Change python version cmd

Set Python 3 as your default “Python Version” on Windows 10/11

Python is a well-known programming language when it comes to solving Data Science related problems. It helps in easing down the work of Data Science with the help of its fast execution of codes because of its built Object-Oriented Programming but, there is a problem with this language as well.

Many Pythonists find it difficult to access the correct Python version because of too many Python versions present in their computer system. Due to this, they face problems in downloading the necessary packages in the correct Python version they want.

This leads to many problems in code executions as well as creates confusion for the computer to throw which version at what time.

Now, the question arises of how to resolve this issue and how to add the desired Python version say 3 as the default version on Windows 7/10/11.

The answer to this question is simple and given below. Just make sure that you have 2 or more 2 Python versions downloaded in the system to follow these steps of fixing the issue.

Steps to Change the Default Python Version on Windows 10/11 to Python 3

  • Open your command prompt and check the current Python version the system is using. This will help you get to know which version you are using right now and with which version you want to replace the same.
  • python —version
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Check Default Python Version on Windows 10 using command prompt

  • After checking the Python version find the path of your Python versions that will be present most probably in C Drive under the Program Files folder.
  • Open the Program Files folder and locate your Python versions. After locating the same click on the versions and copy the path of the scripts folder of all the Python versions installed.

Find Installed Python folderSelect Pyhton 3 Scripts folder

  • Also, copy the path of the Program Files being present in C Drive.
  • Once the paths are copied the next step is to locate your Environment Variables for the computer. This can be done by right-clicking on the “This PC” option of your computer and clicking on the Properties option. After clicking on the same click on Advanced System Settings under the Properties option.
  • Once done, a pop will come on the screen displaying various options out of which you need to click on the Environment Variables option. The Environment Variables will open up for you and you can see all the system variables present there.

Environment Variables option to change the Windows 10 or 7 Python version

  • The Environment Variablsegregatedgintendednto two different parts that are User Variables and System Variables. Just locate the Path option under the System Variables and click on the same.
  • After clicking on the Path option make sure to put the Scripts and Program Files path of different Python versions that you currently want to use and work in, and where you want to store all your necessary packages should be put first followed by others. Simply, click on the Browse button and select the path of the Script folder and the Python3 itself.
  • Note:Remove any other Python Version available in the System variables, for example, Python2. Select its path and click on the Delete button.
  • Press the OK button to save the changes in the Windowgovernmentalentaltal Variables.
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Add Python 3 directory path in Windows 10 or 7

  • Once this is done, restart your Command prompt and again type python —version . Now you will find the desired version there on the system and ready to be usable by the coder.


This is how a user can get his/her Python version when there are multiple versions on the computer. Try this out and start coding with your desired version.


Change python version cmd

На одной рабочей машине одновременно может быть установлено несколько версий Python. Это бывает полезно, когда идет работа с некоторыми внешними библиотеками, которые поддерживают разные версии python, либо в силу каких-то других причин нам надо использовать несколько разных версий. Например, на момент написания статьи последней и актуальной является версия Python 3.11 . Но, допустим, необходимо также установить версию 3.10 , как в этом случае управлять отдельными версиями Python?


На странице загрузок мы можем найти ссылку на нужную версию:

Управление несколькими версиями Python

И также загрузить ее и установить:

Установка разных версий Python на Windows

Чтобы при использовании интерпретатора Python не прописывать к нему весь путь, добавим при установке его в переменные среды. Но здесь надо учитывать, что в переменных среды может содержаться несколько путей к разным интерпретаторам Python:

Установка разных версий Python на Windows в переменные среды

Та версия Python, которая находится выше, будет версией по умолчанию. С помощью кнопки «Вверх» можно нужную нам версию переместить в начало, сделав версией по умолчанию. Например, в моем случае это версия 3.11. Соответственно, если я введу в терминале команду

python --version


py --version

то консоль отобразит версию 3.11:

C:\python>python --version Python 3.11.0

Для обращения к версии 3.10 (и всем другим версиям) необходимо использовать указывать номер версии:

C:\python>py -3.10 --version Python 3.10.9

например, выполнение скрипта с помощью версии 3.10:

Подобным образом можно вызывать и другие версии Python.


На MacOS можно установить разные версии, например, загрузив с официального сайта пакет установщика для определенной версии.

Для обращения к определенной версии Python на MacOS указываем явным образом подверсию в формате python3.[номер_подверсии] . Например, у меня установлена версия Python 3.10. Проверим ее версию:

Аналогично обращении к версии python3.9 (при условии если она установлена)

К примеру выполнение скрипта с помощью версии python 3.10:


На Linux также можно установить одновременно несколько версий Python. Например, установка версий 3.10 и 3.11:

sudo apt-get install python3.10 sudo apt-get install python3.11

Одна из версий является версий по умолчанию. И для обращения к ней достаточно прописать python3 , например, проверим версию по умолчанию:

Для обращения к другим версиям надо указывать подверсию:

python3.10 --version python3.11 --version

Например, выполнение скрипта hello с помощью версии Python 3.10:

Но может сложиться ситуация, когда нам надо изменить версию по умолчанию. В этом случае применяется команда update-alternatives для связывания определенной версии Python с командой python3. Например, мы хотим установить в качестве версии по умолчанию Python 3.11. В этом случае последовательно выполним следующие команды:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.10 1 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.11 2

Числа справа указывают на приоритет/состояние. Так, для версии 3.11 указан больший приоритет, поэтому при обращении к python3 будет использоваться именно версия 3.11 (в моем случае это Python 3.11.0rc1)

Управление версиями Python в linux

sudo update-alternatives --config python3

можно изменить версию по умолчанию


Set Python 3 as your default “Python Version” on Windows 10/11

Python is a well-known programming language when it comes to solving Data Science related problems. It helps in easing down the work of Data Science with the help of its fast execution of codes because of its built Object-Oriented Programming but, there is a problem with this language as well.

Many Pythonists find it difficult to access the correct Python version because of too many Python versions present in their computer system. Due to this, they face problems in downloading the necessary packages in the correct Python version they want.

This leads to many problems in code executions as well as creates confusion for the computer to throw which version at what time.

Now, the question arises of how to resolve this issue and how to add the desired Python version say 3 as the default version on Windows 7/10/11.

The answer to this question is simple and given below. Just make sure that you have 2 or more 2 Python versions downloaded in the system to follow these steps of fixing the issue.

Steps to Change the Default Python Version on Windows 10/11 to Python 3

  • Open your command prompt and check the current Python version the system is using. This will help you get to know which version you are using right now and with which version you want to replace the same.
  • python --version

Check Default Python Version on Windows 10 using command prompt

  • After checking the Python version find the path of your Python versions that will be present most probably in C Drive under the Program Files folder.
  • Open the Program Files folder and locate your Python versions. After locating the same click on the versions and copy the path of the scripts folder of all the Python versions installed.

Find Installed Python folderSelect Pyhton 3 Scripts folder

  • Also, copy the path of the Program Files being present in C Drive.
  • Once the paths are copied the next step is to locate your Environment Variables for the computer. This can be done by right-clicking on the “This PC” option of your computer and clicking on the Properties option. After clicking on the same click on Advanced System Settings under the Properties option.
  • Once done, a pop will come on the screen displaying various options out of which you need to click on the Environment Variables option. The Environment Variables will open up for you and you can see all the system variables present there.

Environment Variables option to change the Windows 10 or 7 Python version

  • The Environment Variablsegregatedgintendednto two different parts that are User Variables and System Variables. Just locate the Path option under the System Variables and click on the same.
  • After clicking on the Path option make sure to put the Scripts and Program Files path of different Python versions that you currently want to use and work in, and where you want to store all your necessary packages should be put first followed by others. Simply, click on the Browse button and select the path of the Script folder and the Python3 itself.
  • Note:Remove any other Python Version available in the System variables, for example, Python2. Select its path and click on the Delete button.
  • Press the OK button to save the changes in the Windowgovernmentalentaltal Variables.

Add Python 3 directory path in Windows 10 or 7

  • Once this is done, restart your Command prompt and again type python --version . Now you will find the desired version there on the system and ready to be usable by the coder.


This is how a user can get his/her Python version when there are multiple versions on the computer. Try this out and start coding with your desired version.


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