Checking internet connection in php

Example of PHP Code for Checking Internet Connectivity in PHP

There are two solutions to the problem. In Solution 2, if you use @fsockopen as offline and an error message is printed, you can try the following example to check whether you are connected to the internet or not. The reference for this example is Another reference that might help with resolving issues is Alternatively, in Solution 1, you can check for a default route if you don’t want to rely on an outside server.

Determine in php script if connected to internet?

You can always rely on the dependable Google and send a message.

$response = null; system("ping -c 1", $response); if($response == 0) < // this means you are connected >

The Laravel 4.2 PHP framework encountered an internal server 500 error while executing this code.

I didn’t want to burden myself with figuring it out, so I opted to use this code instead, and it proved successful.

function is_connected() < $connected = fopen("","r"); if($connected) < return true; >else < return false; >> 

Kindly take note that the assumption is made that the likelihood of a connection failure to is lower.

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Checking internet connection with command-line PHP on, I’m using command-line PHP on linux to open bluetooth dialup connection, and I need a quick’n’dirty way to check if internet connection is active. Well, doesn’t have to be dirty, but quick is appreciated. 🙂 Using exec to run external commands is not a problem.

Checking Internet Status using PHP

Utilize this uncomplicated code to verify if there is an internet connection or not.

when you use @fsockopen as offline

 if (!$sock = @fsockopen('',80,$errorNum,$errorMessage)) < echo "no connection"; echo $errorMessage; >else< echo "connection"; echo $errorMessage; 

and print error message will be :

php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: System error 

Php sql server test connection Code Example, php sql sever connection code; php pdo connection; delete record php mysqli; php check if query returns results; php connect to data base; run raw sql with doctrine manager; Displaying all table names in php from MySQL database; Show all DB Tables in php; select sql in php; php mysql if not exists …

Php - check internet connect and DNS resolution

The given instance is effective in determining your internet connectivity status.

function is_connected() < $connected = @fsockopen("", 80); //website, port (try 80 or 443) if ($connected)< fclose($connected); return true; >return false; > 

Here is a source that can be referred to: the answer provided at

Here are the resolution details for DNS upon checking.

function is_site_alive() < $response = null; system("ping -c 1", $response); if($response == 0)< return true; >return false; > 

Here is a source that you can refer to, it can be found at Stack Overflow and the specific answer is identified by its URL:

How to check db connection in php Code Example, follow. grepper; search snippets; faq; usage docs ; install grepper; log in; signup

Checking internet connection with command-line PHP on linux

To find a solution that doesn't require dependence on an external server, you may verify the presence of a default route. Executing this command will display the count of default routes available.

Accessing the external world is impossible when 0 is active.

Assuming you're familiar with utilizing exec, I suggest checking internet connection) ping by querying your ISP's DNS servers through their respective IP addresses.

One could utilize fsockopen in PHP to attempt retrieving a page from, similar to the approach of wget/curl.

if(!fsockopen("", 80))

Another option to consider is utilizing the 'ping' tool. For instance, you may want to try something similar to:

exec("ping -c 4", $output, $status); if ($status == 0) < // ping succeeded, we have connection working >else < // ping failed, no connection >

To utilize wget, it is advised to add the prefix "http://" to the desired page's URL. Additionally, including the options "-q -O -" will prevent wget from attempting to save the file.

There is an alternative method of achieving this task through the use of curl/sockets in PHP. However, it may not be the fastest solution that you are seeking.

How to check database connection in php Code Example, $servername = "localhost"; $username = "username"; $password = "password"; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password); // …


Check internet connection in PHP

In this article, we will discuss various methods in PHP to check the internet is present or not. We are going to create the scripts using predefined as well as user-defined methods to check internet connection in PHP.

How to check internet connection in PHP with predefined methods?

PHP offers a predefined method known as connection_status() that returns the state of the internet connection such as-

Let us create the script using connection_status() method,

 //display connection status echo $msg; ?>

Output :-

You are connected to internet.

How to check internet connection with user-defined methods?

This is the less effective way than the predefined methods and it involves the methods that use the ping methods to determine whether the internet connection is available or not. It usually tries to access a website and decide the status of the internet on the basis of that.

Let us create a PHP script using @fsockopen () method,

 //test with a website $domain=""; //verify whether the internet is working or not if (check_internet($domain)) < echo "You are connected to the internet."; >else < echo "You seem to be offline. Please check your internet connection."; >?>

Output :-

You are connected to the internet.

Let us create another PHP script using @fopen() method,

Output :-

You are connected to the internet.

In the above ways, we can determine whether the internet connection is available or not usning PHP. If you have any doubt comment below.

2 responses to “Check internet connection in PHP”

I tried to use this code but when I try to open the page without internet connection. It says, no internet



Returns the connection status bitfield, which can be used against the CONNECTION_XXX constants to determine the connection status.

See Also

  • connection_aborted() - Check whether client disconnected
  • ignore_user_abort() - Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution
  • Connection Handling for a complete description of connection handling in PHP.

User Contributed Notes 4 notes

if you running a loop (while, foeach etc..) you have to send something to the browser to check the status.

while(1) if (connection_status()!=0) die;
doesnt work, if the user break/close the browser.

i hope it will help some of you to safe some time 🙂

As mentioned, this function returns a status bitfield to which there's a set of constants available. I don't know why those constants aren't actually listed. Although they're easy to guess, I think it's still worth listing them, it is documentation after all. This function has the ability to return integers 0 through 3 so there are 4 possible states.

The constants are as follows:


As a 4th state is possible and being a bitfield, this gives rise to CONNECTION_ABORTED|CONNECTION_TIMEOUT (or integer 3) can be used to check for aborted+timeout states.

Yes it is true. I made some experiments with that functions 'connection_abortes()'. First a source made an error, which I see. They wrote: ignore_user_abort();

But that only gives you the status of the 'Abort-Setting'.
So I try (with little hope)
And as I readout the setting it has changed it.

Next I see that the script runs after I disconnect with the site. But other experiments fail. I try some things and then it
was logical after an experiment: flush() is one of the necessary things. Without those output to the client the function
'connection_aborted()' stays on 'false'
The Second is that you have to output something. Without that it also doesn't works.
So I now know that you have to echo something and then output the buffer. Only then 'the Script' (or the function)
'knows' that the client is disconnected.

You can always send chr(0) to check if browser is still alive, that will show no output in browser page (at least in Firefox).

  • Misc. Functions
    • connection_​aborted
    • connection_​status
    • constant
    • define
    • defined
    • die
    • eval
    • exit
    • get_​browser
    • _​_​halt_​compiler
    • highlight_​file
    • highlight_​string
    • hrtime
    • ignore_​user_​abort
    • pack
    • php_​strip_​whitespace
    • sapi_​windows_​cp_​conv
    • sapi_​windows_​cp_​get
    • sapi_​windows_​cp_​is_​utf8
    • sapi_​windows_​cp_​set
    • sapi_​windows_​generate_​ctrl_​event
    • sapi_​windows_​set_​ctrl_​handler
    • sapi_​windows_​vt100_​support
    • show_​source
    • sleep
    • sys_​getloadavg
    • time_​nanosleep
    • time_​sleep_​until
    • uniqid
    • unpack
    • usleep


    Example of PHP Code for Checking Internet Connectivity in PHP

    There are two solutions to the problem. In Solution 2, if you use @fsockopen as offline and an error message is printed, you can try the following example to check whether you are connected to the internet or not. The reference for this example is Another reference that might help with resolving issues is Alternatively, in Solution 1, you can check for a default route if you don't want to rely on an outside server.

    Determine in php script if connected to internet?

    You can always rely on the dependable Google and send a message.

    $response = null; system("ping -c 1", $response); if($response == 0) < // this means you are connected >

    The Laravel 4.2 PHP framework encountered an internal server 500 error while executing this code.

    I didn't want to burden myself with figuring it out, so I opted to use this code instead, and it proved successful.

    function is_connected() < $connected = fopen("","r"); if($connected) < return true; >else < return false; >> 

    Kindly take note that the assumption is made that the likelihood of a connection failure to is lower.

    Checking internet connection with command-line PHP on, I'm using command-line PHP on linux to open bluetooth dialup connection, and I need a quick'n'dirty way to check if internet connection is active. Well, doesn't have to be dirty, but quick is appreciated. 🙂 Using exec to run external commands is not a problem.

    Checking Internet Status using PHP

    Utilize this uncomplicated code to verify if there is an internet connection or not.

    when you use @fsockopen as offline

     if (!$sock = @fsockopen('',80,$errorNum,$errorMessage)) < echo "no connection"; echo $errorMessage; >else< echo "connection"; echo $errorMessage; 

    and print error message will be :

    php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: System error 

    Php sql server test connection Code Example, php sql sever connection code; php pdo connection; delete record php mysqli; php check if query returns results; php connect to data base; run raw sql with doctrine manager; Displaying all table names in php from MySQL database; Show all DB Tables in php; select sql in php; php mysql if not exists …

    Php - check internet connect and DNS resolution

    The given instance is effective in determining your internet connectivity status.

    function is_connected() < $connected = @fsockopen("", 80); //website, port (try 80 or 443) if ($connected)< fclose($connected); return true; >return false; > 

    Here is a source that can be referred to: the answer provided at

    Here are the resolution details for DNS upon checking.

    function is_site_alive() < $response = null; system("ping -c 1", $response); if($response == 0)< return true; >return false; > 

    Here is a source that you can refer to, it can be found at Stack Overflow and the specific answer is identified by its URL:

    How to check db connection in php Code Example, follow. grepper; search snippets; faq; usage docs ; install grepper; log in; signup

    Checking internet connection with command-line PHP on linux

    To find a solution that doesn't require dependence on an external server, you may verify the presence of a default route. Executing this command will display the count of default routes available.

    Accessing the external world is impossible when 0 is active.

    Assuming you're familiar with utilizing exec, I suggest checking internet connection) ping by querying your ISP's DNS servers through their respective IP addresses.

    One could utilize fsockopen in PHP to attempt retrieving a page from, similar to the approach of wget/curl.

    if(!fsockopen("", 80))

    Another option to consider is utilizing the 'ping' tool. For instance, you may want to try something similar to:

    exec("ping -c 4", $output, $status); if ($status == 0) < // ping succeeded, we have connection working >else < // ping failed, no connection >

    To utilize wget, it is advised to add the prefix "http://" to the desired page's URL. Additionally, including the options "-q -O -" will prevent wget from attempting to save the file.

    There is an alternative method of achieving this task through the use of curl/sockets in PHP. However, it may not be the fastest solution that you are seeking.

    How to check database connection in php Code Example, $servername = "localhost"; $username = "username"; $password = "password"; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password); // …


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