Check if string is float in python

Check if a String is a Float in Python

How do I check if a string is a number (float) in Python? You can use the float() function with try catch to check if a string is a float or not. In this article, we will explore several different methods for checking if a string is a valid float value with examples.

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1. Quick Examples to Check if a String is a Float

These examples will give a high-level idea of each method to check if a string is a float. We will discuss each method in much detail later on.

2. Use float() to Check String is a Floating Point Number

The float() function can be used to check if a string is a floating-point number in Python, actually, this method converts a string to a floating-point number however, we can use this to check string contains a float value.

When passed a string that cannot be converted to a float, it raises a ValueError exception. We can use this behavior to check whether a given string represents a valid float value by attempting to convert it using the float() function, and catching the ValueError exception if it is raised.

Let’s create a custom boolean function using the float() function that checks if the string is a valid float or not. See the following example:

We can now call this function that will tell us whether our string contains a float value or not.

The float() function has some limitations and can give you unexpected results. It ignores the underscore between the digits, consider NaN as a true float, and many others. So make sure to do a test before you use this method.

See the following code which are the exceptions of float() function. You will have an idea of the limitation of the float() function.

You can not rely on the float() function to check whether a string is a float or not, however, it is a good fit to convert string values to float.

3. Use decimal Module to Check if a String is a Flaot Value

The decimal module in Python provides high-precision decimal arithmetic, it can also be used to check if a given string is a valid decimal number, including floating-point numbers.

The decimal module can handle various edge cases that may arise when checking if a string is a float. It can also be used to round numbers and perform other arithmetic operations.

Example to check if a given string is a valid float:

4. isdigit() and replace() to Find if a String is Float

Another way to check if a string is a valid float is to use the isdigit() and replace() methods. The isdigit() method checks if all the characters in a string are digits, while the replace() method replaces a specified character in a string with another character. We can use these methods in combination to check if a string is a valid float.

5. Regular Expression – Check if a String is a Float Number

Regular expressions (regex) can be used to check if a string matches a certain pattern. In the case of checking if a string is a float, a regex pattern can be created to match the format of a float.

The regular expression from the above examples are made for the following purposes:

  • [-+]? – An optional sign, either ‘+’ or ‘-‘.
  • 1* – Zero or more digits.
  • \.? – An optional decimal point.
  • 2+ – One or more digits.
  • ([eE][-+]?8+)? – An optional exponent in scientific notation.
  • $ – End of the string.

6. Summary and Conclusion

We learned various ways to check if a string is a valid float in Python. You have learned that float() function is best fit for this task though it has some limitations. The decimal module provides more precision, however, regular expression gives us more control. I hope this article was helpful, leave questions in the comment section.

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I am a software Engineer with extensive 4+ years of experience in Programming related content Creation.


Check if a String is a Float in Python

How do I check if a string is a number (float) in Python? You can use the float() function with try catch to check if a string is a float or not. In this article, we will explore several different methods for checking if a string is a valid float value with examples.

1. Quick Examples to Check if a String is a Float

These examples will give a high-level idea of each method to check if a string is a float. We will discuss each method in much detail later on.

2. Use float() to Check String is a Floating Point Number

The float() function can be used to check if a string is a floating-point number in Python, actually, this method converts a string to a floating-point number however, we can use this to check string contains a float value.

When passed a string that cannot be converted to a float, it raises a ValueError exception. We can use this behavior to check whether a given string represents a valid float value by attempting to convert it using the float() function, and catching the ValueError exception if it is raised.

Let’s create a custom boolean function using the float() function that checks if the string is a valid float or not. See the following example:

We can now call this function that will tell us whether our string contains a float value or not.

The float() function has some limitations and can give you unexpected results. It ignores the underscore between the digits, consider NaN as a true float, and many others. So make sure to do a test before you use this method.

See the following code which are the exceptions of float() function. You will have an idea of the limitation of the float() function.

You can not rely on the float() function to check whether a string is a float or not, however, it is a good fit to convert string values to float.

3. Use decimal Module to Check if a String is a Flaot Value

The decimal module in Python provides high-precision decimal arithmetic, it can also be used to check if a given string is a valid decimal number, including floating-point numbers.

The decimal module can handle various edge cases that may arise when checking if a string is a float. It can also be used to round numbers and perform other arithmetic operations.

Example to check if a given string is a valid float:

4. isdigit() and replace() to Find if a String is Float

Another way to check if a string is a valid float is to use the isdigit() and replace() methods. The isdigit() method checks if all the characters in a string are digits, while the replace() method replaces a specified character in a string with another character. We can use these methods in combination to check if a string is a valid float.

5. Regular Expression – Check if a String is a Float Number

Regular expressions (regex) can be used to check if a string matches a certain pattern. In the case of checking if a string is a float, a regex pattern can be created to match the format of a float.

The regular expression from the above examples are made for the following purposes:

  • [-+]? – An optional sign, either ‘+’ or ‘-‘.
  • 7* – Zero or more digits.
  • \.? – An optional decimal point.
  • 9+ – One or more digits.
  • ([eE][-+]?3+)? – An optional exponent in scientific notation.
  • $ – End of the string.

6. Summary and Conclusion

We learned various ways to check if a string is a valid float in Python. You have learned that float() function is best fit for this task though it has some limitations. The decimal module provides more precision, however, regular expression gives us more control. I hope this article was helpful, leave questions in the comment section.

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I am a software Engineer with extensive 4+ years of experience in Programming related content Creation.


Python Check if a String is a Float

A string is any collection of characters that is surrounded by single or double-quotes marks and interpreted literally by a script. More specifically, a string that involves several lines is called a multiline string. The floating points are one of the most common built-in numeric data types having decimal points. Changing the integral value is quite easy. However, the transformation of the floating number is much more complicated.

This guide will provide a way to check if a string is float or not in Python.

How to Check if a String is a Float in Python?

To check if a string is a float in Python, the below-listed methods are used:

Method 1: Check if a String is a Float in Python Utilizing “float()” Method

To check if a Python string is a float or not, the “float()” is used. It can transform the provided string to a float number. Moreover, it can fail to represent that the specified string is not a valid number.


First, import the “numpy” library as an “np. Then, import the “matplotlib.pyplot” as a “plt” to manage some numeric values and manage graph:

import matplotlib. pyplot as plt

Now, create a string variable and initialize with the floating number:

Next, print the above-initialized string:

Then, use the try-except block to check if the provided string is float or not. For this purpose, we have invoked the “float()” method and passed a string as an argument. After that, we created a variable which used to store the results. If a string is not a float number then it will print the specified message”

print ( «Is input string is a float number? » + str ( resultant_value ) )

The value “true” as output indicates that the provided string is a float value:

Method 2: Check if a String is a Float in Python Utilizing “replace()” and “isdigit()” Methods

Another method to check if a string is a floating number or not in Python, the “replace()” and “isdigit()” method. The “replace()” method provides all instances of a substring by another. However, the “isdigit()” method is used to verify the data type of the variables.


Call the “replace()” method with the required arguments. Then, use the “isdigit()” method. To store the results, declare a “resultant_value” variable:

Use the “print()” built-in function to display the results of provided variable:

That’s all! You have learned different ways to check whether the provided string is a float in Python.


To check if a string is float or not in Python, the “float()” method, the “replace()” method, and the “isdigit()” method can be used. All methods are Python’s built-in methods. In this guide, we have provided all possible ways to check if a string is float or not in Python.

About the author

Maria Naz

I hold a master’s degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.


e Learning

Learn How to Check if a String Is a Number in Python 3

In this tutorial, we will learn how to check if a string is a number in the Python 3 programming language.

Learn How to Check if a String Is a Number in Python 3

Python 3 has a built-in string function called str.isnumeric() which will check whether a string is numeric or not. However, the str.isnumeric() function will return False for floating-point numbers. To check if a string is a float, we can use a try-except statement.

Python is string numeric

Python str.isnumeric() function will return True if the given string is numeric or return False otherwise.

Example 1

The Above python code will return True since “10” is a numeric value.

Example 2

The Above python code will return False .

We can also use the isnumeric() function with a string variable as follows.

number = "100" print(number.isnumeric())

To return True , the whole string has to be numbers only, or it will return False . For Example, the following code will return False since the variable number contains the letter “A”.

number = "100A" print(number.isnumeric())

Check if a string is a Float in Python 3

Python str.isnumeric() function will return False for the floating-point numbers. But we can write a simple function using the try-except statement to check whether a string is a floating-point number or not.

def is_number(string): try: float(string) return True except ValueError: return False

As per the above python code, we created a new function called is_number() . The Function will simply try to convert the given string to a float. If the string can be converted to float, then the is_number function will return True .


def is_number(string): try: float(string) return True except ValueError: return False print(is_number("10.5"))

The Above Python Code will return True .


In this tutorial, we learned how to check if a string is a number in python programming.

  • We used the python str.isnumeric() function to check whether a string is numeric or not.
  • To check Floating point numbers, we wrote a simple python function called is_number() .


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