Char to string conversion in cpp

How to Convert Char to String in C++ Language?

This article will help you to learn how to convert a character array to a string in C++.

Convert Char To String C++

There are many methods through which we can convert a character array to a string in C++ which are:

  • Using for loops
  • Using While loops
  • Using inbuilt std::string constructor
  • Using ‘=’ operator from the string class
  • Using custom function
  • Using std::stringstream function

1) Convert Char to a string in C++ using for loop

Program Outline

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1) Declare Character Array
2) Get the Array Size
3) Declare two variables, one string type and another int type
4) Now use For loop for following

  • In for loop condition assign 0 to the int variable;
  • int variable will be less than array_size
  • Increase int variable value by one on every iteration

5) Store value in string variable on every iteration
6) Display the string variable

//Program to convert characters array to string using for loop //including the input output library #include using namespace std; //Main function of the program int main() < //Declaring and Initializing the character array char char_array[] = ; //get the size of array int array_size = sizeof(char_array) / sizeof(char); //Declaring a String Type variable to store converted string string s = ""; //Declaring a integer type variable int i; //For loop for iteration for(i = 0; i < array_size; i++)< /****************** * Getting and Merging the value of Character Array * on position `i` */ s = s + char_array[i]; >//Printing the value of String Variable cout

2) Convert Char to a string in C++ using while loop

Program Outline

1) Declare character Array
2) Get the Array Size
3) Declare two variables, one string type and another int type with value 0
4) Use While Loop to check int variable less than array_size on every iteration
5) store value in string variable on every iteration
6) Display the string variable

//Program to convert characters array to string using While loop //including the input output library #include using namespace std; //Main function of the program int main() < //Declaring and Initializing the character array char char_array[] = ; //get the size of array int array_size = sizeof(char_array) / sizeof(char); //Declaring a String Type variable to store converted string string s = ""; //Declaring a integer type variable int i = 0; //While loop for iteration while(i < array_size)< /****************** * Getting and Merging the value of Character Array * on position `i` */ s = s + char_array[i]; //Increasing the value of i on every iteration i++; >//Printing the value of String Variable cout

3) Convert Char to a string using std::string constructor in C++

//Program to convert characters array to a string using string constructor //including the input-output library #include using namespace std; //Main function of the program int main() < //Declaring and Initializing the character array char char_array[] = ; //Passing the array to string cunstructor string s(char_array); //Printing the value of String Variable cout

4) Convert Char to String using '=' operator from the string class

Another method to convert char into a string is using the ‘=’ operator from string class.

//Program to convert characters array to string //including the input output library #include using namespace std; //Main function of the program int main() < //Declaring and Initializing the character array char char_array[] = ; //Passing character array to string variable string s = char_array; //Printing the value of String Variable cout

5) Convert Char to String using C++ Custom Function

Program Outline

1) Create a custom function with two parameters

2) Code inside a custom function
i) declare two variables - one is string and second is an integer
ii) Use For Loop to check following

  • In for loop condition, we have assigned 0 to our int variable;
  • int variable will be less than array_size
  • Increase int variable value by one on every iteration

iii) The function will return the string

3) Code inside the primary function
i) Declare character Array
ii) Get the Array Size
iii) pass character array and array size to the custom function and custom function.
iv) print the string variable which stores the returned value of the custom function

//Program to convert characters array to a string using Custom function //including the input output library #include using namespace std; //Custom Function with two parameters string charToString(char* arr_char, int arr_size) < //Declaring an integer type variable int i; //Declaring a string type variable string s = ""; //for loop for itration for(i = 0; i < arr_size; i++)< //Merging the value of character array on `i` position s = s + arr_char[i]; >//Return the string to main function return s; > //Main function of the program int main() < //Declaring and Initializing the character array char char_array[] = ; //get the size size of array int array_size = sizeof(char_array) / sizeof(char); //Declaring a string type variable to store returned string string str = ""; /* Passing the character array and size of array and storing * returned value into string type variable */ str = charToString(char_array, array_size); //Printing the value of String Variable cout

6) Convert Char to String using std::stringstream

Another method to convert char to string is to use std::stringstream. Use this function to insert the input character into a buffer and then take the character from the buffer as a string using std::string

//Program to convert characters array to a string using std::stringstream //including the library #include #include //Main function of the program int main() < //Declaring and Initializing the character array char char_array[] = ; //Declaring a variablees std::string str; std::stringstream strStream; //Inserting characters array into the buffer strStream > str; //Printing the value of String Variable std::cout


10 способов преобразовать char в строку на C++

В этом посте будут обсуждаться различные методы преобразования char в строку на C++.

1. Использование std::string конструктор

Простое решение — использовать конструктор заполнения строкового класса. string (size_t n, char c); который заполняет строку n копии персонажа c .

2. Использование std::stringstream функция

Другой хорошей альтернативой является использование строкового потока для преобразования между строками и другими числовыми типами. Идея состоит в том, чтобы вставить заданный символ в поток, а затем записать содержимое его буфера в std::string .

3. Использование std::string::push_back функция

Другим часто используемым решением является использование push_back() функция, которая перегружена для символов и добавляет символ в конец строки.

4. Использование std::string::operator+=

Струна +=operator перегружен для символов. Мы можем использовать его для добавления символа в конец строки, как показано ниже:

5. Использование std::string::operator=

Подобно +=operator , =operator также перегружен для символов. Мы можем использовать его для замены содержимого строки одним символом.

6. Использование std::string::append функция

Мы также можем использовать append() функция для добавления n копии персонажа c , как показано ниже:

7. Использование std::string::assign функция

The assign() функция заменяет текущее значение строки на n копии персонажа c . Мы можем использовать его, как показано ниже:

8. Использование std::string::insert функция

Мы можем использовать insert() который вставляет n копии персонажа c начиная с персонажа pos .

9. Использование std::string::replace функция

The replace() функция заменяет часть строки ( len символы, начинающиеся с символа pos ) по n копии персонажа c . Мы можем использовать его, как показано ниже:

10. Преобразование char в C-строку

Наконец, мы также можем преобразовать char в C-строку, а затем преобразовать C-строку в std::string используя конструктор заливки или std::string::append или же std::string::assign .

Вот и все о преобразовании char в строку в C++.

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Convert a Char to a String in C++

Convert a Char to a String in C++

  1. Use string::string(size_type count, charT ch) Constructor to Convert a Char to a String
  2. Use push_back() Method to Convert a Char to a String
  3. Use the append() Method to Convert a Char to a String in C++
  4. Use the insert() Method to Convert a Char to a String in C++

This article will demonstrate multiple methods for converting a char to a string in C++.

Use string::string(size_type count, charT ch) Constructor to Convert a Char to a String

This method uses one of the std::string constructors to convert a character for a string object in C++. The constructor takes 2 arguments: a count value, which is the number of characters a new string will consist of, and a char value assigned to each character. Note that this method defines the CHAR_LENGTH variable for better readability. We can pass the integer literal directly to the constructor.

#include #include  using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::string;  constexpr int CHAR_LENGTH = 1;  int main()  char character = 'T';   string tmp_string(CHAR_LENGTH, character);  cout      return EXIT_SUCCESS; > 

Use push_back() Method to Convert a Char to a String

Alternatively, we can utilize the push_back built-in method to convert a character into a string variable. At first, we declare an empty string variable and then use the push_back() method to append a char . Based on the example, we declare the char variable named character , which is later passed as an argument to the push_back command. Still, you can directly specify the literal value as a parameter.

#include #include  using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::string;  int main()  char character = 'T';   string tmp_string;  tmp_string.push_back(character);  cout      return EXIT_SUCCESS; > 

Use the append() Method to Convert a Char to a String in C++

The append method is a member function of the std::string class, and it can be used to append additional characters to the string object. In this case, we would only need to declare an empty string and add a char to it as demonstrated in the following example code:

#include #include  using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::string;  int main()  char character = 'T';   string tmp_string;  tmp_string.append(1, character);  cout      return EXIT_SUCCESS; > 

Use the insert() Method to Convert a Char to a String in C++

The insert method is also part of the std::string class. This member function can insert a given char to a specific position in a string object specified by the first argument. The second argument denotes the number of copies of the characters to be inserted in the place.

#include #include  using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::string;  int main()  char character = 'T';   string tmp_string;  tmp_string.insert(0, 1, character);  cout      return EXIT_SUCCESS; > 

Founder of Jinku has worked in the robotics and automotive industries for over 8 years. He sharpened his coding skills when he needed to do the automatic testing, data collection from remote servers and report creation from the endurance test. He is from an electrical/electronics engineering background but has expanded his interest to embedded electronics, embedded programming and front-/back-end programming.

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