Close browser with javascript

How to Close a Browser Tab/Window with JavaScript

I was asked by a visitor how he could close a browser window or tab using JavaScript. This article addresses that question.


Since this was written in response to a JavaScript question, it assumes that you at least know how to insert JavaScript code into a web page.

How to Close a Window with JavaScript

To close a window or tab that was opened using JavaScript, call window.close() . For example, the following will close the current window/tab.

Note that window.close() will only work under the following conditions:

  1. On all modern browsers, the web page to be closed must be the first in that window/tab’s session history. That is, if you hit the Back button on the browser, you will not go to a previous page in that window/tab because there is none. You can easily accomplish that by opening that page either with JavaScript, for example, by using , or through a link that has a target=»_blank» attribute. You can find example code for the former in the demo below, and the latter in the article on opening links in a new window or tab. If you only test your code in an old browser (eg, old versions of Chrome or Firefox, or any version of Internet Explorer), you will end up with the mistaken impression that it works fine even if the above conditions are not true. Newer browser versions impose these restrictions for security (and other) reasons.
  2. Modern browsers will also resist your attempt to trick them into thinking that an existing window/tab was opened with JavaScript when it was not. Some older versions fell for such trickery, but these methods should no longer work in the current versions of Chrome and Firefox.
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Before you click the demo buttons below, please note the following:

  • The «Open demo» button will open a window/tab containing this very article, although the browser should automatically scroll to start of the demo section, since I linked directly to it. (See How to Link to a Specific Line or Paragraph on a Web Page Using HTML, if you want to do this.)
  • Although the «Close current window» button appears in both the original window/tab and the newly-opened demo, it may only work in the latter, depending on how you reached this article. If you are reading this in a modern browser, try it. That is, click the button in both the demo window (which should close) and this one (which may or may not). Having said that, you may not want to click the «Close current window» button on the original window in case you actually succeed, since you will then have to reload the page to continue reading.
  • Once again, be warned that the window that pops up is identical to the one you are reading (since it’s the same URL), with no visual cue to distinguish between the original and the demo. As such, if you don’t look at the list of tabs/windows in your browser after clicking, you may not realize that you are already looking at the demo. If you repeatedly click the «Open demo» button, thinking that nothing has happened, you will end up with multiple windows/tabs containing this article. That said, the «Close current window» button should work on all the tabs/windows except possibly the original one. And, of course, the usual way you close a tab in your browser will also work.
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Open demo in a new window/tab Close current window if possible

Source Code for the Demo

The HTML code for the buttons is as follows:

It is just the standard HTML code for buttons, with the addition of onclick handlers that are invoked when someone clicks them.

The JavaScript for tsw_open_demo_window() , which is called when the «Open demo» button is clicked, is:

I used a relative URL here, since I’m just opening this same page, but you can use an absolute one (ie, a complete address, including the «http://» or «https://» portion) if you wish.

Since the «Close current window» button does nothing but call window.close() , I placed the JavaScript directly in its onclick attribute.

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Window: close() method

The Window.close() method closes the current window, or the window on which it was called.

This method can only be called on windows that were opened by a script using the method, or on top-level windows that have a single history entry. If the window doesn’t match these requirements, an error similar to this one appears in the console: Scripts may not close windows that were not opened by script.

Note also that close() has no effect when called on Window objects returned by HTMLIFrameElement.contentWindow .



Return value


Closing a window opened with

This example shows a method which opens a window and a second one which closes the window; this demonstrates how to use Window.close() to close a window opened by calling .

//Global variable to store a reference to the opened window let openedWindow; function openWindow()  openedWindow ="moreinfo.htm"); > function closeOpenedWindow()  openedWindow.close(); > 


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BCD tables only load in the browser

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Как закрыть окно браузера с помощью JavaScript

Чтобы закрыть окно или вкладку браузера, которая была открыта с помощью JavaScript, используйте метод window.close(). Например, приведенный ниже код закроет текущую вкладку.

Метод window.close() будет работать только при следующих условиях:

  1. Вкладки должны быть открыты с помощью JavaScript. Например, с помощью open().
  2. В браузере Firefox вкладка, которую вы хотите закрыть, не должны быть открыты с помощью значений параметра strWindowFeatures «noopener» или «noreferrer». Например, если окно было открыто с помощью open(«index.html», «_blank», «noopener»), то функция window.close() не сработает.

Как закрыть окно браузера с помощью JavaScript — демонстрация

Обратите внимание на следующие особенности приведенного ниже примера:

  • Кнопка «Open demo» откроет вкладку с этой статьей. При этом браузер автоматически прокрутит страницу до начала раздела с демонстрацией.
  • Кнопка «Close current window» отображается как в текущей вкладке, так и во вновь открытой. Но она будет работать только в последней.
  • Если вы нажмете кнопку «Open demo» пару раз, то откроете несколько вкладок браузера с этой статьей. При этом кнопка «Close current window» должна работать во всех вкладках браузера. Но кроме оригинальной, которую вы открыли вручную.

Исходный код


Это стандартный HTML-код к с добавлением обработчиков onclick, которые вызываются, когда кто-то нажимает на кнопки.

JavaScript-функция tsw_open_demo_window()вызывается при нажатии кнопки «Открыть демонстрацию».

function tsw_open_demo_window()

Я использовал относительный URL-адрес, так как в примере открывается эта же страница. Но вы можете использовать абсолютный адрес (включая «http://» или «https://»).

Кнопка «Close current window» не выполняет никаких других действий, кроме вызова window.close(). Поэтому я поместил JavaScript-код непосредственно в ее атрибут onclick.

Вадим Дворников автор-переводчик статьи « How to Close a Browser Tab/Window with JavaScript »

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Close browser with javascript

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Closing a Browser Window with JavaScript

Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals

Sometimes it is needed to close a browser window that we opened, we can do this using javascript but due to security reasons, we can close only those browser windows that we opened using javascript script and not the windows that are opened by the user.


The only thing to be noted here is that we can close only those browser windows that we opened using our javascript script/code. Today’s security standards do not allow closing the browser windows (using javascript script) that are opened by the user.

The below steps demonstrate the approach in which we open a URL using javascript so that it can be closed using the script :

  • Opening a new browser window using the javascript open method: First, it is needed to open a new browser window using the method. It takes two arguments, the first argument is the current URL which we will access through the location property of the window object and the second argument is the target URL which we will pass as _self because it makes the URL replace the current page.
  • Closing this opened window using the javascript close method: Since we opened the new browser window using the javascript script therefore we can close it using the window.close() method. This method does not any argument and it closes the window on which it is called.

JavaScript Program to Close a Browser Window Using window.close() Method

The below program demonstrates the approach we discussed above.


Explanation: First, we created an HTML document and under the body tag, we defined an h1 heading tag that displays Hello World!! and also we have defined a paragraph tag that says to click the button to close the window. Then we have defined the button and attached on click listener to it which defines what happens when the button is clicked. At last, we have the javascript script which defines the functionality of the above-defined function. The script contains a function in which we have defined a variable my_window and opened the new window, then we closed the current window using the close() method.


  • To close a browser window we can use the javascript close method but we can use this method only when we have opened a new browser window using code.
  • Due to modern security reasons, we cannot close a browser window that is opened by the user.
  • To Open a new browser window we use the javascript open() method.
  • To close this browser window we use the javascript close method.


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