- PHP models UserGroup примеры использования
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PHP models UserGroup примеры использования
PHP models UserGroup — 11 примеров найдено. Это лучшие примеры PHP кода для models\UserGroup, полученные из open source проектов. Вы можете ставить оценку каждому примеру, чтобы помочь нам улучшить качество примеров.
public function __construct() < parent::__construct(); $this->user_model = \models\User::getInstance(); $groups = \models\UserGroup::getInstance()->getAllGroups(); foreach ($groups as $g) < $this->groups[$g->id] = $g; > >
public function beforeroute() < $this->model = \models\UserGroup::getInstance(); parent::beforeroute(); $this->table = 'groups'; $this->fw->mset(['ctrl_base' => $this->fw->get('backend_base.group'), 'core_ctrl_base' => $this->fw->get('backend_base.group_core')]); $default_group = $this->model->getDefaultGroup(); $this->fw->set('default_group', $default_group); $this->fw->set('no_bulk', 'true'); >
public function addUsersFromArray($users = array()) < foreach ($users as $user) < $u = UserQuery::create()->findOneByUsername($user["username"]); if ($u) < if ($u == $this->data["loggedUser"]) < $response["messages"][] = "You can not add yourself to group."; continue; >$userGroup = UserGroupQuery::create()->filterByUser($u)->filterByGroup($this->data["group"])->findOne(); if ($userGroup) < $response["messages"][] = "User " . $user["username"] . " is already in this group."; continue; >$userGroup = new UserGroup(); $userGroup->setUser($u); $userGroup->setGroup($this->data["group"]); $userGroup->save(); > else < $response["messages"][] = "User " . $user["username"] . " does not exist."; >> >
/** * Remove user of this object * through the user_group cross reference table. * * @param ChildUser $user * @return ChildGroup The current object (for fluent API support) */ public function removeUser(ChildUser $user) < if ($this->getUsers()->contains($user)) < $userGroup = new ChildUserGroup(); $userGroup->setUser($user); if ($user->isGroupsLoaded()) < //remove the back reference if available $user->getGroups()->removeObject($this); > $userGroup->setGroup($this); $this->removeUserGroup(clone $userGroup); $userGroup->clear(); $this->collUsers->remove($this->collUsers->search($user)); if (null === $this->usersScheduledForDeletion) < $this->usersScheduledForDeletion = clone $this->collUsers; $this->usersScheduledForDeletion->clear(); > $this->usersScheduledForDeletion->push($user); > return $this; >
/** * Filter the query by a related \Models\UserGroup object * * @param \Models\UserGroup|ObjectCollection $userGroup the related object to use as filter * @param string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL * * @return ChildUserQuery The current query, for fluid interface */ public function filterByUserGroup($userGroup, $comparison = null) < if ($userGroup instanceof \Models\UserGroup) < return $this->addUsingAlias(UserTableMap::COL_ID, $userGroup->getUserId(), $comparison); > elseif ($userGroup instanceof ObjectCollection) < return $this->useUserGroupQuery()->filterByPrimaryKeys($userGroup->getPrimaryKeys())->endUse(); > else < throw new PropelException('filterByUserGroup() only accepts arguments of type \\Models\\UserGroup or Collection'); >>
/** * Exclude object from result * * @param ChildUserGroup $userGroup Object to remove from the list of results * * @return $this|ChildUserGroupQuery The current query, for fluid interface */ public function prune($userGroup = null) < if ($userGroup) < $this->addCond('pruneCond0', $this->getAliasedColName(UserGroupTableMap::COL_USER_ID), $userGroup->getUserId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); $this->addCond('pruneCond1', $this->getAliasedColName(UserGroupTableMap::COL_GROUP_ID), $userGroup->getGroupId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); $this->combine(array('pruneCond0', 'pruneCond1'), Criteria::LOGICAL_OR); > return $this; >
/** * Проверяет данные перед добавлением на корректность * Полe 'actions' могут быть заданы как массивами, так и строками, в которых действия/связи разделены запятыми */ private function isValid($post) < if (is_array($post) && count($post) >0) < $isValid = true; /* Действия */ if (isset($post['actions'])) < $actions = $post['actions']; if (!is_array($actions)) < $actions = explode(',', $actions); >foreach ($actions as $a) < if (!in_array(trim($a), self::$actions)) < \helpers\Msg::error('acl.action_incorrect'); $isValid = false; >> if ($isValid) < $post['actions'] = implode($actions, ','); >> /* Группы */ if (isset($post['group_id'])) < $group = \models\UserGroup::getInstance()->get($post['group_id']); if (!$group) < \helpers\Msg::error('acl.group_incorrect'); $isValid = false; >> /* Связи */ if (isset($post['relation'])) < $relation = $post['relation']; if (!in_array(trim($relation), self::$relations)) < \helpers\Msg::error('acl.relation_incorrect'); $isValid = false; >else < /* $relation = self::$relations[trim($relation)]; >if ($isValid) > /* Объекты */ if (isset($post['object'])) < $objects = $this->getObjectNamesList(); if (!in_array(trim($post['object']), $objects)) < \helpers\Msg::error('acl.object_incorrect'); $isValid = false; >if ($isValid) < $post['object'] = trim($post['object']); >> > return $isValid ? $post : false; >
/** * Adds an object to the instance pool. * * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved * from the database. In some cases you may need to explicitly add objects * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by find*() * and findPk*() calls. * * @param \Models\UserGroup $obj A \Models\UserGroup object. * @param string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally). */ public static function addInstanceToPool($obj, $key = null) < if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) < if (null === $key) < $key = serialize(array((string) $obj->getUserId(), (string) $obj->getGroupId())); > // if key === null self::$instances[$key] = $obj; > >
private function clearGroupId($post, $f3) < $group_id = false; if (!isset($post['group_id'])) < if ($f3->exists('account.default_group_id')) < $group_id = $f3->get('account.default_group_id'); > else < $group_id = 0; >> else < $group_id = $post['group_id']; >$group = \models\UserGroup::getInstance()->get($group_id); if (!$group) < \helpers\Msg::error('acl.group_incorrect'); $isValid = false; >return $group_id; >
/** * Устанавливает массив с данными для генерации AJAX-полей * @param type $this->fw */ private function setAJAXFields() < $object_options = $this->model->getObjectSelectOptions(); $this->fw->set('ajax_fields', [['name' => 'group_id', 'options' => \models\UserGroup::getInstance()->getSelectOptions(), 'type' => 'select_list', 'multiselect' => false, 'selected_id' => $this->fw->get('account.default_group_id') * 1, 'placeHolder' => $this->fw->get('i18n.acl.group.placeholder'), 'label' => $this->fw->get('i18n.acl.group.label')], ['name' => 'object', 'options' => $object_options, 'type' => 'select_list', 'multiselect' => false, 'selected_id' => $object_options[0], 'placeHolder' => $this->fw->get('i18n.acl.object.placeholder'), 'label' => $this->fw->get('i18n.acl.object.label')], ['name' => 'relation', 'options' => $this->model->getRelationSelectOptions(), 'type' => 'select_list', 'multiselect' => false, 'selected_id' => $this->model->RELATION_NO, 'placeHolder' => $this->fw->get('i18n.acl.relation.placeholder'), 'label' => $this->fw->get('i18n.acl.relation.label')], ['name' => 'actions', 'options' => $this->model->getActionsSelectOptions(), 'type' => 'select_list', 'multiselect' => true, 'selected_id' => ['create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'], 'placeHolder' => $this->fw->get('i18n.acl.action.placeholder'), 'label' => $this->fw->get('i18n.acl.action.label')]]); $this->setAjaxFieldsPost(); >
PHP UserGroup, Examples
PHP UserGroup — 30 examples found. These are the top rated real world PHP examples of UserGroup extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples.
/** * Save imported class data to database * * @param $classes * * @return int */ function save_data($classes) < $count = 0; $usergroup = new UserGroup(); foreach ($classes as $index =>$class) < $usersToAdd = isset($class['users']) ? $class['users'] : null; unset($class['users']); $id = $usergroup->save($class); if ($id) < if (!empty($usersToAdd)) < $usersToAddList = explode(',', $usersToAdd); $userIdList = array(); foreach ($usersToAddList as $username) < $userInfo = api_get_user_info_from_username($username); $userIdList[] = $userInfo['user_id']; >if (!empty($userIdList)) < $usergroup->subscribe_users_to_usergroup($id, $userIdList, false); > > $count++; > > return $count; >
public function groups($nickname = null) < $user = $this->load_user($nickname); $this->assign("user", $user); if ($this->post && isset($_POST['group_id'])) < $group = Group::find_by_iD($_POST['group_id']); if ($group) < $userGroup = new UserGroup(); $userGroup->group_id = $group->id; $userGroup->user_id = $user->id; if ($userGroup->save()) < Site::Flash('notice', 'The user has been added to the group'); Redirect("admin/users/" . $user->permalink() . '/groups'); > > > $userGroups = array(); foreach ($user->groups() as $ug) < $userGroups[] = $ug->id; > $allGroups = Group::find_all(); $groups = array(); foreach ($allGroups as $group) < if (in_array($group->id, $userGroups)) < continue; >$groups[$group->id] = $group->name; > $this->assign('groups', $groups); $this->title = "nickname> :: Groups"; $this->render("user/groups.tpl"); >
/** * Called before the controller action. You can use this method to configure and customize components * or perform logic that needs to happen before each controller action. * * @param object $c current controller object * @return void */ function beforeFilter(&$c) < $user = $this->__getActiveUser(); UsermgmtInIt($this); $pageRedirect = $c->Session->read('permission_error_redirect'); $c->Session->delete('permission_error_redirect'); $controller = $c->params['controller']; $action = $c->params['action']; $actionUrl = $controller . '/' . $action; $requested = isset($controller->params['requested']) && $controller->params['requested'] == 1 ? true : false; $permissionFree = array('users/login', 'users/logout', 'users/register', 'users/userVerification', 'users/forgotPassword', 'users/activatePassword', 'pages/display', 'users/accessDenied', 'users/customer_register', 'users/customer_login'); if ((empty($pageRedirect) || $actionUrl != 'users/login') && !$requested && !in_array($actionUrl, $permissionFree)) < App::import("Model", "Usermgmt.UserGroup"); $userGroupModel = new UserGroup(); if (!$this->isLogged()) < if (!$userGroupModel->isGuestAccess($controller, $action)) < $c->log('permission: actionUrl-' . $actionUrl, LOG_DEBUG); $c->Session->write('permission_error_redirect', '/users/login'); $c->Session->setFlash('You need to be signed in to view this page.'); $c->Session->write('Usermgmt.OriginAfterLogin', '/' . $c->params->url); $c->redirect('/login'); > > else < if (!$userGroupModel->isUserGroupAccess($controller, $action, $this->getGroupId())) < $c->log('permission: actionUrl-' . $actionUrl, LOG_DEBUG); $c->Session->write('permission_error_redirect', '/users/login'); $c->redirect('/accessDenied'); > > > >
function load_groupcp() < global $mybb, $db, $cache, $templates, $title, $header, $headerinclude, $footer, $theme, $group; if ($mybb->settings['rpgsuite_groupmanagecp'] && $mybb->input['action'] == "managegroup") < // Get group id if ($mybb->input['gid'] && $mybb->usergroup['issupermod']) < $gid = intval($mybb->input['gid']); $groupnav = '&gid=' . $gid; > else < $gid = $mybb->user['displaygroup']; $groupnav = ''; > $cpcontent = ""; if ($mybb->settings['rpgsuite_groupranks_custom']) < $customranklink = 'Manage Custom Ranks'; > else < $customranklink = ''; >$usergroup = new UserGroup($mybb, $db, $cache); if ($usergroup->initialize($gid)) < $group = $usergroup->get_info(); if (handle_form($usergroup)) < $url = "modcp.php?action=managegroup&gid=" . $gid; if ($mybb->input['section']) < $url .= "§ion=" . $mybb->input['section']; > redirect($url, "Your pack settings were successfully updated."); > if ($mybb->input['section'] == 'groupoptions') < $title = 'Manage Options'; add_breadcrumb('Manage Options'); $cpcontent = load_groupmod_options($usergroup); >else < if ($mybb->input['section'] == 'groupmembers') < $title = 'Manage Members'; add_breadcrumb('Manage Members'); $cpcontent = load_groupmod_members($usergroup); >else < if ($mybb->input['section'] == 'customranks' && $mybb->settings['rpgsuite_groupranks_custom']) < $ttile = 'Manage Custom Ranks'; add_breadcrumb('Manage Custom Ranks'); $cpcontent = load_groupmod_customranks($usergroup); >else < $title = 'Manage Ranks'; add_breadcrumb('Manage Ranks'); $cpcontent = load_groupmod_ranks($usergroup); >> > // Add group styling eval("\$headerinclude .= \"" . $templates->get('rpgmisc_groupstyle') . "\";"); > else < $cpcontent = "Invalid Group"; >eval("\$groupmanagecp = \"" . $templates->get('rpggroupmanagecp_full') . "\";"); output_page($groupmanagecp); exit; > >
function update_display_group($uid, $gid) < global $mybb, $db, $cache; $usergroup = new UserGroup($mybb, $db, $cache); if ($usergroup->initialize($gid)) < $usergroup->add_member($uid); > >
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$ composer require vakata/user
use \vakata\database\DB; use \vakata\user\UserManagementDatabase; use \vakata\user\Group; use \vakata\user\User; $db = new DB('mysql://root@'); $usrm = new UserManagementDatabase($db, [ 'tableUsers' => 'users', 'tableProviders' => 'user_providers', 'tableGroups' => 'groups', 'tablePermissions' => 'permissions', 'tableGroupsPermissions' => 'group_permissions', 'tableUserGroups' => 'user_groups' ]); // get a user by ID $user = $usrm->getUser(1); // or by a provider $user = $usrm->getUserByProviderID($provider, $providerID); // add a group $group = new Group(1, "Name", ["some", "permissions"]); $usrm->saveGroup($group); // add the new group to a user $user->addGroup($group); $usrm->saveUser($user);
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