- Is it possible to install Android on a java mobile
- praneeth89
- lunatic59
- kausthub ms
- lunatic59
- JayTeeDee
- lunatic59
- mohammadrezabg
- Digital Controller
- safemode
- lunatic59
- arodin9
- Gaurav Kamat
- scary alien
- Change any java phone to android
- How to Fix your Java Phone to work like a Symbian/Android phone
- What you need
- 9 Steps To Fix your Java Phone like Symbian/Android Phone
- Change any java phone to android
Is it possible to install Android on a java mobile
Theoretically, since Android is a linux based OS, it should be able to run on any device with compatible architecture. If you want to list the exact device model, maybe one of our developers can answer your question.
Moderati ergo sum
Unfortunately, Android is not a generic installation. It has to be tailored for a specific device so it can communicate properly with the hardware. I have seen attempts to get other non-android phones to run Android and it’s always marginal at best (a disaster at worst). If you are looking to make this your daily phone, I’d advise against it. If it’s an experiment just to see if you can, then you might want to check in with the communities surrounding your specific model and ask there if any developer has tried it.
kausthub ms
Welcome to Android Forums!
Theoretically, since Android is a linux based OS, it should be able to run on any device with compatible architecture. If you want to list the exact device model, maybe one of our developers can answer your question.
Moderati ergo sum
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to locate any specific instructions to get your phone model working with Android. I suspect that even if it were possible, it would be fat to much work for far too little result (it would run buggy, if at all.) If you want to try Android, you’d be better off replacing your existing phone rather than trying to shoehorn the Android OS onto it.
Can I Install Android Os On My:
I Have A Data Transfer
Cable &
A 8Gb MicroSD
Moderati ergo sum
Can I Install Android Os On My:
I Have A Data Transfer
Cable &
A 8Gb MicroSD
I took a look at the phone and the size alone would prevent any version of Android from working properly on this handset. Sorry.
Digital Controller
The Real Bass Creator
First off welcome to the forums
Secondly refer to the comment below:
Moderati ergo sum
Again, let me reiterate that attempts to install Android on phones not specifically designed to run Android will either run is such a poor and degraded state as to make the phone virtually unusable, or might permanently brick your phone.
Gaurav Kamat
Welcome to Android Forums!
Theoretically, since Android is a linux based OS, it should be able to run on any device with compatible architecture. If you want to list the exact device model, maybe one of our developers can answer your question.
Can I Install Android On My Samsung GT-S3770K Please Reply Fast.
scary alien
not really so scary
Can I Install Android On My Samsung GT-S3770K Please Reply Fast.
Welcome to our AndroidForums .
See all the replies above. the manufacturer would have had to make a specific effort to create/port/test Android to devices like these. it’s not that it’s impossible, it’s just very difficult / time-consuming / etc. and the general public (and even many developers) do not have access to all of the hardware specs and driver information that would be needed.
In short: very, very likely not / no.
Change any java phone to android
I have a LG T325 phone it is wi-fi enabled. has 3g connections. everything. my question is can i convert this java phone to android.
How to convert a java phone to android?
I have a LG T325 phone it is wi-fi enabled. has 3g connections. everything. my question is can i convert this java phone to android.
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How to Fix your Java Phone to work like a Symbian/Android phone
This is one of the most handy tutorials for java phone users. When you see a symbian phone do you envy it because it can be minimized? Envy no more with this tutorial you’ll lean how to make your java phones work like a symbian phone, by having that minimization function.
I used this trick to make my Java phone start minimizing like Symbain and Android smartphones.
What you need
phoenix service suite which can be downloaded here to your PC
9 Steps To Fix your Java Phone like Symbian/Android Phone
Step 1: Input *#0000# on your phone
Step 2: After dialing, you’ll see something like this RM_614 or RM_615 or any number
Step 3: Google search for Rm_614 or any number you obtained from your phone, include .ppu toit, when conducting your search, for example
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Which is better Android Java or Symbian?
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“Rm_614.ppu” then download it to your laptop
Step 4: After download connect your phone to your laptop using a USB cable
Step 5: After you have connected your phone to your PC or laptop choose ovi suite mode
Step 6: Open phoenix software service suite and run it on your laptop then click on scan product
Step 7: After you’ve clicked scan, look by the side and select product profile
Step 8: After you’ve selected it locate your Rm_614.ppu depending on what you downloaded and select it and you will see a list appear, just tick them all and where you see 0 change it to 1
Step 9: After you are done with that click on enable tck and flash and your phone will restart and pop a warning message saying ” WARNING TCK FLAG SET” don’t be alarmed is normal, after that pop up, restart your phone and you are done.
congrats! You’ve just outsmart the bookies by converting a simple Java phone into and an Android, Symbian phone
I will like to hear your views about it through your comments and also subscribe with your e-mails to receive tricks like this in your inbox. And don’t forget to join us on Facebook
Note: Specifically tested on a Nokia phone. When using other phone if you encounter any problem let me know through comments.
Change any java phone to android
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