Clear all css styles in div

Clear all css styles in div

Удобное свойство для сброса всех стилей сразу.

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Свойство all сбрасывает значения всех CSS-свойств, кроме direction и unicode — bidi .

Как пишется

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У all 4 возможных значения:

  • initial — сбрасывает все свойства элемента до дефолтных, описанных в спецификации.
  • inherit — элемент будет наследовать все стили родителя, даже те, которые обычно не наследуются.
  • unset — элемент наследует все наследуемые стили родителя, а остальные сбрасывает до дефолтных.
  • revert — действие зависит от источника стилей: браузер, пользователь или сайт.

Значение revert

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Действие значения revert зависят от источника стилей.

  1. Браузерные стили: действие аналогично unset .
  2. Пользовательские стили: откатываемся по каскаду к браузерным стилям (словно пользовательских для этого свойства не существует).
  3. Авторские стили: откатываемся по каскаду к пользовательским стилям (словно авторских для этого свойства не существует).


Скопировать ссылку «Пример» Скопировано

Для начала создадим базовый блок с контентом.

   Предисловие о многоножках.   div class="container"> span>Предисловие о многоножках. span> p class="paragraph"> p> div>      
 .container  font-size: 30px;> .container  font-size: 30px; >      

Сбросим у параграфа стили при помощи: all : initial; . Ещё зададим color : white; , иначе цвет текста сбросится до чёрного и текст станет не читаем на тёмном фоне.

 .paragraph  all: initial; color: white;> .paragraph  all: initial; color: white; >      

Все значения сбросились до дефолтных. Больше всего бросаются глаза изменения font — family , font — size , display .


Скопировать ссылку «Поддержка» Скопировано

all поддерживается всеми современными браузерами (Can I Use).


Remove all styling with one line of CSS

Many times in your work as a frontend developer you had to create components with custom styles according to creative designs. The default styles of HTML elements like or are never the styles we want. The most common solution to this problem is to override the default styles, for example:

.reset  padding: 0; margin: 0; background: none; border: none; // and so on. > 

Remove all styling

The all: unset CSS property resets all CSS properties to their initial or inherited values. This means that all properties will revert back to the values that were set in the user agent stylesheet or the values that were passed down from the parent element. By using all: unset , you can quickly and easily reset all the styles for a particular element, which can be useful in many situations. For example, you might use it to create a «reset» class that you can apply to an element when you want to remove all styles and start fresh.


You can then apply this class to an element when you want to remove all its styles:

 class="reset">This element has had its styles reset. 
.override  all: unset; background-color: yellow; padding: 10px; > 

In this example, you’re using all: unset to remove any styles that were previously applied to an element, and then applying your own styles (in this case, a yellow background and 10px padding).

.section  all: unset; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; background-color: lightgray; padding: 20px; > 

In this example, you’re using all: unset to remove all the styles for a section of a page, and then applying a new set of styles to create a custom layout.

All values of all property

The all property is a shorthand property in CSS that sets all of the CSS properties of an element to their initial or inherited values. The all property can take four values: initial , revert, inherit, and unset.

  • initial : sets all properties to their initial values. The initial value of a property is the value defined by the browser’s CSS stylesheet, or the default value defined in the CSS specification if there is no stylesheet. For example, setting the all property to initial on an element would reset all of its CSS properties to their default values.
  • revert : sets all properties to their inherited values. Inherited values are passed down from a parent element to its children. For example, if you set the color property of a parent element to red , and then set the all property of a child element to revert , the child element will inherit the color property from its parent and have a color of red .
  • inherit : sets all properties to the same values as the parent element. For example, if you set the color property of a parent element to red , and then set the all property of a child element to inherit , the child element will have the same color property as its parent and have a color of red .
  • unset : sets all properties to either their initial values (if they are not inherited) or their inherited values (if they are inherited). This value is similar to revert , but it also resets properties to their initial values if they are not inherited. For example, if you set the color property of a parent element to red , and then set the all property of a child element to unset , the child element will inherit the color property from its parent and have a color of red .
   class="initial">initial  class="revert">revert  class="inherit">inherit  class="unset">unset   unstyled   
body  background-color: gray; padding: 20px; > div  display: flex; justify-content: center; color: white; gap: 10px; > button  width: 200px; height: 75px; margin: 10px; font-size: 18px; border: 2px solid black; > .initial  all: initial; background-color: lightgray; > .revert  all: revert; background-color: lightblue; > .inherit  all: inherit; background-color: lightgreen; > .unset  all: unset; background-color: lightpink; > 

Rendered code snippets

In summary, you can use the all property to reset all of the CSS properties of an element to their initial or inherited values, or to inherit all of the CSS properties from its parent element. The choice of which value to use depends on the specific use case and the desired behavior.


There are some caveats to using all: unset , however. First, not all properties are fully reset by all: unset . Some properties, such as display , visibility , and float , are reset to their initial values, while others, such as padding and margin , are not reset at all. Additionally, some properties that are reset by all: unset may have unintended consequences, such as resetting the font size or the background color.

Browser compatibility

The use of the all property is widely supported by modern browsers and is not an issue for most current applications. The only notable exception is Internet Explorer and Opera Mini, which do not support this feature. Nevertheless, it is always advisable to test your code thoroughly in the browsers and devices you plan to target, to ensure that everything works as expected.


In summary, all: unset can be a useful tool for resetting styles, but it’s important to understand its limitations and to use it with caution.

⚡️ Action Points


Reset/Remove CSS From HTML Element (Simple Examples)

Welcome to a quick tutorial on how to remove or reset CSS styles from an HTML element. So a certain element on your webpage is showing the wrong CSS styles and needs to be reset?

  • To reset a single CSS property for an element – #ID < PROPERTY: initial; >
  • To reset all CSS styles for an HTML element – #ID < all: initial; >
  • We can also use Javascript to reset the CSS styles – document.getElementById(«ID»).style.all = «initial»;

That covers the basics, but resetting CSS styles is actually not that simple. Let us walk through a few examples in this guide – Read on!

ⓘ I have included a zip file with all the example source code at the start of this tutorial, so you don’t have to copy-paste everything… Or if you just want to dive straight in.


How To Reset/Remove CSS From HTML Element



Firstly, here is the download link to the example code as promised.


If you spot a bug, feel free to comment below. I try to answer short questions too, but it is one person versus the entire world… If you need answers urgently, please check out my list of websites to get help with programming.


Click here to download the source code, I have released it under the MIT license, so feel free to build on top of it or use it in your own project.


All right, let us now get into the examples on how to reset CSS styles, and how they work exactly.


Yes, it’s kind of confusing. Let us walk through simple examples to better explain each one.


  #demoA-parent < color: red; >#demoA-child 

Green - Click To Reset

  • When we set #demoA-parent < color: red >, all the children will also adopt this style. Both

    inside will have red text.

  • #demoA-child < color: green >will override and turn the text green.
  • When we set #demoA-child < color: initial >, it will do a hard reset and revert to the browser default black (instead of red).


  #demoB-parent < color: red; >#demoB-child 

Green - Click To Reset

Following up from the previous example, we now reset to inherit instead. Take note of how it reverts to the parent’s red instead of the browser default black.


  #demoC-parent < color: red; >#demoC-child, #demoD-child  
Parent Red - Click To Reset

Parent None - Click To Reset

Parent Red – Click To Reset

Parent None – Click To Reset

  • #demoC-parent is set to color: red , while #demoD-parent is not.
  • So when we set #demoC-child < color: unset >, it will resolve to inherit and turns red.
  • But when we set #demoD-child < color: unset >, it will resolve to initial and turns black.


  • Author Style Sheet – Styles defined by the developer of the website. This one has the highest priority.
  • User Style Sheet – The customizations that users set in their own browsers. I.E. Use a different font, different font size, font color, etc…
  • User-Agent Style Sheet – This is the “browser default”. Has the lowest priority.
  • initial will revert to the user-agent style sheet (browser default).
  • revert will try the user style sheet (user customization) first. If none is found, it will go back to initial .
  • User A did not set any customizations, revert will fall back to the browser default black.
  • User B customized the browser default to funky neon green fonts, revert will fall back to the funky neon green.

That’s all for the tutorial, and here is a small section on some extras and links that may be useful to you.



Thank you for reading, and we have come to the end. I hope that it has helped you to better understand, and if you want to share anything with this guide, please feel free to comment below. Good luck and happy coding!

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W.S. Toh is a senior web developer and SEO practitioner with over 20 years of experience. Graduated from the University of London. When not secretly being an evil tech ninja, he enjoys photography and working on DIY projects.

Code Boxx participates in the eBay Partner Network, an affiliate program designed for sites to earn commission fees by linking to We also participate in affiliate programs with Bluehost, ShareASale, Clickbank, and other sites. We are compensated for referring traffic.


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