Check if class have method php


Checks whether a specific method is defined in a class.


Name of the method being checked for.

Return Values

true if it has the method, otherwise false


Example #1 ReflectionClass::hasMethod() example

Class C public function publicFoo () return true ;

protected function protectedFoo () return true ;

private function privateFoo () return true ;

static function staticFoo () return true ;

$rc = new ReflectionClass ( «C» );

var_dump ( $rc -> hasMethod ( ‘publicFoo’ ));

var_dump ( $rc -> hasMethod ( ‘protectedFoo’ ));

var_dump ( $rc -> hasMethod ( ‘privateFoo’ ));

var_dump ( $rc -> hasMethod ( ‘staticFoo’ ));

// C should not have method bar
var_dump ( $rc -> hasMethod ( ‘bar’ ));

// Method names are case insensitive
var_dump ( $rc -> hasMethod ( ‘PUBLICfOO’ ));

The above example will output:

bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) bool(false) bool(true)

See Also

User Contributed Notes 6 notes

Parent methods (regardless of visibility) are also available to a ReflectionObject. E.g.,

class ParentObject <
public function parentPublic ( ) <

private function parentPrivate ( ) <

class ChildObject extends ParentObject <

$Instance = new ChildObject ();
$Reflector = new ReflectionObject ( $Instance );

var_dump ( $Reflector -> hasMethod ( ‘parentPublic’ )); // true
var_dump ( $Reflector -> hasMethod ( ‘parentPrivate’ )); // true

Trait methods can be seen by both actual and alias names

trait Sauce
public function getSpicy ()
return ‘Cayenne’ ;

class Sandwich
use Sauce Sauce :: getSpicy as getSweet ;

$class = new \ ReflectionClass ( ‘Sandwich’ );
var_dump ( $class -> hasMethod ( ‘getSweet’ ));
var_dump ( $class -> hasMethod ( ‘getSpicy’ ));

Annotated methods that are implemented using PHP magic methods are not recognized by «hasMethod».

* @method void annotatedMethod()
class SomeClass
public function __call ( $name , $arguments )
echo «this is magic method: $name .\n» ;

public function codedMethod ()
echo «this is coded method.\n» ;

$obj = new \ SomeClass ();
$obj -> codedMethod ();
$obj -> annotatedMethod ();

$ref = new ReflectionClass (\ SomeClass ::class);
echo «SomeClass has ‘codedMethod’: » . json_encode ( $ref -> hasMethod ( ‘codedMethod’ )) . «.\n» ;
echo «SomeClass has ‘annotatedMethod’: » . json_encode ( $ref -> hasMethod ( ‘annotatedMethod’ )) . «.\n» ;


this is coded method.
this is magic method: annotatedMethod.
SomeClass has ‘codedMethod’: true.
SomeClass has ‘annotatedMethod’: false.

It might be interesting to know that this is the only method to determine if a trait has a specific method:

trait a function __wakeup()<>

var_dump((new ReflectionClass(‘a’))->hasMethod(‘__wakeup’)); // true
var_dump((new ReflectionClass(‘b’))->hasMethod(‘__wakeup’)); // false
var_dump((new ReflectionClass(‘c’))->hasMethod(‘__wakeup’)); // true

A way to check if you can call an method over a class:

function is_public_method (
/* string */ $className ,
/* string */ $method
) $classInstance = new ReflectionClass ( $className );
if ( $classInstance -> hasMethod ( $method )) return false ;
$methodInstance = $instance -> getMethod ( $method );
return $methodInstance -> isPublic ();

  • ReflectionClass
    • _​_​construct
    • getAttributes
    • getConstant
    • getConstants
    • getConstructor
    • getDefaultProperties
    • getDocComment
    • getEndLine
    • getExtension
    • getExtensionName
    • getFileName
    • getInterfaceNames
    • getInterfaces
    • getMethod
    • getMethods
    • getModifiers
    • getName
    • getNamespaceName
    • getParentClass
    • getProperties
    • getProperty
    • getReflectionConstant
    • getReflectionConstants
    • getShortName
    • getStartLine
    • getStaticProperties
    • getStaticPropertyValue
    • getTraitAliases
    • getTraitNames
    • getTraits
    • hasConstant
    • hasMethod
    • hasProperty
    • implementsInterface
    • inNamespace
    • isAbstract
    • isAnonymous
    • isCloneable
    • isEnum
    • isFinal
    • isInstance
    • isInstantiable
    • isInterface
    • isInternal
    • isIterable
    • isIterateable
    • isReadOnly
    • isSubclassOf
    • isTrait
    • isUserDefined
    • newInstance
    • newInstanceArgs
    • newInstanceWithoutConstructor
    • setStaticPropertyValue
    • _​_​toString
    • export


    PHP method_exists

    Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the PHP method_exists() function to check if a class or an object of a class has a specified method.

    Introduction to the PHP method_exists function

    The method_exists() function returns true if an object or a class has a specified method. Otherwise, it returns false .

    The syntax of the method_exists() function is as follows:

    method_exists(object|string $object_or_class, string $method): boolCode language: PHP (php)

    The method_exists() has two parameters:

    • $object_or_class is an object or a class in which you want to check if a method exists.
    • $method is a string that represents the method to check.

    PHP method_exists function examples

    Let’s take some examples of using the method_exists() function.

    1) Using the PHP method_exists() function to check if a class has a method

    The following example uses the method_exists() function to check if a method exists in the BankAccount class:

     class BankAccount < public function transferTo(BankAccount $other, float $amount) < // more code > > $exists = method_exists(BankAccount::class, 'transferTo'); var_dump($exists); // bool(true) $exists = method_exists(BankAccount::class, 'deposit'); var_dump($exists); // bool(false)Code language: PHP (php)

    In this example, the following statement returns true because the transferTo method exists in the BankAccount class:

    method_exists(BankAccount::class, 'transferTo');Code language: PHP (php)

    However, the following statement returns false because the deposit method doesn’t exist in the BankAccount class:

    method_exists(BankAccount::class, 'deposit');Code language: PHP (php)

    2) Using the PHP method_exists function to check if an object has a method

    The following example creates a new object of the BankAccount and uses the method_exists() function to check the object has a specified method:

     class BankAccount < public function transferTo(BankAccount $other, float $amount) < // more code > > $account = new BankAccount(); $exists = method_exists($account, 'transferTo'); var_dump($exists); // bool(true) $exists = method_exists($account, 'deposit'); var_dump($exists); // bool(false)Code language: PHP (php)

    The $account object has the transferTo method, therefore, the following statement returns true :

    method_exists($account, 'transferTo');Code language: PHP (php)

    On the other hand, the $account object doesn’t have the deposit method. Therefore, the following statement returns false :

    method_exists($account, 'deposit');Code language: PHP (php)

    3) Using the method_exists function to check if an object has a static method

    The method_exists() also returns true if a class has a static method. For example:

     class BankAccount < public function transferTo(BankAccount $other, float $amount) < // more code > public static function compare(BankAccount $other): bool < // implementation // . return false; > > $exists = method_exists(BankAccount::class, 'compare'); var_dump($exists); // bool(true) $account = new BankAccount(); $exists = method_exists($account, 'compare'); var_dump($exists); // bool(true)Code language: PHP (php)

    The BankAccount has the compare static method, so the following statement returns true :

    method_exists(BankAccount::class, 'compare');Code language: PHP (php)

    The $account is an instance of the BankAccount class that has the compare static method, the following expression also returns true :

    $exists = method_exists($account, 'compare');Code language: PHP (php)

    PHP method_exists function in MVC frameworks

    The method_exists() method is often used in Model-View-Controller (MVC) frameworks to check if a controller class has a certain method before calling it.

    For example, suppose that you have the following request URI:

    /posts/edit/1Code language: PHP (php)

    This URI has three parts: posts, edit, and 1.

    • The posts maps to the PostsController class.
    • The edit maps the edit method of the class.
    • The number 1 is the post id to edit.

    The PostsController class will look like the following:

     class PostsController < public function edit(int $id) < // show the edit post form > >Code language: PHP (php)

    And you use the method_exists() function to check whether the edit method exists in the $controller object like this:

     // . if(method_exists($controller, $action)) < $controller->$action($id); >Code language: PHP (php)



    Check if class has method in PHP

    In PHP, you can easily check if a class has a specific method using the `method_exists()` function. This function returns a boolean value indicating whether the method exists or not.

    Here is an example of how to use `method_exists()`:

    class MyClass < public function myMethod() < // do something >> $object = new MyClass(); if (method_exists($object, 'myMethod')) < echo "Method exists!"; >else

    In this example, we create a class called `MyClass` with a method called `myMethod`. We then create an instance of the class and use `method_exists()` to check if the method exists. Since the method does exist, the code will output “Method exists!”.

    It’s important to note that `method_exists()` only checks if a method exists within the class itself. It does not check for methods inherited from parent classes. If you need to check for inherited methods, you can use the `is_callable()` function instead.

    Here is an example of how to use `is_callable()` to check for inherited methods:

    class ParentClass < protected function myMethod() < // do something >> class ChildClass extends ParentClass < >$object = new ChildClass(); if (is_callable(array($object, 'myMethod'))) < echo "Method exists!"; >else

    In this example, we create a parent class called `ParentClass` with a protected method called `myMethod`. We then create a child class called `ChildClass` that extends `ParentClass`. We create an instance of `ChildClass` and use `is_callable()` to check if the `myMethod` method is callable. Since the method is inherited from the parent class, the code will output “Method exists!”.

    I hope this guide was helpful in understanding how to check if a class has a method in PHP.


    Check if class has method in PHP

    In PHP, you can easily check if a class has a specific method using the `method_exists()` function. This function returns a boolean value indicating whether the method exists or not.

    Here is an example of how to use `method_exists()`:

    class MyClass < public function myMethod() < // do something >> $object = new MyClass(); if (method_exists($object, 'myMethod')) < echo "Method exists!"; >else

    In this example, we create a class called `MyClass` with a method called `myMethod`. We then create an instance of the class and use `method_exists()` to check if the method exists. Since the method does exist, the code will output “Method exists!”.

    It’s important to note that `method_exists()` only checks if a method exists within the class itself. It does not check for methods inherited from parent classes. If you need to check for inherited methods, you can use the `is_callable()` function instead.

    Here is an example of how to use `is_callable()` to check for inherited methods:

    class ParentClass < protected function myMethod() < // do something >> class ChildClass extends ParentClass < >$object = new ChildClass(); if (is_callable(array($object, 'myMethod'))) < echo "Method exists!"; >else

    In this example, we create a parent class called `ParentClass` with a protected method called `myMethod`. We then create a child class called `ChildClass` that extends `ParentClass`. We create an instance of `ChildClass` and use `is_callable()` to check if the `myMethod` method is callable. Since the method is inherited from the parent class, the code will output “Method exists!”.

    I hope this guide was helpful in understanding how to check if a class has a method in PHP.


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