- RGB Color Codes Chart
- RGB color space
- RGB color format & calculation
- Calculation examples
- RGB color table
- See also
- HTML Colors
- Color Names
- Background Color
- Example
- Hello World Lorem ipsum. Text Color You can set the color of text: Hello World Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Example Hello World Lorem ipsum. Ut wisi enim. Border Color You can set the color of borders: Hello World Hello World Hello World Example Hello World Hello World Hello World Color Values In HTML, colors can also be specified using RGB values, HEX values, HSL values, RGBA values, and HSLA values. The following three elements have their background color set with RGB, HEX, and HSL values: The following two elements have their background color set with RGBA and HSLA values, which add an Alpha channel to the color (here we have 50% transparency): Источник HTML Color Codes 🎨 The best HTML color codes are waiting for you to find them and they can be found here with all of their names, hex codes, rgb values and other attributes! Color Picker RGB: rgb(102,232,232) HSL: hsl(232,232,232) What is a HTML color code? A HTML color code is an identifier used to represent a color on the web and within other digital assets. Common color codes are in the forms of: a keyword name, a hexadecimal value, a RGB (red, green, blue) triplet, or a HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) triplet. Different values allow for 16,777,216 potential colors to be chosen. For example, the color red can be identifier using the following formats: Because there are so many colors to choose from, tools have been created to make the task of selection much simpler. A color picker allows a user to select a color by clicking on visual range of color to pin-point an exact code. A color chart provides a listing of common colors for quick selection. To use a selected color code within your web page, you could place the following attribute within a given element to change its background color to red: style=»background-color: #ff0000;» What are HTML color codes used for? HTML color codes are used within HTML and CSS to create web design color schemes. They are primarily used by web designers, graphic designers, computer programmers, and digital illustrators. Choosing the correct web colors can be exhausting, but it is a great skill to have, especially for marketing purposes. Источник 140 HTML colors with HEX, RGB codes and names With so many colors to choose from, it can be tough to decide which one to use for your website or blog. But with a little help from this list of 140 HTML colors, you can find the perfect color for your next project. Using an RGB or HEX color code in HTML you can change the color of the text, background, url, font, table or the whole page. Colors in HTML The value for the color property can be set in three main ways: by color name, for example, red , green , blue by hexadecimal number: from #000000 to #ffffff by color code in the RGB palette: from rgb (0, 0, 0) to rgb(255, 255, 255) The name of the color is relatively simple. The only limitation is that we have to choose a color from several predefined options. The standard set of HTML colors consists of 140 different values. If you need a color that is not represented there, you will need to use a hexadecimal format (HEX code) or RGB. HEX color codes in HTML The HEX code always starts with a # followed by a 3-byte hexadecimal number (6 digits in total). Each byte is responsible for the intensity of one of the three primary colors: the first is responsible for the intensity of red, the second for green, and the third for blue: The value 00 is the lowest intensity, FF is the highest. For example, to get white, you need to “mix” three primary colors with maximum intensity: #FFFFFF . To obtain black, the intensity of all colors should be minimal: #000000 . — So it’s the same as in the drawing class — to get any color you just need to mix red, blue, and green. — Exactly. To get the red color, you need to set the maximum value for the byte responsible for the red color, and for the rest — the minimum: ##FF0000 . — Then for green, the HEX code will be: #00FF00 RGB palette of HTML colors In the RGB palette, the color is mixed in a similar way by mixing the intensity of red, green, and blue colors. Hence the abbreviation RGB. Only the intensity is set here by numbers 0 from 255, where 0 is the lowest intensity, 255 is the highest. For example, green would look like this: rgb (0, 255, 0) ; All of these values are suitable for other situations where color is needed, for example, in background-color . A Table of 140 HTML colors with names and codes (string, HEX, rgb) In this table you’ll find all colors that have an HTML name and a code. If you want to become a FULL STACK JS Developer, you can join my modern web development course Color Name HTML string code HEX code RGB code maroon maroon #800000 (128,0,0) dark red darkred #8B0000 (139,0,0) brown brown #A52A2A (165,42,42) fire brick firebrick #B22222 (178,34,34) crimson crimson #DC143C (220,20,60) red red #FF0000 (255,0,0) tomato tomato #FF6347 (255,99,71) coral coral #FF7F50 (255,127,80) indian red indianred #CD5C5C (205,92,92) light coral lightcoral #F08080 (240,128,128) dark salmon darksalmon #E9967A (233,150,122) salmon salmon #FA8072 (250,128,114) light salmon lightsalmon #FFA07A (255,160,122) orange red orangered #FF4500 (255,69,0) dark orange darkorange #FF8C00 (255,140,0) orange orange #FFA500 (255,165,0) gold gold #FFD700 (255,215,0) dark golden rod darkgoldenrod #B8860B (184,134,11) golden rod goldenrod #DAA520 (218,165,32) pale golden rod palegoldenrod #EEE8AA (238,232,170) dark khaki darkkhaki #BDB76B (189,183,107) khaki khaki #F0E68C (240,230,140) olive olive #808000 (128,128,0) yellow yellow #FFFF00 (255,255,0) yellow green yellowgreen #9ACD32 (154,205,50) dark olive green darkolivegreen #556B2F (85,107,47) olive drab olivedrab #6B8E23 (107,142,35) lawn green lawngreen #7CFC00 (124,252,0) chartreuse chartreuse #7FFF00 (127,255,0) green yellow greenyellow #ADFF2F (173,255,47) dark green darkgreen #006400 (0,100,0) green green #008000 (0,128,0) forest green forestgreen #228B22 (34,139,34) lime lime #00FF00 (0,255,0) lime green limegreen #32CD32 (50,205,50) light green lightgreen #90EE90 (144,238,144) pale green palegreen #98FB98 (152,251,152) dark sea green darkseagreen #8FBC8F (143,188,143) medium spring green mediumspringgreen #00FA9A (0,250,154) spring green springgreen #00FF7F (0,255,127) sea green seagreen #2E8B57 (46,139,87) medium aquamarine mediumaquamarine #66CDAA (102,205,170) medium sea green mediumseagreen #3CB371 (60,179,113) light sea green lightseagreen #20B2AA (32,178,170) dark slate gray darkslategray #2F4F4F (47,79,79) teal teal #008080 (0,128,128) dark cyan darkcyan #008B8B (0,139,139) aqua aqua #00FFFF (0,255,255) cyan cyan #00FFFF (0,255,255) light cyan lightcyan #E0FFFF (224,255,255) dark turquoise darkturquoise #00CED1 (0,206,209) turquoise turquoise #40E0D0 (64,224,208) medium turquoise mediumturquoise #48D1CC (72,209,204) pale turquoise paleturquoise #AFEEEE (175,238,238) aquamarine aquamarine #7FFFD4 (127,255,212) powder blue powderblue #B0E0E6 (176,224,230) cadet blue cadetblue #5F9EA0 (95,158,160) steel blue steelblue #4682B4 (70,130,180) cornflower blue cornflowerblue #6495ED (100,149,237) deep sky blue deepskyblue #00BFFF (0,191,255) dodger blue dodgerblue #1E90FF (30,144,255) light blue lightblue #ADD8E6 (173,216,230) sky blue skyblue #87CEEB (135,206,235) light sky blue lightskyblue #87CEFA (135,206,250) midnight blue midnightblue #191970 (25,25,112) navy navy #000080 (0,0,128) dark blue darkblue #00008B (0,0,139) medium blue mediumblue #0000CD (0,0,205) blue blue #0000FF (0,0,255) royal blue royalblue #4169E1 (65,105,225) blue violet blueviolet #8A2BE2 (138,43,226) indigo indigo #4B0082 (75,0,130) dark slate blue darkslateblue #483D8B (72,61,139) slate blue slateblue #6A5ACD (106,90,205) medium slate blue mediumslateblue #7B68EE (123,104,238) medium purple mediumpurple #9370DB (147,112,219) dark magenta darkmagenta #8B008B (139,0,139) dark violet darkviolet #9400D3 (148,0,211) dark orchid darkorchid #9932CC (153,50,204) medium orchid mediumorchid #BA55D3 (186,85,211) purple purple #800080 (128,0,128) thistle thistle #D8BFD8 (216,191,216) plum plum #DDA0DD (221,160,221) violet violet #EE82EE (238,130,238) fuchsia fuchsia #FF00FF (255,0,255) orchid orchid #DA70D6 (218,112,214) medium violet red mediumvioletred #C71585 (199,21,133) pale violet red palevioletred #DB7093 (219,112,147) deep pink deeppink #FF1493 (255,20,147) hot pink hotpink #FF69B4 (255,105,180) light pink lightpink #FFB6C1 (255,182,193) pink pink #FFC0CB (255,192,203) antique white antiquewhite #FAEBD7 (250,235,215) beige beige #F5F5DC (245,245,220) bisque bisque #FFE4C4 (255,228,196) blanched almond blanchedalmond #FFEBCD (255,235,205) wheat wheat #F5DEB3 (245,222,179) corn silk cornsilk #FFF8DC (255,248,220) lemon chiffon lemonchiffon #FFFACD (255,250,205) light golden rod yellow lightgoldenrodyellow #FAFAD2 (250,250,210) light yellow lightyellow #FFFFE0 (255,255,224) saddle brown saddlebrown #8B4513 (139,69,19) sienna sienna #A0522D (160,82,45) chocolate chocolate #D2691E (210,105,30) peru peru #CD853F (205,133,63) sandy brown sandybrown #F4A460 (244,164,96) burly wood burlywood #DEB887 (222,184,135) tan tan #D2B48C (210,180,140) rosy brown rosybrown #BC8F8F (188,143,143) moccasin moccasin #FFE4B5 (255,228,181) navajo white navajowhite #FFDEAD (255,222,173) peach puff peachpuff #FFDAB9 (255,218,185) misty rose mistyrose #FFE4E1 (255,228,225) lavender blush lavenderblush #FFF0F5 (255,240,245) linen linen #FAF0E6 (250,240,230) old lace oldlace #FDF5E6 (253,245,230) papaya whip papayawhip #FFEFD5 (255,239,213) sea shell seashell #FFF5EE (255,245,238) mint cream mintcream #F5FFFA (245,255,250) slate gray slategray #708090 (112,128,144) light slate gray lightslategray #778899 (119,136,153) light steel blue lightsteelblue #B0C4DE (176,196,222) lavender lavender #E6E6FA (230,230,250) floral white floralwhite #FFFAF0 (255,250,240) alice blue aliceblue #F0F8FF (240,248,255) ghost white ghostwhite #F8F8FF (248,248,255) honey dew honeydew #F0FFF0 (240,255,240) ivory ivory #FFFFF0 (255,255,240) azure azure #F0FFFF (240,255,255) snow snow #FFFAFA (255,250,250) black black #000000 (0,0,0) dim gray dimgray #696969 (105,105,105) gray gray #808080 (128,128,128) dark gray / dark grey darkgray #A9A9A9 (169,169,169) silver silver #C0C0C0 (192,192,192) light gray / light grey lightgray #D3D3D3 (211,211,211) gainsboro gainsboro #DCDCDC (220,220,220) white smoke whitesmoke #F5F5F5 (245,245,245) white white #FFFFFF (255,255,255) Источник
- Text Color
- Hello World
- Example
- Hello World Lorem ipsum. Ut wisi enim. Border Color You can set the color of borders: Hello World Hello World Hello World Example Hello World Hello World Hello World Color Values In HTML, colors can also be specified using RGB values, HEX values, HSL values, RGBA values, and HSLA values. The following three elements have their background color set with RGB, HEX, and HSL values: The following two elements have their background color set with RGBA and HSLA values, which add an Alpha channel to the color (here we have 50% transparency): Источник HTML Color Codes 🎨 The best HTML color codes are waiting for you to find them and they can be found here with all of their names, hex codes, rgb values and other attributes! Color Picker RGB: rgb(102,232,232) HSL: hsl(232,232,232) What is a HTML color code? A HTML color code is an identifier used to represent a color on the web and within other digital assets. Common color codes are in the forms of: a keyword name, a hexadecimal value, a RGB (red, green, blue) triplet, or a HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) triplet. Different values allow for 16,777,216 potential colors to be chosen. For example, the color red can be identifier using the following formats: Because there are so many colors to choose from, tools have been created to make the task of selection much simpler. A color picker allows a user to select a color by clicking on visual range of color to pin-point an exact code. A color chart provides a listing of common colors for quick selection. To use a selected color code within your web page, you could place the following attribute within a given element to change its background color to red: style=»background-color: #ff0000;» What are HTML color codes used for? HTML color codes are used within HTML and CSS to create web design color schemes. They are primarily used by web designers, graphic designers, computer programmers, and digital illustrators. Choosing the correct web colors can be exhausting, but it is a great skill to have, especially for marketing purposes. Источник 140 HTML colors with HEX, RGB codes and names With so many colors to choose from, it can be tough to decide which one to use for your website or blog. But with a little help from this list of 140 HTML colors, you can find the perfect color for your next project. Using an RGB or HEX color code in HTML you can change the color of the text, background, url, font, table or the whole page. Colors in HTML The value for the color property can be set in three main ways: by color name, for example, red , green , blue by hexadecimal number: from #000000 to #ffffff by color code in the RGB palette: from rgb (0, 0, 0) to rgb(255, 255, 255) The name of the color is relatively simple. The only limitation is that we have to choose a color from several predefined options. The standard set of HTML colors consists of 140 different values. If you need a color that is not represented there, you will need to use a hexadecimal format (HEX code) or RGB. HEX color codes in HTML The HEX code always starts with a # followed by a 3-byte hexadecimal number (6 digits in total). Each byte is responsible for the intensity of one of the three primary colors: the first is responsible for the intensity of red, the second for green, and the third for blue: The value 00 is the lowest intensity, FF is the highest. For example, to get white, you need to “mix” three primary colors with maximum intensity: #FFFFFF . To obtain black, the intensity of all colors should be minimal: #000000 . — So it’s the same as in the drawing class — to get any color you just need to mix red, blue, and green. — Exactly. To get the red color, you need to set the maximum value for the byte responsible for the red color, and for the rest — the minimum: ##FF0000 . — Then for green, the HEX code will be: #00FF00 RGB palette of HTML colors In the RGB palette, the color is mixed in a similar way by mixing the intensity of red, green, and blue colors. Hence the abbreviation RGB. Only the intensity is set here by numbers 0 from 255, where 0 is the lowest intensity, 255 is the highest. For example, green would look like this: rgb (0, 255, 0) ; All of these values are suitable for other situations where color is needed, for example, in background-color . A Table of 140 HTML colors with names and codes (string, HEX, rgb) In this table you’ll find all colors that have an HTML name and a code. If you want to become a FULL STACK JS Developer, you can join my modern web development course Color Name HTML string code HEX code RGB code maroon maroon #800000 (128,0,0) dark red darkred #8B0000 (139,0,0) brown brown #A52A2A (165,42,42) fire brick firebrick #B22222 (178,34,34) crimson crimson #DC143C (220,20,60) red red #FF0000 (255,0,0) tomato tomato #FF6347 (255,99,71) coral coral #FF7F50 (255,127,80) indian red indianred #CD5C5C (205,92,92) light coral lightcoral #F08080 (240,128,128) dark salmon darksalmon #E9967A (233,150,122) salmon salmon #FA8072 (250,128,114) light salmon lightsalmon #FFA07A (255,160,122) orange red orangered #FF4500 (255,69,0) dark orange darkorange #FF8C00 (255,140,0) orange orange #FFA500 (255,165,0) gold gold #FFD700 (255,215,0) dark golden rod darkgoldenrod #B8860B (184,134,11) golden rod goldenrod #DAA520 (218,165,32) pale golden rod palegoldenrod #EEE8AA (238,232,170) dark khaki darkkhaki #BDB76B (189,183,107) khaki khaki #F0E68C (240,230,140) olive olive #808000 (128,128,0) yellow yellow #FFFF00 (255,255,0) yellow green yellowgreen #9ACD32 (154,205,50) dark olive green darkolivegreen #556B2F (85,107,47) olive drab olivedrab #6B8E23 (107,142,35) lawn green lawngreen #7CFC00 (124,252,0) chartreuse chartreuse #7FFF00 (127,255,0) green yellow greenyellow #ADFF2F (173,255,47) dark green darkgreen #006400 (0,100,0) green green #008000 (0,128,0) forest green forestgreen #228B22 (34,139,34) lime lime #00FF00 (0,255,0) lime green limegreen #32CD32 (50,205,50) light green lightgreen #90EE90 (144,238,144) pale green palegreen #98FB98 (152,251,152) dark sea green darkseagreen #8FBC8F (143,188,143) medium spring green mediumspringgreen #00FA9A (0,250,154) spring green springgreen #00FF7F (0,255,127) sea green seagreen #2E8B57 (46,139,87) medium aquamarine mediumaquamarine #66CDAA (102,205,170) medium sea green mediumseagreen #3CB371 (60,179,113) light sea green lightseagreen #20B2AA (32,178,170) dark slate gray darkslategray #2F4F4F (47,79,79) teal teal #008080 (0,128,128) dark cyan darkcyan #008B8B (0,139,139) aqua aqua #00FFFF (0,255,255) cyan cyan #00FFFF (0,255,255) light cyan lightcyan #E0FFFF (224,255,255) dark turquoise darkturquoise #00CED1 (0,206,209) turquoise turquoise #40E0D0 (64,224,208) medium turquoise mediumturquoise #48D1CC (72,209,204) pale turquoise paleturquoise #AFEEEE (175,238,238) aquamarine aquamarine #7FFFD4 (127,255,212) powder blue powderblue #B0E0E6 (176,224,230) cadet blue cadetblue #5F9EA0 (95,158,160) steel blue steelblue #4682B4 (70,130,180) cornflower blue cornflowerblue #6495ED (100,149,237) deep sky blue deepskyblue #00BFFF (0,191,255) dodger blue dodgerblue #1E90FF (30,144,255) light blue lightblue #ADD8E6 (173,216,230) sky blue skyblue #87CEEB (135,206,235) light sky blue lightskyblue #87CEFA (135,206,250) midnight blue midnightblue #191970 (25,25,112) navy navy #000080 (0,0,128) dark blue darkblue #00008B (0,0,139) medium blue mediumblue #0000CD (0,0,205) blue blue #0000FF (0,0,255) royal blue royalblue #4169E1 (65,105,225) blue violet blueviolet #8A2BE2 (138,43,226) indigo indigo #4B0082 (75,0,130) dark slate blue darkslateblue #483D8B (72,61,139) slate blue slateblue #6A5ACD (106,90,205) medium slate blue mediumslateblue #7B68EE (123,104,238) medium purple mediumpurple #9370DB (147,112,219) dark magenta darkmagenta #8B008B (139,0,139) dark violet darkviolet #9400D3 (148,0,211) dark orchid darkorchid #9932CC (153,50,204) medium orchid mediumorchid #BA55D3 (186,85,211) purple purple #800080 (128,0,128) thistle thistle #D8BFD8 (216,191,216) plum plum #DDA0DD (221,160,221) violet violet #EE82EE (238,130,238) fuchsia fuchsia #FF00FF (255,0,255) orchid orchid #DA70D6 (218,112,214) medium violet red mediumvioletred #C71585 (199,21,133) pale violet red palevioletred #DB7093 (219,112,147) deep pink deeppink #FF1493 (255,20,147) hot pink hotpink #FF69B4 (255,105,180) light pink lightpink #FFB6C1 (255,182,193) pink pink #FFC0CB (255,192,203) antique white antiquewhite #FAEBD7 (250,235,215) beige beige #F5F5DC (245,245,220) bisque bisque #FFE4C4 (255,228,196) blanched almond blanchedalmond #FFEBCD (255,235,205) wheat wheat #F5DEB3 (245,222,179) corn silk cornsilk #FFF8DC (255,248,220) lemon chiffon lemonchiffon #FFFACD (255,250,205) light golden rod yellow lightgoldenrodyellow #FAFAD2 (250,250,210) light yellow lightyellow #FFFFE0 (255,255,224) saddle brown saddlebrown #8B4513 (139,69,19) sienna sienna #A0522D (160,82,45) chocolate chocolate #D2691E (210,105,30) peru peru #CD853F (205,133,63) sandy brown sandybrown #F4A460 (244,164,96) burly wood burlywood #DEB887 (222,184,135) tan tan #D2B48C (210,180,140) rosy brown rosybrown #BC8F8F (188,143,143) moccasin moccasin #FFE4B5 (255,228,181) navajo white navajowhite #FFDEAD (255,222,173) peach puff peachpuff #FFDAB9 (255,218,185) misty rose mistyrose #FFE4E1 (255,228,225) lavender blush lavenderblush #FFF0F5 (255,240,245) linen linen #FAF0E6 (250,240,230) old lace oldlace #FDF5E6 (253,245,230) papaya whip papayawhip #FFEFD5 (255,239,213) sea shell seashell #FFF5EE (255,245,238) mint cream mintcream #F5FFFA (245,255,250) slate gray slategray #708090 (112,128,144) light slate gray lightslategray #778899 (119,136,153) light steel blue lightsteelblue #B0C4DE (176,196,222) lavender lavender #E6E6FA (230,230,250) floral white floralwhite #FFFAF0 (255,250,240) alice blue aliceblue #F0F8FF (240,248,255) ghost white ghostwhite #F8F8FF (248,248,255) honey dew honeydew #F0FFF0 (240,255,240) ivory ivory #FFFFF0 (255,255,240) azure azure #F0FFFF (240,255,255) snow snow #FFFAFA (255,250,250) black black #000000 (0,0,0) dim gray dimgray #696969 (105,105,105) gray gray #808080 (128,128,128) dark gray / dark grey darkgray #A9A9A9 (169,169,169) silver silver #C0C0C0 (192,192,192) light gray / light grey lightgray #D3D3D3 (211,211,211) gainsboro gainsboro #DCDCDC (220,220,220) white smoke whitesmoke #F5F5F5 (245,245,245) white white #FFFFFF (255,255,255) Источник
- Border Color
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Example
- Hello World Hello World Hello World Color Values In HTML, colors can also be specified using RGB values, HEX values, HSL values, RGBA values, and HSLA values. The following three elements have their background color set with RGB, HEX, and HSL values: The following two elements have their background color set with RGBA and HSLA values, which add an Alpha channel to the color (here we have 50% transparency): Источник HTML Color Codes 🎨 The best HTML color codes are waiting for you to find them and they can be found here with all of their names, hex codes, rgb values and other attributes! Color Picker RGB: rgb(102,232,232) HSL: hsl(232,232,232) What is a HTML color code? A HTML color code is an identifier used to represent a color on the web and within other digital assets. Common color codes are in the forms of: a keyword name, a hexadecimal value, a RGB (red, green, blue) triplet, or a HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) triplet. Different values allow for 16,777,216 potential colors to be chosen. For example, the color red can be identifier using the following formats: Because there are so many colors to choose from, tools have been created to make the task of selection much simpler. A color picker allows a user to select a color by clicking on visual range of color to pin-point an exact code. A color chart provides a listing of common colors for quick selection. To use a selected color code within your web page, you could place the following attribute within a given element to change its background color to red: style=»background-color: #ff0000;» What are HTML color codes used for? HTML color codes are used within HTML and CSS to create web design color schemes. They are primarily used by web designers, graphic designers, computer programmers, and digital illustrators. Choosing the correct web colors can be exhausting, but it is a great skill to have, especially for marketing purposes. Источник 140 HTML colors with HEX, RGB codes and names With so many colors to choose from, it can be tough to decide which one to use for your website or blog. But with a little help from this list of 140 HTML colors, you can find the perfect color for your next project. Using an RGB or HEX color code in HTML you can change the color of the text, background, url, font, table or the whole page. Colors in HTML The value for the color property can be set in three main ways: by color name, for example, red , green , blue by hexadecimal number: from #000000 to #ffffff by color code in the RGB palette: from rgb (0, 0, 0) to rgb(255, 255, 255) The name of the color is relatively simple. The only limitation is that we have to choose a color from several predefined options. The standard set of HTML colors consists of 140 different values. If you need a color that is not represented there, you will need to use a hexadecimal format (HEX code) or RGB. HEX color codes in HTML The HEX code always starts with a # followed by a 3-byte hexadecimal number (6 digits in total). Each byte is responsible for the intensity of one of the three primary colors: the first is responsible for the intensity of red, the second for green, and the third for blue: The value 00 is the lowest intensity, FF is the highest. For example, to get white, you need to “mix” three primary colors with maximum intensity: #FFFFFF . To obtain black, the intensity of all colors should be minimal: #000000 . — So it’s the same as in the drawing class — to get any color you just need to mix red, blue, and green. — Exactly. To get the red color, you need to set the maximum value for the byte responsible for the red color, and for the rest — the minimum: ##FF0000 . — Then for green, the HEX code will be: #00FF00 RGB palette of HTML colors In the RGB palette, the color is mixed in a similar way by mixing the intensity of red, green, and blue colors. Hence the abbreviation RGB. Only the intensity is set here by numbers 0 from 255, where 0 is the lowest intensity, 255 is the highest. For example, green would look like this: rgb (0, 255, 0) ; All of these values are suitable for other situations where color is needed, for example, in background-color . A Table of 140 HTML colors with names and codes (string, HEX, rgb) In this table you’ll find all colors that have an HTML name and a code. If you want to become a FULL STACK JS Developer, you can join my modern web development course Color Name HTML string code HEX code RGB code maroon maroon #800000 (128,0,0) dark red darkred #8B0000 (139,0,0) brown brown #A52A2A (165,42,42) fire brick firebrick #B22222 (178,34,34) crimson crimson #DC143C (220,20,60) red red #FF0000 (255,0,0) tomato tomato #FF6347 (255,99,71) coral coral #FF7F50 (255,127,80) indian red indianred #CD5C5C (205,92,92) light coral lightcoral #F08080 (240,128,128) dark salmon darksalmon #E9967A (233,150,122) salmon salmon #FA8072 (250,128,114) light salmon lightsalmon #FFA07A (255,160,122) orange red orangered #FF4500 (255,69,0) dark orange darkorange #FF8C00 (255,140,0) orange orange #FFA500 (255,165,0) gold gold #FFD700 (255,215,0) dark golden rod darkgoldenrod #B8860B (184,134,11) golden rod goldenrod #DAA520 (218,165,32) pale golden rod palegoldenrod #EEE8AA (238,232,170) dark khaki darkkhaki #BDB76B (189,183,107) khaki khaki #F0E68C (240,230,140) olive olive #808000 (128,128,0) yellow yellow #FFFF00 (255,255,0) yellow green yellowgreen #9ACD32 (154,205,50) dark olive green darkolivegreen #556B2F (85,107,47) olive drab olivedrab #6B8E23 (107,142,35) lawn green lawngreen #7CFC00 (124,252,0) chartreuse chartreuse #7FFF00 (127,255,0) green yellow greenyellow #ADFF2F (173,255,47) dark green darkgreen #006400 (0,100,0) green green #008000 (0,128,0) forest green forestgreen #228B22 (34,139,34) lime lime #00FF00 (0,255,0) lime green limegreen #32CD32 (50,205,50) light green lightgreen #90EE90 (144,238,144) pale green palegreen #98FB98 (152,251,152) dark sea green darkseagreen #8FBC8F (143,188,143) medium spring green mediumspringgreen #00FA9A (0,250,154) spring green springgreen #00FF7F (0,255,127) sea green seagreen #2E8B57 (46,139,87) medium aquamarine mediumaquamarine #66CDAA (102,205,170) medium sea green mediumseagreen #3CB371 (60,179,113) light sea green lightseagreen #20B2AA (32,178,170) dark slate gray darkslategray #2F4F4F (47,79,79) teal teal #008080 (0,128,128) dark cyan darkcyan #008B8B (0,139,139) aqua aqua #00FFFF (0,255,255) cyan cyan #00FFFF (0,255,255) light cyan lightcyan #E0FFFF (224,255,255) dark turquoise darkturquoise #00CED1 (0,206,209) turquoise turquoise #40E0D0 (64,224,208) medium turquoise mediumturquoise #48D1CC (72,209,204) pale turquoise paleturquoise #AFEEEE (175,238,238) aquamarine aquamarine #7FFFD4 (127,255,212) powder blue powderblue #B0E0E6 (176,224,230) cadet blue cadetblue #5F9EA0 (95,158,160) steel blue steelblue #4682B4 (70,130,180) cornflower blue cornflowerblue #6495ED (100,149,237) deep sky blue deepskyblue #00BFFF (0,191,255) dodger blue dodgerblue #1E90FF (30,144,255) light blue lightblue #ADD8E6 (173,216,230) sky blue skyblue #87CEEB (135,206,235) light sky blue lightskyblue #87CEFA (135,206,250) midnight blue midnightblue #191970 (25,25,112) navy navy #000080 (0,0,128) dark blue darkblue #00008B (0,0,139) medium blue mediumblue #0000CD (0,0,205) blue blue #0000FF (0,0,255) royal blue royalblue #4169E1 (65,105,225) blue violet blueviolet #8A2BE2 (138,43,226) indigo indigo #4B0082 (75,0,130) dark slate blue darkslateblue #483D8B (72,61,139) slate blue slateblue #6A5ACD (106,90,205) medium slate blue mediumslateblue #7B68EE (123,104,238) medium purple mediumpurple #9370DB (147,112,219) dark magenta darkmagenta #8B008B (139,0,139) dark violet darkviolet #9400D3 (148,0,211) dark orchid darkorchid #9932CC (153,50,204) medium orchid mediumorchid #BA55D3 (186,85,211) purple purple #800080 (128,0,128) thistle thistle #D8BFD8 (216,191,216) plum plum #DDA0DD (221,160,221) violet violet #EE82EE (238,130,238) fuchsia fuchsia #FF00FF (255,0,255) orchid orchid #DA70D6 (218,112,214) medium violet red mediumvioletred #C71585 (199,21,133) pale violet red palevioletred #DB7093 (219,112,147) deep pink deeppink #FF1493 (255,20,147) hot pink hotpink #FF69B4 (255,105,180) light pink lightpink #FFB6C1 (255,182,193) pink pink #FFC0CB (255,192,203) antique white antiquewhite #FAEBD7 (250,235,215) beige beige #F5F5DC (245,245,220) bisque bisque #FFE4C4 (255,228,196) blanched almond blanchedalmond #FFEBCD (255,235,205) wheat wheat #F5DEB3 (245,222,179) corn silk cornsilk #FFF8DC (255,248,220) lemon chiffon lemonchiffon #FFFACD (255,250,205) light golden rod yellow lightgoldenrodyellow #FAFAD2 (250,250,210) light yellow lightyellow #FFFFE0 (255,255,224) saddle brown saddlebrown #8B4513 (139,69,19) sienna sienna #A0522D (160,82,45) chocolate chocolate #D2691E (210,105,30) peru peru #CD853F (205,133,63) sandy brown sandybrown #F4A460 (244,164,96) burly wood burlywood #DEB887 (222,184,135) tan tan #D2B48C (210,180,140) rosy brown rosybrown #BC8F8F (188,143,143) moccasin moccasin #FFE4B5 (255,228,181) navajo white navajowhite #FFDEAD (255,222,173) peach puff peachpuff #FFDAB9 (255,218,185) misty rose mistyrose #FFE4E1 (255,228,225) lavender blush lavenderblush #FFF0F5 (255,240,245) linen linen #FAF0E6 (250,240,230) old lace oldlace #FDF5E6 (253,245,230) papaya whip papayawhip #FFEFD5 (255,239,213) sea shell seashell #FFF5EE (255,245,238) mint cream mintcream #F5FFFA (245,255,250) slate gray slategray #708090 (112,128,144) light slate gray lightslategray #778899 (119,136,153) light steel blue lightsteelblue #B0C4DE (176,196,222) lavender lavender #E6E6FA (230,230,250) floral white floralwhite #FFFAF0 (255,250,240) alice blue aliceblue #F0F8FF (240,248,255) ghost white ghostwhite #F8F8FF (248,248,255) honey dew honeydew #F0FFF0 (240,255,240) ivory ivory #FFFFF0 (255,255,240) azure azure #F0FFFF (240,255,255) snow snow #FFFAFA (255,250,250) black black #000000 (0,0,0) dim gray dimgray #696969 (105,105,105) gray gray #808080 (128,128,128) dark gray / dark grey darkgray #A9A9A9 (169,169,169) silver silver #C0C0C0 (192,192,192) light gray / light grey lightgray #D3D3D3 (211,211,211) gainsboro gainsboro #DCDCDC (220,220,220) white smoke whitesmoke #F5F5F5 (245,245,245) white white #FFFFFF (255,255,255) Источник
- Hello World Hello World Color Values In HTML, colors can also be specified using RGB values, HEX values, HSL values, RGBA values, and HSLA values. The following three elements have their background color set with RGB, HEX, and HSL values: The following two elements have their background color set with RGBA and HSLA values, which add an Alpha channel to the color (here we have 50% transparency): Источник HTML Color Codes 🎨 The best HTML color codes are waiting for you to find them and they can be found here with all of their names, hex codes, rgb values and other attributes! Color Picker RGB: rgb(102,232,232) HSL: hsl(232,232,232) What is a HTML color code? A HTML color code is an identifier used to represent a color on the web and within other digital assets. Common color codes are in the forms of: a keyword name, a hexadecimal value, a RGB (red, green, blue) triplet, or a HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) triplet. Different values allow for 16,777,216 potential colors to be chosen. For example, the color red can be identifier using the following formats: Because there are so many colors to choose from, tools have been created to make the task of selection much simpler. A color picker allows a user to select a color by clicking on visual range of color to pin-point an exact code. A color chart provides a listing of common colors for quick selection. To use a selected color code within your web page, you could place the following attribute within a given element to change its background color to red: style=»background-color: #ff0000;» What are HTML color codes used for? HTML color codes are used within HTML and CSS to create web design color schemes. They are primarily used by web designers, graphic designers, computer programmers, and digital illustrators. Choosing the correct web colors can be exhausting, but it is a great skill to have, especially for marketing purposes. Источник 140 HTML colors with HEX, RGB codes and names With so many colors to choose from, it can be tough to decide which one to use for your website or blog. But with a little help from this list of 140 HTML colors, you can find the perfect color for your next project. Using an RGB or HEX color code in HTML you can change the color of the text, background, url, font, table or the whole page. Colors in HTML The value for the color property can be set in three main ways: by color name, for example, red , green , blue by hexadecimal number: from #000000 to #ffffff by color code in the RGB palette: from rgb (0, 0, 0) to rgb(255, 255, 255) The name of the color is relatively simple. The only limitation is that we have to choose a color from several predefined options. The standard set of HTML colors consists of 140 different values. If you need a color that is not represented there, you will need to use a hexadecimal format (HEX code) or RGB. HEX color codes in HTML The HEX code always starts with a # followed by a 3-byte hexadecimal number (6 digits in total). Each byte is responsible for the intensity of one of the three primary colors: the first is responsible for the intensity of red, the second for green, and the third for blue: The value 00 is the lowest intensity, FF is the highest. For example, to get white, you need to “mix” three primary colors with maximum intensity: #FFFFFF . To obtain black, the intensity of all colors should be minimal: #000000 . — So it’s the same as in the drawing class — to get any color you just need to mix red, blue, and green. — Exactly. To get the red color, you need to set the maximum value for the byte responsible for the red color, and for the rest — the minimum: ##FF0000 . — Then for green, the HEX code will be: #00FF00 RGB palette of HTML colors In the RGB palette, the color is mixed in a similar way by mixing the intensity of red, green, and blue colors. Hence the abbreviation RGB. Only the intensity is set here by numbers 0 from 255, where 0 is the lowest intensity, 255 is the highest. For example, green would look like this: rgb (0, 255, 0) ; All of these values are suitable for other situations where color is needed, for example, in background-color . A Table of 140 HTML colors with names and codes (string, HEX, rgb) In this table you’ll find all colors that have an HTML name and a code. If you want to become a FULL STACK JS Developer, you can join my modern web development course Color Name HTML string code HEX code RGB code maroon maroon #800000 (128,0,0) dark red darkred #8B0000 (139,0,0) brown brown #A52A2A (165,42,42) fire brick firebrick #B22222 (178,34,34) crimson crimson #DC143C (220,20,60) red red #FF0000 (255,0,0) tomato tomato #FF6347 (255,99,71) coral coral #FF7F50 (255,127,80) indian red indianred #CD5C5C (205,92,92) light coral lightcoral #F08080 (240,128,128) dark salmon darksalmon #E9967A (233,150,122) salmon salmon #FA8072 (250,128,114) light salmon lightsalmon #FFA07A (255,160,122) orange red orangered #FF4500 (255,69,0) dark orange darkorange #FF8C00 (255,140,0) orange orange #FFA500 (255,165,0) gold gold #FFD700 (255,215,0) dark golden rod darkgoldenrod #B8860B (184,134,11) golden rod goldenrod #DAA520 (218,165,32) pale golden rod palegoldenrod #EEE8AA (238,232,170) dark khaki darkkhaki #BDB76B (189,183,107) khaki khaki #F0E68C (240,230,140) olive olive #808000 (128,128,0) yellow yellow #FFFF00 (255,255,0) yellow green yellowgreen #9ACD32 (154,205,50) dark olive green darkolivegreen #556B2F (85,107,47) olive drab olivedrab #6B8E23 (107,142,35) lawn green lawngreen #7CFC00 (124,252,0) chartreuse chartreuse #7FFF00 (127,255,0) green yellow greenyellow #ADFF2F (173,255,47) dark green darkgreen #006400 (0,100,0) green green #008000 (0,128,0) forest green forestgreen #228B22 (34,139,34) lime lime #00FF00 (0,255,0) lime green limegreen #32CD32 (50,205,50) light green lightgreen #90EE90 (144,238,144) pale green palegreen #98FB98 (152,251,152) dark sea green darkseagreen #8FBC8F (143,188,143) medium spring green mediumspringgreen #00FA9A (0,250,154) spring green springgreen #00FF7F (0,255,127) sea green seagreen #2E8B57 (46,139,87) medium aquamarine mediumaquamarine #66CDAA (102,205,170) medium sea green mediumseagreen #3CB371 (60,179,113) light sea green lightseagreen #20B2AA (32,178,170) dark slate gray darkslategray #2F4F4F (47,79,79) teal teal #008080 (0,128,128) dark cyan darkcyan #008B8B (0,139,139) aqua aqua #00FFFF (0,255,255) cyan cyan #00FFFF (0,255,255) light cyan lightcyan #E0FFFF (224,255,255) dark turquoise darkturquoise #00CED1 (0,206,209) turquoise turquoise #40E0D0 (64,224,208) medium turquoise mediumturquoise #48D1CC (72,209,204) pale turquoise paleturquoise #AFEEEE (175,238,238) aquamarine aquamarine #7FFFD4 (127,255,212) powder blue powderblue #B0E0E6 (176,224,230) cadet blue cadetblue #5F9EA0 (95,158,160) steel blue steelblue #4682B4 (70,130,180) cornflower blue cornflowerblue #6495ED (100,149,237) deep sky blue deepskyblue #00BFFF (0,191,255) dodger blue dodgerblue #1E90FF (30,144,255) light blue lightblue #ADD8E6 (173,216,230) sky blue skyblue #87CEEB (135,206,235) light sky blue lightskyblue #87CEFA (135,206,250) midnight blue midnightblue #191970 (25,25,112) navy navy #000080 (0,0,128) dark blue darkblue #00008B (0,0,139) medium blue mediumblue #0000CD (0,0,205) blue blue #0000FF (0,0,255) royal blue royalblue #4169E1 (65,105,225) blue violet blueviolet #8A2BE2 (138,43,226) indigo indigo #4B0082 (75,0,130) dark slate blue darkslateblue #483D8B (72,61,139) slate blue slateblue #6A5ACD (106,90,205) medium slate blue mediumslateblue #7B68EE (123,104,238) medium purple mediumpurple #9370DB (147,112,219) dark magenta darkmagenta #8B008B (139,0,139) dark violet darkviolet #9400D3 (148,0,211) dark orchid darkorchid #9932CC (153,50,204) medium orchid mediumorchid #BA55D3 (186,85,211) purple purple #800080 (128,0,128) thistle thistle #D8BFD8 (216,191,216) plum plum #DDA0DD (221,160,221) violet violet #EE82EE (238,130,238) fuchsia fuchsia #FF00FF (255,0,255) orchid orchid #DA70D6 (218,112,214) medium violet red mediumvioletred #C71585 (199,21,133) pale violet red palevioletred #DB7093 (219,112,147) deep pink deeppink #FF1493 (255,20,147) hot pink hotpink #FF69B4 (255,105,180) light pink lightpink #FFB6C1 (255,182,193) pink pink #FFC0CB (255,192,203) antique white antiquewhite #FAEBD7 (250,235,215) beige beige #F5F5DC (245,245,220) bisque bisque #FFE4C4 (255,228,196) blanched almond blanchedalmond #FFEBCD (255,235,205) wheat wheat #F5DEB3 (245,222,179) corn silk cornsilk #FFF8DC (255,248,220) lemon chiffon lemonchiffon #FFFACD (255,250,205) light golden rod yellow lightgoldenrodyellow #FAFAD2 (250,250,210) light yellow lightyellow #FFFFE0 (255,255,224) saddle brown saddlebrown #8B4513 (139,69,19) sienna sienna #A0522D (160,82,45) chocolate chocolate #D2691E (210,105,30) peru peru #CD853F (205,133,63) sandy brown sandybrown #F4A460 (244,164,96) burly wood burlywood #DEB887 (222,184,135) tan tan #D2B48C (210,180,140) rosy brown rosybrown #BC8F8F (188,143,143) moccasin moccasin #FFE4B5 (255,228,181) navajo white navajowhite #FFDEAD (255,222,173) peach puff peachpuff #FFDAB9 (255,218,185) misty rose mistyrose #FFE4E1 (255,228,225) lavender blush lavenderblush #FFF0F5 (255,240,245) linen linen #FAF0E6 (250,240,230) old lace oldlace #FDF5E6 (253,245,230) papaya whip papayawhip #FFEFD5 (255,239,213) sea shell seashell #FFF5EE (255,245,238) mint cream mintcream #F5FFFA (245,255,250) slate gray slategray #708090 (112,128,144) light slate gray lightslategray #778899 (119,136,153) light steel blue lightsteelblue #B0C4DE (176,196,222) lavender lavender #E6E6FA (230,230,250) floral white floralwhite #FFFAF0 (255,250,240) alice blue aliceblue #F0F8FF (240,248,255) ghost white ghostwhite #F8F8FF (248,248,255) honey dew honeydew #F0FFF0 (240,255,240) ivory ivory #FFFFF0 (255,255,240) azure azure #F0FFFF (240,255,255) snow snow #FFFAFA (255,250,250) black black #000000 (0,0,0) dim gray dimgray #696969 (105,105,105) gray gray #808080 (128,128,128) dark gray / dark grey darkgray #A9A9A9 (169,169,169) silver silver #C0C0C0 (192,192,192) light gray / light grey lightgray #D3D3D3 (211,211,211) gainsboro gainsboro #DCDCDC (220,220,220) white smoke whitesmoke #F5F5F5 (245,245,245) white white #FFFFFF (255,255,255) Источник
- Hello World Color Values In HTML, colors can also be specified using RGB values, HEX values, HSL values, RGBA values, and HSLA values. The following three elements have their background color set with RGB, HEX, and HSL values: The following two elements have their background color set with RGBA and HSLA values, which add an Alpha channel to the color (here we have 50% transparency): Источник HTML Color Codes 🎨 The best HTML color codes are waiting for you to find them and they can be found here with all of their names, hex codes, rgb values and other attributes! Color Picker RGB: rgb(102,232,232) HSL: hsl(232,232,232) What is a HTML color code? A HTML color code is an identifier used to represent a color on the web and within other digital assets. Common color codes are in the forms of: a keyword name, a hexadecimal value, a RGB (red, green, blue) triplet, or a HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) triplet. Different values allow for 16,777,216 potential colors to be chosen. For example, the color red can be identifier using the following formats: Because there are so many colors to choose from, tools have been created to make the task of selection much simpler. A color picker allows a user to select a color by clicking on visual range of color to pin-point an exact code. A color chart provides a listing of common colors for quick selection. To use a selected color code within your web page, you could place the following attribute within a given element to change its background color to red: style=»background-color: #ff0000;» What are HTML color codes used for? HTML color codes are used within HTML and CSS to create web design color schemes. They are primarily used by web designers, graphic designers, computer programmers, and digital illustrators. Choosing the correct web colors can be exhausting, but it is a great skill to have, especially for marketing purposes. Источник 140 HTML colors with HEX, RGB codes and names With so many colors to choose from, it can be tough to decide which one to use for your website or blog. But with a little help from this list of 140 HTML colors, you can find the perfect color for your next project. Using an RGB or HEX color code in HTML you can change the color of the text, background, url, font, table or the whole page. Colors in HTML The value for the color property can be set in three main ways: by color name, for example, red , green , blue by hexadecimal number: from #000000 to #ffffff by color code in the RGB palette: from rgb (0, 0, 0) to rgb(255, 255, 255) The name of the color is relatively simple. The only limitation is that we have to choose a color from several predefined options. The standard set of HTML colors consists of 140 different values. If you need a color that is not represented there, you will need to use a hexadecimal format (HEX code) or RGB. HEX color codes in HTML The HEX code always starts with a # followed by a 3-byte hexadecimal number (6 digits in total). Each byte is responsible for the intensity of one of the three primary colors: the first is responsible for the intensity of red, the second for green, and the third for blue: The value 00 is the lowest intensity, FF is the highest. For example, to get white, you need to “mix” three primary colors with maximum intensity: #FFFFFF . To obtain black, the intensity of all colors should be minimal: #000000 . — So it’s the same as in the drawing class — to get any color you just need to mix red, blue, and green. — Exactly. To get the red color, you need to set the maximum value for the byte responsible for the red color, and for the rest — the minimum: ##FF0000 . — Then for green, the HEX code will be: #00FF00 RGB palette of HTML colors In the RGB palette, the color is mixed in a similar way by mixing the intensity of red, green, and blue colors. Hence the abbreviation RGB. Only the intensity is set here by numbers 0 from 255, where 0 is the lowest intensity, 255 is the highest. For example, green would look like this: rgb (0, 255, 0) ; All of these values are suitable for other situations where color is needed, for example, in background-color . A Table of 140 HTML colors with names and codes (string, HEX, rgb) In this table you’ll find all colors that have an HTML name and a code. If you want to become a FULL STACK JS Developer, you can join my modern web development course Color Name HTML string code HEX code RGB code maroon maroon #800000 (128,0,0) dark red darkred #8B0000 (139,0,0) brown brown #A52A2A (165,42,42) fire brick firebrick #B22222 (178,34,34) crimson crimson #DC143C (220,20,60) red red #FF0000 (255,0,0) tomato tomato #FF6347 (255,99,71) coral coral #FF7F50 (255,127,80) indian red indianred #CD5C5C (205,92,92) light coral lightcoral #F08080 (240,128,128) dark salmon darksalmon #E9967A (233,150,122) salmon salmon #FA8072 (250,128,114) light salmon lightsalmon #FFA07A (255,160,122) orange red orangered #FF4500 (255,69,0) dark orange darkorange #FF8C00 (255,140,0) orange orange #FFA500 (255,165,0) gold gold #FFD700 (255,215,0) dark golden rod darkgoldenrod #B8860B (184,134,11) golden rod goldenrod #DAA520 (218,165,32) pale golden rod palegoldenrod #EEE8AA (238,232,170) dark khaki darkkhaki #BDB76B (189,183,107) khaki khaki #F0E68C (240,230,140) olive olive #808000 (128,128,0) yellow yellow #FFFF00 (255,255,0) yellow green yellowgreen #9ACD32 (154,205,50) dark olive green darkolivegreen #556B2F (85,107,47) olive drab olivedrab #6B8E23 (107,142,35) lawn green lawngreen #7CFC00 (124,252,0) chartreuse chartreuse #7FFF00 (127,255,0) green yellow greenyellow #ADFF2F (173,255,47) dark green darkgreen #006400 (0,100,0) green green #008000 (0,128,0) forest green forestgreen #228B22 (34,139,34) lime lime #00FF00 (0,255,0) lime green limegreen #32CD32 (50,205,50) light green lightgreen #90EE90 (144,238,144) pale green palegreen #98FB98 (152,251,152) dark sea green darkseagreen #8FBC8F (143,188,143) medium spring green mediumspringgreen #00FA9A (0,250,154) spring green springgreen #00FF7F (0,255,127) sea green seagreen #2E8B57 (46,139,87) medium aquamarine mediumaquamarine #66CDAA (102,205,170) medium sea green mediumseagreen #3CB371 (60,179,113) light sea green lightseagreen #20B2AA (32,178,170) dark slate gray darkslategray #2F4F4F (47,79,79) teal teal #008080 (0,128,128) dark cyan darkcyan #008B8B (0,139,139) aqua aqua #00FFFF (0,255,255) cyan cyan #00FFFF (0,255,255) light cyan lightcyan #E0FFFF (224,255,255) dark turquoise darkturquoise #00CED1 (0,206,209) turquoise turquoise #40E0D0 (64,224,208) medium turquoise mediumturquoise #48D1CC (72,209,204) pale turquoise paleturquoise #AFEEEE (175,238,238) aquamarine aquamarine #7FFFD4 (127,255,212) powder blue powderblue #B0E0E6 (176,224,230) cadet blue cadetblue #5F9EA0 (95,158,160) steel blue steelblue #4682B4 (70,130,180) cornflower blue cornflowerblue #6495ED (100,149,237) deep sky blue deepskyblue #00BFFF (0,191,255) dodger blue dodgerblue #1E90FF (30,144,255) light blue lightblue #ADD8E6 (173,216,230) sky blue skyblue #87CEEB (135,206,235) light sky blue lightskyblue #87CEFA (135,206,250) midnight blue midnightblue #191970 (25,25,112) navy navy #000080 (0,0,128) dark blue darkblue #00008B (0,0,139) medium blue mediumblue #0000CD (0,0,205) blue blue #0000FF (0,0,255) royal blue royalblue #4169E1 (65,105,225) blue violet blueviolet #8A2BE2 (138,43,226) indigo indigo #4B0082 (75,0,130) dark slate blue darkslateblue #483D8B (72,61,139) slate blue slateblue #6A5ACD (106,90,205) medium slate blue mediumslateblue #7B68EE (123,104,238) medium purple mediumpurple #9370DB (147,112,219) dark magenta darkmagenta #8B008B (139,0,139) dark violet darkviolet #9400D3 (148,0,211) dark orchid darkorchid #9932CC (153,50,204) medium orchid mediumorchid #BA55D3 (186,85,211) purple purple #800080 (128,0,128) thistle thistle #D8BFD8 (216,191,216) plum plum #DDA0DD (221,160,221) violet violet #EE82EE (238,130,238) fuchsia fuchsia #FF00FF (255,0,255) orchid orchid #DA70D6 (218,112,214) medium violet red mediumvioletred #C71585 (199,21,133) pale violet red palevioletred #DB7093 (219,112,147) deep pink deeppink #FF1493 (255,20,147) hot pink hotpink #FF69B4 (255,105,180) light pink lightpink #FFB6C1 (255,182,193) pink pink #FFC0CB (255,192,203) antique white antiquewhite #FAEBD7 (250,235,215) beige beige #F5F5DC (245,245,220) bisque bisque #FFE4C4 (255,228,196) blanched almond blanchedalmond #FFEBCD (255,235,205) wheat wheat #F5DEB3 (245,222,179) corn silk cornsilk #FFF8DC (255,248,220) lemon chiffon lemonchiffon #FFFACD (255,250,205) light golden rod yellow lightgoldenrodyellow #FAFAD2 (250,250,210) light yellow lightyellow #FFFFE0 (255,255,224) saddle brown saddlebrown #8B4513 (139,69,19) sienna sienna #A0522D (160,82,45) chocolate chocolate #D2691E (210,105,30) peru peru #CD853F (205,133,63) sandy brown sandybrown #F4A460 (244,164,96) burly wood burlywood #DEB887 (222,184,135) tan tan #D2B48C (210,180,140) rosy brown rosybrown #BC8F8F (188,143,143) moccasin moccasin #FFE4B5 (255,228,181) navajo white navajowhite #FFDEAD (255,222,173) peach puff peachpuff #FFDAB9 (255,218,185) misty rose mistyrose #FFE4E1 (255,228,225) lavender blush lavenderblush #FFF0F5 (255,240,245) linen linen #FAF0E6 (250,240,230) old lace oldlace #FDF5E6 (253,245,230) papaya whip papayawhip #FFEFD5 (255,239,213) sea shell seashell #FFF5EE (255,245,238) mint cream mintcream #F5FFFA (245,255,250) slate gray slategray #708090 (112,128,144) light slate gray lightslategray #778899 (119,136,153) light steel blue lightsteelblue #B0C4DE (176,196,222) lavender lavender #E6E6FA (230,230,250) floral white floralwhite #FFFAF0 (255,250,240) alice blue aliceblue #F0F8FF (240,248,255) ghost white ghostwhite #F8F8FF (248,248,255) honey dew honeydew #F0FFF0 (240,255,240) ivory ivory #FFFFF0 (255,255,240) azure azure #F0FFFF (240,255,255) snow snow #FFFAFA (255,250,250) black black #000000 (0,0,0) dim gray dimgray #696969 (105,105,105) gray gray #808080 (128,128,128) dark gray / dark grey darkgray #A9A9A9 (169,169,169) silver silver #C0C0C0 (192,192,192) light gray / light grey lightgray #D3D3D3 (211,211,211) gainsboro gainsboro #DCDCDC (220,220,220) white smoke whitesmoke #F5F5F5 (245,245,245) white white #FFFFFF (255,255,255) Источник
- Color Values
- HTML Color Codes 🎨
- Color Picker
- What is a HTML color code?
- What are HTML color codes used for?
- 140 HTML colors with HEX, RGB codes and names
- Colors in HTML
- HEX color codes in HTML
- RGB palette of HTML colors
- A Table of 140 HTML colors with names and codes (string, HEX, rgb)
RGB Color Codes Chart
Hover with cursor on color to get the hex and decimal color codes below:
RGB color space
RGB color space or RGB color system, constructs all the colors from the combination of the Red, Green and Blue colors.
The red, green and blue use 8 bits each, which have integer values from 0 to 255. This makes 256*256*256=16777216 possible colors.
Each pixel in the LED monitor displays colors this way, by combination of red, green and blue LEDs (light emitting diodes).
When the red pixel is set to 0, the LED is turned off. When the red pixel is set to 255, the LED is turned fully on.
Any value between them sets the LED to partial light emission.
RGB color format & calculation
RGB code has 24 bits format (bits 0..23):
RED[7:0] | GREEN[7:0] | BLUE[7:0] | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | 16 | 15 | 8 | 7 | 0 |
RGB = (R*65536)+(G*256)+B , (when R is RED, G is GREEN and B is BLUE)
Calculation examples
White RGB Color
White RGB code = 255*65536+255*256+255 = #FFFFFF
Blue RGB Color
Blue RGB code = 0*65536+0*256+255 = #0000FF
Red RGB Color
Red RGB code = 255*65536+0*256+0 = #FF0000
Green RGB Color
Green RGB code = 0*65536+255*256+0 = #00FF00
Gray RGB Color
Gray RGB code = 128*65536+128*256+128 = #808080
Yellow RGB Color
Yellow RGB code = 255*65536+255*256+0 = #FFFF00
RGB color table
See also
- RGB to hex converter
- RGB to HSV converter
- RGB to HSL converter
- RGB to CMYK converter
- Color conversions
- Color wheel chart
- Screen color tester
- HTML color codes
- HTML character codes
- ASCII table
- Unicode characters
- Web safe colors
- Yellow color
- Gold color
HTML Colors
HTML colors are specified with predefined color names, or with RGB, HEX, HSL, RGBA, or HSLA values.
Color Names
In HTML, a color can be specified by using a color name:
Background Color
You can set the background color for HTML elements:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Hello World
Lorem ipsum.
Text Color
You can set the color of text:
Hello World
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Hello World
Lorem ipsum.
Ut wisi enim.
Border Color
You can set the color of borders:
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World Color Values
In HTML, colors can also be specified using RGB values, HEX values, HSL values, RGBA values, and HSLA values.
The following three elements have their background color set with RGB, HEX, and HSL values:
The following two elements have their background color set with RGBA and HSLA values, which add an Alpha channel to the color (here we have 50% transparency):
HTML Color Codes 🎨
The best HTML color codes are waiting for you to find them and they can be found here with all of their names, hex codes, rgb values and other attributes!
Color Picker
RGB: rgb(102,232,232)
HSL: hsl(232,232,232)
What is a HTML color code?
A HTML color code is an identifier used to represent a color on the web and within other digital assets. Common color codes are in the forms of: a keyword name, a hexadecimal value, a RGB (red, green, blue) triplet, or a HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) triplet. Different values allow for 16,777,216 potential colors to be chosen.
For example, the color red can be identifier using the following formats:
Because there are so many colors to choose from, tools have been created to make the task of selection much simpler. A color picker allows a user to select a color by clicking on visual range of color to pin-point an exact code. A color chart provides a listing of common colors for quick selection.
To use a selected color code within your web page, you could place the following attribute within a given element to change its background color to red: style=»background-color: #ff0000;»
What are HTML color codes used for?
HTML color codes are used within HTML and CSS to create web design color schemes. They are primarily used by web designers, graphic designers, computer programmers, and digital illustrators. Choosing the correct web colors can be exhausting, but it is a great skill to have, especially for marketing purposes.
140 HTML colors with HEX, RGB codes and names
With so many colors to choose from, it can be tough to decide which one to use for your website or blog. But with a little help from this list of 140 HTML colors, you can find the perfect color for your next project.
Using an RGB or HEX color code in HTML you can change the color of the text, background, url, font, table or the whole page.
Colors in HTML
The value for the color property can be set in three main ways:
- by color name, for example, red , green , blue
- by hexadecimal number: from #000000 to #ffffff
- by color code in the RGB palette: from rgb (0, 0, 0) to rgb(255, 255, 255)
The name of the color is relatively simple. The only limitation is that we have to choose a color from several predefined options.
The standard set of HTML colors consists of 140 different values. If you need a color that is not represented there, you will need to use a hexadecimal format (HEX code) or RGB.
HEX color codes in HTML
The HEX code always starts with a # followed by a 3-byte hexadecimal number (6 digits in total). Each byte is responsible for the intensity of one of the three primary colors: the first is responsible for the intensity of red, the second for green, and the third for blue:
The value 00 is the lowest intensity, FF is the highest. For example, to get white, you need to “mix” three primary colors with maximum intensity: #FFFFFF . To obtain black, the intensity of all colors should be minimal: #000000 .
— So it’s the same as in the drawing class — to get any color you just need to mix red, blue, and green.
— Exactly. To get the red color, you need to set the maximum value for the byte responsible for the red color, and for the rest — the minimum: ##FF0000 .
— Then for green, the HEX code will be: #00FF00
RGB palette of HTML colors
In the RGB palette, the color is mixed in a similar way by mixing the intensity of red, green, and blue colors. Hence the abbreviation RGB. Only the intensity is set here by numbers 0 from 255, where 0 is the lowest intensity, 255 is the highest. For example, green would look like this: rgb (0, 255, 0) ;
All of these values are suitable for other situations where color is needed, for example, in background-color .
A Table of 140 HTML colors with names and codes (string, HEX, rgb)
In this table you’ll find all colors that have an HTML name and a code. If you want to become a FULL STACK JS Developer, you can join my modern web development course
Color | Name | HTML string code | HEX code | RGB code |
maroon | maroon | #800000 | (128,0,0) | |
dark red | darkred | #8B0000 | (139,0,0) | |
brown | brown | #A52A2A | (165,42,42) | |
fire brick | firebrick | #B22222 | (178,34,34) | |
crimson | crimson | #DC143C | (220,20,60) | |
red | red | #FF0000 | (255,0,0) | |
tomato | tomato | #FF6347 | (255,99,71) | |
coral | coral | #FF7F50 | (255,127,80) | |
indian red | indianred | #CD5C5C | (205,92,92) | |
light coral | lightcoral | #F08080 | (240,128,128) | |
dark salmon | darksalmon | #E9967A | (233,150,122) | |
salmon | salmon | #FA8072 | (250,128,114) | |
light salmon | lightsalmon | #FFA07A | (255,160,122) | |
orange red | orangered | #FF4500 | (255,69,0) | |
dark orange | darkorange | #FF8C00 | (255,140,0) | |
orange | orange | #FFA500 | (255,165,0) | |
gold | gold | #FFD700 | (255,215,0) | |
dark golden rod | darkgoldenrod | #B8860B | (184,134,11) | |
golden rod | goldenrod | #DAA520 | (218,165,32) | |
pale golden rod | palegoldenrod | #EEE8AA | (238,232,170) | |
dark khaki | darkkhaki | #BDB76B | (189,183,107) | |
khaki | khaki | #F0E68C | (240,230,140) | |
olive | olive | #808000 | (128,128,0) | |
yellow | yellow | #FFFF00 | (255,255,0) | |
yellow green | yellowgreen | #9ACD32 | (154,205,50) | |
dark olive green | darkolivegreen | #556B2F | (85,107,47) | |
olive drab | olivedrab | #6B8E23 | (107,142,35) | |
lawn green | lawngreen | #7CFC00 | (124,252,0) | |
chartreuse | chartreuse | #7FFF00 | (127,255,0) | |
green yellow | greenyellow | #ADFF2F | (173,255,47) | |
dark green | darkgreen | #006400 | (0,100,0) | |
green | green | #008000 | (0,128,0) | |
forest green | forestgreen | #228B22 | (34,139,34) | |
lime | lime | #00FF00 | (0,255,0) | |
lime green | limegreen | #32CD32 | (50,205,50) | |
light green | lightgreen | #90EE90 | (144,238,144) | |
pale green | palegreen | #98FB98 | (152,251,152) | |
dark sea green | darkseagreen | #8FBC8F | (143,188,143) | |
medium spring green | mediumspringgreen | #00FA9A | (0,250,154) | |
spring green | springgreen | #00FF7F | (0,255,127) | |
sea green | seagreen | #2E8B57 | (46,139,87) | |
medium aquamarine | mediumaquamarine | #66CDAA | (102,205,170) | |
medium sea green | mediumseagreen | #3CB371 | (60,179,113) | |
light sea green | lightseagreen | #20B2AA | (32,178,170) | |
dark slate gray | darkslategray | #2F4F4F | (47,79,79) | |
teal | teal | #008080 | (0,128,128) | |
dark cyan | darkcyan | #008B8B | (0,139,139) | |
aqua | aqua | #00FFFF | (0,255,255) | |
cyan | cyan | #00FFFF | (0,255,255) | |
light cyan | lightcyan | #E0FFFF | (224,255,255) | |
dark turquoise | darkturquoise | #00CED1 | (0,206,209) | |
turquoise | turquoise | #40E0D0 | (64,224,208) | |
medium turquoise | mediumturquoise | #48D1CC | (72,209,204) | |
pale turquoise | paleturquoise | #AFEEEE | (175,238,238) | |
aquamarine | aquamarine | #7FFFD4 | (127,255,212) | |
powder blue | powderblue | #B0E0E6 | (176,224,230) | |
cadet blue | cadetblue | #5F9EA0 | (95,158,160) | |
steel blue | steelblue | #4682B4 | (70,130,180) | |
cornflower blue | cornflowerblue | #6495ED | (100,149,237) | |
deep sky blue | deepskyblue | #00BFFF | (0,191,255) | |
dodger blue | dodgerblue | #1E90FF | (30,144,255) | |
light blue | lightblue | #ADD8E6 | (173,216,230) | |
sky blue | skyblue | #87CEEB | (135,206,235) | |
light sky blue | lightskyblue | #87CEFA | (135,206,250) | |
midnight blue | midnightblue | #191970 | (25,25,112) | |
navy | navy | #000080 | (0,0,128) | |
dark blue | darkblue | #00008B | (0,0,139) | |
medium blue | mediumblue | #0000CD | (0,0,205) | |
blue | blue | #0000FF | (0,0,255) | |
royal blue | royalblue | #4169E1 | (65,105,225) | |
blue violet | blueviolet | #8A2BE2 | (138,43,226) | |
indigo | indigo | #4B0082 | (75,0,130) | |
dark slate blue | darkslateblue | #483D8B | (72,61,139) | |
slate blue | slateblue | #6A5ACD | (106,90,205) | |
medium slate blue | mediumslateblue | #7B68EE | (123,104,238) | |
medium purple | mediumpurple | #9370DB | (147,112,219) | |
dark magenta | darkmagenta | #8B008B | (139,0,139) | |
dark violet | darkviolet | #9400D3 | (148,0,211) | |
dark orchid | darkorchid | #9932CC | (153,50,204) | |
medium orchid | mediumorchid | #BA55D3 | (186,85,211) | |
purple | purple | #800080 | (128,0,128) | |
thistle | thistle | #D8BFD8 | (216,191,216) | |
plum | plum | #DDA0DD | (221,160,221) | |
violet | violet | #EE82EE | (238,130,238) | |
fuchsia | fuchsia | #FF00FF | (255,0,255) | |
orchid | orchid | #DA70D6 | (218,112,214) | |
medium violet red | mediumvioletred | #C71585 | (199,21,133) | |
pale violet red | palevioletred | #DB7093 | (219,112,147) | |
deep pink | deeppink | #FF1493 | (255,20,147) | |
hot pink | hotpink | #FF69B4 | (255,105,180) | |
light pink | lightpink | #FFB6C1 | (255,182,193) | |
pink | pink | #FFC0CB | (255,192,203) | |
antique white | antiquewhite | #FAEBD7 | (250,235,215) | |
beige | beige | #F5F5DC | (245,245,220) | |
bisque | bisque | #FFE4C4 | (255,228,196) | |
blanched almond | blanchedalmond | #FFEBCD | (255,235,205) | |
wheat | wheat | #F5DEB3 | (245,222,179) | |
corn silk | cornsilk | #FFF8DC | (255,248,220) | |
lemon chiffon | lemonchiffon | #FFFACD | (255,250,205) | |
light golden rod yellow | lightgoldenrodyellow | #FAFAD2 | (250,250,210) | |
light yellow | lightyellow | #FFFFE0 | (255,255,224) | |
saddle brown | saddlebrown | #8B4513 | (139,69,19) | |
sienna | sienna | #A0522D | (160,82,45) | |
chocolate | chocolate | #D2691E | (210,105,30) | |
peru | peru | #CD853F | (205,133,63) | |
sandy brown | sandybrown | #F4A460 | (244,164,96) | |
burly wood | burlywood | #DEB887 | (222,184,135) | |
tan | tan | #D2B48C | (210,180,140) | |
rosy brown | rosybrown | #BC8F8F | (188,143,143) | |
moccasin | moccasin | #FFE4B5 | (255,228,181) | |
navajo white | navajowhite | #FFDEAD | (255,222,173) | |
peach puff | peachpuff | #FFDAB9 | (255,218,185) | |
misty rose | mistyrose | #FFE4E1 | (255,228,225) | |
lavender blush | lavenderblush | #FFF0F5 | (255,240,245) | |
linen | linen | #FAF0E6 | (250,240,230) | |
old lace | oldlace | #FDF5E6 | (253,245,230) | |
papaya whip | papayawhip | #FFEFD5 | (255,239,213) | |
sea shell | seashell | #FFF5EE | (255,245,238) | |
mint cream | mintcream | #F5FFFA | (245,255,250) | |
slate gray | slategray | #708090 | (112,128,144) | |
light slate gray | lightslategray | #778899 | (119,136,153) | |
light steel blue | lightsteelblue | #B0C4DE | (176,196,222) | |
lavender | lavender | #E6E6FA | (230,230,250) | |
floral white | floralwhite | #FFFAF0 | (255,250,240) | |
alice blue | aliceblue | #F0F8FF | (240,248,255) | |
ghost white | ghostwhite | #F8F8FF | (248,248,255) | |
honey dew | honeydew | #F0FFF0 | (240,255,240) | |
ivory | ivory | #FFFFF0 | (255,255,240) | |
azure | azure | #F0FFFF | (240,255,255) | |
snow | snow | #FFFAFA | (255,250,250) | |
black | black | #000000 | (0,0,0) | |
dim gray | dimgray | #696969 | (105,105,105) | |
gray | gray | #808080 | (128,128,128) | |
dark gray / dark grey | darkgray | #A9A9A9 | (169,169,169) | |
silver | silver | #C0C0C0 | (192,192,192) | |
light gray / light grey | lightgray | #D3D3D3 | (211,211,211) | |
gainsboro | gainsboro | #DCDCDC | (220,220,220) | |
white smoke | whitesmoke | #F5F5F5 | (245,245,245) | |
white | white | #FFFFFF | (255,255,255) |