Check if form was submitted php

Checking if form has been submitted php

However, the best option is to have separate urls for separate actions, regardless of which php file actually handles the submission in the end. Solution 1: The best would be to use a different name for each from submit input : For formOne : For formTwo : Then in you’re php file : Solution 2: I would suggest you’d check the fields that you received if they don’t have the exact same fields or have a hidden field which tells your php code which form it is, there is nothing wrong about that.

Best way to check which form has been submitted PHP

The best would be to use a different name for each from submit input :

 if (!empty($_POST['formOne'])) < //do something here; >if (!empty($_POST['formTwo'])) < //do something here; >

I would suggest you’d check the fields that you received if they don’t have the exact same fields or have a hidden field which tells your php code which form it is, there is nothing wrong about that. However, the best option is to have separate urls for separate actions, regardless of which php file actually handles the submission in the end.

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To do this you should look into urlrewrite and htaccess, which will allow you to turn a url like users/delete and users/add to myphpfile.php?action=’delete’ (meaning POST data is preserved) and in your php code look at the $_GET[‘action’] value to decide which code to run.

In my CMS I have more then three from that submit onto the same page.You just need to see which form has been submitted using your submit button name and value.Your request can either be a POST or a GET. Here’s one example for two form that submit onto the same page. The form submit button name are different.

  -- first form -- second form if(isset($_POST['video']) && $_POST['video']=='Save') < #code for first form >if(isset($_POST['album']) && $_POST['album']=='Save')

Php — How to check if form was submitted, My question is how to check which form was submitted if I have 2 different forms with the same name, and I can’t change the name. For example I have 2 forms and 2 php scripts that evaluate them: For example I have 2 forms and 2 php scripts that evaluate them:

How to check if a form has been submitted in PHP

PHP for Beginners course: MVC course: you have a short PHP script that contai

How to check if form was submitted

One solution is to add a hidden input on both forms:

Then to check which one has been submitted:

if(isset($_POST['ok']) && isset($_POST['form1'])) < // For the first form >
if(isset($_POST['ok']) && isset($_POST['form2'])) < // For the second form >

Check in PHP if form was submitted when used, I can not detect if the form was submitted. I would like to modify the PHP code and not the html, if possible. Previously I had my Submit type input inside the form and it worked, but now that it is outside and I use JavaScript to do the submit it does not work. How can I detect if the form is submitted ?

What is the best way to identify which form has been submitted?

You could send the forms to different handlers with action=file1.php and action=file2.php .

Are they processed using a bunch of the same code? Put that into separate files, include the commonalities, and write the unique bits in each of the handling files. Don’t hack, organize.

For Javascript validation, don’t halt the default action then resume, instead do this:

That way if JS is turned off or the validation fails, the form action/event is intact and it behaves as expected, otherwise it bonks. And certainly, certainly retain server-side validation. That’s the «real» validation, the client-side is only to please the user and save them time. Never rely on it for YOUR sake.

You can customize the action of the form to add a get key/value; such as action=»formhandle.php?formid=10″

Checking if form has been submitted, What is the best way of checking whether or not a form has been submitted to determine whether I should pass the form’s variables to my validation class? First I thought maybe: isset($_POST) But that will always return true as a superglobal is defined everywhere. I don’t want to have to iterate through each element of my form with: Usage exampleif ($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_METHOD’] == ‘POST’)Feedback

Check if form is submitted

When you submit the form. A POST request is sent to the server.

You can avoid this by redirecting the page once you have completed the work that your script is doing with this:

header("Location: http://mypage.php"); die(); 

Now, the problem here is that you lose echoing data data, so you could add something to give a success message:

header("Location: http://mypage.php?success=true"); die(); 

Now, in your script you could have this where the output would go:

This should avoid the trouble that you’re having. There are other techniques though and you should use one that’s right for you.

On a side note, POST requests are also resubmitted when you use forward and back buttons in your browser — you should be mindful of this, too.

Check if the form is submitted or not with PHP, Of course I need to make sure to check if the form was submitted or not with PHP. javascript jquery. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Mar 5, 2013 at 14:53. Marcel Korpel. 21.3k 6 6 gold badges 59 59 silver badges 80 80 bronze badges. asked Mar 5, 2013 at 14:28. TNK TNK. 4,133 14 14 gold badges 55 55 …


How to Check if the Submit Button Is Clicked in PHP

In this article, we will go over how you can check to see whether the submit button of a form has been clicked or not using PHP.

This is very useful and can be used often with form data in PHP, because when the web browser first loads a web form, PHP does not know whether the form, initially, has been clicked or not. It doesn’t know whether the user has entered data and submitted or not. This means that if you have a form field and it does an if-else statement, it may run one of the statements initially, which you probably don’t want. PHP cannot distinguished if a form has already been executed or it hasn’t, when initially loaded. So checking to see if the submit button has been clicked is important and useful in forms involving PHP.

Below is an typical form field that you would find on the web:


Above is a form which asks a user to enter his or her name into the form field. If the user enters in characters into this field and clicks submit, then the form will tell the user the name which s/he entered. If the user leaves the field blank and clicks ‘Submit’, then the form will tell the user that s/he did not enter a name and that s/he must do so.


The HTML code of this form field is:

The most important part of this form field in HTML is the «name» of the submit button, which in this case is called «submitbutton». This will be important because our PHP code needs to extract information from this submit button, which is how it determines whether it has been clicked or not. PHP code knows which submit button to refer to by the «name» attribute of the submit button.

PHP code

The PHP code used to determine whether the submit button has been clicked is:

With the PHP Code, first we have to extract the data from the submit button before we can process it to check whether it is clicked or not. We do this by the line:

$submitbutton= $_POST[‘submitbutton’];

Here, we created a PHP variable, $submitbutton. Using the superglobal $_POST array, we extract the value of the submit button with the form name ‘submitbutton’, and assign it to the PHP variable, $submitbutton.

Now that we have the value extracted, we can do an if statement to see whether it is clicked or not. We do this by the following line:

if ($submitbutton) //This statement to be executed
//This statement to be executed

How we check to see if the submit button is clicked is with a simple if statement. If the $submitbutton is clicked, the function will return true. If the $submitbutton is not clicked, the function will return false. This simple if statement checks the boolean value of the variable.

Based on this, you can make any function or statement be executed.

In our example, if the submit button has been clicked, the form tells the user the name s/he has entered. If it hasn’t, then the form tells the user to enter a name.

If we didn’t do validation to check whether the submit button was clicked, then initially when the form is first loaded, since the field is empty (not set), the form would automatically tell the user that s/he must enter a name. This is because PHP doesn’t know at initial loading whether the user has interacted with the form already or not. The validation to check whether the submit button has been clicked demonstrates this.


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