Числовое поле в HTML5

Using HTML Input Type for Pricing on a Webpage

To set the form input, instead of using setCookie, it is recommended to use setcookie, which will work. For an alternate solution, try the following: focus on one price option first, get it working as desired, and then duplicate it for the second. Happy coding!

Input price html

— HTML — MDN Web Docs, Additional attributes ; placeholder, An example value to display inside the field when it’s empty ; readonly, A Boolean attribute controlling

Change price based on input number form field

Below, you can find an example of a functional Code Snippet.

The function can be activated by adjusting the checkbox or exiting an input field, but it is also possible to change the activation method to a button or other means.

The sumItUp function iterates over all km-price-options divs, extracting their price , qty , and checkmarkT/F . Whenever sumItUp is selected, the qty is multiplied by the price (yielding the tt ), which is then added to the ttl . This operation is straightforward and as uncomplicated as the Guam guy, Hank Johnson.

/* When multi-option purchase mode is enabled */ $('.edd-item-quantity').keyup(function()< sumItUp(); >); $('.edd-item-quantity, input[type="checkbox"]').change(function()< sumItUp(); >); function sumItUp()< var ttl = 0; $('.km-price-options').each(function(i,v) < let cb = $(v).find('input[type=checkbox]'); let pr = cb.data('price'); let ch = cb.is(':checked'); let nm = $(v).find('input[type=number]').val(); var tt = nm !== '' ? +nm * +pr : 0; ttl += (ch === true) ? +tt : 0; //console.log(ttl); >); $('.km-main-price').html(`FINAL TTL: $`); >

To simplify your search for the right direction, focus on one price option initially and make it work as desired. Once it is working, duplicate the process for the second option. Finally, add the two values and display them as the ‘main price.’

Читайте также:  Посчитать количество повторений python

Hope that’ll get you going!

HTML value Attribute, Examples ;

How to send the PHP value back to the HTML form?

It is recommended to place the PHP code above the rest of the code to ensure that it is called before any HTML output. Specifically, make sure to call setcookie() before rendering any HTML.

Kindly utilize «setcookie» instead of «setCookie».

HTML text input field with currency symbol, Put the ‘$’ in front of the text input field, instead of inside it. It makes validation for numeric data

HTML Input Type Number

HTML option value Attribute, The value attribute specifies the value to be sent to a server when a form is submitted. The content between the openingtags is


What HTML is Appropriate for Entering Prices?

The following solutions provide different ways to limit the number of digits and decimal points entered in an input box: 1. To obtain the mouse pointer’s coordinates when clicked, use the values for the horizontal and vertical positions relative to the element. A PHP regex function can be implemented to achieve this. 2. Add the onsubmit event to the form and create a proof function that performs a specific action. 3. To restrict input to numbers and decimal points, use the provided code snippet.

Price input pattern html5

The correct response is a numerical value with up to two decimal places, expressed as 4+(\.52?)?.

What is typically used for?, I clicked on it and the form is submited, along with a query string appended like x=1&y=2 to the url targetted by the form’s action. Why?

How to set custom form input field for «Price»?

To ensure that only numeric values are accepted on the client side, implement JavaScript with regex. Additionally, perform a server-side verification using PHP and regex to confirm that the submitted data contains only digits.

Below is a JavaScript function that verifies if the input entered in a specific field comprises solely of numerical digits.

function IsNumeric(numstr) < if (numstr.match(/^\d+$/ ) ) < alert("Valid number"); >else < alert("Only numeric values are allowed"); >> 

Check out this guide on javascript regex for assistance.

Remember to perform PHP validation on the server’s end too.

The PHP regular expression function might resemble something like:

give the form the onsubmit event


Create the Currency Input in HTML

Create the Currency Input in HTML

In this article, users will learn to convert the normal HTML field to the currency input field. We will use HTML and jQuery to achieve our goal.

Use the JavaScript toFixed() Method to Convert Normal to Currency Input in HTML

In HTML, a normal element is available, and we can set its type according to our requirements. We cannot make the type a currency input by just setting the type to number ; we need to make more changes using either JavaScript or jQuery.

For example, we can create the field in HTML like below; it contains some attributes. The type attribute suggests the type of input that it takes.

The min and max attributes suggest the minimum and maximum number values it takes, respectively. The id attribute is the unique id of the element and using which we can access the element in jQuery.

input type="number" id="currencyInput" min="0.1" max="5000000.0" value="99.9" /> 

We will use jQuery to convert the above field to a currency input. We have created the anonymous function and stored it in the inovkeCurrencyInput variable.

Users can see how we can create an anonymous function in jQuery below.

$.fn.inovkeCurrencyInput = function ()   // function code  > 

Now, we will add the change event listener using jQuery on the input element inside the function. It will help us to detect the changes whenever we type something in the number input.

Here is the jQuery code to add the change event listener inside the invokeCurrencyInput() function.

After that, we will access the value of the number input using the valueAsNumber property whenever a user adds or deletes something from the number input. Also, we will access the min and max attributes of the input field using the attr() method.

After accessing the min and max attributes, we will parse the float value from it using the parseFloat() JavaScript method, as shown below.

var currencyvalue = this.valueAsNumber; var maxValue = parseFloat($(this).attr("max")); var minValue = parseFloat($(this).attr("min")); 

Now, we have minimum and maximum values that the currency input field can accept. Also, we have the current value of the input field stored in the currencyValue variable.

Using the if statement, we will check if currencyValue is between the minValue and maxValue .

if (currencyvalue > maxValue)  currencyvalue = maxValue; > if (currencyvalue  minValue)  currencyvalue = minValue; > 

We will use the number.toFixed(precision) method to round the currencyValue to a particular precision. In our case, the precision value is 1, so whenever users enter an input value with more than 1 precision, an input field automatically rounds up the number value and sets single precision.

Here, we have shown how to use the number.toFixed() method. Also, we will set the final formatted currencyValue as a value of the element.

currencyvalue = currencyvalue.toFixed(1); $(this).val(currencyvalue); 

At last, we will call the invokeCurrencyInput() function on the element wherever the document loads. Here, we access the element using its id.

$(document).ready(function ()   $("input#currencyInput").inovkeCurrencyInput(); >); 

Complete Source Code- HTML + jQuery:

We have also added the jQuery CDN in the below example code. Users must add it to invoke jQuery with the HTML code.

html>  body>  $  input  type="number"  id="currencyInput"  min="0.1"  max="5000000.0"  value="99.9"  />  script  src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.1/jquery.js"  integrity="sha512-CX7sDOp7UTAq+i1FYIlf9Uo27x4os+kGeoT7rgwvY+4dmjqV0IuE/Bl5hVsjnQPQiTOhAX1O2r2j5bjsFBvv/A=="  crossorigin="anonymous"  referrerpolicy="no-referrer"  >script>  script>  $.fn.inovkeCurrencyInput = function ()   $(this).change(function ()   var currencyvalue = this.valueAsNumber;  var maxValue = parseFloat($(this).attr("max"));  if (currencyvalue > maxValue) currencyvalue = maxValue;  var minValue = parseFloat($(this).attr("min"));  if (currencyvalue  minValue) currencyvalue = minValue;  currencyvalue = currencyvalue.toFixed(1);  $(this).val(currencyvalue);  >);  >;  $(document).ready(function ()   $("input#currencyInput").inovkeCurrencyInput();  >);  script>  body>  html> 

The code will initially show the 99.9 value in the input field. If the user enters the value outside the 0.1 and 5000000.0 , it will set the 0.1 and 5000000.0 values accordingly; otherwise, our code will round up or down the value to a single precision digit and shows it in the input field.

Users need to press the enter key to submit and round the value.

In this way, we can convert the normal input field to the currency input field, which has limits of minimum and maximum, and also, users can enter values to some number of precision digits.

Shubham is a software developer interested in learning and writing about various technologies. He loves to help people by sharing vast knowledge about modern technologies via different platforms such as the DelftStack.com website.

Related Article — HTML Input


Input for price html

Простое числовое поле

Для ввода чисел используется элемент input с атрибутом type=»number» . Он создает числовое поле, которое мы можем настроить с помощью следующих атрибутов:

  • min : минимально допустимое значение
  • max : максимально допустимое значение
  • readonly : доступно только для чтения
  • required : указывает, что данное поле обязательно должно иметь значение
  • step : значение, на которое будет увеличиваться число в поле
  • value : значение по умолчанию

Здесь числовое поле по умолчанию имеет значение 10 ( value=»10″ ), минимально допустимое значение, которое мы можем ввести, — 1, а максимальное допустимое значение — 100. И атрибут step=»1″ устанавливает, что значение будет увеличиваться на единицу.

В зависимости от браузера визуализация этого поля может отличаться:

Ввод чисел в HTML5

Но как правило, у большинства современных браузеров, кроме IE 11 и Microsoft Edge, справа в поле ввода имеются стрелки для увеличения/уменьшения значения на величину, указанную в атрибуте step.

Как и в случае с текстовым полем мы можем здесь прикрепить список datalist с диапазоном возможных значений:


Ввод чисел из datalist в HTML5


Ползунок представляет шкалу, на которой мы можем выбрать одно из значений. Для создания ползунка применяется элемент input с атрибутом type=»range» . Во многом ползунок похож на простое поле для ввода чисел. Он также имеет атрибуты min , max , step и value :




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