Can you style javascript alert

How TO — Alerts

Alert messages can be used to notify the user about something special: danger, success, information or warning.

Create An Alert Message

Step 1) Add HTML:


If you want the ability to close the alert message, add a element with an onclick attribute that says «when you click on me, hide my parent element» — which is the container (class=»alert»).

Tip: Use the HTML entity » × » to create the letter «x».

Step 2) Add CSS:

Style the alert box and the close button:


/* The alert message box */
.alert padding: 20px;
background-color: #f44336; /* Red */
color: white;
margin-bottom: 15px;

/* The close button */
.closebtn margin-left: 15px;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
float: right;
font-size: 22px;
line-height: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
transition: 0.3s;

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/* When moving the mouse over the close button */
.closebtn:hover color: black;

Many Alerts

If you have many alert messages on a page, you can add the following script to close different alerts without using the onclick attribute on each element.

And, if you want the alerts to slowly fade out when you click on them, add opacity and transition to the alert class:


// Get all elements with >var close = document.getElementsByClassName(«closebtn»);
var i;

// Loop through all close buttons
for (i = 0; i < close.length; i++) // When someone clicks on a close button
close[i].onclick = function()

// Get the parent of var div = this.parentElement;

// Set the opacity of div to 0 (transparent) = «0»;

// Hide the div after 600ms (the same amount of milliseconds it takes to fade out)
setTimeout(function()< = "none"; >, 600);

Tip: Also check out Notes.


Upgrade Your JavaScript Alert Boxes: Tips for Styling Custom Alerts

Learn how to style JavaScript alert boxes with CSS and create custom alerts with HTML and JavaScript. Improve your user experience with third-party libraries like SweetAlert and Alerty. Best practices and tips included!

  • The Limitations of Standard JavaScript Alert Boxes
  • Creating Custom Alert Boxes with CSS
  • How to Create Custom Alert Box in Javascript Using SweetAlert JS
  • Creating Custom Alert Boxes with HTML and JavaScript
  • Using Third-Party Libraries for Custom Alerts
  • Best Practices and Common Issues in Custom Alert Box Design
  • Other simple examples of code for styling JavaScript alert boxes
  • Conclusion
  • Can you style a JavaScript alert?
  • How to edit JavaScript alert box?
  • How do I customize an alert box in react JS?
  • How to change the color of alert message in JavaScript?

JavaScript alert boxes are a common way to display important information to users, but they are limited in their appearance and functionality. By default, they cannot be styled using CSS, which can make them look generic and out of place on a website. However, custom alert boxes can be created using JavaScript and CSS to enhance their appearance and functionality. In this blog post, we will explore various ways to style JavaScript alert boxes and provide tips for designing effective Custom Alert Boxes that match your website’s design.

The Limitations of Standard JavaScript Alert Boxes

Standard JavaScript alert boxes have limitations in their appearance and functionality. They cannot be styled using CSS, which means they often appear generic and do not match the design of the website. Additionally, standard alert boxes can be disruptive and intrusive, which can negatively impact the user experience.

Creating Custom Alert Boxes with CSS

One way to style an alert box is by creating a custom one using JavaScript and CSS. To do this, you can assign a class to the alert box and design that specific class in CSS. For example, you can change the background color, font size, and add a border to the alert box.

Here’s an example of styling an alert box using CSS:

.alert  background-color: #f2f2f2; border: 1px solid #ddd; color: #333; font-size: 16px; padding: 12px; > 

W3.CSS and Bootstrap also offer classes for styling alerts, which can save time and effort.

How to Create Custom Alert Box in Javascript Using SweetAlert JS

In this video, you will learn how to Create Custom Alert Box in javascript using sweetalert Duration: 3:56

Creating Custom Alert Boxes with HTML and JavaScript

Another way to Create Custom Alert boxes is by designing the HTML part using a division tag with an ID and adding JavaScript and CSS to it. This method provides more control over the appearance and behavior of the alert box.

Here’s an example of creating a custom alert box using HTML and JavaScript:

div id="custom-alert" class="alert"> p>This is a custom alert box.p> button onclick="closeAlert()">Closebutton> div>script> function closeAlert()  document.getElementById("custom-alert").style.display = "none"; > script> 

This code creates a Custom Alert Box with a message and a close button. The alert box is displayed by default, and the button triggers a JavaScript function that hides the alert box when clicked.

Using Third-Party Libraries for Custom Alerts

There are many third-party libraries available that can be used to customize alerts, such as SweetAlert and Alerty. These libraries offer pre-designed alert boxes with various styles and functionality that can be easily integrated into your website.

SweetAlert is a popular JavaScript library that can be used to customize alerts with the help of a button. It offers a wide range of customization options, including different types of alerts, animations, and buttons.

Alerty is a tiny, easy, dependency-free JavaScript library that helps you create Material Design styled alert/confirm/prompt dialog popups and toast.

Best Practices and Common Issues in Custom Alert Box Design

When designing Custom alert boxes , there are some best practices to follow to ensure they are effective and user-friendly. Here are some tips for designing custom alert boxes:

  • Keep it simple and clear: Use simple language and avoid using technical jargon that users may not understand.
  • Ensure accessibility: Make sure the alert box is accessible to users with disabilities by providing alternative text and using high-contrast colors.
  • Thorough testing: Test the alert box on different devices and browsers to ensure it works as expected.

Common issues with custom alert boxes include not appearing on all devices or web browsers, conflicting with other scripts or plugins, and not being responsive to different screen sizes. To avoid these issues, it’s essential to test the alert box thoroughly before implementing it on your website.

Tips for designing custom alert boxes include using appropriate colors and fonts, using animations or transitions to make it more engaging, and making it mobile-friendly.

Other simple examples of code for styling JavaScript alert boxes

In Java , in particular, giving alert in javascript


Biggnars platform

In Javascript case in point, Javascript make alert box code sample

In Javascript , for instance, how to make alert in javascript code sample

In Javascript case in point, Javascript Using alert()

// the hello world program alert("Hello, World!");

In Javascript , in particular, java script alert code example

In Javascript , for example, javascript alert html code example

In Javascript , how to alert in javascript code sample

In Javascript as proof, how to add alert on javascript code example

alert("--Your alert--"); = Notification Alert


Custom alert boxes can be an effective way to provide information to users, and their appearance and functionality can be improved with customization. Custom alert boxes can be created using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, or by using third-party libraries like SweetAlert or Alerty. Designing effective custom alert boxes requires best practices such as keeping it simple and clear, ensuring accessibility, and thorough testing. By following these tips, you can create custom alert box es that match your website’s design and enhance the user experience.


Styling a JavaScript Alert: Tips and Tricks

The provided code functions similarly to the standard alert dialog boxes in the browser. However, it’s worth noting that there is currently no method for customizing the appearance of alert box modals.

How can I customised alert boxes for both mobile and desktop display from this code?

This is the last attempt to assist. The code provided below functions exactly like the pre-installed browser alert dialog boxes. It appears in the center, adjusts its size based on the content, and blocks any additional content on the page from being clickable or editable until the dialog box is closed. Although I wrote it some time ago, it seems to work the same way today. It is capable of operating on any device, so feel free to utilize, modify, or design it however you please. Keep in mind that altering the «DO NOT CHANGE» comments would defeat the purpose. To obtain the latest version of JQuery.js, please download it from

Employing Media Queries enables you to apply varying styles to your modal dialog based on the device being used, whether it’s a mobile, tablet, or desktop. You can learn more about Media Queries at

@media only screen and (min-width: 480px) < #dialogbox < /* your mobile styles */ >> @media only screen and (min-width: 720px) < #dialogbox < /* your mobile styles */ >> #dialogbox < /* your normal styles */ >

In JavaScript, I encountered this function but eliminated a line along with its associated variable.

let winW = window.innerWidth; = (winW/2) - (550 * .5)+"px"; 

The CSS had some changes too:

Although it is not flawless, it has improved by tens of thousands of times compared to its previous state.

The reason for using a z-index of 2001 is that Bootstrap modals already have a z-index of around 1040. Additionally, the white overlay in the code of the original post occupies a z-index of 2000, leaving no other option but to use a higher value for the z-index.

How to Create Custom Alert Box in Javascript Using SweetAlert JS

In this video, you will learn how to create custom alert box in javascript using sweetalert Duration: 3:56

Replace JavaScript Alert Box with Sweet Alert JS Dialogs

In this video, you will see how SweetAlert JS can be used to replace the age old JavaScript Duration: 6:41

Modified style of alert box (JavaScript on browser) [duplicate]

The alert box modal cannot be styled since it is a native element of the operating system and is not considered a component of the DOM.

To customize the appearance of a modal, it’s necessary for you to develop your own modal.

It is important to keep in mind that using alert() in JavaScript will halt the execution of the code on your page. However, this is typically not an ideal outcome.

Web browsers lack the capability for a website to supersede the appearance and functionality of their inherent dialogue boxes.

The sole method of achieving it is to imitate it by generating elements in the DOM that have the appearance of dialogs (the technique that was disregarded in the inquiry).

It is not feasible to style or configure alert using CSS. To display customized content, it is recommended to create a new one or opt for a third-party library such as sweet alert or jQuery UI.

Ensure that the remaining JavaScript code is not impeded by these tools, such as alert .

Modified style of alert box (JavaScript on browser), There is no way to style alert box modal. Because it is operating system native element and does not appear to be a part of DOM in any way.

How to apply style for notify.js alert message

$.notify(< message: "Alert!" >, < type: 'danger', animate: < enter: 'animated fadeInUp', >, placement: < from: "top", align: "center" >, offset: 20, spacing: 10, z_index: 1031, style: 'addClassName' >); 

If a notification is to be created, an HTML structure similar to this will be built.

Would you like some Foo ?

Subsequently, you have the option to produce a CSS file tailored to your requirements and include CSS styling with .notifyjs-addClassName-base serving as the foundational class.

How to change the color of the alert box in JavaScript?, To create the custom alert box using pure JavaScript, users can create a div element and add the content of the alert box inside that. Also,


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