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") ":" A_LineNumber ")" IfMsgBox, Cancel return run,`%3A+g-IntelliSense+`%23`%7Bsearch+keywords`%7D return lbl_HelpOnline_features: t := "open `n`n g-IntelliSense Features`n`n in ?" if(!InStr(A_ComputerName,"SL5")) msgbox, ,% t,% t "`n`n(" A_ThisFunc " " RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") ":" A_LineNumber ")" IfMsgBox, Cancel return ; run,`%20g-IntelliSense`%20`%23Feature`%20order`%20by:`%20updated`%20asc`%20 run,`%20g-IntelliSense`%20`%23Feature`%20order`%20by:`%20updated`%20asc`%20 return lbl_HelpOnline_shortcut: t := "open `n`n g-IntelliSense about Shortcuts`n`n in ?" if(!InStr(A_ComputerName,"SL5")) msgbox, ,% t,% t "`n`n(" A_ThisFunc " " RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") ":" A_LineNumber ")" IfMsgBox, Cancel return ;run,`%20g-IntelliSense`%20`%23shortcut`%20order`%20by:`%20updated`%20asc`%20 run,`%20g-IntelliSense`%20`%23shortcut`%20order`%20by:`%20updated`%20asc`%20 return lbl_HelpOnline_issues_open: t := "open `n`n g-IntelliSense open issues `n`n in ?" if(!InStr(A_ComputerName,"SL5")) msgbox, ,% t,% t "`n`n(" A_ThisFunc " " RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") ":" A_LineNumber ")" IfMsgBox, Cancel return ; run,`%20g-IntelliSense`%20`%23Unresolved`%20order`%20by:`%20Priority run,`%20g-IntelliSense`%20`%23Unresolved`%20order`%20by:`%20Priority return 


Как отфильтровать таблицу в Excel по условию ИЛИ по разным столбцам

: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /home/users/d/dm9/domains/ on line 311.

Обычный фильтр в таблице Microsoft Excel работает по условию И - то есть, если мы выбираем значения фильтра, например, для двух столбцов, то в отобранные строки попадают те, в которых совпадают значения с критериями фильтра обоих столбцов.

Что делать, если нужно отобрать строки по условию ИЛИ?
Например, у нас есть такая таблица с ФИО:

Нужно отобрать строки в которых ИЛИ Имя = Иван ИЛИ Отчество = Иванович - т.е. в отбор должны попасть:
Петров Иван Иванович
Сидоров Петр Иванович
Пупкин Иван Василиевич

Нужно использовать функциональность Расширенного фильтра.

Сверху таблицы создаем область для значений Расширенного фильтра:

так как фильтруем по ИЛИ - значения для примера должны быть в разных строках. А значения из одной строки как раз и применяются по обычному условию И.

Затем устанавливаем курсор в любую ячейку таблицы и на ленте выбираем: Данные / Сортировка и фильтр / Дополнительно.
Открывается окно: Расширенный фильтр. В Исходном диапазоне должен быть указан диапазон всей таблицы (обычно по-умолчанию он весь и подставляется). В поле Диапазон условий нужно выбрать диапазон с условиями, который создали:

Получаем то, что и требовалось:

Вообще, Расширенный фильтр мощная штука. Можно комбинировать условия И и ИЛИ, а также использовать маски поиска и формулы для расчёта искомых значений (в области условий расширенного фильтра).
Можно немного почитать здесь.


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