Change font colour with css

How to Change Text Color in HTML – Font Style Tutorial

Joel Olawanle

Joel Olawanle

How to Change Text Color in HTML – Font Style Tutorial

Text plays a significant role on our web pages. This is because it helps users learn what the web page is all about and what they can do there.

When you add text to your web pages, this text defaults to a black color. But sometimes you will want to change the text color to be more personalized.

For example, suppose you have a darker color as the background of your website. In that case, you’ll want to make the text color a lighter, brighter color to improve your website’s readability and accessibility.

Читайте также:  Background в html градиент

In this article, you will learn how to change the color of your text in HTML. We’ll look at various methods, and we’ll discuss which method is best.

How to Change Text Color Before HTML5

Before the introduction of HTML5, you’d use to add text to websites. This tag takes the color attribute, which accepts the color as a name or hex code value:

 Welcome to freeCodeCamp. // Or Welcome to freeCodeCamp. 

This tag got depreciated when HTML5 was introduced. This makes sense because HTML is a markup language, not a styling language. When dealing with any type of styling, it is best to use CSS, which has the primary function of styling.

This means for you to add color to your web pages, you need to make use of CSS.

In case you are in a rush to see how you can change the color of your text, then here it is:

// Using inline CSS 

Welcome to freeCodeCamp!

// Using internal/external CSS selector

Suppose you are not in a rush. Let’s briefly dive right in.

How to Change Text Color in HTML

You can use the CSS color property to change the text color. This property accepts color values like Hex codes, RGB, HSL, or color names.

For example, if you want to change the text color to sky blue, you can make use of the name skyblue , the hex code #87CEEB , the RGB decimal code rgb(135,206,235) , or the HSL value hsl(197, 71%, 73%) .

There are three ways you can change the color of your text with CSS. These are using inline, internal, or external styling.

How to Change Text Color in HTML With Inline CSS

Inline CSS allows you to apply styles directly to your HTML elements. This means you are putting CSS into an HTML tag directly.

You can use the style attribute, which holds all the styles you wish to apply to this tag.

You will use the CSS color property alongside your preferred color value:

// Color Name Value 

Welcome to freeCodeCamp!

// Hex Value

Welcome to freeCodeCamp!

// RGB Value

Welcome to freeCodeCamp!

// HSL Value

Welcome to freeCodeCamp!

But inline styling isn’t the greatest option if your apps get bigger and more complex. So let’s look at what you can do instead.

How to Change Text Color in HTML With Internal or External CSS

Another preferred way to change the color of your text is to use either internal or external styling. These two are quite similar since both use a selector.

For internal styling, you do it within your HTML file’s tag. In the tag, you will add the tag and place all your CSS stylings there as seen below:

While for external styling, all you have to do is add the CSS styling to your CSS file using the general syntax:

The selector can either be your HTML tag or maybe a class or an ID . For example:

// HTML 

Welcome to freeCodeCamp!

// CSS p

// HTML 

Welcome to freeCodeCamp!

// CSS .my-paragraph

// HTML 

Welcome to freeCodeCamp!

// CSS #my-paragraph

Note: As you have seen earlier, with inline CSS, you can use the color name, Hex code, RGB value, and HSL value with internal or external styling.

Wrapping Up

In this article, you have learned how to change an HTML element’s font/text color using CSS. You also learned how developers did it before the introduction of HTML5 with the tag and color attributes.

Also, keep in mind that styling your HTML elements with internal or external styling is always preferable to inline styling. This is because it provides more flexibility.

For example, instead of adding similar inline styles to all your

tag elements, you can use a single CSS class for all of them.

Inline styles are not considered best practices because they result in a lot of repetition — you cannot reuse the styles elsewhere. To learn more, you can read my article on Inline Style in HTML. You can also learn how to change text size in this article and background color in this article.

I hope this tutorial gives you the knowledge to change the color of your HTML text to make it look better.

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How to Change Font and Text Color Using CSS

Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals

It is quite interesting to note that several websites could very well have the same HTML code, but their styling or CSS is what would make them different! Talking about CSS in particular, graphic designer displays their creativity through it. Not only does it give the web designer control over the appearance of the web pages, but it also aids in creating a visual hierarchy through parameters like shape, color, space, and size.


In this tutorial, we will learn the following-

  • We will start with a brief introduction to an HTML file and how to set up it.
  • Then, we will learn about how to change the text color in CSS and the various methods to do so-
    • Using Color Keywords
    • Using Hexadecimal Values
    • Using RGBA Color Values

    Basic struture of a HTML file

    The presentation of a document written in markup languages such as HTML is described using a style sheet language known as CSS. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, whereas CSS is the abbreviation for Cascading Style Sheets. They are unique in their syntax. While HTML could be regarded as the structure of a website, CSS is the styling done on the structure.

    Setting up an HTML file

    Let’s create an HTML file named Index.html. We will call it the CSS file style.css. Using this file, you will learn how to change text color in CSS.

    After adding the required boilerplate, the contents of Index.html are as follows –

    Learning how to change text color in CSS

    We can change text color in CSS quite easily. There are three techniques we can use, which are as follows-

    Using color keywords to change text color in CSS

    To change text color in CSS, you can use the color keywords to achieve this.

    • Color keywords are nothing but the names of the colors like red, blue, yellow, etc.
    • We will change the font color of the heading or the h1 tag in Index.html to red.
    • To do this, you will go to the external CSS file, which is style.css . You should add the following code to it –

    The font color will successfully be changed to red from the default color.

    Using Hexadecimal values to change text colors in CSS

    More often than not, while designing a website, there could be a specific color scheme or brand kit that you might be required to use. This cannot be possible if you are using color keywords such as blue, green, red, etc. So you can now learn to use the hexadecimal values to change the font color of the paragraph elements.

    image alt

    Let’s take a look at how you can achieve this –

    Add the following code to style.css. This will change the color of the paragraph elements to a specific shade of blue of our choice.

    Using RGBA color values to change text color in CSS

    RGBA color value manipulation is also a good way to change text color in CSS. The RGBA abbreviation stands for Red, Blue, Green, and Alpha . The Alpha value controls the transparency of the color. For example, if the value of Alpha is set to 1: it means the color is completely opaque. On the other hand, when it is 0.75, it suggests the color would be only 75% opaque or 25% transparent.

    how to change font color in css

    So here is how you will change the color of our h2 tag in Index.html using the RGBA color values –

    Once the above code is added to the style.css file, you can say that you know how to change font color in CSS.

    image alt

    Now you know how to change font color in CSS efficiently. Although this can be achieved through internal CSS and inline CSS as well, the best practice remains using an external CSS file, just like you did in this tutorial.

    So now, the next time someone asks you, “How to change the font color using CSS?” you will not only be able to tell them how to do that but also share some tips about different font properties as well!


    In this tutorial, we covered the three different ways you can change font color in CSS. To sum it up, they are-

    • Using color keywords– You can simply use color keywords which are nothing but the name of colors, to style your HTML file.
    • Using Hexadecimal values– Hex codes or hexadecimal values enable you to get intermediate colors and specific colors, which is not possible while using color keywords. So now, if you are asked to follow a particular color scheme or a brand kit, you know which technique to use in CSS.
    • Using RGBA values– If you are aware of the values of Red, Blue, Green, and Alpha to be used, then this is the best way for you to change text color in CSS. As a designer, you can also manipulate the transparency of the color using the Alpha attribute of this method.


    How To Change Font Color with CSS in HTML?

    How To Change Font Color with CSS in HTML?

    Cascading Style Sheet or CSS is used to change attributes of the HTML elements. We can change font size, color, shape, size, length, etc with CSS. In this tutorial, we will learn how to change the font color of different elements in HTML with CSS.

    Font Color Syntax

    Font color has very simple syntax where we use “ tag and color attributes with the color data in 3 different representation format name , hex number and RGB number .

    Change Font Color with Color Name

    As stated previously we can specify the color with its human-friendly name like red , blue etc. This is the easiest way to describe the color. In this example, we will set the font color to the blue .

    This is some red text!

    This is some blue text!

    This is some green text!

    This is a normal text without font color

    Change Color with Color Name

    Change Font Color with Hex Number

    Another way to specify the font color is by using hex numbers. Colors have high precision hexadecimal numbers where the color can be precisely defined. Hexadecimal numbers provide us the ability to select very detailed colors that can not be expressed with the color name. Before providing the hexadecimal number we need to put a # in order to specify the hexadecimal number. In this example, we will use the hexadecimal values of red , blue and green .

    This is some red text!

    This is some blue text!

    This is some green text!

    This is a normal text without font color

    Change Font Color with Hex Number

    Change Font Color with RGBA Number

    RGB or Red, Green, Blue, Alpha is a very old coloring system that can be also used for font color specification. most of the colors consist of a mixture of main colors Red, Blue, and Green. We can express these colors with the weight of these main colors. We have to provide 4 values where we will prefix it with the RGB and surround it with parenthesis. The last alpha value is used to set opacity where 1 means opaque and 0 means transparent. We can also set floating numbers like 0.34 , 0.54, etc.

    This is some red text!

    This is some blue text!

    This is some green text!

    This is a normal text without font color

    Change Font Color with Inline CSS

    CSS font colors can be set in two different ways where we can use set into the HTML tag directly or with an external CSS file. Actually, we have used inline CSS by setting an HTML CSS color attribute like below.

    This is some red text!

    This is some blue text!

    This is some green text!

    This is a normal text without font color

    Change Font Color with External CSS

    Another way is using an external CSS file where we have to specify it in the header of the HTML file. The external CSS file will contain the following CSS code which will change p or paragraph elements font color to the red.

    We can also use the hexadecimal or RGB presentation of the colors like below.

    If the external CSS file has the name mysite.css it can be imported like below with link element.

    ChangeFont Color with CSS Inside Head Tag

    We can use tag in order to specify a generic CSS code where we do not need to use an external CSS file. We will use tag a put our font color changer CSS code. In this example, we will set the font color of p or paragraph tag to the blue.

    Change Multiple Tag Font Color

    If we want to change multiple types of tags font color with a single and simple CSS code we need to specify them like below. In this example, we will set the h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 font colors to the blue with an external CSS code.


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