Can we connect database with html

Can we connect HTML with database using JavaScript?

Can we connect HTML with database using JavaScript?

Connect to a MySQL Database with JavaScript

  • Step 1: Import the provided application package file: After importing the package, the app will be assigned an API Key, which you can see in the Apps tab. This API Key is needed to set up the app.
  • Step 2: Configure CORS. Navigate to the Config tab and select CORS.

Can JavaScript write to database?

JavaScript, as defined in your question, can’t directly work with MySql. This is because it isn’t running on the same computer. JavaScript runs on the client side (in the browser), and databases usually exist on the server side. You’ll probably need to use an intermediate server-side language (like PHP, Java, .

How fetch data from database in JavaScript and display HTML table?

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What is the difference between Java and JavaScript?

Key differences between Java and JavaScript: Java is an OOP programming language while Java Script is an OOP scripting language. Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser while JavaScript code is run on a browser only. Java code needs to be compiled while JavaScript code are all in text.

Which database is best for JavaScript?

What Is the Best Database for Node. js?

  • General. MySQL. PostgreSQL. SQLite.
  • Data Types. MySQL. PostgreSQL. SQLite.
  • Data Storage Features. MySQL. PostgreSQL. SQLite.
  • SQL Standard Support. MySQL. PostgreSQL. SQLite.
  • Performance. MySQL. PostgreSQL. SQLite.
  • Popularity.

What database does JavaScript use?

sql. js can be used like any traditional JavaScript library. If you are building a native application in JavaScript (using Electron for instance), or are working in node. js, you will likely prefer to use a native binding of SQLite to JavaScript.

How do I display a database table in HTML?

How to connect to a database with JavaScript?

In this article, I will explain how to connect to a SQL database with JavaScript and how to get data from the database. Note: This program will work only in Internet Explorer. First I create a database called EmpDetail.

How to connect MS Access database to HTML?

Use the “Save as web page” option in the File menu. Notice that html can’t access a spreadsheet on your computer. You have to upload the changed web page after any changes to the spreadsheet. go to MSDN and search for “Data Source Object” you’ll find all that you need. Too many hijacks, spams, and nonsense posts.

How to connect to a database in PHP?

You can change that part of the code to however you connect to your DB. The code I use to connect looks something like (goes before the code above on mypage.php): They don’t actually have to be separate pages.

Can you connect SQL Server to JavaScript in Internet Explorer?

For example, in Windows operating system, Internet Explorer has a class name called ActiveXObject which is used to create instances of OLE Automation objects, and these objects help us to create an environment for SQL Driver connection. It is not recommended to use JavaScript clients to access databases for several reasons.

How do I create a connection to the database?

  • right-click the Connections node and select New Connection.
  • enter the name to use for this database connection.
  • click Test to test that the data you provided will allow the specified user to connect to the database.

Can I connect to a SQL database?

The article demonstrates how to follow the below steps: Connect to a SQL Server instance Create a database Create a table in your new database Insert rows into your new table Query the new table and view the results Use the query window table to verify your connection properties

What is a database in JavaScript?

In very simple terms, a JavaScript database is a JavaScript object that provides methods (or API) to put, get and search data. In fact, a plain old JavaScript object is the simplest kind of JavaScript database.


How to connect an HTML form to a MySQL database in PHP

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This Answer outlines how to use PHP to connect an HTML form to a MySQL database. We’ll use XAMPP as the server software to create a database and run PHP.

We’ll use the below steps to create a connection:

  1. Set up XAMPP and configure a PHP development environment
  2. Create an HTML form
  3. Create a MySQL database
  4. Create a PHP file
  5. Create a connection

Step 1: Set up XAMPP

The method to configure a PHP development environment with XAMPP is shown here.

Step 2: Create an HTML form

This Answer explains what an HTML form is and how to create it.

Step 3: Create a MySQL database

In this step, we’ll create a simple MySQL database since our server is already running.

We’ll open the browser and type http://localhost/phpmyadmin/. This redirects us to the PHP admin page, where we can create and manage databases. Click on the New option in the menu panel on the left side. The image below demonstrates this:

On the next page, we’ll choose a name for our database and click on Create, as shown:

Next, we’ll create a table in the database. We’ll add a table name and choose the number of columns:

Once we click on Create, we’ll be redirected to the following page:

Here, we’ve to give details regarding the table. The columns correspond to our fields in the HTML form. We may also assign each column a data type, characters length, or special privileges such as the primary A unique identifier for each entry in a table. key. A sample table is as follows:

Once we’re done, we’ll click on Save. Our first table in the database is created.

Step 4: Create a PHP file

Now that we have our database and server ready, we’ll create the necessary files. We’ll begin by opening the folder directory containing XAMPP. We traditionally find this folder in Local Disk E or Local Disk C. For Linux users, this will be in the Computer/opt/lampp directory.

Within that folder, open another folder titled htdocs and create a folder in it. We can name it anything, but for this tutorial, we’ll name it educativeform . This new folder will contain our HTML and PHP files.

|-> form.php
|-> index.html

The following code snippet contains the HTML code for the form:

Note: If we click on the submit button, it will given an error since we haven’t yet connected it to the database.


  • Line 6: The method POST is the connection type to send the HTML form entries. The action attribute has the value form.php . This is the name of the PHP file in the working directory, and the form entries will be sent to this file upon submission.
  • Lines 8–20: These are the form fields. The last input type is a button that submits the field values to the PHP file.

To confirm that our form is ready, we’ll type localhost/educativeform in the browser. This ensures that the server, MySQL, and Apache is running. Otherwise, we might get an error.

Next, we’ll create the PHP file. The sample code, along with the explanation, is given below:

$fname = $_POST['fname'];
$lname = $_POST['lname'];
$email = $_POST['email'];


  • Line 2: We’ll use the $_POST as connection type to get HTML form entries.
  • Lines 4–6: We define the fields here. The square brackets contain the values of the name attribute in the input labels of the HTML code.

Step 5: Create a connection

Finally, we’ll connect our HTML form to the database using PHP. The code below is an addition to the previous code snippet, as shown:

// getting all values from the HTML form
$fname = $_POST['fname'];
$lname = $_POST['lname'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
// database details
$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$dbname = "sampledb";
// creating a connection
$con = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $dbname);
// to ensure that the connection is made
if (!$con)
die("Connection failed!" . mysqli_connect_error());
// using sql to create a data entry query
$sql = "INSERT INTO contactform_entries (id, fname, lname, email) VALUES ('0', '$fname', '$lname', '$email')";
// send query to the database to add values and confirm if successful
$rs = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
echo "Entries added!";
// close connection


  • Lines 10–14: We’ll specify the permissions of the database. This will allow us to add entries to the table.
  • Line 17: We use mysqli_connect to create a connection.
  • Lines 20–23: Here, we’ll confirm if the connection is made. If the connection has failed, we’ll get an error message.
  • Line 26: We create an SQL query for insertion. Here we add the values that we received from the HTML form.
  • Lines 29–33: We send the query to the database over the connection.
  • Line 36: This line closes the connection once the entry is inserted.

If everything is running without errors, we should be able to add our HTML form details in the MySQL database.

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